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The Jedi Knight, and Sith Warrior classes need a huge buff.


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Having tried JK I can honestly say it's the weakest class I have ever had the displeasure of playing in all my life. If you want to argue they're "not bad", fine. They aren't bad. Just every other class in the history of gaming does everything better.




I played Smite Cleric and Mater Cabbalist in DAoC, Feral Druid when WoW was released and can still remember all the "useless, gimp, fail" threads for this combos back then. Exact the same guys like you do now about Knights.


Just a few points:

- I was able to solo most content with my Cleric and Cabbalist in DAoC where other needed 3+ guys

- I rocked in PvP with my Cabbalist (got 3 to 5 times the RP that wannabe selve caled "elite PvPler" managed to farm ... and I did it SOLO without BB!)

- my Feral Bear Druid could tank better then most standart tanks (89% incompetenz, 10% fail gear for most of them. Just 1% realy know how to tank)

- I STILL outhealed many Prist even with my Feral spec


But hey, it's fine. Just whine more and so a OK class will be buffed and 1 day after the buff you get the same amount of "NERV KNIGHT TOTAL OP" threads ;).


Was the same with Cabbalists (I went from 3-5 times the RP to 20 times the RP within one buff patch *g*) and the same with Ferals (I out-tanked ALL def-spec Warriors in green items suddenly).


I wish all this PvP wannabes would stop just one day to spam the forums with buff/nerv posts and simply learn2play this day ;).


BTW: this is NOT CS where it is enough to perma spam left mouse button *ROFL*. Wrong game for you.

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I basically gave up questing on my Sentinel at level 17. The pack of mobs required me to use a companion, make the companion engage first and heal either the companion or myself after every pull. Add in a single elite character into the mob and chances are i would die without every cd off cooldown.
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Both of these posts are exactly right. In PvP, not only do our abilities to slow or incapacitate another player not work at all (except force stasis, and then for a max of 3 seconds, which with the script kiddies are getting turned off as soon as I cast the dang thing -- also this means our powers like hilt strike don't even work in pvp, since we can never achieve the required condition) 95% of our offensive abilities either require us to be standing still AND facing the enemy directly on (which means we can't hit a damn thing since everyone else can run circles around us casting/using ranged powers and if we start moving, we interrupt our ability and start it on a cd) or worse, requires a minimum distance, and both force leap and saber throw have massive cooldowns (for pvp - 30 seconds is forever). We have no self-healing without a companion, so Call on the Force can neither heal us nor allow us to remove the cd on saber ward (while lightning throwers can shield/bubble 2 or 3 times in the same amount of time -- which is total damage mitigation, not partial).


In PvE, we have to do the same things for anything above trash mobs. Strongs and above, better use Sunder as soon as you can and as often as you can... and even then, the fight takes FOREVER. I saw a Smuggler 2 levels below me melt an elite who was a level below me pretty easily, while taking little damage himself; so I foolishly thought this was going to be a nice fight.... boy was I wrong.... first time, I died because my cd's were all shot... so then I wait the time for all of them to finish, and reengage and BARELY survive it - my companion did not because I had to send her in first (what I didn't do the 1st time).


Also, anyone think the lightning abilities are OP? Once you get hit, you're pretty much done... cause even if you have your ability to get out of the sap, the damage continues, and then they can just do it again in what seems like 10 seconds later and you're stuck on a cd and can't get out... if there are 2 or more, well, just don't even think about going there.


Just wanted to correct something here, pommel strike/savage kick do not work in pvp, as players are considered "gold" mob difficulty.

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The lack of power that we have is absolutely pathetic. Let's do a quick comparison, shall we?



Several CC abilities

Several AoE abilities

Extremely high damage

Bleeding abilities


The most overpowered damage absorption I have seen in any MMO




CC abilities that last up to 3 seconds (WOW!)

1 AoE ability (as far as I know)

Extremely low damage

Very low damage absorption ability


Let's not also forget that we need to close in on enemies by being right next to them and facing them to use 90% of our talents. The lack of damage means killing in PvP is borderline impossible. A level 50 sorcerer can wipe out 6 people - I've witnessed it myself. A level 50 juggernaut has difficulty killing a level 20 player of any other class.


