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There's a special place in hell for....


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Yeah that's usually the case when you're the one with no etiquette. Bullies aren't bothered by people getting punched in the stomach because they're the ones doing the punching. Doesn't make them any less of a jerk for doing it. There's always an excuse to act like a jerk. Everything from local school kids to world leaders who have committed atrocious crimes against humanity have had some lame excuse for why it was ok.


But there is no bullying going on. If you think someone running up and grabbing something that you haven't in game in the open world that you have no claim to until you tag, click or loot yet is considered bullying, then you need to know learn what actual bullying is.

Edited by Reno_Tarshil
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This type of thing comes up in other mmo games as well, I used to play a text <non-graphic> game called Dragonrealms, run by Simultronics <they're the same company that developed the heroengine bioware uses>. Anyhow, what they did there was the following:

they made it a matter of "consent" - that if someone looted a chest or picked up things in a room full of creatures you were fighting, your character had the option of attacking the looter. Of course, that would be much harder to implement here because of the differences involved - i.e. you can't attack anyone of your own faction, and other faction only if they are coded for PVP, and the "rooms" or dungeons if you will, are much larger.


That being the case, it is something that has been around for awhile and peoples behavior is unlikely to change. So, I've learned not to really let myself get upset about it, unless it is a case of something where they loot something that has a horribly long re-spawn time <i'm looking at you, Rishi datacron champion critter phase of said quest>.

True that people aren't stealing something concrete from you, but they are indeed stealing something... the TIME it takes to get to your objective. In most cases again, it is moot, it is only in those rare instances like my above example where someone doing so would be over-the-top ***-h****.

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But there is no bullying going on. If you think someone running up and grabbing something that you haven't in game in the open world that you have no claim to until you tag, click or loot yet is considered bullying, then you need to know learn what actual bullying is.


Yeaaaahhh...the point completely flew over your head. The point is the jerk involved in an altercation doesn't mind the altercation.


Decent people with some manners and etiquette do mind having to put up with people that don't know how manners and good behavior work.


Try to justify it all you want, snatching a loot crate or anything else right out from under someone is rude, YES EVEN IN A VIDEO GAME. Anyone who says otherwise is either suffering from a serious social disorder that prevents them from "getting it", you know, understanding how normal people function in society, OR, they know they're jerks for doing it but of course feel the need to try and validate it because that's how people like that are.


No amount of bad excuses is going to make it any less rude and the only reason it's seen so often in MMOs is because people won't get slobber knocked for it in a video game like they do in real life.


There is a core difference between everything there & what happened in a computer game: Those sets of circumstances are real & the computer game stuff is fantasy which has zero bearing on a persons actual personality & tenancies.


100% incorrect. Circumstances where there is no negative consequences for negative action is EXACTLY a perfect portrait of a persons actual personality and tendencies. If a person acts rudely in a video game and doesn't act the same way in real life it's because they're a sniveling little coward that doesn't want to get punched in the face. If the person they are being rude to in a video game could pull them through the monitor and confront them face to face they wouldn't be doing this garbage in a video game either.

Edited by Criosdh
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Yeaaaahhh...the point completely flew over your head. The point is the jerk involved in an altercation doesn't mind the altercation.


Decent people with some manners and etiquette do mind having to put up with people that don't know how manners and good behavior work.


Try to justify it all you want, snatching a loot crate or anything else right out from under someone is rude, YES EVEN IN A VIDEO GAME. Anyone who says otherwise is either suffering from a serious social disorder that prevents them from "getting it", you know, understanding how normal people function in society, OR, they know they're jerks for doing it but of course feel the need to try and validate it because that's how people like that are.


No amount of bad excuses is going to make it any less rude and the only reason it's seen so often in MMOs is because people won't get slobber knocked for it in a video game like they do in real life.


Those decent people as you describe need to understand the npcs, loot and quest objectives in question arn't theirs until they tag/click/loot them first.


Try to blame it on being rude or "bullying" lol but it doesn't change the fact that's just a game and it's within the allowed game play elements.


Grow a thicker skin or stop playing, those other people don't care how you react either way.

Edited by Reno_Tarshil
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100% incorrect. Circumstances where there is no negative consequences for negative action is EXACTLY a perfect portrait of a persons actual personality and tendencies. If a person acts rudely in a video game and doesn't act the same way in real life it's because they're a sniveling little coward that doesn't want to get punched in the face. If the person they are being rude to in a video game could pull them through the monitor and confront them face to face they wouldn't be doing this garbage in a video game either.



I guess you've never heard of role playing & how it is entirely fictional.

