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Girl rejected me at school today because i like star wars....


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Aight cuz, I'm gonna put you up on some game. You wanna pull that super stout female that may be outta your league?


The first thing you need is lots out self confidence. Females notice this. If your really shy, tend to speak softly, walk with your head down, and find yourself slouching. Stop it....if YOU don't believe in yourself, no-one else will.


Next up...every dime piece has a few friends who are 5's. They're the ones you need to get cool with. You get them on your side, they'll speak up for you. But you can't let them know right off that you're trying to get with their hot friend. While you're getting in good with the friends, you gotta completely ignore shawty. See....she's used to cats trying to get wit her. She's NOT used to being ignored. Use her ego to your advantage. See your ultimate goal is NOT to get her to say yes when you ask her out. Your goal is to get HER to choose YOU.

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LOL !!! That is so bad LOL!! Sorry for laughing but damn!!! LOL!!


I laughed, too...sorry, OP.


But I'm guessing the OP is young....(at least younger than I am, in my fifties) So on the assumption that the OP is in High School....


Dude, trust me, there are so many other women out there its not worth the time to fret over one girl that doesn't like you. When I was younger I met so many other girls that were interested in Star Wars, Star Trek, Godzilla movies, etc, that I quickly forgot about the ones that were not.


...and lets face it, it may not be just SW that she doesn't like about you. So what? If she's not into you, don't sweat it. Theres always someone else. My wife and I have wildly different tastes in things and we've been married for 21 years. Soldier up, man. You'll be happier and you'll probably meet someone just when you least expect it.

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im so depressed right now


In my experience(not personal but helping all my friends with their girl problems) if a girl rejects you bc you like something, you really werent meant for one another. Seriously because someone likes starwars they're not going to date them, it's as if I said, oh this girl I think is really pretty and likes twilight? Pft **** that ***** she can't like that at all.

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Because women can't be geeks... right? :rolleyes:

It's true, women are not allowed to be geeks. One of the requirements for buying tickets to SWCA was that my friend and I had to get a sex change and become men. All the women there were either men in disguise or holograms. :D

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...it's as if I said, oh this girl I think is really pretty and likes twilight? Pft **** that ***** she can't like that at all.
Yeah, but discounting someone because they like Twilight is a totally legit, and legal, reason. I have a friend who's a divorce lawyer, and he says you can file for divorce if your spouse enjoyed Twilight cuz the courts view the whole "team Jacob or team Edward" thing the same as infidelity...true story.
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It's true, women are not allowed to be geeks. One of the requirements for buying tickets to SWCA was that my friend and I had to get a sex change and become men. All the women there were either men in disguise or holograms. :D


You have hologram technology!?


I want.

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Yeah, but discounting someone because they like Twilight is a totally legit, and legal, reason. I have a friend who's a divorce lawyer, and he says you can file for divorce if your spouse enjoyed Twilight cuz the courts view the whole "team Jacob or team Edward" thing the same as infidelity...true story.


There are graphs to prove this.


While this was for reading I have also seen one for watching.



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There are graphs to prove this.


While this was for reading I have also seen one for watching.




Love the pie chart. It was very informative.


Personally, I think there should have been class-action lawsuits filed against the author and publisher of the books and the directors and producers of the movies.

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im so depressed right now


Just be yourself, like what you like and never let anyone shame you. In the words of Dr. Seuss, the legend that he is:


"The people that matter won't mind, and the people that mind don't matter."


If you're still in school, you've got a lot of life ahead of you. I'm not gonna tell you everything's gonna be okay, but don't hedge your bets on the need to be with a woman. You have to like you first, and a partner of any variety needs to supplement and/or compliment you as you are, not complete you as a person, otherwise they're little more than a crutch. The only people who should ever matter to you are the ones you matter to. And if you ever find yourself having to change who you are to get someone to like you, then it's not really you they like, is it. If some scrub rejects you because you like star wars, she's actually being quite shallow and she's less precious than the dried semen on your bedsheets. You can do vastly better.

Edited by Idoya
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I learned a long time ago, if you want girls, lift weights. Girls are attracted to alpha males, they're programmed that way by nature. There is the occasional girl that isn't, but most are. Edited by Vember
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I learned a long time ago, if you want girls, lift weights. Girls are attracted to alpha males, they're programmed that way by nature. There is the occasional girl that isn't, but most are.


That depends on the type of girl you want. If you want one that wants you because of the way you look, you're in. If you want something less shallow though, someone that wants you for you, then you just have to be you. FYI, the real alpha males these days have money, not muscles. Some intellect helps too. You've learned nothing.

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That depends on the type of girl you want. If you want one that wants you because of the way you look, you're in. If you want something less shallow though, someone that wants you for you, then you just have to be you. FYI, the real alpha males these days have money, not muscles. Some intellect helps too. You've learned nothing.


Not at all. Pretty much all girls are initially physically attracted to a muscular male, or what they perceive as an alpha male, before they know anything about how much he is worth, what his interests are, how smart he is, or what kind of person he is. What kind of girl you're looking for is really irrelevant....that geeky, mousy library girl will have just as much of an initial attraction to you at first sight as the voluptuous blonde beach bunny, which makes talking to either one of them much easier, whether you play Star Wars or not :)

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Not at all. Pretty much all girls are initially physically attracted to a muscular male, or what they perceive as an alpha male. What kind of girl you're looking for is really irrelevant....that geeky, mousy library girl will be have just as much of an initial attraction to you at first sight as the voluptuous blonde beach bunny, which makes talking to either one of them much easier, whether you play Star Wars or not :)


In my experience, it's all about energy. Weediest guy I've ever known used to pick up more often than I could keep track of just by virtue of his persistently positive energy output. Always even tempered, tolerant of everyone, and just really approachable. His brother, who lifted weights, couldn't pick up for the life of him, and was always a sourpuss. That's just one example.


A tone body might take the effort out of meeting someone, but getting their attention and keeping it are two different things, and muscles are only one way of getting it. If you're kinda boring or negative, not many people are gonna wanna be around you. And a woman who's just with you for the muscles is probably the kind who uses whiteout on computer monitors when she makes a typo.

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