Please, BioWare, fix this. I already wasted 120 hours on a smuggler who turned out to be useless because the gun slinger gets nerfed in the high 20s, rendering most quests impossible to complete without several deaths, many medpacs, stims, and the ( pretty useless) companions. I don't want to keep playing a game in which I can't feel powerful, and in which I get continuously frustrated, just because of a ridiculous lack of balance. It's your first try at an MMO, I understand, and your other games didn't exactly favour non-caster classes, but this is the biggest game in history, and for your own good the balance issues need fixing as soon as humanly possible.


If anybody at Bio is reading this, thanks for your time. I love the game, but the classes can be balanced very quickly and easily - increase the damage output for juggernauts, reduce damage input, add more endurance and strength and, for gods sakes, take some abilities off sorcerers. You can't have some advanced classes being able to do EVERYTHING really, really effectively and then have other advanced classes that can barely do anything in PvE, let alone PvP.

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I agree. Tanks should be able to CC at LEAST 4 targets simultaneously (and they shouldn't break from damage). Being able to self heal 35-50% instantly for 4 rage on a 5 second cooldown would be nice as well.


Im telling you, the only thing we really need is a skill that lets us heal a percent life back after we kill something. That will let us take groups out and still be core design of class kill things before they kill you.

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The game is not very melee friendly...

Playing as assassin and must say that their deception spec is way to weak untill you get to 40 to get 31 talent ability.


1 started as inquisitor(melee+range), used my range abilities alot, while using melee only when neccesary. Then after 10lvl I dicided that I want stealth and went assassin. Not much thing changed back there. Still was able to do stuff pretty good, then 1 hit 20+ and man I found myself extremely underpowered to range classes(bh) and surprise maradeurs. Jugs were taking mobs as slow as me. I had to use my cc before the pull, after the pull, hell, I had to cc every oportunity I had...

Then I dicided to respec as tank, and things got a little bit easier... I also tried my third spec with good aoe only to find a was taking damage way more than in deception(lots of agro)

Every quest I made since I speced to tank I don overgeared and several lvls after its available, so may be that was the reason thing got easier a bit.

Then I hit 36 and decided to skip bonus missions and go straight to the quest that require that exact lvl 36 and man.. That was hell!! I feeled underpowered again, thin as paper and weak as grandpa. From that moment


I wait till I am 2-3 lvl higher, that do it. The xp is still pretty good and I am fine to lvl.

Now that I am 41 - I speced back to deception, took that 31 talant ability and noticed a huge dps increase. And while I lvl fine doing quest 2-3 lvl lower that me it makes me sad to how easily BH ***** group of mobs of the same lvl with ease and still having little to none problems in pvp.


I would say that the game is not very melee friendly if any at all.


Either mobs need to do less melee damage(they do a lot), or we need better companions.

Khem is awful tank(bad suvivability), ashara is terrible dps(stand in every nasty stuff she can)... I am very happy with andronikos(range dps), he have nice dmg, stays out of bad stuff and if attacked !takes far less damage than khem!.

We need better IQ for companions, they need interrupts or melee dps need a way to soak some damage.

Then again what makes BH kill mobs with ease is because he has great aoe just from start and dont have to be close to mobs to deal damage -> he kills mobs befor they get close.

While we need to go close to kill those and cc'ing those wasting our time to cc instead of causing damage.

Also bh wear heavy armor from start, while maradeur wears medium and assassin even light. Back then in wow ferals could just swap cat/bear forms and rogues had great evade ability and warriors weared plate. Its just wrong for melee dps to have survavability worse than a range classes, just wrong.


So to sum everything up - melee need better survavability in melee.

Edited by Cleavy
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From the post titled: Sith Marauders Do Need Improvement:


I am level 50 Marauder specialized under the Rage tree. To be honest I did not have that much trouble reaching 50 in the PvE environment. Groups of mobs were a little bit tough sometimes, more than one Silver Elite was a quite a bit of a challenge, but with clever uses of my Saber Ward and Cloak of Pain, and using Quinn to heal, I “generally” made it through unscathed. Many people have said it’s impossible to level Marauders PvE and that we’re broken, well I just don’t think that is the case; but it is quite tough, I’ll give you that.


