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Ravagers Exploit Action Update


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Thanks BioWare for another day of bugged Ops :)


Indeed. It took two days worth of raiding to finally get Coratanni to go to the damn escape pod. She be a salty wench, eye, she is. In all seriousness though that is just crazy to me. We finally had one of our team do the wink coyly emote and she worked! I will not pretend to be a game designer or coder, or know what it takes to make and fix an operatons boss fight, so I'm not sure if saying I think it's unacceptable is realistic or not. Just as a player, I wish it worked right at least most of the time.


As to the dreaded exploit, I have not and will not present an opinion on the subject as it has all already been said. What I can say is: The way BW handled the new exploit of the Malapher the savage fight, where he was "nefra-able" was just right. Don't say a thing, and just go in a do a surgical strike as quick as possible, bada bing, shts fixed. No fuss no muss. Then mention it in the patch notes.


I've mentioned before that even though I'm 30 I am a father of two, and to see all the arguing that has gone on the past few weeks makes me wanna lock you guys in your rooms till you work it out, or NONE of you are going to disneyland!:) Anyway guys, instead of the arguing, we should try to work towards something I think most of us can agree on. (imo) That is getting the bugs at least from 3.0+ taken care of, and getting us a game we can depend on.


(yes I have lost most of my faith and confidence in BW since the xpac launched, but I figured I would try to stay hopeful just a bit longer, even though seeing this mess make folks like andrayah unsub is disturbing, even if we didn't always agree.)

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You're nine aren't you?


What makes you say that?


Some are calling for "justice" against "cheaters", you called for "cheaters" to be "made an example of".


I'm wondering what it is that people on the HAMMER THEM bandwagon actually are after.



Did you not actually read his post?


Indeed... I weep for the state of education, that the phrasing "for all we know..." isn't clear and simple in meaning to some people.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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What makes you say that?


Some are calling for "justice" against "cheaters", you called for "cheaters" to be "made an example of".


I'm wondering what it is that people on the HAMMER THEM bandwagon actually are after...


Zzzzzip. I would say "Excuse me while I whip out my penology," but I'm quite sure the moderators of this forum have to be approaching their last straw with respect to the constant innuendo.

Edited by Genghistwelve
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Zzzzzip. I would say "Excuse me while I whip out my penology," but I'm quite sure the moderators of this forum have to be approaching their last straw with respect to the constant innuendo.




Wait, did you think "HAMMER" referred to something other than "drop the hammer" or "hammer them with punishments"?

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I'll refrain from taking a stand whether anyone's exploited innuendo in this thread.


Someone needs to take a stand!!


The exploitation of Innuendo is a growing problem and Musco needs to jump right on that and hammer it to the ground.

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Admittedly I havent read every single page of this thread. But I have read many. I havent seen 1 singel person ask WHO was banned/suspended. ALl I have ever seen was people asking wheres the confirmation THAT accounts were banned/suspended.


Thats all anybody wants. And the reason they want it is because so few actions have ever been taken to any accounts that have exploited. So far the ONLY accounts to have any action taken against them was gold farmers. Exploiters got a warning 2 years ago (for the Illum thing), but thats all. Thats why this Ravagers exploit ran so rampant and got so big. Because those who partook in it knew at most they'd get an email telling them what they did was not ok.


People want to know that Bioware cares about their own game. People want to know Bioware has integrity.


Thats all.


All people are looking for is another post similar to the Illum one from 2 years ago. NOBODY CARES WHO......only THAT ACCOUNTS WERE TAKEN ACTION AGAINST.


If they can do this 2 years ago



Why cant they do one now to let us know they care and to keep the next exploit from completely crashing the game?


So far, I personally only knew of 4 or 5 people who did the exploit rampantly, but heard of another 15 that I know. Every single one of them is still logging in daily just fine and havent even received a warning email. Or at least they claim not to have and are laughing and constantly making fun of "Biowares incompetence". To which I would just love to come to a crashing hault. But even my reporting them has done nothing.


Maybe those people are making fun of Biowares incompetence because Bioware is incompetent? Say what you will about the people who took advantage of the exploit. but the fact that it was there was known for quite a while with no action taken to keep it from being done. They had options they could have taken to keep it from being able to be manipulated, they could have kept people from being able to carry the lockouts forward after reset, and they could have fixed the ability to do it a lot sooner or at the very least turned off loot until it was fixed and found a way to resolve loot issues for legitimate kills. They chose not to, they made the mess.


