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3.2.1 Marauder/Sentinel Insight: Annihilation/Watchman Rotation Design Philosophy

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Spitballing here…


I'm going to start from the assumption that Force Melt *cannot* go away, but we can impose some control over the form that it and the rest of the rotation takes. The former is probably obvious, but the latter is a significant assumption. Let's hope it is true.


What if we increase the CD on Merciless/Annihilate at 4 stacks from 6 to 7.5 seconds. Set the duration on Cauterize to 7.5 seconds and adjust the damage. Force Melt on a 15 second cooldown and relatively high focus cost. How does that strike everyone? This would basically be the watchman analogue of the IO rotation, which picked up an extra DoT and with it an extra filler GCD between 2.0 and 3.0. You would have time to use Master Strike, but it would drift through the rotation relative to Force Melt, as would Twin Saber Throw, keeping up some variation and interest in cooldown convergence.


If bioware wanted to up the ante even further, they could drop the Cauterize duration to 6 seconds, increase the cooldown to 12 seconds, and give it a mid-probability reset proc on a 4.5 second ICD. With that setup, a good sentinel reacting quickly could squeeze in extra Cauterize uses, likely by pushing back Master Strike a bit whenever they got lucky. A midrange player would just leave Cauterize in place following Merciless. Obviously focus costs would have to be carefully tuned to make this proposal work.


Anyway, how does that seem? It's more like the pre-3.0 rotation than anything we have now, but with the added DoT and a little extra time for filler and/or focus gen.

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A great idea... but it seems the dev team is intent on running things their way. All of our prior feedback was ignored, and when the community's collective voice was finally heard, they responded with "nah man, ours is better so l2p"
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Spitballing here…



This idea was first openly discussed on page 56 of the PTS feedback thread by Kwerty see post #560. (You are forgiven for not closely following all 60+ pages of that thread :cool: )


It solves a lot of problems, but it would require BioWare to be willing to make further changes. Based on their track record of Mara/Sent changes beginning in 3.0 trepidation seems wise

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While I appreciate KBN's efforts and continued attempts at providing the devs feedback, at this point it seems completely futile. They aren't listening or aren't interested in our opinions. They just want to provide the illusion that we have some say in the situation. And after todays giant middle finger to the community telling us to l2p i'm done having any hope. Until this group of devs is replaced i'm afraid we are screwed.
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Force Melt on a 15 second cooldown and relatively high focus cost. How does that strike everyone?


I think for me, and the majority of the old Anni / Watchman players, the long dot is the whole problem with the new spec. It penalizes target switching, and requires a long build up on a target to generate resources for the next long dot. Not to mention, as a melee, if you have to move away from a target (which happens constantly) your rotation will break down so you can't just neatly reapply the dot as it drops off without taking a big resource hit.


I thought old Anni was great melee spec, in part, because I always felt i had good situational awareness. There was no need to hunt for my bleeds on the boss's health bar to figure out "is it time yet?"....with Rupture and DS, you'd just hit them and forget them: do a few attacks after Rupture, then reapply if proc'd. It made the hazardous life of a 4m melee a bit less of a hazard.

Edited by KaiserTNT
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This by far Is the biggest insult to any sentinel/Mara player base, I always felt that a good player will always hold his own weight but this is just ridiculous.. I've played the class since beta and have put up great numbers and still did great numbers in 3.0


But this is just crazy and insulting to the player base and as of now I don't even pve with my sentinel...Listen to what the community suggested and bring us back to glory. These few individuals have put in time and effort to parse and try different builds and gave you suggestions to make the class better.


Such a sad insulting day..

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[*]A Responsive and Reactive Rotation: Following our design philosophy of making the Annihilation/Watchman Discipline the most challenging and potentially rewarding Marauder/Sentinel Discipline to play


Did you know pre 3.0 watchman was exactly that? *shocker* Pre 3.0 watchman was simple enough for new players to enjoy but complex enough that it kept more serious players interested in diving deeper into the spec. 3.0 and the upcoming 3.2.1 changes encompass NONE of that. Your attempts at design philosphy literally feels like you are just throwing crap into the wind and rolling with whatever hits you in the face to make it appear complicated, but all you have done is create a spec that no longer functions and can't compete with anyone.


