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Females never given flirt options?


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Originally Posted by Nozybidaj

It is a lot easier to keep current players than it is to get them to come back once they leave. Many of these issues/shortcuts/missing content should never have been so in the first place.

Truer words, truer words....


Sadly this is probably going to be me here shortly. I'm enjoying the game, but I'm not enjoying putting the characters I wanted to play on hold because their romances aren't available. Whether I ever even bother to check the game out again after my free month is up in the air right now.


Only MMO I ever tried out, left, and went back to for more was WoW, and that is an anomaly as everyone is aware. I doubt this game will generate enough interest for me to care about once I leave. That's been the death of just about every MMO released since WoW. I'm really surprised that BW of all developers left this content out of the game. They should know better.

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Both. And no, no flirting even without the [Flirt] word before it.


So I guess that most of the people who say they have tons of flirting options with their female IA are either lying, either thinking that saying "Hello!" instead of "Gimme the information NOW or I kill you!" is some kind of flirt *rolling eyes* :rolleyes:


Both doesn't really apply to that question....

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Sadly this is probably going to be me here shortly. I'm enjoying the game, but I'm not enjoying putting the characters I wanted to play on hold because their romances aren't available. Whether I ever even bother to check the game out again after my free month is up in the air right now.


Only MMO I ever tried out, left, and went back to for more was WoW, and that is an anomaly as everyone is aware. I doubt this game will generate enough interest for me to care about once I leave. That's been the death of just about every MMO released since WoW. I'm really surprised that BW of all developers left this content out of the game. They should know better.


I'm in the same exact boat. When I found out that I couldn't romance Kira, it was an incredible disappointment. And yet, most of my guildmates have been able to because they rolled male avatars. And we have no date for when they are going to make same gender romance available - like I am going to wait around here until they get their act together otherwise. Like it's okay that we are 'not a priority'. Heterosexism = super lose for me. I expected so much better from Bioware.


I'm almost 50, and I'll probably ding 50 and put the entire game down, it makes me that sad.

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I'm in the same exact boat. When I found out that I couldn't romance Kira, it was an incredible disappointment. And yet, most of my guildmates have been able to because they rolled male avatars. And we have no date for when they are going to make same gender romance available - like I am going to wait around here until they get their act together otherwise. Like it's okay that we are 'not a priority'. Heterosexism = super lose for me. I expected so much better from Bioware.


I'm almost 50, and I'll probably ding 50 and put the entire game down, it makes me that sad.


My understanding is that they'll be introducing new NPCs/Companions for the same sex stuff. Hopefully this means we won't need to reroll to experience them. (Needing to reroll even a single character for this will probably make me feel like I should cancel my account, but like the desperate depressing addict that I am, I'll probably reroll anyway.)


I, too, and quite disappointed that my JK can't romance Kira - or my Trooper, Elara Dorne for that matter.

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I also agree on the same sex things, as a BH Mako gives off that vibe, and it seems weird that it doesn't go anywhere.



Hmm, As far as actual in game goes, I've had pretty flirty options three times so far as a level 20 Bounty Hunter.



One was Nemro, but he shot me down :/

Another was a backstabbing guy I worked for; he grew on me enough from it for me to not kill him.

Another guy made him seem stupid to his superiors for it...



They were all, I suppose, minor events, but I felt it really added to the general feel of it.

Although I did meet a so called "ladies man" with no kinds of options to flirt for info. -shrugs-

Haven't had any of the flirtyness actually lead anywhere aside from just a short, funny couple of lines in cutscenes.

Edited by BelialSempai
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Haven't had any of the flirtyness actually lead anywhere aside from just a short, funny couple of lines in cutscenes.



While some of the guys are sleeping their way round the galaxy it seems...


There really is a gross, designed imbalance here.



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I, too, and quite disappointed that my JK can't romance Kira - or my Trooper, Elara Dorne for that matter.


Funny, same as you two my disappointment was with my JK and Kira. :p If the plan is to add new companions instead of fixing the existing ones the last threads of any anticipation for me are gone now.

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"Both" is the answer to the "Flirts" or "one-night stands"? question ^^


Except it can't be, unless your saying every flirt option ended in a one night stand. Or if 2 was the flirt number and 3 was the one night stand number (or more oddly, if it was the other way around :p).

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Level 30 female inquisitor..


I've had three flirt options. One was my second companion. One was a story-quest guy with creepy red eyes, wasn't remotely interested. The last was an imperial mook for the bonus series on Nar Shoddio.