Hell, they left Revan bugged even after it was extremely obvious the first day of early access that it was bugged. How long did it take them to fix Underlurker even though it was known that an issue existed? And then when they did "fix" it, they broke it even worse. How long did it take them to fix the lag issues, the performance issues with the UI? Look at how they have handled the slot machine fiasco? How many times does the Harbinger have to crash? And there ignoring of blatant pvp exploits still being done to this day that they have never addresed? The only thing they seem to jump right on and fix is if something goes wrong with the Cartel Market or the Subscription Service. So, perhaps the jokes about Biowares Incompetence will actually stop when Bioware stops being so damned incompetent.


And for the record there have been plenty of people in this topic demanding the right to know who got punished, either by asking for that info to be posted or asking for them to be given a title they can never change which amounts to the same thing.


But at the end of the day, if Bioware is so competent they dont need you snitching out everyone you "claim" is your friend and hoping they get action taken against them.

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But at the end of the day, if Bioware is so competent they dont need you snitching out everyone you "claim" is your friend and hoping they get action taken against them.


Not sure if this was directed at me but who said the people I "snitched out", I claimed to be friends with? I just said people I know. I know a lot of people in game who i would never call friends.


As for Biowares competency and people "needing to snitch out" others, every single MMO has a report feature for that specific purpose. If you're going to lump Bioware as incompetent because they have a report feature for those who are breaking the rules, then every company that ever produced an MMO is incompetent.



Tho I will say, the longer this goes and the longer those people continue to play while laughing at Bioware pretty much is just reinforcing that incompetence claim.

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Not sure if this was directed at me but who said the people I "snitched out", I claimed to be friends with? I just said people I know. I know a lot of people in game who i would never call friends.


As for Biowares competency and people "needing to snitch out" others, every single MMO has a report feature for that specific purpose. If you're going to lump Bioware as incompetent because they have a report feature for those who are breaking the rules, then every company that ever produced an MMO is incompetent.


Tho I will say, the longer this goes and the longer those people continue to play while laughing at Bioware pretty much is just reinforcing that incompetence claim.


That would be two weeks now. Also coming up on a week after they supposedly decided what they were going to do.

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And to add to my post, apparently the last boss in Ravagers is bugged again now. But punishing the exploiters is more important right?


Having a meeting on the punishment is more important then fixing the bug they fixed and made a new bug. If i raided i would be pissed as is. I can only be pissed at the lack of any thing pvp related prgress.... But hey next cantina we will hear they had a meeting on what donuts they serve in the lunch room.

Edited by Neoforcer
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Not sure if this was directed at me but who said the people I "snitched out", I claimed to be friends with? I just said people I know. I know a lot of people in game who i would never call friends.


As for Biowares competency and people "needing to snitch out" others, every single MMO has a report feature for that specific purpose. If you're going to lump Bioware as incompetent because they have a report feature for those who are breaking the rules, then every company that ever produced an MMO is incompetent.



Tho I will say, the longer this goes and the longer those people continue to play while laughing at Bioware pretty much is just reinforcing that incompetence claim.


I listed a ton of reasons to show how Bioware has proven they are incompetent, and not a single one of those was over the report feature. But of course you chose to ignore all of those things, probably because you know they are true. Further, if Bioware can truly track everyone who did the exploit as they claimed, then why do they need you and your high and mighty horse to report people? Its that that is leading people with your attitude to kick people from groups and openly harass them through whispers and in general chat. Maybe you arent doing that, but I know several people who have been harassed and kicked from groups because people "assume" they know what that person has or hasnt done. And yet its the witch hunters who are claiming people who didnt do the exploit wouldnt be allowed to raid, when it seems like the opposite is slowly becoming the truth.

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Lol ironic coming from you and your "style" of posting on this issue, perhaps you're riding a pretty unicorn however?


Why? Because I've called out the hypocrites who are calling for the heads of ravagers exploiters, all while being perfectly willing to participate in other bugs and exploits and trying to justify it as "not an exploit" because bioware hasnt said it is an exploit?

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Any chance you could quote in a way that we could see who you're actually quoting?


I can do easily when it's clicking the quote button, but yes I'll try put a bit more work into it. :p


I wasn't aware there were so many high and mighty horse comments though. :p


Why? Because I've called out the hypocrites who are calling for the heads of ravagers exploiters, all while being perfectly willing to participate in other bugs and exploits and trying to justify it as "not an exploit" because bioware hasnt said it is an exploit?


Yes that's why it is ironic. You've got more on your "high and mighty" horse about that than most non cheaters have gotten about punishing/dealing with the cheating issue.

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