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12 x XP for class-missions


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I love this game. BUT


After quitting in mid 2012. I came back to the game January 22, 2015. As of 03/02/2015... About 40 days later, I am a level 60 Mercenary. I have to work a MINIMUM of 30 hours per week. I have to take care of three kids and a wife.

I DO NOT AND WILL NOT have the TIME to level up another character to 60. I JUST DON'T HAVE THE TIME.


I used RESTED XP. 25%Major XP boost AT ALL TIMES. and it took 5 weeks worth of 4+ hours a day to get here to 60.


I would be willing to pay a decent amount of cash to get something BETTER THAN A MEDIOCRE 25%XP BOOSTS that only applies to NPC'S killed. All of this Warzone boost/exploration boost/ etc* is something I dont like.


WOW has Level 80 or 90 characters for $60!!!!!!!!!!!!! JUMP ON THE BALL ERIC!


I have spent about $80 in CartelCoins. $30 in Subscription for two months and $20 for Shadow Of Revan.

Give us something better than a 25%xp boost! PLEASE!

Edited by hiddenpookie
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IMO, it's not that one is "valid" and the other is not. It's more that one is a way to bypass the side planet quests and the other is a demand for a "light speed, easy mode" way to level, a way to avoid the minimal effort of leveling.




Well if honesty goes a long way let me first say NOTHING in this game on solo side is "difficult" so there is no desire for "easy mode." Now the leveling doesn't particularly bother me, I have 4 level 60s and have really only been playing this game since last year. That said there are A LOT of people who want to play through on every class in both factions to just see the class stories. In that case it is not a matter of "easy" or "difficult" but tedium.


The side quests are also rather unrealistic and from a story perspective stretch my suspension of disbelief. Especially on my Commando and Operative I get Class Quests that read


"If you do not leave IMMEDIATELY to intercept Mr. X and check point Bravo and succeed the Republic/Empire mission on this planet is DOOMED!!!!".


I then start moving out and talk to a side quest giver. What do they say?


"Thank the Maker you are here. If we do not get you to assist us with this operation IMMEDIATELY..." and the operation is never in a direct line with my primary mission "...the Republic/Empire mission on this world is DOOMED!!!!"


Irl you would tell the second quest given "I am sorry Sir, but I already have a vital mission under the direct orders of General Garza (or the Minister of Intelligence) and that takes priority" but if you say this for every side quest you can't level.


I think the way you do with other games. Tbh most MMOs now are NOT about the story at all, they are about getting to end game and then beating the hell out of end game content. SWTOR is a throw back where the story is a major focus and A LOT of players are here for that. Now I am an end game kinda guy. I ended up with 4 60's to see what class really "captured" me and I have settled on one, however I recognize there are all of those story driven players. So I asked myself "yeah there will be some end game players that take advantage of story only leveling, if it is implemented for the story players, to level alts BUT will this negatively effect my game play?" I had to answer no. The only reason I could come up with to justify being against the change was "I had to do all those side quests to level my 4 toons so they should have to do the same.". That simply doesn't cut it as a valid reason imo.

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Eh, just add in a "Boost to level 50" item that also gives you green lvl 50 gear for about £30 / 7500 cartel coins and be done with it. then you can do all the class quests at max level and feel really OP (which can be fun) and jump into level 50+ dungeons. Sure you'll lose all the benefits of leveling up normally but nothing that time put in can't fix.

Or make the 12x exp to class quests a character perk and not account wide. And expensive so people would have to really consider if they want it or not.

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I don't get all these people who are so terrified of 12 XP getting added. It seems like they're doing it purely out of spite.


Also so what if people want an insanely easy way to level up, even if that was their intention. What does it matter to you? Why do you care? It sounds like pointless ************.

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How does it damage the game for anyone? It changes NOTHING for people who do not have 12x legacy. Their experience would be 100% identical to the experience they have now, and if they don't like it at least they would have the option of buying the 12xXP boost. If you are admitting that not having 12xXP is a worse experience, then why are you arguing to keep a worse experience in SWTOR?