I did PvP while leveling, and am currently gearing at 50. I’ve been lucky so far at 50 receiving 4 pieces of gear from Champion Bags, so that has eased the stress of attempting to grind Warzone Commendations especially now that my health has reached near 14k; it’s a start. On this topic though, from a Marauder standpoint, we have a tough time occasionally. Anyone that has PvP’d at all knows that it can be a melee unfriendly environment. Is it impossible? Once again, no it’s not. But if I don’t have a healer, because my buddy is unavailable, life is much rougher. Sometimes it seems that every class is ranged. I know that’s not the case, but it feels like it. I feel like a kite on a windy day. I still do top 5 damage near every time (most often top 3 even), and rack up a boat load of kills. But it is a far cry to say that I dominate. No one class should dominate, that’s called OP and someone will inevitably QQ about it.


My thoughts though are this: Both Marauders and Juggs should have more health. Period. If we scaled every toon to 50 with the exact same gear, melee classes should have more health. It just makes sense. I can live with the stuns from Operatives, and the kiting by Sorcs, but a little extra HP would be nice so that I could at least get closer to the enemy to make it look like a fight.


Armor. Didn’t Marauders utilize heavy armor in Beta? Things change, but I think this should still be. High damage generally = Low survivability, but where is the line? We are a melee class first to charge in. We are not tanks, nor should we be, but we should have a greater damage reduction other than our talents like Saber Ward and CoP give us. It would be nice to have a little extra protection while I’m trying to recover from a stun and that Operative is whipping me in the back. Now going back to my last point, if melee classes should have more health, should they have more armor too? For the Operatives and Assassins no because they have stealth and ways to escape more effectively. But we Marauders stand there and have nowhere to run (unless you count Force Camouflage as effective escape. It’s nice but doesn’t fool anyone 5 seconds later.)


Are Marauders useless? No. Are we broken? No. But we could use some buffs. We should be more resilient than we are. We should not be tanks and should not be in the same league as a tank, but we should be able to last longer than a few hits against nearly every other class that feels the need to drag us around. I’m hoping to reach Developers on this. I know that some will agree and some will poopoo my post, but regardless I know that many people feel the same way. Not to dominate, but to sustain longer.

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Telling me. Sents and Gaurds have the same issue. Thing i wold think help. A damage increase over range toons. More HP and longer cloak abilities. The four second Force Camo is absolute joke. Especially against range targets. The thing that hurts the most is the distance we have to close. Force leap is cool and everything but they still can see you from a mile away and getting popped from long distance. With them getting the first hit with same HP pretty much doesnt really help us at all. On paper it is very very balance. But practice. It gets abit tricky. We have the most complex build set up out of all classes to sustain high level damage. I think we could atleast get a damage bonus health bonus. If we can get those. I would settle for a buff on the Force Camo so i can atleast stealth in against an opponent
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I have to agree as far as I can tell, The Jedi Knight/ Sith Warrior arn't quite up to scratch with other classes. Even through introductory quests I felt them not quite as good as other classes. I have a full level 50 Jedi Knight Sentenel... let me say first of all, the final fight is pretty damn hard. Not sure if it's the class, or the mechanic of the fight, but I needed a friend for a "solo" mission.


In PvP, maybe I'm doing something wrong. But I hardly get medals for my efforts, no matter how much I attack, no matter how many objectives, I always seem to do less then others, who go down for "damage done" and "kills done"


In general they feel very squishy and brittle. Either compensate their damage to be a bit more in the case of Sentenel, and increase their durability in their tanking stance. I may be biased, but with the lack of utility and overal brittle nature of the class, we could use a bit of fixing.

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I'd just like to point out, saying that you're doing just fine at level 50 with full champion PVP gear with lots of expertise is very misleading.


Saying because of that you become "near invincible" in PVP is a huge mistake, since the majority of the time you're fighting people below level 50 in PVP, and what does expertise do? Increase damage/healing you do and decreases damage the enemies do to you.


So yeah, saying your jedi knight/sith warrior in full champion gear is destroying in PVP doesn't really say much until the majority of people in PVP have full champion gear as well.

