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Interview with Alex Modny and Eric Musco on Bad Feeling Podcast


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Hey everyone, I hope y'all enjoy the podcast. Chuck and Brian are awesome and I hope you enjoy their show (and don't find my ummmming too obnoxious :sul_embarrassed:). Despite Chuck's protest it really was an honor to be on their show and it was very special for me personally.


There is a lot of information on the changes that we covered and we are going to make an official post about all the changes next week but until then please ask away if you have questions about the podcast that I can answer.


Ummmmmm, cheers!


Hi Eric and Alex,


I've sent the link to this thread to many old Swtor pvp players who have since left the game... I've had great feed back from all saying they will probably return to try swtor pvp again once these changes are implimented...

Good works guys...

Edited by Icykill_
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I think Bio needs data, and if data is not obtained from PTS, it will have to come from live. It’s probably harder for Bio to revert the changes than NOT to make changes in the first place.... so play for a while on PTS?


@Previous Season’s rewards


I have seen someone got seriously upset that previous Season rewards were that much more desirable to him/her than the ones he/she was eligible for based on the current Season performance (which was outstanding). I have a feeling others who might not have been outspoken would like that chance as well.


To be honest, I feel that the truly great PvPers are so exceptionally rare, that they deserve to get the toys they want, and the more they have to choose from, the better.

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I think Bio needs data, and if data is not obtained from PTS, it will have to come from live. It’s probably harder for Bio to revert the changes than NOT to make changes in the first place.... so play for a while on PTS?


@Previous Season’s rewards


I have seen someone got seriously upset that previous Season rewards were that much more desirable to him/her than the ones he/she was eligible for based on the current Season performance (which was outstanding). I have a feeling others who might not have been outspoken would like that chance as well.


To be honest, I feel that the truly great PvPers are so exceptionally rare, that they deserve to get the toys they want, and the more they have to choose from, the better.


When the 3.3 PTS is up we should try and organise for lots more people to play on the PTS so we can really show Bio we care and also provide proper feed back... Most of the time when I go on to the PTS it's dead...

Domi, when it's ready, maybe you could start a community thread to get as many people playing on the PTS as possible... Personally I'd be willing to play exclusively on the PTS to make the transition as flawless as possible... But we would need that sort of commitment from most of the pvp forum guys and possibly the big pvp guilds

I think these are some of the best changes to pvp that Bio have announced since launch... It's up to us as a community to get behind them and really test them

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Why not leave AoE's as they are now as far as stopping caps goes, but putting Cooldowns on all AoE's?


No.... no, no, no, no, no... no... no.





Instead of simply telling BW to drop the change, you'd rather completely screw over PvE in the process? I like my PvE unbroken, thank you very much.



PS: No.

Edited by idnewton
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I'm all for balance changes and agree that it's a priority. but something blatantly obvious that they're about to break is something I think should be shot down hard and fast.


Let's say, hypothetically, that no voidstar door stays up for more than a minute no matter who tries to guard or how many try to guard (not what would happen but let's suppose). How would that break voidstar? The game would go from 3-4 relatively smart sorcs/mercs/snipers spreading out at range from the door and preventing a cap automatically no matter (that's the current situation and it's a bad one but not the end of the world because it works for both sides) to, potentially, tunnel fights and bridge fights. it would be different and potentially more fun to me but certainly not "broken" insofar as the game would still be won by the better coordinated team.

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That's the thing, you don't need 8 people to actually cap, you just need 8 people to STACK ON THE NODE. They can keep attacking and stunning others making it impossible to tab target or click the capper FAST ENOUGH TO STOP THE CAP.


That sounds amazing. A team working together to form a shield wall around their capper is an amazing feat of coordination. To stack up so perfectly like that those folks deserve that cap especially if not a single person on your team could stop them.

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No.... no, no, no, no, no... no... no.





Instead of simply telling BW to drop the change, you'd rather completely screw over PvE in the process? I like my PvE unbroken, thank you very much.



PS: No.


How would it screw up PvE? There is nothing in PvE that requires spammable AoE's except lazy play from people who just want a one button rotation while doing dailies.

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The objectives in this game will be won by who can stack more people on top of each other in order to cap. You definitely won't be able to tab target through all of them and you can't click on them. Then the other team does the same.


Or how many people can you stack in a corner of a bunker and cap?


It is not gonna work well at all, AoE interrupts need to stay.


^^ This guy gets it. This change was not thought through at all. I can see it now, people just stacking up in corners capping and you cant do squat against it because you cant target each individual because they are all clipping inside of each other. AOE needs to stay.

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Hey everyone, I hope y'all enjoy the podcast. Chuck and Brian are awesome and I hope you enjoy their show (and don't find my ummmming too obnoxious :sul_embarrassed:). Despite Chuck's protest it really was an honor to be on their show and it was very special for me personally.


There is a lot of information on the changes that we covered and we are going to make an official post about all the changes next week but until then please ask away if you have questions about the podcast that I can answer.