IMO it is this hard-headed adherence to an old school MMO leveling experience that is causing a decline in the entire MMORPG genre. MMO developers need to get their players off the tedious treadmills if they want their games to be fun and attract a larger audience. It is a very small, masochistic minority of players who actually value the hardship of a slow, boring leveling experience, who see it as some right of passage or something. I just want the game to be fun to play, and repeating side missions and bonus objective grinding over and over again is not fun.


You are so selfish and entitled you refuse to see that this has been addressed, multiple times, and you continue to focus on just what you want.


- It increases social separation in the game. This creates an even more drastically tiered leveling experience.

- It overly rewards the 'haves'. Why do you get to skip content you think is onerous (the process of leveling up you want to go by at 12x the rate and at a significantly reduced time to achieve the 'end'... its not about 'skipping the planetary quests it's about skipping doing the time investment you have to make.. doesn't matter how you make it, be it PVP, KDY Runs, Etc, you want to be allowed to skip ALL of the time investment for leveling) while everyone else who doesn't meet your qualification still has to do this activity you dislike? What because you've done it before you shouldn't have to do it again?

- It further depopulates already depopulated lower level content, making the MMO experience even weaker for new players who, lacking life/people to interact with, etc are less likely to be 'attached' to the game and stay on as subscribers/preferred players and this means a shrinking player base that likely accelerates its depopulation to the eventual end of the game where it may stagnate for years with minimal investment from EA while they take the money of the diehards but do little else.

- It creates a very easily exploitable method to make and play FOTM classes, damaging the end game experience for _everyone_. At least now there is a somewhat tedious investment to rush a FOTM class to the end game. Adding 12X exp removes that/significantly reduces that.




Multiple arguments and information has been provided to you to show how what you think is a tiny thing that wouldn't affect other players DOES have an effect on them.


This is not a 'tiny little thing' This is a request to be allowed to Zoom through the process at a greatly accelerated rate while skipping ALL types of content but one because you don't believe you should have to do anything but exactly what you want.


You'll accept no compromises or restrictions.


If a character who benefits from 12X is made a credit sink/black hole AND restricted from performing ANY end game content (EG, No WZ's, No FP's/OPS but the ones that are part of the storyline and then, only as part of the storyline, nothing else, no repeats, etc..) and anything equipped by the character becomes permanently bound to them... then maybe it will be acceptable. But even then not really because you again, take the MMO out of the MMO. Its not supposed to be a single player experience. Some things are made doable by a single player so that you never have to group just to perform a personal quest/storyline, But the heart and soul of the game is that it is supposed to be a multiplayer game.


You want to take an MMO and turn it into an MMO with a single player option that is far better than the MMO option and all because you feel entitled to do this because you've done content before and don't feel like grinding to see other stories. You want a huge benefit, a benefit you will restrict from others, just because you think you deserve it.


The very essence of the only argument ever put forth always comes down to this. Its not about improving the game for _everyone_ its about improving the game for yourself and anyone who happens to meet the same standard of arbitrary gateways you establish, but that is only an incidental 'perk' to your idea. At its basest it is about just YOU.


There are too many drawbacks to this idea that benefits one class of players and rewards them disproportionately to all other players.


Leveling is already significantly easier in SWTOR than other MMO's. Its even easier now than when it was released. Doing KDY only one time a day for conquest points, and WZ's daily to either meet the daily/weekly for conquest points or a few extras to make sure my valour level equals my experience level and I was level 50 before hitting Hoth. If you do nothing but KDY you can make the levels fly by. Add to this all the ways added since launch to increase your rate of experience gain. EXP Boosts, 10% from a Guild, legacy Leveling boosts that you can buy for specific categories of play, etc. If I actually used these I would have been 50 well in advance of Hoth.


Its already fast but you seem to think you are entitled to it to be faster, ignoring the damage all these other things have already done to the game experience for a 'new' player. Nope, damn all that, lets just make it even worse because I am too lazy, too self important and too overwhelmed with my sense of entitlement to even recognize that receiving a bonus DOES affect other players who are not receiving the same bonus and whose ability to earn the bonus is diminished in many ways because the pool of available players necessary to go through the content has been reduced...


You can very easily level to 50, and then go back and do your class stories uninterrupted. Just run KDY, space Rails missions, and if you are the type to enjoy it WZ's or GSF. Use the experience boosters already available and you'll be 50 very quickly. Its still damaging to the game and the experience of other players on this MMO, but at least its not a lightspeed easy mode that is even WORSE than the present problems.