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No amount of bad excuses is going to make it any less rude and the only reason it's seen so often in MMOs is because people won't get slobber knocked for it in a video game like they do in real life.


People who want to do bad thing aren't concerned with consequences, otherwise no one would no bad things.

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How you treat the person behind the player character "in here" should be no different from how you'd treat another person "out there."


Why not? People play characters in games to get away from their real life sometimes. I don't want to "just be me" cuz "out there" I'm not a professional athlete or an elite military sniper or a car thief, but "in here" I can be.


Also, if I have 20 characters should they all behave and act the same? You're telling me that for a Dark V character who murders innocents is somehow not allowed to "steal" chests and objectives? If you really think this then every game should have one character and no more and it's an exact match to how the person is "out there", right?


But, if you truly believe this, and if *you* are no different "in here" than "out there" then I could never be your friend cuz I'd always be worried that I'm not tipping the waiter enough or I didn't give up my seat to the old lady quickly enough. You'd always be on my case for everything and I'd be constantly stressed out over it. No, I wouldn't want to know you at all "out there".


I really think you need to get off your podium and take a step back if you're slagging others and their morals in their real lives for tiny things that happen in a game.


I know who I am and what kind of person I am, you don't, and it's absolutely insulting and disgusting that you can claim to know otherwise based on something I, or anyone, did in a game and come to a place like this and freely and anonymously try and rip them apart and say I, and they, are such horrible people.


TL;DR - Judging peoples' entire moral compass based on something you don't like and tearing them apart anonymously is the real problem and says a lot more about you than any of them. You're out here taking a lot of time and effort to actively abuse people.

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I used to be like OP, then I learned an important lesson in mmorpg gaming, basicly the bottomline is, survival of the fittest. Yes its annoying when other people take your chests, but then you should have planned ahead or checked the area before attacking, or let your companion get aggro first so you can quickly take the chest yourself. If you gave another player ample opportunity to steal your chest, then its your fault for being slow. Sorry but thats how it is.
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If hell would actually exist (still waiting for the evidence that it does), then this would be the kind of "infraction" that doesn't get you there.


Hyperbole makes bad arguments. So do emotions.


Bullying? Seriously? None of this is even remotely bullying. Self-victimization go! Nope, sorry, doesn't work. Make a rational argument instead of clinging to emotional hyperbole.


If that offends you in any way, well so what? The "this offends me" card is nothing but a whine, it has no merit in anything that matters. It's only used by hyper-sensitive crybabies who have absolutely no clue about the real world.

Edited by Diefenbaker
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If hell would actually exist (still waiting for the evidence that it does), then this would be the kind of "infraction" that doesn't get you there.


Hyperbole makes bad arguments. So do emotions.


^^ This.


"The thing you did annoyed me! So now I'll make a thread telling everyone how much you should go to Hell! MEAN PERSON!"


rest of thread = djkfhkfjhlkfhlakhfglwkghskjfh.


You're all applying morality to a virtual landscape that has no effect on you. Also, the arguments of the pseudo-intellectuals here: trying to psychoanalyze someone for using a chest they couldn't (and getting annoyed because they wanted it as well) is laughable. It's a game. Yes, it can be annoying when someone 'ninjas' a chest - so what? The bad man hurt your feelings because he got there first? Just got to learn to deal and not be such a snowflake - you lost this day (and as the chest ninja would say) "there are many more out there, but this one is mine".

Edited by Miyran
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I used to be like OP, then I learned an important lesson in mmorpg gaming, basicly the bottomline is, survival of the fittest. Yes its annoying when other people take your chests, but then you should have planned ahead or checked the area before attacking, or let your companion get aggro first so you can quickly take the chest yourself. If you gave another player ample opportunity to steal your chest, then its your fault for being slow. Sorry but thats how it is.


I agree. Does everyone here know that you can loot these chests while in combat and through walls?


It's all a big race. One should concentrate on how to best win the race rather than worrying over the other contestants. Learn how to best deal with aggro situations or how to avoid them. If you see someone running closer to a chest than you, don't go for it since you will most likely lose. Or if the race is close, try it, you might get lucky. :D


An old saying: "All is fair in love and war." I would add slicing to that as well. While I may play like a "jerk" when slicing, I don't have to be a total jerk. If I see someone fighting, I usually leave any nearby chest alone. But they'd better be standing on top of it (or ****** close) during the fight. If it's off some distance, it's fair game. :p I've also had my share of races coming from different directions. I'll go for the chest as someone attacks the mobs on the other side of it before getting to it. If they want that chest, then again, I'd stress fighting on top of it. In fact, flag yourself for PvP and chances are someone will end up attacking you instead of looting the chest and you can have a chance at revenge. :D

Edited by BBQedGamer
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^^ This.


