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So Bioware, about people bypassing the locked part on Ziost to fight the OP Boss etc.


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I think exploration is a part of the game. I don't think you should be punished for finding breaches into the restricted areas. You might discover them by accident while you look for hidden achievements, datacrons etc.
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Another BS move from Biofail. I am sure this was known from the PTS as the Rav exploit was last time. They will just give award plaques to their golden child guild at the next cantina for passing it along and 3 day ban the rest of the population...oh wait, they are losing too many accts as it is.They better fix this crap immediatly and remove loot. I am bout done with this game...ridiculous.


The hate is strong with this one....:cool:

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The hate is strong with this one....:cool:



Oh yes it is. After the mishandling of the rav exploit, the slot machine bait and switch, this latest biofail, etc. They would like to sweep this latest exploit under the carpet, however, I doubt the community will let them. I play here occasionally only because I come to raid with my guild and participate in the new content. Otherwise, I have started playing other games and will eventually bail here.

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Another BS move from Biofail. I am sure this was known from the PTS as the Rav exploit was last time. They will just give award plaques to their golden child guild at the next cantina for passing it along and 3 day ban the rest of the population...oh wait, they are losing too many accts as it is.They better fix this crap immediatly and remove loot. I am bout done with this game...ridiculous.


Hey man you seem to know the story. Mind filling me in on those details?

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Hey there Bioware - could we have some official word


Report this and hope they act FAST on thisone, players got their warnings last time with the Revan exploit.


This time they should act instanlty, warn the players and remove the items.


Do it now before the logs gets to long to search thorugh.

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Report this and hope they act FAST on thisone, players got their warnings last time with the Revan exploit.


This time they should act instanlty, warn the players and remove the items.


Do it now before the logs gets to long to search thorugh.


Well I will just say... Remember the Ravagers exploit.
^^^These right here^^^ Better catch them while you can... Just saying don't let it get like Ravager.. Edited by Legolose
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It is their policy not to publicly acknowledge exploits until they are patched out, so as to minimize widespread knowledge of any exploitation until whatever it is can be fixed. So I wouldn't expect a reply on this until patch notes on a fix, if they bother to.


Considering the content will be publicly available sooner than their weekly patch cycle I highly doubt there will be a fix.

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PM me the details otherwise I don't see how it can be worse than getting 198 BiS gear and crafting matt unlimited times and not even have to kill it. Otherwise you're full of it.


If you mean drag his butt into a corner away from the adds cause the adds don't do much damage far away. Well that's common knowledge and part of the fight.


You're right, Im going to break the ToS just to prove to you that I am not full of it. And no its not pulling him away from the adds

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Without knowing the details of how people are accessing the area it's actually difficult to make a definitive statement that it is an exploit not an intentional mechanism for the adventurous.


They've established with the placement of datacrons that there are many areas that are extremely difficult to get to that they intend for you to get to. e.g. Ilum datacron that you have to go through exhaustion zone for or Tatooine datacrons that you have jump off off a cliff to access. They have definitely set a precedent that there are areas of the game that can only be accessed through taking advantage of the terrain and doing unnatural acts to access.


Of course all of that being said, is 1 week of "early access" to something going to have any lasting measurable impact on the game?

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Of course all of that being said, is 1 week of "early access" to something going to have any lasting measurable impact on the game?

Yes, it is. Many progression players have tons of alts and may not have time on Monday to kill the boss with all of their alts to have a chance at the mainhand. By killing the boss now, they'll have a chance at it.


If Bioware does not issue a statement on this (=deletes this thread) or writes that this is a punishable exploit, they need to actually follow through with it to ensure any credibility.

Lack of harsh punishment for previous exploits has players taking chances and doing questionable things because they think nothing will happen.

If BioWare is ignoring their own ToS, it has a much bigger and long-lasting impact on the playerbase, it is not just about the 204 mainhand, it is about whether the ToS are valid or just for show.

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I agree, it would be great to get an official answer on this. I don't think it is as severe of an exploit as the Ravagers loot exploit but it may still be actioned, who knows... [...] Please clarify whether or not this is a punishable exploit. :)



Seriously, it doesn't matter whether it's as severe as the Ravagers exploit or not. As you stated by yourself, it as an exploit und thus everybody who use it to get the MHs early HAVE to be punished.