I think what I and everyone else on these forums truly deserves is a legitmate answer as to why you made such drastic changes to the spec in 3.0. Changes NO ONE asked for and why you are so determined to stick with changes that is bringing nothing but negativity. You are killing the class and it almost feels intentional. I get that BW Austin is a small team and not everyone will be proficient with every class (its painfully obvious you guys don't understand this spec or this class) but at least listen to those that are giving you numbers and GOOD feedback.


It almost feels like you're too proud to do anything the community suggests or to admit that you ****ed up an extremely unique spec. Watchman was incredibly unique both in swtor and in any MMO I've ever played. It was a dot spec but at the same time it wasn't. It was an incredibly fun spec to play and I fear I'll never see it again due to the stubbornness of a developer that puts his pride first over his subscribers.


The spec had lost some of its charm post 1.1.5 and after several nerfs, but at least the spec itself was still incredibly unique and fun to play. Even when it sucked in pvp for almost a year I still played it because it was that much fun.....but what you guys have done to the spec........No other MMO even comes to compare with how badly you butchered this spec.


player feedback that the current Live Annihilation/Watchman Discipline is “boring,” “predictable,” and “easy to play,” we have designed the new rotation to require the use of a varying priority system, rather than a predetermined rotation that fits neatly within some set duration of time, in order to maximize damage output. Players will need to rethink how the rotation plays and respond carefully to each situation to get the most out of the new Annihilation/Watchman Discipline. This design lends itself to a visceral playstyle, which will see a successful Marauder/Sentinel reacting instinctively to each combat situation as it arises. This playstyle should appeal to players that prefer variance over predictability in their combat experiences.


You have done the exact opposite though. Resource management is so tight and the dps is so low that there is no room for variation. You literally forced the spec into one limited rotation. I don't get where you somehow got the idea that these new changes makes the spec have more variation.....Nothing about the new changes will have marauders acting instinctively to each combat situation......All its going to do is show a bunch of marauders spamming slash because they don't have any resources to do anything else and cry as their dots fall off and they cant put them back on.


[*]Never Underestimate Force Rend/Force Melt: From the beginning, Force Rend/Force Melt was designed to be a longer-lasting, damage-heavy DoT ability, and this has not changed with the new rotation design. Force Rend/Force Melt packs quite a prolonged punch and feeds your Rage/Focus regeneration and self healing. Making sure that it is active on any targets that will last for 15 or more seconds is essential to maximizing damage output. Due to its longer duration, it is also an easier DoT spread than Rupture/Cauterize.


[*]Never Overestimate Dual Saber Throw/Twin Saber Throw: Some abilities are only designed to be used situationally. For example, as an Annihilation Marauder/Watchman Sentinel, you are only intended to use Dual Saber Throw/Twin Saber Throw in multi-target situations, while its damage is boosted by Pulverize/Mind Sear, and/or when stuck at a long distance from your enemy target.


I can't tell if you're patronizing us or insulting us......Probably both. No one asked for dot spread or longer dots. We don't need or want either. Quit trying to homogenize everything. This is why I have a love hate with arenas. I enjoy them but I know they are the reason ever spec is losing its originality causing the game to become boring. Watchmen was NEVER about long dots or dot spread. It was unique because it was a bursty dot spec with short durations that could be reapplied quickly, especially with a cauterize proc. It hit hard enough to be a burst threat but wasn't as bursty as burst specs and also maintained strong dots that required attention to detail to keep our merciless and juyo stacks up. The spec had a tone of involvement. It was fast and always changing. This new garbage you have is clunky, doesn't flow correctly and feels too much like a ranged spec design slapped onto a melee character while attempting to keep some older abilities, which again, makes the spec not flow correctly.


Nothing you do can fix 3.0+ watchman. Just give us 2.10 back. The spec was near perfection and only needed to be tweaked here and there. Drop your idiotic pride BW and accept that the previous version of watchman was near perfect and the 3.0 version is a *********** dud.

