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Loading screens - really??


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It's 2015. We've managed to put man on the moon. I think we can manage to remove the many loading screens that we have to endure in this game. They are not needed.

Incoming BS flame : - "it is your pc" , "your PC sux", "it is your internet", "your internet sux", "you need SSD to play swtor", "your HDD sux", "get a job and buy a new pc", "get a job and buy SSD"...

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If loading screens are not needed, I would love to hear when and how you plan on having the game load assets when changing between areas.


Same way the first mass effect did elaavators really long ones air locks work too by the way as a shuttle ride or haveing a door. That takes a long time to open.

Edited by Jrr_hypernova
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Same way the first mass effect did elaavators really long ones


While I'd actually pefer that to looking at a loading screen for reasons of immersion, I don't see much difference(unless BW would add thousands of new lines for our comps to say during that....yeah, that sounds likely)


Isn't WoW's world pretty much one big map, like in LotRO, where things can be loaded progressively? I don't see how this could work with TOR's planets.

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Same way the first mass effect did elaavators really long ones air locks work too by the way as a shuttle ride or haveing a door. That takes a long time to open.


"Am I the only one who misses those?"



There are only so many times we can hear the same conversations with companions, worse, one. Most people find a comp they like and only change for the kill count achieve.


ME allowed for two comps to travel with us, TOR has only one.


ME also had repeated news stories, and it got tiring to hear about Elkoss Combine having troubles, or how "After the events of Eden Prime, colony applications have dropped off until" blah blah blah "get proof it is safe again".

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Somehow Blizzard managed to do it 10 years ago. A wizard did it?


Just because blizzard did it doesn't in any way mean SWTOR or BW can pull it off. Blizzard built their own engine, BW did not.


Don't assume just because some other company can do it, they all can. Thats some silly thinking if you do.

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Just because blizzard did it doesn't in any way mean SWTOR or BW can pull it off. Blizzard built their own engine, BW did not.


Don't assume just because some other company can do it, they all can. Thats some silly thinking if you do.


The point is that it's technically and physically possible. It's obviously too late now to change anything, but BW chose to do it this way, and if someone doesn't like it then they're certainly within their rights to criticize them for it.

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Somehow Blizzard managed to do it 10 years ago. A wizard did it?


Blizzard uses loading screens for the exact same reason SWTOR does.

If you use your Hearthstone to travel or you travel to one of the other continents you get a loading screen. If you go into a Warzone, Raid, Dungeon... loading screen.

WoW just loads the assets while you normally walk around.


This is the exact same thing we have here. You get a loading screen when you travel to a drastically different part of the game (Warzone, Operation, Flashpoint, Different Planet).

But once you are on a planet, unless you enter a flashpoint or operation you don't see loading screens.

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Incoming BS flame : - "it is your pc" , "your PC sux", "it is your internet", "your internet sux", "you need SSD to play swtor", "your HDD sux", "get a job and buy a new pc", "get a job and buy SSD"...
why is any of this bs?


it's all 100% true.


this is like someone with a 1990 geo metro complaining that cars are too slow.

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Somehow Blizzard managed to do it 10 years ago. A wizard did it?
wow's graphics are so basic and simple and old, plus its the same experience except in wow you watch assets getting loaded while taking the 4 steps you miss in swtor.



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wow's graphics are so basic and simple and old, plus its the same experience except in wow you watch assets getting loaded while taking the 4 steps you miss in swtor.




My bad bro. I didn't realize it was 1996 again and we were acting like graphics defined whether a game was fun or not.

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If loading screens are not needed, I would love to hear when and how you plan on having the game load assets when changing between areas.


Well, to be fair it can be done, but it is done using "zones", where you zone in to an area as the assets load instead of a loadscreen.


There are more than a few MMOs that have done this, but certainly it is not without it's own issues.

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Blizzard uses loading screens for the exact same reason SWTOR does.

If you use your Hearthstone to travel or you travel to one of the other continents you get a loading screen. If you go into a Warzone, Raid, Dungeon... loading screen.

WoW just loads the assets while you normally walk around.


This is the exact same thing we have here. You get a loading screen when you travel to a drastically different part of the game (Warzone, Operation, Flashpoint, Different Planet).

But once you are on a planet, unless you enter a flashpoint or operation you don't see loading screens.


This right here. If SWTOR was all one planet it would act exactly like WoW, where it would load the next area's assets as you approach it. However, SWTOR is broken up by planets, and they can't assume what planet you're about to enter until you choose to go there. They might be able to get a bit smarter with starting to load your ship instance while you're in the hangar, or the planet you've flown to while on your ship. However, what would happen if you end up flying to different planets, you'd spin up a bunch of hard drive reads just to throw it away. You'd also be increasing the memory footprint by a good amount. It also wouldn't solve loading screens for things like the transporter terminals.


My bad bro. I didn't realize it was 1996 again and we were acting like graphics defined whether a game was fun or not.


Umm, they determine how long it takes to load it all...

Edited by MillionsKNives
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Loading screens are probably always going to be a thing until 32 bit is long dead. They have to design the client to work within a 2GB memory footprint because they don't want you to have to edit the OS settings to play the game on a 32 bit OS.


If the game was designed to work with a larger memory footprint like 8GB+ then they could just precache assets at will.

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Agreed OP. Come up with a graphic or animation of some sort (traveling through space?), not the cheesy loading screens.


time spend doing one thing, is time not spent doing something else.


A static image can be put up and left up with little or no resources. dynamic or animated screens take more resources that would other wise be used for loading/rendering the initial scene.

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time spend doing one thing, is time not spent doing something else.


A static image can be put up and left up with little or no resources. dynamic or animated screens take more resources that would other wise be used for loading/rendering the initial scene.


Yet they took the time to redo some of the planetary approach videos...let that guy do this job too. Not everything needs to be ignored because it takes someone some effort to do it...that's just silly to think that way.

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