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There's a special place in hell for....


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you guys are killin me here. this all boils down to courtesy & common sense...some folks value/have it and others do not. its really not your fault, though, its the direction that society is traveling these days; and you are just a product of your environment.


and why in the world do folks call, it goes to vm, call back, goes to vm, call back, goes to vm...and never leave a message as to why you are calling?!? it boggles me. I understand all of you, though, but people like that confuse me.

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you guys are killin me here. this all boils down to courtesy & common sense...some folks value/have it and others do not. its really not your fault, though, its the direction that society is traveling these days; and you are just a product of your environment.

"Common sense" dictates that you grab the chest first. The only way that is even remotely "dangerous" to a character is if the player is not paying attention or the character is under-leveled (and shouldn't be adventuring in that area anyway and is most likely only there to loot chests).

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This sort of thing has been going since forever, and as the previous post says,'Grab the chest first,'then fight mobs or run away.


You snooze you lose, don't complain if you're dumb enough to do it any other way.


A point in passing, chest's have been serverely nerfed lootwise, my guess is in an attempt to slow do cred sellers,so chasing chests is not a good use of time to anyone thinking of it.

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there was a time when looting the chest could not be done while you were in combat. And, if you find one of my firsts posts in this thread, i do state that its just best that you loot at the start of the fight if you can handle the mobs.


I sat back for a while and really tried to see if i could see it from the other side...and i was rather surprised that i could...AND that i actually did the same thing to a silver node in WoW. the whole memory came flooding back to me and i felt a little hypocritical. Here I am telling you guys that its an indicator and, gasp, im just like you. so i went further into why I clicked that silver node. the paladin was obviously fighting the mobs to get to the node; she was standing on it. however, i only saw the node and just ran up and took it from them. I was wrong to do that and i left the encounter with silver in my bag and left a frustrated paladin.


like i said, it was obvious she was fighting for the node, but i pushed aside empathy, rationalized that she should have gotten the node first, and thereby absolving myself of the whole thing.


yes, the game allows you to click in combat and, yes, the person should have clicked the chest first. And, yes, game mechanics allows another person to come in and click the chest while the other person is fighting mobs around the chest. there are a lot of variables here. you have two toons--and two people--looking at the same goal. each one of them now gets to make a choice how they want to handle both the start and finish of the encounter. how it plays out, well, we are here, right?

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you guys are killin me here. this all boils down to courtesy & common sense...some folks value/have it and others do not. its really not your fault, though, its the direction that society is traveling these days; and you are just a product of your environment.


and why in the world do folks call, it goes to vm, call back, goes to vm, call back, goes to vm...and never leave a message as to why you are calling?!? it boggles me. I understand all of you, though, but people like that confuse me.


More rationalization and RL correlations with a completely different social setting. Will it ever end?


you guys are killin me here.


Wishful thinking for those that seem to want to continue this pointless argument. You don't get the chest. Move on with your life - there's better loot.

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there was a time when looting the chest could not be done while you were in combat. And, if you find one of my firsts posts in this thread, i do state that its just best that you loot at the start of the fight if you can handle the mobs.


I sat back for a while and really tried to see if i could see it from the other side...and i was rather surprised that i could...AND that i actually did the same thing to a silver node in WoW. the whole memory came flooding back to me and i felt a little hypocritical. Here I am telling you guys that its an indicator and, gasp, im just like you. so i went further into why I clicked that silver node. the paladin was obviously fighting the mobs to get to the node; she was standing on it. however, i only saw the node and just ran up and took it from them. I was wrong to do that and i left the encounter with silver in my bag and left a frustrated paladin.


like i said, it was obvious she was fighting for the node, but i pushed aside empathy, rationalized that she should have gotten the node first, and thereby absolving myself of the whole thing.


yes, the game allows you to click in combat and, yes, the person should have clicked the chest first. And, yes, game mechanics allows another person to come in and click the chest while the other person is fighting mobs around the chest. there are a lot of variables here. you have two toons--and two people--looking at the same goal. each one of them now gets to make a choice how they want to handle both the start and finish of the encounter. how it plays out, well, we are here, right?


So you agree, but are leaving room open for further debate? Why? I'm still trying to wade through your waffle and get to the point...

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So you agree, but are leaving room open for further debate? Why? I'm still trying to wade through your waffle and get to the point...


There were waffles in there? Gah, see you snooze you lose, I would have loved some waffles. Instead you got em. I'll just need to be faster next time.