Edited by EnkiduNineEight
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After 8 times through the old planets(up to oricon)and 3 through the new stuff... all I gotta say is TAKE MY MONEY. The thought of a char leveled with a 12x boost being locked out from pretty much everything is the most asinine thing I have ever heard!
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You'd think EnkiduNineEight had some kind of personal stake in what everyone else enjoys/dislikes about SWTOR.


Sure likes throwing around the word "entitled" a lot. Either due to a complete lack of income and some kind of class-hatred, or is himself the true definition of entitled and too blind to see it. We'll get you the help you need, Enkidu. In the form of a 12xXP boost. :D

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I don't get all these people who are so terrified of 12 XP getting added. It seems like they're doing it purely out of spite.


Also so what if people want an insanely easy way to level up, even if that was their intention. What does it matter to you? Why do you care? It sounds like pointless ************.

x12 XP pushes SWTOR even further from being an MMO. the game becomes more of a twitchy FPS in a theme park. we all jump on a ride and sit next too each other doing the same content over and over again. the outcome never changes no matter what our actions and decisions may be.


MMOs are about exploring areas, grouping for difficult missions, large number of players interacting with each other and the virtual world. completing missions, killing NPC's, PvP and PvE content add to a characters experience and thus a higher level can be obtained.


I understand the x12 xp backers have with the story argument. but there are other ways to obtain that uninterrupted story mission series in SWTOR already. no change to XP gains is required.


since beta we have had complaints about end game content. PvE Operations are on farm soon after release. PvP is on farm once a new season drops to live. most are frustrated at the lack of content for end game play. that hunger never goes away. so getting to max level quicker really doesn't solve an issue, it creates a larger problem for game developers.


players have rolled multiple characters for different FotM builds for PvE and PvP depending on what is the most powerful this week/month. this is where x12 XP would be a boon for players. BUT, when everyone is running the same build of FotM classes, it stagnates gameplay. current Operations and WZ on farm can become even easier and more boring. devs react by making operations harder and nerfing classes. even going as far as changing the core classes of the game and their play style.


long term x12 XP would make the game boring and the player base would leave the game since it would no longer hold their attention.


this is the current trend in gamers though. the me, me, me, right now generation. they cry until their eyes bleed, pitch fits just to get noticed. they cant back up their arguments, cant show sources to backup their commentary, and they think they are more important than you. they deserve everything in game right from the start. leveling a character through normal game play is beneath them. they take without giving back. there's no sense of pride or accomplishment when they achieve a level in game or goal in life. I call them democrats. vamps, sucking everything good in a game, dry.


there have been more examples of how x12 XP bonus would affect SWTOR in previous posts. if you really care about x12 XP, I recommend reading them so you "x12 XP supporters" would stop sounding like the children you truly are. Because its very obvious you have not even thought about the implementations of how x12 XP will damage the game long term. We have explained it and given many examples in previous posts on this very thread.


take your time and enjoy the ride. there is no rush to the end. you'll just be disappointed anyways.


Shall I go back to Trolling you all again?? I'm not even close to my record of deleted posts in 1 thread, yet :rak_01:

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Multiple arguments and information has been provided to you to show how what you think is a tiny thing that wouldn't affect other players DOES have an effect on them.


I read your list of reasons. I think most of your reasoning is flawed or exaggerated. But more importantly, I don't care to be honest. You're right, I am selfish. Because it's a video game, and video games are an inherently selfish activity. A video game is no good to me if I don't think it's fun to play.


All I can say is I'm not currently playing or subscribing to SWTOR because leveling new characters is a little grindy and too repetitive. If it was not, I would be subscribed. It's as simple as that. It is then up to Bioware to decide if attracting more players to SWTOR and allowing more people to experience their story content is worth the risk of these potential maybe/could be threats to the status quo.


You'll accept no compromises or restrictions.


Of course I would accept compromises. It doesn't have to be 12xXP, it could be 10xXP, or maybe even 5xXP would be enough. It doesn't have to be a permanent Legacy unlock. A Cartel Market consumable that gives a 10xXP boost to class story missions might work. Even just an overall reduction on the XP requirement to level from 1-50 might do the trick. There are plenty of ways Bioware can go about this to achieve the same result.