Edited by Raansu
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Spitballing here…


I'm going to start from the assumption that Force Melt *cannot* go away, but we can impose some control over the form that it and the rest of the rotation takes. The former is probably obvious, but the latter is a significant assumption. Let's hope it is true.


What if we increase the CD on Merciless/Annihilate at 4 stacks from 6 to 7.5 seconds. Set the duration on Cauterize to 7.5 seconds and adjust the damage. Force Melt on a 15 second cooldown and relatively high focus cost. How does that strike everyone? This would basically be the watchman analogue of the IO rotation, which picked up an extra DoT and with it an extra filler GCD between 2.0 and 3.0. You would have time to use Master Strike, but it would drift through the rotation relative to Force Melt, as would Twin Saber Throw, keeping up some variation and interest in cooldown convergence.


If bioware wanted to up the ante even further, they could drop the Cauterize duration to 6 seconds, increase the cooldown to 12 seconds, and give it a mid-probability reset proc on a 4.5 second ICD. With that setup, a good sentinel reacting quickly could squeeze in extra Cauterize uses, likely by pushing back Master Strike a bit whenever they got lucky. A midrange player would just leave Cauterize in place following Merciless. Obviously focus costs would have to be carefully tuned to make this proposal work.


Anyway, how does that seem? It's more like the pre-3.0 rotation than anything we have now, but with the added DoT and a little extra time for filler and/or focus gen.


I appreciate your continued efforts KBN but I don't think Bioware are listening and I don't think 3.0 Annihilation can be fixed. John hasn't been around very long and clearly has no experience with pre 3.0 Annihilation.

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I appreciate your continued efforts KBN but I don't think Bioware are listening and I don't think 3.0 Annihilation can be fixed. John hasn't been around very long and clearly has no experience with pre 3.0 Annihilation.


That's no excuse. His job is to know the class. Anywhere else he would have been fired by now.

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At this point, they are no longer listening or plan on even having a further discussion. Providing feedback after the initial roll out on test usually seems pointless, as they have already developed a plan and are sticking to it. People will pull away from the class even more, but it will just be blamed on summer breaks. Here's hoping that things will finally start to sink in by next winter and they will revisit things, or 4.0 comes out and the paradigm shifts again. RIP Watchman/Annihilation. If they make changes to Combat/Carnage in 3.3 or solicit feedback, we should just honestly ask for 1 or 2 things and then go completely quiet. Don't give them enough rope to hang us again.
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You guys are playing this class all wrong. First part of the rotation is instead of clicking play when you get to the character screen, you hit DELETE. Then you create a new character that is a Bounty Hunter/Trooper. :rak_03:


Nailed it.

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I'm done trying to be reasonable about all this mess. I have tried to maintain an even tone without trolling and anger in all my posts across all these change/feedback thread. But enough is enough. A Sentinel has his breaking point.


You have failed us and yourselves. You don't understand your players, the class, choice and foolish pride. You refuse to change course and continue to add insult to injury.


Here is what is easy to understand. Unsubbing. Best of luck to those that can stomach this, but I'm being force choked to death by Devs and I'm just done.

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Hey everyone,


Continuing our threads that lend insight on recent design changes, we will be sharing some of our Annihilation/Watchman design philosophies and offering perspectives from our extensive internal testing of the new Annihilation/Watchman rotation.


Annihilation/Watchman Rotation Design Philosophy:


  • A Responsive and Reactive Rotation: Following our design philosophy of making the Annihilation/Watchman Discipline the most challenging and potentially rewarding Marauder/Sentinel Discipline to play and player feedback that the current Live Annihilation/Watchman Discipline is “boring,” “predictable,” and “easy to play,” we have designed the new rotation to require the use of a varying priority system, rather than a predetermined rotation that fits neatly within some set duration of time, in order to maximize damage output. Players will need to rethink how the rotation plays and respond carefully to each situation to get the most out of the new Annihilation/Watchman Discipline. This design lends itself to a visceral playstyle, which will see a successful Marauder/Sentinel reacting instinctively to each combat situation as it arises. This playstyle should appeal to players that prefer variance over predictability in their combat experiences.
  • Never Underestimate Force Rend/Force Melt: From the beginning, Force Rend/Force Melt was designed to be a longer-lasting, damage-heavy DoT ability, and this has not changed with the new rotation design. Force Rend/Force Melt packs quite a prolonged punch and feeds your Rage/Focus regeneration and self healing. Making sure that it is active on any targets that will last for 15 or more seconds is essential to maximizing damage output. Due to its longer duration, it is also an easier DoT spread than Rupture/Cauterize.
  • Never Overestimate Dual Saber Throw/Twin Saber Throw: Some abilities are only designed to be used situationally. For example, as an Annihilation Marauder/Watchman Sentinel, you are only intended to use Dual Saber Throw/Twin Saber Throw in multi-target situations, while its damage is boosted by Pulverize/Mind Sear, and/or when stuck at a long distance from your enemy target.


Cheers, all!



Hi John


It is great to see all the posts and feed back on the Maruader/sentinal issues... It seems you are starting to listen to the community on communicating and the communication is appreciated


What is disappointing is that we don't get similar detailed communication on the other classes... Especially when a lot or most of the community has given detailed feed back on the changes or lack of... We know you are trying to work through one class at a time... But some of the changes have gone too far or not far enough on the classes you have already changed since 3.0 was released... A lot of changes have made QOL clunky in rotations

Sorcerer changes went too far and the wrong abilities were adjusted... Force Storm needed adjusting, not single burst abilities

Powertech and assassin changes really did nothing to the perception they are overpowered

Juggernauts really didn't need any changes

Mercs still need more work

Snipers and operatives??

The only real communication on these classes has been patch notes... Not much else... While we as a community can be divided on changes... Detailed responses like you have given for the Warrior class this morning might have eased some of the tension

Also we feel that the testing we do on the PTS can be a waste of time... Some people spend many hours crunching numbers and viability based on what conditions would be like in game... Not meta numbers... It seems you quite often ignore them and over nerf classes or under nerf them... Less and less people can be bothered to even go to the PTS and test for these very reasons...

We need a two way street in communication

Also if you actually make a mistake and go to far with a nerf once it goes live... Please listen to the community and reverse it

Edited by Icykill_
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Hi John


It is great to see all the posts and feed back on the Maruader/sentinal issues... It seems you are starting to listen to the community on communicating and the communication is appreciated


What is disappointing is that we don't get similar detailed communication on the other classes... Especially when a lot or most of the community has given detailed feed back on the changes or lack of... We know you are trying to work through one class at a time... But some of the changes have gone too far or not far enough on the classes you have already changed since 3.0 was released... A lot of changes have made QOL clunky in rotations

Sorcerer changes went too far and the wrong abilities were adjusted... Force Storm needed adjusting, not single burst abilities

Powertech and assassin changes really did nothing to the perception they are overpowered

Juggernauts really didn't need any changes

Mercs still need more work

Snipers and operatives??

The only real communication on these classes has been patch notes... Not much else... While we as a community can be divided on changes... Detailed responses like you have given for the Warrior class this morning might have eased some of the tension

Also we feel that the testing we do on the PTS can be a waste of time... Some people spend many hours crunching numbers and viability based on what conditions would be like in game... Not meta numbers... It seems you quite often ignore them and over nerf classes or under nerf them... Less and less people can be bothered to even go to the PTS and test for these very reasons...

We need a two way street in communication

Also if you actually make a mistake and go to far with a nerf once it goes live... Please listen to the community and reverse it


What they are doing is not feedback and is definitely not real communication. Its patronizing at best. I'll take the silence over the constant ignorance going on right now with watchman changes.

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I can´t say it better!


Did you know pre 3.0 watchman was exactly that? *shocker* Pre 3.0 watchman was simple enough for new players to enjoy but complex enough that it kept more serious players interested in diving deeper into the spec. 3.0 and the upcoming 3.2.1 changes encompass NONE of that. Your attempts at design philosphy literally feels like you are just throwing crap into the wind and rolling with whatever hits you in the face to make it appear complicated, but all you have done is create a spec that no longer functions and can't compete with anyone.