Ummmmmm, cheers!


dude, THANK YOU for the "warzone comm transfers" and "revamped comm system and costs". THANK YOU SIR!!!! I quit PVP all together since the current system was too restrictive and I was less inspired to roll alts on the opposite faction or to roll new toons. This is truly great news for me personally. I know you will never make EVERYONE happy and there will always be haters, but you guys are appreciated more than you know.



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How would it screw up PvE? There is nothing in PvE that requires spammable AoE's except lazy play from people who just want a one button rotation while doing dailies.

No... no.


Try at least half the bosses in ToS/Ravagers, not to mention countless Flashpoints and previous Operations.

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I must say I only come on to the forums to have my say on Negative changes. But this time I am completely optimistic with these future changes and was very impressed with the podcast. The guys at Bad Feeling need to be completely commended on there outstanding show!! Looking forward to future updates on this subject :))


As a causal PVP player that has dabbled in Ranked but turned off by being under geared and so bored with regs these changes will insure I am sub for another good length of time. Just in the nic of time as well :))

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This change will prevent joining ranked to those who just get into a match just because they can click it. Or lazy trolls, who won't be arsed to get the full set to do their thing


The 2018 gate will be excellent guard against trolling. Going in with 2018 unbolstered expertise and then reequipping to nerf yourself will raise a red flag in their data if you lose.

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No... no.


Try at least half the bosses in ToS/Ravagers, not to mention countless Flashpoints and previous Operations.


Um, you don't need spammable AoE for Sparky, Bulo, Torque, or Cortanni. It can be used for Malaphar (but not really necessary), you don't need it for the Squadron fight, the Underlurker's adds are too far apart to use it effectively, now it is useful for the Commanders but you don't need it for Revan.


So out of all those fights, you only really have two that having spammable AoE is actually beneficial. But not so much so that you couldn't get by without it.


It is, however, extremely useful for all the mobs in between the bosses.


Now, to be clear, I really think the idea of AoE being unable to stop caps is an extremely bad one. But don't say that you NEED spammable AoE for boss fights when you really don't.

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I think Bio needs data, and if data is not obtained from PTS, it will have to come from live. It’s probably harder for Bio to revert the changes than NOT to make changes in the first place.... so play for a while on PTS?


Yeah, I've never gone on PTS. But I think this AOE thing will be worth the effort testing - esp since it won't detract from my time farming warzone comms because of all the economy changes.

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No... no.


Try at least half the bosses in ToS/Ravagers, not to mention countless Flashpoints and previous Operations.


The only thing spammable AoE's do in Tos/Ravagers and all of the FP's and previous ops is make trash pulls faster.


Not one boss in an operation needs to be fought spamming AoE's. Not one. Malaphar doesn't need it, even if it does make it faster to down the adds.


It sounds to me like you only care about having to actually use other abilities instead of FS/FQ...

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after you queue or when you get into the match you may change out your gear if you want.


wooaaahh, hang on a second cowboy. you said in the podcast this requirement of max expertise is an effort to prevent people from trolling ranked, but here you say they can take off all their gear and troll anyway? whats the *********** point in installing this system then?

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About the aoe interrupt thing. I'm sure this has been brought up already, but just make the channel time slightly faster and keep the aoe-interrupt. Body stacking inside eachother and then channeling the door in a sasquatch blurr is going to be
all over again (2011). Dont do it guys! Edited by Warlord_Maliken
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wooaaahh, hang on a second cowboy. you said in the podcast this requirement of max expertise is an effort to prevent people from trolling ranked, but here you say they can take off all their gear and troll anyway? whats the *********** point in installing this system then?


Firstly it's not to stop trolls, its for the ignorant fresh 60s who don't know any better.


Secondly, you can't prevent trolling. If a player is determined to throw a match then they will go in and throw the match, nothing short of mind reading will be able to prevent that. Locking the gear does nothing if it's still within a Player's power to AFK and do nothing


The only action you can take against trolling is after-the-deed punitive measures.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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No... no.


Try at least half the bosses in ToS/Ravagers, not to mention countless Flashpoints and previous Operations.


What!?! The!?!... Are you talking bout Willis?


Seriously, I don't like the AOE change, but I'm not gonna pull a lie outta my butt to justify my argument. I cannot think of one place where AOE spam is required. Helpful, maybe... But in no way required. Shoot most boss fights now are not even AOE friendly, wasting a high resource cost skill for the damage output is not worth it. The only reason I use FiB on my shadow on CD is because of the DoT debuff unless it's trash...



Fire-poop victory!


If we go back to this, at least sales of Total will increase with the need for all that fiber!

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So glad a Sniper-main was a part of this interview.

Hopefully he got through. :)

Without some kind of survivability boost, I doubt I will ever bother returning to PVP.

I forget which update it was exactly, but somewhere after 3.0 the wheels fell of for me as a gunslinger/sniper main.

Dying so quickly and so repeatedly just wasn't/isn't fun at all and cheap armor isn't going to fix that.

But a Sniper/Gunslinger update sure would.

Anyways I'll be watching and waiting,

maybe with a tad more hope now.

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