You want to take an MMO and turn it into an MMO with a single player option that is far better than the MMO option and all because you feel entitled to do this because you've done content before and don't feel like grinding to see other stories.


Frankly, SWTOR has always been a single player game with some multiplayer elements added on. Most class story instances can't even be done with group members. Bioware is after all one of the best single player RPG developers, so it's no surprise that SWTOR has a strong solo story-driven experience.


The very essence of the only argument ever put forth always comes down to this. Its not about improving the game for _everyone_ its about improving the game for yourself and anyone who happens to meet the same standard of arbitrary gateways you establish, but that is only an incidental 'perk' to your idea. At its basest it is about just YOU.


Actually I want this benefit for everyone. I would have no problem with 12xXP boosts being available to anyone, even brand new players. In fact, that would be better. It would attract more people to SWTOR, including people who have never played it before. The more people this is available to the better, IMO.


Leveling is already significantly easier in SWTOR than other MMO's. Its even easier now than when it was released. Doing KDY only one time a day for conquest points, and WZ's daily to either meet the daily/weekly for conquest points or a few extras to make sure my valour level equals my experience level and I was level 50 before hitting Hoth. If you do nothing but KDY you can make the levels fly by.


Still you miss the point. I do not want the levels to "fly by." I do not care how long it takes, I just want to get there doing enjoyable content. I have zero interest in doing KDY or WZs, and you suggest that I do them repetitively, over and over, every day? You could not have made my point for me more perfectly. This is the whole problem I have with the game. "Leveling is easy, just repeat this one boring activity over and over and over again!" No.


x12 XP pushes SWTOR even further from being an MMO.


Good. Nothing could be healthier for an MMO these days than to make it less like every other MMO.

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long term x12 XP would make the game boring and the player base would leave the game since it would no longer hold their attention.


there have been more examples of how x12 XP bonus would affect SWTOR in previous posts. if you really care about x12 XP, I recommend reading them so you "x12 XP supporters" would stop sounding like the children you truly are. Because its very obvious you have not even thought about the implementations of how x12 XP will damage the game long term. We have explained it and given many examples in previous posts on this very thread.



It's not like these "examples" have any proof behind them, it's just speculation. You're the only one who sounds like a kid here, dude. Both sides, admittedly, keep making claims that have no proof. Acting like the sky is about to plummet and SWTOR will shut down, claiming they'll leave if it's added or won't come back until it is. All compelling arguments are ruined by **** flinging, on top of that.

Edited by Limitsky
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My problem with 12xexp has always been it basically removes the mmo game bioware created

Sure you can speed level solely doing class missions- which after the first 12xexp- I still ended up space barring through everything and the game becomes even more of a single player game


Also, for new players - 12xexp destroys lowbie flashpoints and the "life" on planets for that part of the game which was supposed to be the draw in the first place- and teaches new players the ins and outs

Level 60 essentially becomes level 1- and the volume of max level players who don't know what they are doing increases immensely; max level players who don't know how to play in group content, can't fund their characters, and get bored much faster than if they leveled at a more steady pace


I guess what I am trying to get at is that bioware, by implementing 12xexp, is killing their initial game in order to keep the current incarnation (tactical fp, cmarket, slot/no slot, etc) afloat for a little while longer

Edited by Daxy
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Thing is there is a demand for faster levelling through Story/Planet progression. So yeah I think Bioware should implement some way of earning XP without spamming KDY or doing WZ.


I think however that 12x XP is too much though. I could see how something like 6x XP could work. It would allow players to skip some content they don't want to do for whatever reason, without being forced to run KDY or WZs


Another thing they could do is redesign all low lvl Flashpoints to be Tactical. Not like KDY, but like Esseles or Black Talon (i.e. with a level requirement). Currently the wait times on anything but KDY are ridiciously long when you're listing yourself as a DPS. I don't know about Healers, since I don't like playing them, but considering how I never have to wait longer than a couple of seconds when I list myself as a tank there are propably more healers than tanks.


To elevate the lack of tanks during leveling they could also buff tank leveling. Especially since 3.0 hit with the super strong silvers it can be painful. You know something is wrong when I open a thread asking for some advice regarding Assassin Darkness leveling and among the replies I get told that my first mistake was leveling as a tank.