I think what I and everyone else on these forums truly deserves is a legitmate answer as to why you made such drastic changes to the spec in 3.0. Changes NO ONE asked for and why you are so determined to stick with changes that is bringing nothing but negativity. You are killing the class and it almost feels intentional. I get that BW Austin is a small team and not everyone will be proficient with every class (its painfully obvious you guys don't understand this spec or this class) but at least listen to those that are giving you numbers and GOOD feedback.


It almost feels like you're too proud to do anything the community suggests or to admit that you ****ed up an extremely unique spec. Watchman was incredibly unique both in swtor and in any MMO I've ever played. It was a dot spec but at the same time it wasn't. It was an incredibly fun spec to play and I fear I'll never see it again due to the stubbornness of a developer that puts his pride first over his subscribers.


The spec had lost some of its charm post 1.1.5 and after several nerfs, but at least the spec itself was still incredibly unique and fun to play. Even when it sucked in pvp for almost a year I still played it because it was that much fun.....but what you guys have done to the spec........No other MMO even comes to compare with how badly you butchered this spec.




You have done the exact opposite though. Resource management is so tight and the dps is so low that there is no room for variation. You literally forced the spec into one limited rotation. I don't get where you somehow got the idea that these new changes makes the spec have more variation.....Nothing about the new changes will have marauders acting instinctively to each combat situation......All its going to do is show a bunch of marauders spamming slash because they don't have any resources to do anything else and cry as their dots fall off and they cant put them back on.




I can't tell if you're patronizing us or insulting us......Probably both. No one asked for dot spread or longer dots. We don't need or want either. Quit trying to homogenize everything. This is why I have a love hate with arenas. I enjoy them but I know they are the reason ever spec is losing its originality causing the game to become boring. Watchmen was NEVER about long dots or dot spread. It was unique because it was a bursty dot spec with short durations that could be reapplied quickly, especially with a cauterize proc. It hit hard enough to be a burst threat but wasn't as bursty as burst specs and also maintained strong dots that required attention to detail to keep our merciless and juyo stacks up. The spec had a tone of involvement. It was fast and always changing. This new garbage you have is clunky, doesn't flow correctly and feels too much like a ranged spec design slapped onto a melee character while attempting to keep some older abilities, which again, makes the spec not flow correctly.


Nothing you do can fix 3.0+ watchman. Just give us 2.10 back. The spec was near perfection and only needed to be tweaked here and there. Drop your idiotic pride BW and accept that the previous version of watchman was near perfect and the 3.0 version is a *********** dud.

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Based on everything the devs have stated, it seems like they want us to drop Master Strike from the rotation (unless clipped) and keep as much stuff on cooldown as possible (Force Melt, Zealous Strike, Merciless Slash, Cauterize) with a little downtime on force leap.


Basically, if we keep Zealous Strike and Force Leap on a 15 second cooldown, we will need to RNG generate 1 focus every 2.4 seconds if we don't use any resource builders or consumers (only free fillers)


Of course, we would only have 2 filler slots every 15 seconds, with all the free options being on an 18 second cooldown (and you'd have to clip Master Strike) so...


Basic Structure

Merciless -> Filler -> Cauterize -> Filler ->


Overload Saber on cooldown, then this priority list for filler:


Force Melt

Zealous Strike

Force Leap

Dual Saber Throw (proc)

Master Strike (clipped)

Strike/Slash/Dispatch (resource dependant)


If we were to write it a bit longer and with just initials:


M (OS) -> FM -> CT -> ZS ->

M -> FL -> CT -> DST ->

M (OS) -> MS -> CT -> FM ->

M -> ZS -> CT -> FL ->

M (OS) -> RNG -> CT -> DST ->


M -> FM -> CT -> ZS ->

M (OS) -> FL -> CT -> MS ->

M -> RNG -> CT -> FM ->

M (OS) -> ZS -> CT -> FL ->

M -> DST -> CT -> MS ->




Anywhere I put RNG basically means the passive regen determines if you use Strike or Slash (or Dispatch in the execute)


But hey, at least we can't write down the whole rotation without writing an essay first amirite?

