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Everything posted by MidnightMadness

  1. Yeah there are companion flavor quests and storylines to pursue. Sounds like you should spend more time playing and less time worrying about other players' leveling speed.
  2. You're wasting your time trying to refute the anti-12xXpers. They have some apocalyptic view of empty Tythons and Ord Mantells (and who really cares honestly). It didn't happen with the last 12xXP offering and it probably will not again. Nevermind what other players want, the e-circle of angst (people like Liquor and Enkidu) are going to spout off weak dribble like calling people entitled or lazy. Pay them no mind. They're the fearful few.
  3. You'd think EnkiduNineEight had some kind of personal stake in what everyone else enjoys/dislikes about SWTOR. Sure likes throwing around the word "entitled" a lot. Either due to a complete lack of income and some kind of class-hatred, or is himself the true definition of entitled and too blind to see it. We'll get you the help you need, Enkidu. In the form of a 12xXP boost.
  4. You keep coming back to this. You're making contradictory points. -> it's easy to level -> they just want a faster way to level. If leveling is so easy, do you really care if someone else achieves level 50 in 4 days instead of 7? is this going to drastically reduce your enjoyment of the game? You and your friends have this sort of doomsday-ish attitude that the heavens will fall if 12xXP ever becomes available again. It already was available for what...a month or more? SWTOR is still standing.
  5. Space Missions are lousy xp. Not everyone wants to PvP. What is he supposed to do while waiting for an FP to pop (takes a long time if DPS usually)? Thanks.
  6. Nice backwards leap. Seems you can't answer my question either. <3 ya.
  7. Talk about a leading question. Here's mine: Explain to us, Mister EnkiduNineEight when exactly you became the decision authority for a minor addition to the game which many players already found quite enjoyable?
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