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It's not like these "examples" have any proof behind them, it's just speculation. You're the only one who sounds like a kid here, dude. Both sides, admittedly, keep making claims that have no proof. Acting like the sky is about to plummet and SWTOR will shut down, claiming they'll leave if it's added or won't come back until it is. All compelling arguments are ruined by **** flinging, on top of that.




we already observed the back blast with the x12 XP. it brought in a few new players since it was quick to lvl up. but they did not understand how to play their class. end game content suffered. less pugs formed since many grouped with known seasoned players. players complained more of the lack of end game content.


now we have players begging for x12 XP on class missions as an option.

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Thing is there is a demand for faster levelling through Story/Planet progression. So yeah I think Bioware should implement some way of earning XP without spamming KDY or doing WZ.


I think however that 12x XP is too much though. I could see how something like 6x XP could work. It would allow players to skip some content they don't want to do for whatever reason, without being forced to run KDY or WZs


I agree. I didn't play with 12x XP so I don't know how fast that was, but it sounds like a lot. The current legacy unlocks give I think a total of 60% increase to class story XP, which is just 1.6x. So 12x is a humongous jump.


I also like the idea of it being a Cartel Market consumable item rather than a legacy perk. This has several benefits -- first, you can have it on or off as you please instead of it being on 100% of the time. If a player does decide to do some Flashpoints or something, they can stop using the XP boost to avoid outleveling their story missions. Secondly, it would be accessible to anyone, not just those who have high level characters and millions of credits. And third, it would be a good money maker on the market for Bioware/SWTOR, which benefits the game overall.

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we already observed the back blast with the x12 XP. it brought in a few new players since it was quick to lvl up. but they did not understand how to play their class. end game content suffered. less pugs formed since many grouped with known seasoned players. players complained more of the lack of end game content.


now we have players begging for x12 XP on class missions as an option.


Eh, as someone who does progression raiding and does pugs somewhat 12xp didn't really effect player skill that much. The real culprit is the leveling process itself which is faceroll easy with few uses of interrupts and nothing about tanking or healing. What 12xp brought was a lot of people wearing the most basic gear 156. Ironically people had been so used to face rolling the Ops in 180 gear that they forgot to play it at the recommended level of gear. So things like Corruptors on Draxus started to hit people hard as it was usually ignored to interrupt them with overgearing. In my experience pug runs remained same frequency due to large reward for easy gain. It did bring out a lot of people who had never done the Ops before which was fun.

Thus, as stated above imho 12xp had no effect on the skill quality as the game does a bad job of teaching things which is also hampered by learning abilities at every level making rotations for early level stuff a guessing game at best. Most who want to get better learn from guides and playing lower level ops before progressing into higher. While not a priority, if BW gave me us 12xp or boast to endgame I would totes getting around to making my Sin tank instead of just having a shadow on pub side :p . But I digress as BW will only due it of it is profitable to them.


TLDR: Lack of training in leveling is far worse than 12xp in affecting player quality as whether they rush through or not most still haven't been challenged to play their class especially in tanking and knowing a rotation. Baddies will bad and have bad since launch and will bad till the end. 12xp will only be implemented if it makes them more money than less.

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I am ofc for either 12er or for story replay. Either would do.


Just from that example it is visible that I don't care about iWin button. I really don't. I just play a story for a month or so, then take a break. No biggie. But I do understand that most in their subconscious don't actually want it because of story, but because of iWin. Because, let's face it:


A run of KDY nets you 70k xp on avg without any boosts on a pref account(I should know-I measured it!). Now, let's take every possible boost and progressively boost the xp.


1. +25% XP(subscription): 70*1,25 = +17,500k XP = 87,5k XP

2. +25% XP(3hour Supplementary XP boost) = 87,5+17,5 = 105k XP

3. Reward for finishing the FP: 10k

4. With boosts: 15k

5. 105 +15 = 120k

6. Rested xp gives about 20k on avg

7. 120 + 20 = 140k

8. 30k for daily

9. Daily with buffs: 45k

10. And additional 10% from Guild = 200k

11. +30% xp from legacy = +40k xp = 240k XP


Is 240k XP/30minutes supposed to be slow??? I mean those are THREE levels around Tatooine. And that is without anything else. If we factor Space Missions and story XP, you'll fly right over XP barrier and risk gray quests...


