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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm pleased to announce I now have 12 level 60's. Server first.


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I don't want to be anything like him. But I see he's doing it just for fun. It is a bit annoying though.


EVERYONE wants to be him!!!*




*"everyone" may exclude Sarfux, who is in a class of his own and is the only living person who doesn't want to be like Sir Copperfield


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Copperfield, this is your psychiatrist again. Remember what we talked about some time ago when you went on your last call for attention? This isn't healthy. You promised me you would stay way from online forums. Let us discuss more on this at my offices tonight shall we? I can perhaps understand more of why you continue to do this and lie about things that are a fantasy in your head.


Hmm, it seems as though we are never through. Come speak to me privately. I have arranged a full 3 hours JUST for you! Tell me all about it. You can always call the 800 number to.


P.S. Don't forget to take your pills! They are good for you! :)



Your caring Psychiatrist :o

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This year keeps getting better and better. When I texted my friends my new year's message that 2015 will be epic, I had no idea how epic it would really be.


Sir Copperfield, The Dear announcing that he is here to stay is the best news ever. I admit that I was worried having not read from him for such a long time. Now I know that my fears were unnecessary. He spent his valuable time with the only thing that matters: playing Swtor properly. How could I have doubted him. Shame on me.


Respect where respect is due!

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Someone this awesome cannot possibly be a mere man.


It's time to come out from behind your male persona and admit that you're actually a woman.


All hail Dame Copperfield, not only a Gaming Legend, but proof positive that women make the best gamers ! !

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oh, you poor dear. you poor poor, deluded dear.


only 12 60ties? and it took you THIS long.


you are slipping, dear sir.


That's it? Get 22 to level 60 and come back later with something of importance. :D


I know someone who has done that weeks ago :D

Edited by Jeweledleah
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There are many out there with 22 60s now.. if you forbade gearing right away you coulda had all 22 in my guess.. 2 weeks easy, less if you play more.. (roughly 3 hours per toon from 55-60).. but.. most with 22 were gearing mains right away, as well as leveling crew skills and such..


But yea for realz.. 12 60s is not a bragging point so.. let's take you back to your corner and get you back on Hello Kitty Donut Muffins so you can play a game more your speed...

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WTH does the OP saying?

I have 9 60s, master crafter, all datacrons, achieve number 36k+, 70+mill overall

and im semi-casual player :eek::eek::eek:


not to mention that are ppl with 22 60s already


And OP? server 1st can only be sure for it is for the achievements,

Edited by Kissakias
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