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Here is my view on the mara/sent class, from my long lost thread:



With this post i want to express my feelings & thoughts concerning the Sith marauder. I hit 50 a few days a ago and my valor rank is 30 (just to say that i played a bit of pvp)


I use ~25 keybinds, and was always speccd anni (it seems to be the most viable talent tree, i'm not sure about rage but carnage is pretty weak according to a few guild mates)



PvE: If we are good at something this is it, single target dps. Since we don't run out of resources we are naturally able to apply constant damage for an infinitive amount of time, the bleed effects really hit hard if you get them on the target, combine with our other attacks we can really make an impact.


The only weak spot we have is aoe (may be better with rage spec), smash and sweeping slash just don't cut it, while this may not be an issue in end game content since most mobs are elite anyway, it is an issue while leveling. It often felt like a gamble when taking on a group of stronger mobs since we are also missing a long cc (we can disable droids yay!)


PvP: This is where i have my concerns and can feel the pain of fellow marauders, complaining about their class


The isuess i have:


1)too many abilities! Not because i can't handle them all on a usefull ratation, but simply because it takes me WAY too many global cds to start hurting my enemy. Force charge, deadly saber, battering assault rupture,annihilate- there comes my first burst. Using it earlier will leave me without enough rage since there aren't any empowerment proccs.

I don't think it would be as bad with auto attack, but the way it is we cannot burst properly, no auto attack obviously hurts melee classes way more than ranged classes. Therefor the close range abilities should make significantly more damage (a good example would be the soundrel, although i consider his burst to be too strong)


2) Force Charge, i love the ability, it looks awesome and is our key skill for pvp. Without it we would never ever reach an enemy before we die (ofc im exaggerating). The problem i have with it is, that it's like a big red arrow over our head. such a flashy animation attracts any range class in sight. It is obvious that you are not supposed to jump into a group of enemys, however i feel like i'm often getting focus fired even if i'm somewhere on the edge of the battle, maybe they just see an easy kill...


3) CC's, too many, too long, no useful counters except one on a long cd. We need to be in front of the target to inflict any damage, yet most have stronger&more cc's than we do. This is not too bad if you run with a decent team, and happen not to get huttball (which is for obvious reasons a marauders nightmare land).

Quick tip: if you jump up on huttball, position yourself between a lamppost and your enemy, you might neglect the knockback effect. (You will still get cc'd tho)

Unfortunately resolve is kinda pointless since it only applies to stuns, and takes too long to fill up for squishy classes (we are one, because medium armor doesn't make a difference at all)



4) Skillcap. I agree with people saying to be good with the marauder you have to try really hard, but the point is, even if you do your best, you most likely won't top an equally skilled player on a different class



To be clear here, i enjoy playing my marauder and i'm not asking for giant buffs, but some of the game mechanics are flawed and put close combat classes on a disadvantage. I'll appreciate any feedback & tips and ask you not to troll.


Oh, and I'm sure most of you know these issues and have seen countless threads like this one, i only wrote my own to increase awareness.

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The game gets worst at post 40, you are forced to use a healing companion.


Yea I notice that to man. I'm a level 48 Jedi Guardian and I can't even fight against a group of mobs without my healer companion. Tanks should be over to take on 3 mobs at once when at this level but no luck at all. I really hope Bio-Ware fixes this.

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I would like the old Saber Throw ability back. You know, the one from beta who actually did decent damage and had a 30m range, not the current silly Saber Throw one that merely tickles your opponent. Other than that, I'm happy as Sentinel.


To the guy who said Force Camo is useless, u know you can heal up in the mean time yes? Don't even have to use medpacks. Guarded does the trick too. If called for, I wait till my health bar drops and pop the latter followed by Force Camo and heal up quite a bit while dealing out damage/crits.


Those 9-10 seconds of immortality should be plenty time to finish off your opponent. In most cases, it won't even come to that. And the reduced CD on Guarded from Champion gear is a nice bonus.

Edited by darthtoph
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Here is my view on the mara/sent class, from my long lost thread:



With this post i want to express my feelings & thoughts concerning the Sith marauder. I hit 50 a few days a ago and my valor rank is 30 (just to say that i played a bit of pvp)


I use ~25 keybinds, and was always speccd anni (it seems to be the most viable talent tree, i'm not sure about rage but carnage is pretty weak according to a few guild mates)



PvE: If we are good at something this is it, single target dps. Since we don't run out of resources we are naturally able to apply constant damage for an infinitive amount of time, the bleed effects really hit hard if you get them on the target, combine with our other attacks we can really make an impact.