So, why do we need faster again? I mean, I am all for "play it your way", but it's fast enough as is. Do I think that prefs should be able to buy 12er? Of course! It just ties so nicely into the "play it your way" philosophy. But am I for this? Yes, because of story. Do I think it is necessary? No I don't.


I think that numbers speak for themselves, wouldn't you agree?

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How does it damage the game for anyone? It changes NOTHING for people who do not have 12x legacy. Their experience would be 100% identical to the experience they have now, and if they don't like it at least they would have the option of buying the 12xXP boost. If you are admitting that not having 12xXP is a worse experience, then why are you arguing to keep a worse experience in SWTOR?





It's not that a lack of 12XP in the game is a 'worse experience". It's that adding 12XP boosts to cater to those with an aversion to the minimal effort of actually leveling that new character would be detrimental to the game as a whole, specifically for those who choose not to pay for the "light speed, easy mode" leveling.


When you have all the players on an even playing field (or as close to an even playing field as possible when considering that F2P and preferred gain XP at a lower rate then subscribers) there is a larger pool of players queuing for FP's, WZ's, etc. If you were to add the "light speed, easy mode" leveling route of a 12XP boost, then anyone who chose not to pay to get that "light speed, easy mode" leveling is now penalized for not purchasing that "light speed, easy mode" leveling. Those players who choose to purchase the "light speed, easy mode" leveling will not be queuing for FP's, WZ's etc. resulting in fewer players queuing for FP's, WZ's etc. This leads to longer queues for those who choose not to spend their money on "light speed, easy mode" leveling.


This is only one of the ways that catering to some players aversion to effort can be detrimental to the game as a whole.

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I love this game. BUT


After quitting in mid 2012. I came back to the game January 22, 2015. As of 03/02/2015... About 40 days later, I am a level 60 Mercenary. I have to work a MINIMUM of 30 hours per week. I have to take care of three kids and a wife.

I DO NOT AND WILL NOT have the TIME to level up another character to 60. I JUST DON'T HAVE THE TIME.


I used RESTED XP. 25%Major XP boost AT ALL TIMES. and it took 5 weeks worth of 4+ hours a day to get here to 60.


I would be willing to pay a decent amount of cash to get something BETTER THAN A MEDIOCRE 25%XP BOOSTS that only applies to NPC'S killed. All of this Warzone boost/exploration boost/ etc* is something I dont like.


WOW has Level 80 or 90 characters for $60!!!!!!!!!!!!! JUMP ON THE BALL ERIC!


I have spent about $80 in CartelCoins. $30 in Subscription for two months and $20 for Shadow Of Revan.

Give us something better than a 25%xp boost! PLEASE!


That sounds to me like a load of horse dung.


First of all, EVERYONE has the time to level a new character IF they want a new character. There is no time limit on how long a player has to reach max level with that new character. BW will not be auto deleting that new character if it's not at max level within two days or two weeks. A player may not be able to have that new character at max level within a week if they have other obligations on their time, but they DO have the time to level that new character, IF they choose to do so.


Secondly, are you saying that it took you over 140 (5 weeks at 4+ hours a day=5*7*4) hours of playtime WITH rested XP AND 25% XP boosts to level that character to 60? I find that very hard to believe if you were spending your time actively leveling that character.

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You do realize that forum members and posters are actually far less of a number than actual players in game. This 90% shows how quick others are to jump to conclusions and make wild assumptions when others disagree with their view yet back it up with facts and include sources to cement the argument.


It does not cost millions to level up alts. Did you sell all your level up gear on main and its companions?

LEGAY GEAR. I have sets waiting to be used for the lvl up process. It doesn't need to be BiS. Just trash to get you along if you want the slow grind and do missions. Though if you watched the source video I provided, you'll realise you have no need for gear on the leveling character. The 60 is doing the work.


Open your eyes and see the bigger picture. Not the tunnel you live your life in.






My source is meaningless? How?