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Did you know pre 3.0 watchman was exactly that? *shocker* Pre 3.0 watchman was simple enough for new players to enjoy but complex enough that it kept more serious players interested in diving deeper into the spec. 3.0 and the upcoming 3.2.1 changes encompass NONE of that. Your attempts at design philosphy literally feels like you are just throwing crap into the wind and rolling with whatever hits you in the face to make it appear complicated, but all you have done is create a spec that no longer functions and can't compete with anyone.



I think what I and everyone else on these forums truly deserves is a legitmate answer as to why you made such drastic changes to the spec in 3.0. Changes NO ONE asked for and why you are so determined to stick with changes that is bringing nothing but negativity. You are killing the class and it almost feels intentional. I get that BW Austin is a small team and not everyone will be proficient with every class (its painfully obvious you guys don't understand this spec or this class) but at least listen to those that are giving you numbers and GOOD feedback.


It almost feels like you're too proud to do anything the community suggests or to admit that you ****ed up an extremely unique spec. Watchman was incredibly unique both in swtor and in any MMO I've ever played. It was a dot spec but at the same time it wasn't. It was an incredibly fun spec to play and I fear I'll never see it again due to the stubbornness of a developer that puts his pride first over his subscribers.


The spec had lost some of its charm post 1.1.5 and after several nerfs, but at least the spec itself was still incredibly unique and fun to play. Even when it sucked in pvp for almost a year I still played it because it was that much fun.....but what you guys have done to the spec........No other MMO even comes to compare with how badly you butchered this spec.




You have done the exact opposite though. Resource management is so tight and the dps is so low that there is no room for variation. You literally forced the spec into one limited rotation. I don't get where you somehow got the idea that these new changes makes the spec have more variation.....Nothing about the new changes will have marauders acting instinctively to each combat situation......All its going to do is show a bunch of marauders spamming slash because they don't have any resources to do anything else and cry as their dots fall off and they cant put them back on.




I can't tell if you're patronizing us or insulting us......Probably both. No one asked for dot spread or longer dots. We don't need or want either. Quit trying to homogenize everything. This is why I have a love hate with arenas. I enjoy them but I know they are the reason ever spec is losing its originality causing the game to become boring. Watchmen was NEVER about long dots or dot spread. It was unique because it was a bursty dot spec with short durations that could be reapplied quickly, especially with a cauterize proc. It hit hard enough to be a burst threat but wasn't as bursty as burst specs and also maintained strong dots that required attention to detail to keep our merciless and juyo stacks up. The spec had a tone of involvement. It was fast and always changing. This new garbage you have is clunky, doesn't flow correctly and feels too much like a ranged spec design slapped onto a melee character while attempting to keep some older abilities, which again, makes the spec not flow correctly.


Nothing you do can fix 3.0+ watchman. Just give us 2.10 back. The spec was near perfection and only needed to be tweaked here and there. Drop your idiotic pride BW and accept that the previous version of watchman was near perfect and the 3.0 version is a *********** dud



Pretty accurate description of what most of us think I would say

Edited by WheresMyWhisky
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Based on everything the devs have stated, it seems like they want us to drop Master Strike from the rotation (unless clipped) and keep as much stuff on cooldown as possible (Force Melt, Zealous Strike, Merciless Slash, Cauterize) with a little downtime on force leap.


Basically, if we keep Zealous Strike and Force Leap on a 15 second cooldown, we will need to RNG generate 1 focus every 2.4 seconds if we don't use any resource builders or consumers (only free fillers)


Of course, we would only have 2 filler slots every 15 seconds, with all the free options being on an 18 second cooldown (and you'd have to clip Master Strike) so...