The only weak spot we have is aoe (may be better with rage spec), smash and sweeping slash just don't cut it, while this may not be an issue in end game content since most mobs are elite anyway, it is an issue while leveling. It often felt like a gamble when taking on a group of stronger mobs since we are also missing a long cc (we can disable droids yay!)


PvP: This is where i have my concerns and can feel the pain of fellow marauders, complaining about their class


The isuess i have:


1)too many abilities! Not because i can't handle them all on a usefull ratation, but simply because it takes me WAY too many global cds to start hurting my enemy. Force charge, deadly saber, battering assault rupture,annihilate- there comes my first burst. Using it earlier will leave me without enough rage since there aren't any empowerment proccs.

I don't think it would be as bad with auto attack, but the way it is we cannot burst properly, no auto attack obviously hurts melee classes way more than ranged classes. Therefor the close range abilities should make significantly more damage (a good example would be the soundrel, although i consider his burst to be too strong)


2) Force Charge, i love the ability, it looks awesome and is our key skill for pvp. Without it we would never ever reach an enemy before we die (ofc im exaggerating). The problem i have with it is, that it's like a big red arrow over our head. such a flashy animation attracts any range class in sight. It is obvious that you are not supposed to jump into a group of enemys, however i feel like i'm often getting focus fired even if i'm somewhere on the edge of the battle, maybe they just see an easy kill...


3) CC's, too many, too long, no useful counters except one on a long cd. We need to be in front of the target to inflict any damage, yet most have stronger&more cc's than we do. This is not too bad if you run with a decent team, and happen not to get huttball (which is for obvious reasons a marauders nightmare land).

Quick tip: if you jump up on huttball, position yourself between a lamppost and your enemy, you might neglect the knockback effect. (You will still get cc'd tho)

Unfortunately resolve is kinda pointless since it only applies to stuns, and takes too long to fill up for squishy classes (we are one, because medium armor doesn't make a difference at all)



4) Skillcap. I agree with people saying to be good with the marauder you have to try really hard, but the point is, even if you do your best, you most likely won't top an equally skilled player on a different class



To be clear here, i enjoy playing my marauder and i'm not asking for giant buffs, but some of the game mechanics are flawed and put close combat classes on a disadvantage. I'll appreciate any feedback & tips and ask you not to troll.


Oh, and I'm sure most of you know these issues and have seen countless threads like this one, i only wrote my own to increase awareness.


You just put my entire frustration into a post.


What this man said x1000

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as a fellow jugg, i do wonder where our threat comes-from. Soresu doesn't offer anything... and i believe @ 30 we get 1 AoE taunt?? or around 30. the 1 taunt we do have imho is too long of a cooldown. and i also. find alot of our abilities cost too much rage for certain things with no great gain or aggro holding ability. i feel each "stance/form" does something, but nothing to aquire/gain/hold threat from certain moves. even back in WoW, Sundering armor generated threat. sundering assault.. nothing. and on a decently long CD. i do under stand in PvP a lowered CD on sundering assault can be OP getting max 5 stacks asap. but id be happy with more threat generation via abilities in Soresu form. i apologize is im speaking too soon not being lvl 40+ and barely almost 30.
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I am currently 31 on my Vigilance specced Guardian. I have so far placed all of my points into the Vigilance tree. I am rank 8 in PvP, so done a little but not a great deal but have done as many Flashpoints and Heroics as I can. My character, and Kira, are equipped with on level blue modifications.


I have to say as the levels tick by the class is becoming more and more a chore. I am currently running 2 levels above content and I still struggle with groups of mobs on Alderaan. I am not dying but I am finishing fights with less than 40% health and quite regularly Kira is dead as I send her in first.


It is getting slowly worse and I am starting to be concerned at that.