Get a 60 buddy and have him carry you through all the planetary missions, only just until you are able to enter and start the next planet missions. It's the Turn In reward XP you're after. Your character doesn't need gear. All you do is grab missions and turn them in when completed. Working like this and you're able to blast through planets and XP in no time. The source video I linked explains this. They leveled up 3 toons in a weekend. It still works today. 9 hours, that's it.


Don't say a source is meaningless when you don't even view the source material. :rolleyes:


Just because some of us took. Time to grind out multiple end game toons doesn't mean you need too as fast as possible. 22 toons on 1 server, 5 on another and 2 on yet one more. Not all are max level but those mains I use most often are leveled up. During the process it gets me away from the regular crowd and meeting new players. Helping others. Actually experiencing the game on a different level than end game content cycle be it PvP or PvE.



I stand by my statement, WE do not need x12 XP boosts. WE already level up faster than class missions alone. These are facts. Not opinions





Your stuff is nothing but Opinions at most, and we DO NOT lvl too fast the way things are right now, an Yes a Lot of ppl, if not Most ppl spent Millions of creds to gear each alt to keep up with 12X, not an Opinion, but Fact. What drugs are you on.


What the hell is this about getting a lvl 60 helping a person out to get to 50 or 55? First off there were No lvl 60s during the the 12X special. Secondly at least 90% of ppl didn't have a lvl 55 friend to help grind a friend to lvl 55.

3rd this stupid 9hrs lvl 1 -55 is just bs, made up, even if they made a video of it. How many ppl could really do that??


Only a few at most , and when i say few, i mean at most 10 ppl per server.


Ppl really don't have a right to complain about 12X, as the Devs would obviously make it an ON or OFF swtitch, and it seems very Obvious now that ppl would have to go through the cartel Market to buy any 12X or any other XP buffs that we already have.


Those ppl that don't want, or need 12X like I do need to shut up, as 12X would not have anything to do with the Complainers, as Obviously they would not get the 12X buff, or any other kind of XP buffs. I put my REAL FACTS about my Severe Arthritis, CTS and other things make regular gains in Xp impossible. A Lot more ppl have Health issues like i do to and can't lvl the regular way either, if any1 says they have the same health Problems i do and say thay can lvl the regular way, They would not only Liars, but also wouldn't have those health problems either.


12X xp has NOTHING to do with players that are complaining against it, as they it Would be Each Persons decision to get 12X or not. Therefore the Complaints against 12X are really Meaningless.


I Grinded the Old fashioned way, and Now i can't do that junk anymore. So ppl can't say i didn't ever do any real Grinding because it would be a Lie and False.


Again 12X, if ever implemented would be the Persons decision, it would Not Forced on every1.

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Your stuff is nothing but Opinions at most, and we DO NOT lvl too fast the way things are right now, an Yes a Lot of ppl, if not Most ppl spent Millions of creds to gear each alt to keep up with 12X, not an Opinion, but Fact. What drugs are you on.


What the hell is this about getting a lvl 60 helping a person out to get to 50 or 55? First off there were No lvl 60s during the the 12X special. Secondly at least 90% of ppl didn't have a lvl 55 friend to help grind a friend to lvl 55.

3rd this stupid 9hrs lvl 1 -55 is just bs, made up, even if they made a video of it. How many ppl could really do that??


Only a few at most , and when i say few, i mean at most 10 ppl per server.


Ppl really don't have a right to complain about 12X, as the Devs would obviously make it an ON or OFF swtitch, and it seems very Obvious now that ppl would have to go through the cartel Market to buy any 12X or any other XP buffs that we already have.


Those ppl that don't want, or need 12X like I do need to shut up, as 12X would not have anything to do with the Complainers, as Obviously they would not get the 12X buff, or any other kind of XP buffs. I put my REAL FACTS about my Severe Arthritis, CTS and other things make regular gains in Xp impossible. A Lot more ppl have Health issues like i do to and can't lvl the regular way either, if any1 says they have the same health Problems i do and say thay can lvl the regular way, They would not only Liars, but also wouldn't have those health problems either.


12X xp has NOTHING to do with players that are complaining against it, as they it Would be Each Persons decision to get 12X or not. Therefore the Complaints against 12X are really Meaningless.


I Grinded the Old fashioned way, and Now i can't do that junk anymore. So ppl can't say i didn't ever do any real Grinding because it would be a Lie and False.