There's no way to be like: "C'mon we'd get there by monday anyway so what's the matter, bro ?"

Edited by agnahim
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Another BS move from Biofail. I am sure this was known from the PTS as the Rav exploit was last time. They will just give award plaques to their golden child guild at the next cantina for passing it along and 3 day ban the rest of the population...oh wait, they are losing too many accts as it is.They better fix this crap immediatly and remove loot. I am bout done with this game...ridiculous.



Hey man you seem to know the story. Mind filling me in on those details?


No response? Darn I was looking forward to the backpedaling...

Edited by Jojomagro
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I am inclined to say the impact of this is rather over-estimated.


The net effect is 1 week of earlier access to the gearing for those who participate in this; it doesn't not generate any loot for free so I believe the comparison to The Ravagers isn't a realistic one. If we didn't know the activation date for this content was going to be May 4rd, I would agree this might be something considered far more serious... but given the circumstances, I'm going to say they'll probably let this one slide.

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I am inclined to say the impact of this is rather over-estimated.
Does it matter? Cheating is cheating right? It's not meant to be accessed yet and the players who did access it, exploited to get there.


I believe the Ravagers "exploit" was minimally impactful as well, especially after being left live for 5 weeks...but that didn't stop Bioware from issuing bans.

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Does it matter? Cheating is cheating right? It's not meant to be accessed yet and the players who did access it, exploited to get there.


I believe the Ravagers "exploit" was minimally impactful as well, especially after being left live for 5 weeks...but that didn't stop Bioware from issuing bans.


Ravagers exploit handed out free loot. This exploit seems to be access to an unintended area. An area which is to be made available in < 7 days anyways. Again, I don't think it right to compare the two from a practical standpoint. Exploiting free end game loot is not the same as access to a boss (and still having to kill it legitimately).


Yes it's cheating. Yes, in principle that is bad. Yes, in theory it should be hot-fixed. Yes, in a perfect world the ill-gotten gains ought to be removed.


But over 6 days of early access for something that doesn't hand out anything for free? I just don't see it as the same at all. And the effort required for such minimal impact would just be a complete waste.

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If its in a blocked off area that people are not supposed to be able to get to because a designed mechanic is preventing you from accessing it, and you find a way around that mechanic, its an exploit plain and simple. It is also patently unfair to the rest of us that are waiting for the legitimate release for people to get access to that content through an exploit.


However, near as far as I can tell they still havent even acknowledged or fixed the Underlurker Exploit, so why should we expect them to take action on this one?


While I agree with you that the bypassing of the gate is an exploit and that it isn't fair that people have found a way around I also feel that if you tell some people that there is an arduous way to get into someplace that you shouldn't really be able to get to quriosity will get the best of them. Not for a desire to cheat, but for the challenge of doing something that is difficult to accomplish.

Some Guildmates and I spent about 2 hours looking for the route last night and I have to say, the search was really fun. Pushing each other all over the map, scampering up walls, platforming in areas that are difficult to access. It was really, really fun. We failed and were unable to find the route, but we had fun despite our failure. So what if we had been able to get in. We would have fought the thing and one of us would have gotten a piece that won't really do us much good against HM Under Lurker and is worthless in PvP...

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  • Dev Post

One of the things we tried to be clear about with the Ravagers is that we are serious about handling exploits. With that exploit, the Ravagers we were open about our process and the action we were taking. For this issue with Ziost, we are going to do the same.


If a player is bypassing the environment to access an area they should not be able to, and then killing a boss to get loot they should also not have access to, we absolutely consider this an exploit. We are investigating this issue right now, and will be actioning any player who participates, or has participated, in this exploit.


If you ever hear of or find something that can be exploited, do not test it yourself. Please notify us immediately and privately. Some of you brought this issue to our attention on PTS and we thank you for that. We closed that opening, but it seems that there is another method of getting into the area.


We would also like to thank those of you who did not exploit and who have brought this to our attention. Our goal will always be to create a safe and fair environment for our players.





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