I feel like not only are there too few options, but the options all seem very "ok let's bang" and the non-flirt options for the same characters are pretty flirty. Red-eyed guy offered me wine and next thing I knew we were falling into bed (which I esc'd because I didn't want it.)



Personally the issue isn't just quantity, it's quality. None of the three guys I could flirt are particularly attractive (though the companion has a hell of a voice and personality..) and the last guy was just a tool. He was all snively.. nothing sexy about him.



Why not have some attractive nice guys? Or maybe add flirt as a 'get some info for less work' option, not necessarily fall into bed. I see a lot of [shock Him] so why not [seduce] ?



Anyway...guys def get more options but I think they share the 'ewew i don't want this' feel. The lady Darth on Balmorra? The creepy lady from the bounty hunter class quest? Or your handler for that matter? Yet I can't sleep with the Twi'lek secretary? :(


And the one companion I feel really close to (Khem) can't be romanced. I don't need to see the gory details of the bedroom, that all gets glossed over. IMO every companion should have romantic options for the character(regardless of gender!). And there should be a difference between seduction, flirting, and romancing both among NPC's and companions.

Edited by Alexthree
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Why not have some attractive nice guys? Or maybe add flirt as a 'get some info for less work' option, not necessarily fall into bed. I see a lot of [shock Him] so why not [seduce] ?





One of the IA's talents is stated as Seduction very early in the game. Certainly as a female IA I've never had the chance to use it. Ever.


Misleading & most annoying! :mad:

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Playing a female Sith Warrior, level 34.


I've had two flirts outside my romance interests. One with some ugly dude on Nar Shadda (I passed, ew). And then with Lieutenant Pierce on Taris. Neither interest me. :/


I suppose I'll remain faithful to Quinn, lol. Although I did flirt a tiny bit with Pierce for the sake of it. His response amused me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I heard Sith do not have this problem.


My wife was pretty upset by this as well. She also said when you are courted by your companions its very bland, and they all want to make you a shoeless woman who gets in the kitchen to make their meals, so to speak.


It is pretty lame though. We both played through the smuggler story, and my male smuggler can pretty much bone anyone he wants, including a high ranking senator. She gets like one or two options to romance people who arent companions.




My female guildies and I have discovered that playing a female Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular, and Trooper toons have basically ZERO flirt options throught the entire game play.


(The only exception is when we meet our courting companion and we flirt about three times and then it is over for the durration of the game.)


Originally we suspected it was simply because of the class we were playing until we learned that our male guildies--who play characters of the same class--have several flirt options all throughout the game. It is not specific to class, it is specific to female characters alone.


We feel this is quite sexist and are very dissapointed that the males of the same class toon have more flirt options.


We ask that you re-think future writings on how the genders are played, and please do not make the females so entirely boring and frigid. Let us have a little more personality.


Thank you.

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It's dissapointing that females don't get much flirt options. It doesn't even need to go anywhere. just something flity and funny... it's a pity. There is plenty of female's on the staff. Personally I think they just didn't do the females justice on the RP elements.
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I figured it had to be class-related to some extent. Other than one low-level political functionary on Coruscant, Doc was the first person to evince any attraction to my fem-sentinel. I was starting to get a bit of a complex about it. :( Edited by Meira_Arirai
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Just chiming in here


Lvl 27 (or 28 i cant remember) Jedi Knight FEMALE sentinel.



I have had ONE, two if you count the mission to find out if two padawans are in a relationship and count the "KISS HIM" option.


28 Levels and I get ONE.



Now if I was male anyone wanna work out how many i'd have had. Done every quest so far, but went to rescue kira's master first. (still on tant btw)


Do ANY of the Bioware team EVER go out clubbing, Round here its common for girls to flirt with each other all the time, mostly to wind up there partners.


I want to romance Kira dammit

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There's one other flirt option for a female Knight: the page/steward for the female senator on Coruscant whom you later find to be in the middle of a corruption scandal. It goes precisely nowhere. On the other hand, my husband's trooper character got to flirt up a storm with said senator and has had many non-companion flirt/fade-to-black options since.
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I may be exaggerating. Two that lead to anything is two more than I got, though. ;)


Two male trooper romances including the companion romance to the (I cannot help but notice ignored) female option. The disparity is staggering, you're absolutely right. Keeping in mind that I'm talking about well developed options and not single lines of dialog.


Argue for equality all you want but argue it factually please. Otherwise you're taking a somewhat reasonable point and shooting it in the knee.

Edited by AlyxDinas
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