It is a game. It should be fun. I understand it should be a challenge but I should not be worrying about dying in groups of environmental mobs whilst levelling. Inside group quest, class instances etc, yes, death should be an issue. But having you worry like that in every fight makes the class a chore and not fun. For the first time so far in the game doing the first quest on Alderaan where the mobs were tightly packed I had to run as Kira pulled the second group, whilst we were still fighting the first, and I knew there is no way we could handle 3 silver and 4 standard mobs. I then watched a trooper come in same level as me, pull 3 groups, obliterate them and move on. Something dreadfully wrong there.


I am DPS specced and when I change into my Soresu stance I notice no discernible DPS difference between that and my supposed DPS stance. There obviously is a difference but it is so slight to me as to be un-noticeable. That is wrong for a start. There should be a much larger difference between a tanking and a DPS stance.


Secondly we absolutely need a reliable in-combat self heal that doesn't require a companion.


I will persevere with the class in the hope Bioware listens to what people are saying here as I know for one I want to play a single saber wielding DPS Jedi. Bioware have said all along this is absolutely viable, sadly in practice now that doesn't seem the case.


I play the game for fun, just now it seems there is no fun in the class.

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I have had a completely different experience than the OP.


I dinged fifty, refined my Vengeance spec, kitted Vette and Jaesa out with upgraded mods (using custom gear for all my companions where possible, helps them to scale much better) and tackled Ilum.


It was tough. I never ran into anything I couldn't handle, but after doing two quests on Ilum I decided I would rather be safe than sorry and brought Quinn out for the first time since Tattooine (used Vette or Jaesa exclusively from Tat onward). He was a wee bit undergeared, as you can imagine, but his healing was enough to let me tackle 2-3 packs of silvers/normals before I had to stop and heal. I was able to solo everything save the 2+ heroic on Ilum, and over the course of the past week, things have just gotten easier as Quinn has gotten stronger. Now I rarely need to heal between fights, and a pair of silvers may cause me to pop my armor adrenal on a bad day, but only if I'm feeling generous.


Now that I've spent some time getting upgrades for Vette and Jaesa, I've started bringing them out again. Taking out a pair of level 50 golds isn't a problem for me. I have to blow Saber Ward and my medpac, but aside from that, the damage Vette and Jaesa can put out really helps to tear down mobs fast.


If Juggs/Guards need anything, it's better aoe threat. Sweeping Strike/Slash could use a threat modifier on it. Would be nice if Soresu also returned a % of incoming ranged damage. Not a lot, maybe just 5-10%, enough to keep heal aggro without having Jugg and Guardian tanks play whack-a-mole with distantly spread ranged attackers.


But aside from that, when played correctly and equipped with at-level custom gear, Juggs and Guards do very well.


edit: I *would* like to see a bit of anti-caster given to the Juggs and Guardians. I suggest a passive, learned when you take the AC and therefore exclusive to Jugg/Guard, that is attached to Force Scream and Blade Storm that increases cast time of casted/channeled abilities by 20%. So a 1.5s spell would cast in 1.8s instead. A 2.5s cast time would take 3s instead. Make it last 15 seconds, so just as long as the CD of an untalented Storm/Scream. Call it "Deafened" and "Stormed" and make it an unremovable physical debuff, so it can't be cleansed in any way. One Guardian could keep one caster debuffed full time. Make the requisite bosses in hard mode and ops immune to the debuff and call it a day. Balance the % debuff up or down as need dictates.

Edited by Quor
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I'm almost level 44. I posted a topic similar to this calling for some help from BW.


I don't WANT to use the healer companion just to level. I'm playing SW:TOR but leveling feels more like Ninja Gaiden Black. Perfect 100% executed chain of abilities or I die. BW said our choices should mean something. Not "if you don't choose the healer companion you can't cap out." as a choice.


I also love having to wait between most pulls so my CDs are ready.


On a side note, I have a close level Sorc and Powertech in my guild and they swat everything in front of them with no effort.


That's fair right?


Also I do tons of pvp and we are relatively okay there. But pvp is pretty much a buggy and un-functional CC fest. CC > Class Balance.


I don't WANT to use the healer companion just to level.


I was going to ask if you all were using a healer companion but it seems you are going tank/dps or dps/dps and expecting to take out packs of mobs.


Maybe the game is balanced around dps/tank using the healer companion and the healers using the tank/dps companion.......

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