Basic Structure

Merciless -> Filler -> Cauterize -> Filler ->


Overload Saber on cooldown, then this priority list for filler:


Force Melt

Zealous Strike

Force Leap

Dual Saber Throw (proc)

Master Strike (clipped)

Strike/Slash/Dispatch (resource dependant)


If we were to write it a bit longer and with just initials:


M (OS) -> FM -> CT -> ZS ->

M -> FL -> CT -> DST ->

M (OS) -> MS -> CT -> FM ->

M -> ZS -> CT -> FL ->

M (OS) -> RNG -> CT -> DST ->


M -> FM -> CT -> ZS ->

M (OS) -> FL -> CT -> MS ->

M -> RNG -> CT -> FM ->

M (OS) -> ZS -> CT -> FL ->

M -> DST -> CT -> MS ->




Anywhere I put RNG basically means the passive regen determines if you use Strike or Slash (or Dispatch in the execute)


But hey, at least we can't write down the whole rotation without writing an essay first amirite?




Using Oofalong's model, this results in a 2% damage drop from live, before accounting for the 30 seconds instead of 36 seconds for the 2-piece set bonus uptime, or the completely whacked out situation of the 6-piece set bonus, which will be all over the place. The spec will even go so far as to (in an average situation), having 0.35 extra focus every 45 second cycle (remembering cycles are based not off Merciless + Cauterize, but rather off Force Melt, Zealous, Leap, Master Strike and Dual Saber Throw).


I'm still of the opinion that accelerated victory should reduce the channel time of Master Strike instead of make Force Melt free though (and the above rotation would still work with a 1.5 second channel time master strike through RNG Resource generation. Hell you could drop the CD on Master Strike to 15 seconds, the CD and proc CD of TST to 15 seconds, and make force melt no longer free and you'd still have the resources for the above rotation without changing anything. Barely, but you'd still have it)

Edited by TACeMossie
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I'm rather astonished.


Just when you thought the hole couldn't get any deeper...


Some advice, Devs, actually listening to feedback might actually help you guys out. Or you guys might as well delete the entire AC since in about a month or two the only ones left playing it will be the newbies who think "TWO LIGHTSABERZZ." Oh wait. Aren't we at that stage already?

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Annihilation/Watchman Rotation Design Philosophy:


A Responsive and Reactive Rotation: Following our design philosophy of making the Annihilation/Watchman Discipline the most challenging and potentially rewarding Marauder/Sentinel Discipline to play and player feedback that the current Live Annihilation/Watchman Discipline is “boring,” “predictable,” and “easy to play,” we have designed the new rotation to require the use of a varying priority system, rather than a predetermined rotation that fits neatly within some set duration of time, in order to maximize damage output. Players will need to rethink how the rotation plays and respond carefully to each situation to get the most out of the new Annihilation/Watchman Discipline. This design lends itself to a visceral playstyle, which will see a successful Marauder/Sentinel reacting instinctively to each combat situation as it arises. This playstyle should appeal to players that prefer variance over predictability in their combat experiences.


So we change a boring gameplay where we have to keep looking the débuff timer's of the target and refresh dot in a crazy order, to a gameplay where we will spend EVEN MORE TIME to look at the debuff timer's and spend EVEN MORE TIME to refresh dot....


... even after reding this 5 time, it still sound lame


Never Underestimate Force Rend/Force Melt: From the beginning, Force Rend/Force Melt was designed to be a longer-lasting, damage-heavy DoT ability, and this has not changed with the new rotation design. Force Rend/Force Melt packs quite a prolonged punch and feeds your Rage/Focus regeneration and self healing. Making sure that it is active on any targets that will last for 15 or more seconds is essential to maximizing damage output. Due to its longer duration, it is also an easier DoT spread than Rupture/Cauterize.


So... if he was design to be a long duration dot, why did you decreased his duration ? doesn't sound logic to me


Never Overestimate Dual Saber Throw/Twin Saber Throw: Some abilities are only designed to be used situationally. For example, as an Annihilation Marauder/Watchman Sentinel, you are only intended to use Dual Saber Throw/Twin Saber Throw in multi-target situations, while its damage is boosted by Pulverize/Mind Sear, and/or when stuck at a long distance from your enemy target.


Are you kidding ? seriously ? isn't it something that we were already doing !


Thx for the l2p lesson captain obvious

Edited by KaellSolaris
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