"The thing you did annoyed me! So now I'll make a thread telling everyone how much you should go to Hell! MEAN PERSON!"


rest of thread = djkfhkfjhlkfhlakhfglwkghskjfh.


You're all applying morality to a virtual landscape that has no effect on you. Also, the arguments of the pseudo-intellectuals here: trying to psychoanalyze someone for using a chest they couldn't (and getting annoyed because they wanted it as well) is laughable. It's a game. Yes, it can be annoying when someone 'ninjas' a chest - so what? The bad man hurt your feelings because he got there first? Just got to learn to deal and not be such a snowflake - you lost this day (and as the chest ninja would say) "there are many more out there, but this one is mine".


Did you actually put the word "intellectuals" in a sentence to describe the people on this forum (even though you described them as fake)? Really? Trust me mate, intelligence is the one thing you'll never find here.

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Don't be upset because you are too slow. The chest is not yours until you loot it into your inventory, how hard is this grasp?






L2P really , people like you are nothing more than arrogant wastes of oxygen in game and in the real world ..... typical entitlement bs letting someone else do the work for you and you collect THIER reward ..... kids these days are insufferable demand respect but give none ...no wonder the world is so F'd up.

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L2P really , people like you are nothing more than arrogant wastes of oxygen in game and in the real world ..... typical entitlement bs letting someone else do the work for you and you collect THIER reward ..... kids these days are insufferable demand respect but give none ...no wonder the world is so F'd up.


Good job on the hypocrisy.

Edited by Distracted
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You're all applying morality to a virtual landscape that has no effect on you. Also, the arguments of the pseudo-intellectuals here: trying to psychoanalyze someone for using a chest they couldn't (and getting annoyed because they wanted it as well) is laughable. It's a game. Yes, it can be annoying when someone 'ninjas' a chest - so what? The bad man hurt your feelings because he got there first? Just got to learn to deal and not be such a snowflake - you lost this day (and as the chest ninja would say) "there are many more out there, but this one is mine".

The OP and subsequent supporters of the OP's position remind me of a guy who posted in the LotRO forums saying that slapping his character was the same as slapping him, and I am as sure as I can be that he was not joking or trolling.

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Good job on the hypocrisy.


how is that hypocrisy , or are you just another kid defending bad manners and actions of a typical jackwagon? I know I know calling you out wil upset your little teenage feelings.

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Did you actually put the word "intellectuals" in a sentence to describe the people on this forum (even though you described them as fake)? Really? Trust me mate, intelligence is the one thing you'll never find here.


Hence "pseudo-intellectual" people who see themselves as intellectual, but are clearly not. But I concur with your point.

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The OP and subsequent supporters of the OP's position remind me of a guy who posted in the LotRO forums saying that slapping his character was the same as slapping him, and I am as sure as I can be that he was not joking or trolling.


Things like this add to my reasons for institutional Darwinism - with a hint of Rousseau.


(now waiting on the usual backlash of "What about disabled people!?"... That's not who this is aimed at, and you know it).

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Yes, ninja'ing is a dick move.


My personal solution is to just write their names down and if they ever go looking for a group, join up with them and then be a dick right back by making sure they die. The responses are generally amazing.

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Yes, ninja'ing is a dick move.


My personal solution is to just write their names down and if they ever go looking for a group, join up with them and then be a dick right back by making sure they die. The responses are generally amazing.


Sounds like you have too much time on your hands, and slightly psychotic.

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Yes, ninja'ing is a dick move.


My personal solution is to just write their names down and if they ever go looking for a group, join up with them and then be a dick right back by making sure they die. The responses are generally amazing.

And I bet you have done this 100s of times in your head and zero times in the game.

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And I bet you have done this 100s of times in your head and zero times in the game.


"I'll get you for this!!! Just you wait until I get to cross you off my list!"


That list must be very long and contains unblemished names such as:




-HeftyBeefMan and finally

- Branmakmuffin.

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"I'll get you for this!!! Just you wait until I get to cross you off my list!"


That list must be very long and contains unblemished names such as:




-HeftyBeefMan and finally

- Branmakmuffin.

I name my characters much more clever and original names than that. Laya'******a, Darth'butcherbakercandlestickmaker, Lucky'eyedropper, Hands'alone, Choochoothomasthegankengine ...

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I name my characters much more clever and original names than that. Laya'******a, Darth'butcherbakercandlestickmaker, Lucky'eyedropper, Hands'alone, Choochoothomasthegankengine ...


Thomasthegankengine is good.

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