Again 12X, if ever implemented would be the Persons decision, it would Not Forced on every1.


While I sympathize with your health problems, I will also say that they do NOT prevent you from leveling new characters and experiencing new story lines.


First, as has been stated before, you are under NO time constraints to level that new character or experience that new story. If playing for an extended time causes you too much discomfort, then you can always play for shorter time periods with longer breaks in between to take some time away from the game. You WILL be able to experience those new stories and level those new characters in time.


Second, if you are capable of playing for longer stretches of time if you are doing OP's, FP's, etc on your max level characters, then I ask what the difference is between playing for 3 or 4 hours doing OP's on a level 60 and playing for 3 or 4 hours leveling a new character to experience that story line? Why are you capable of playing for 3 or 4 hours doing OP's on a level 60 with your health problems, but not able to play for 3 or 4 hours to experience that new story line?

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I am ofc for either 12er or for story replay. Either would do.


Just from that example it is visible that I don't care about iWin button. I really don't. I just play a story for a month or so, then take a break. No biggie. But I do understand that most in their subconscious don't actually want it because of story, but because of iWin. Because, let's face it:


A run of KDY nets you 70k xp on avg without any boosts on a pref account(I should know-I measured it!). Now, let's take every possible boost and progressively boost the xp.


More of the same B S from the anti-12s. Let's break it down:

1) Despite what we all say, these anti-12 constantly tell us we're lying or too stupid to know what we really want. Classic strawman fallacy. "You say it's a story issue but I am omniscient and I know you really want an easy run to 60 so let me attack that."

2) Oh you don't want to grind side quests because you've done them so many times? No problem:

a) grind KDY multiple times every day because that's not the EXACT SAME ISSUE as grinding side quest multiple time.

b) grind FPs because you should ignore our complaints that it takes forever for a queue to pop. Do this multiple times per day.

c) grind WZs because if you don't want to do PvP then you're not really serious are you? Do this multiple times a day.

3) Do this combination of xp boost and wait for 2x weekend and join a 10% guild and buy all of the legacy xp boosts. Oh and that is not at all something we complain about when it comes to increasing XP because it is different from a single 12xclass up through Corellia boost.

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More of the same B S from the anti-12s. Let's break it down:

1) Despite what we all say, these anti-12 constantly tell us we're lying or too stupid to know what we really want. Classic strawman fallacy. "You say it's a story issue but I am omniscient and I know you really want an easy run to 60 so let me attack that."

2) Oh you don't want to grind side quests because you've done them so many times? No problem:

a) grind KDY multiple times every day because that's not the EXACT SAME ISSUE as grinding side quest multiple time.

b) grind FPs because you should ignore our complaints that it takes forever for a queue to pop. Do this multiple times per day.

c) grind WZs because if you don't want to do PvP then you're not really serious are you? Do this multiple times a day.

3) Do this combination of xp boost and wait for 2x weekend and join a 10% guild and buy all of the legacy xp boosts. Oh and that is not at all something we complain about when it comes to increasing XP because it is different from a single 12xclass up through Corellia boost.


That wasn't aimed at you ellie. I know that you and select few actually do want it because of story reasons. I am there with you because don't forget that There's nothing I'd like more than to just play the story. That's exactly why I ask for either story replay or 12er(the same goal via different means).


What I was on about is that you shouldn't trust your like minded people blindly. Often they are like minded because of different reasons than you are. Choose your sycophants wisely ;) .

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I am currently unsubscribed and I don't feel like subscribing simply because I am not here for end-game content. I am here for the story. I loved both KOTOR games and I love SWTOR story. But I can't enjoy it because of the grind, simple as that.


What I would propose is legacy unlock (with legacy level 10 requirement) for 60$: story line mode. With this unlock, when you create new characters, you can choose "story mode": you will be instantly level up to level 60 with appropriate gear and 1m credits. However, you will have all end game content, all multi-player content and ability to sent mail to other players/characters blocked forever for that character. This way, people who dislike MMOs in general and their grind but love SWTOR storyline(s) (like me) can now create infinite amount of characters, allowing to replay the storyline (but making different choices, different genders, etc) while not disturbing anything for the normal MMO players.


This solution is both win for us, for you and for EA (more money, $60).

Edited by Oiccrene
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