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the phone thing was because i got back to my office and had 4 calls from the same person minutes apart and no voice mail as to why they needed me so badly. had nothing to with this conversation, but typed out my frustration and confusion as to why someone would call 4 times in a row and not leave a message.


as for my last post, i was indicating that i was actually trying to see it from your side so that i could understand the stance some of you are taking. and, in doing so, i realized that i left a bad impression of myself to someone else i never saw again. of course, i tried to rationalize it like you guys do, but i was more empathetic to that paladin and acknowledged my choice as lacking in common sense, empathy, and courtesy. she left the encounter frustrated and i left the encounter no worse for wear, but also left an impression that, to them, i was mean person which I am not. and, depending on the level of impression i made, could easily get a distaste in her mouth when she saw me later.


in context of my previous posts through the earlier pages, I iterated that your actions determine how others see you whether they are good or bad, but the actions define you nonetheless. I may not know you as Paul Whittiker from DeMoines, Iowa, but i was introduced to Vallentis negatively; and now, if i make a mental note, i would probably avoid Vallentis in game. I might even put them on my ignore list. I might also mention the encounter to folks in my guild which would most likely start a chain reaction of discussions like are having now. the future is at stake, here, guys.


I, and im not speaking for anyone but myself, would rather move on to another area than to sneak in and click on a chest because i am empathetic to my player community online as I am offline. however, there is one paladin from a couple of years ago...deep in her mind...that Vqompadis the BE paladin is a ***** that took her node. I was wrong and should have been a better person.


then again....all of my posts could be re-written to just one sentence: Karma is a *****.

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in context of my previous posts through the earlier pages, I iterated that your actions determine how others see you whether they are good or bad, but the actions define you nonetheless. I may not know you as Paul Whittiker from DeMoines, Iowa, but i was introduced to Vallentis negatively; and now, if i make a mental note, i would probably avoid Vallentis in game. I might even put them on my ignore list. I might also mention the encounter to folks in my guild which would most likely start a chain reaction of discussions like are having now. the future is at stake, here, guys.

Which you are perfectly welcome to do. I guarantee you it will have almost no impact, but if makes you feel better, go ahead. My regularly-played characters' ignore lists are always full (and I regularly prune spammers from them) but I have no problems getting FP GF hits (don't do Ops). And of course ignoring has no impact on WZ/Ranked queuing (which I don't do, either, but that's beside the point).

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i wasnt specifically talking about you...unless...gasp..youre vallentis!!


my ignore list is practically empty. i usually just chuckle, remark about their upraising, and move to the next pack. only exceptional hats have me remember them, but most disappear from my memory when i log off. then again, my memory hasnt been the greatest for the last couple years, either, so most things just go bye bye.


like this thread. I have enjoyed the discussion, learned a few things, will make note of a few things (which i will likely forget), and will move on eventually; probably when this thread gets a bit tedious.


if youre on ebon hawk, look me up...ill set you up with a drink at the fleet bar.



as to not push this back to the top, apparently implying that members of the community may in fact be sociopaths is not ok. I apologize to any sociopath that i may have offended with my post.

Edited by Qouivandes
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It's so much easier if you just run through the mob, take the node/chest and then focus attention on the mob; if you get interrupted or if you think you might, or are tanking, send the companion to attack then get whatever to defy all ninjas everywhere.
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It's not "your" (or the OP's) chest until you open it. As noted, open the chest first, then fight the bad guys. Not sure why this is such a hard concept to grasp.



Come to this? MMOs have always been like this.


Do you not understand the concept of "politeness" or "respect"? Thought not.


Any decent person who sees someone clearing mobs directly in front of a chest wouldn't "ninja loot" the chest. This isn't about owning the chest, this is about being a nice player.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Do you not understand the concept of "politeness" or "respect"? Thought not.

They understand it, but they are safe behind their computer monitor from the retribution they would face if they did this same type of disrespectful act in public.

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They understand it, but they are safe behind their computer monitor from the retribution they would face if they did this same type of disrespectful act in public.

Because there are free-for-all loot boxes randomly placed in empty lots the world over.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Because there are free-for-all loot boxes randomly placed in empty lots the word over.


depends on your social and economic status.


the upper % put stuff IN these loot boxes


the lower % seems to find them and take it out. They may or may not need to fight off mobs protecting them.

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They understand it, but they are safe behind their computer monitor from the retribution they would face if they did this same type of disrespectful act in public.
I get mad at first, then I remember that this game is the only good thing that they have in their lives. It helps remind me that I have a beautiful, loving wife and adorable daughter, so I log off and spend time with them.
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I get mad at first, then I remember that this game is the only good thing that they have in their lives. It helps remind me that I have a beautiful, loving wife and adorable daughter, so I log off and spend time with them.


I still want to be able to turn their PvP flag on... because they refuse my duel.

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Because there are free-for-all loot boxes randomly placed in empty lots the world over.

Poorest comeback ever. This isn't about loot boxes, and I think you know it. Open your mind and try a little respect and courtesy for others. You just may like how it feels.

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No, it is about loot boxes in a game, because ... it's about ... loot boxes ... in a game.


IRL-to-in-game analogies almost never work. This is not one of the exceptions.

Courtesy and respect has no limits unless you apply limits to them. I extend mine to ALL parts of my life, including gaming. This was never about loot boxes if you read between the lines. It was ALWAYS about courtesy and respect for others.

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