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Ravagers Exploit Action Update


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Something about seeing the stream and seeing him talk in person about it makes one think some sort of action is more likely than not and those laughing it off now are in for a rude shock but time will tell.


I'll believe something is going to happen the first time I see someone on Reddit post that they've been banned or they legitimately know someone who's been banned... Otherwise, Bioware is just posturing...

Edited by howieloader
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I'll believe something is going to happen the first time I see someone on Reddit post that they've been banned or they legitimately know someone who's been banned... Otherwise, Bioware is just posturing...


This right here. Posturing is all that we are going to see. Whether or not they ban people for the exploit, we won't know about it because of their policy. So, yet again, Bioware policy to keep mushrooms where they are best kept, shouldn't disappoint people. it's expected to not know what they are going to do.


Personally, I believe that no one will be banned for it. To ban would require lack of the color yellow, and a spine.

Edited by Amodin
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some stores right here in NYC take photos of shoplifters and stick them right at the front door to let everyone know who tried to steal from them and failed; they even make the person display the item they were looking to abscond with in the first place.


completely invalid analogy. when retail stores do this, it is with the thief's consent and generally done in exchange for not prosecuting. the stores cant just take someones picture and post it with the title of shoplifter without the persons consent; the company themselves would then be open for a lawsuit. and the posting is not done primarily to shame, its to decrease the likelihood of the thief returning to the store (and potentially being successful at subsequent attempts to steal) through the threat of prosecution if they return and embarrassment. companies do not want thieves in their stores, but they also dont want to prosecute in many cases. prosecution takes man hours of employees that the companies dont want to have to deal with or pay for. the company gets nothing in return, especially if the thief was caught and the goods returned. even if the goods were not returned, the company is unlikely to get restitution in a timely manner and just writes off the loss.


the only way this would be analogous is if the game company was threatening to legally prosecute those who exploited, and the exploiters then agreed to have their names/pictures/whatever posted in exchange for not prosecuting.


somehow, i dont see bw trying to legally prosecute, therefore they have no stick to entice exploiters to take the carrot of public shaming.

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completely invalid analogy. when retail stores do this, it is with the thief's consent and generally done in exchange for not prosecuting. the stores cant just take someones picture and post it with the title of shoplifter without the persons consent; the company themselves would then be open for a lawsuit. and the posting is not done primarily to shame, its to decrease the likelihood of the thief returning to the store (and potentially being successful at subsequent attempts to steal) through the threat of prosecution if they return and embarrassment. companies do not want thieves in their stores, but they also dont want to prosecute in many cases. prosecution takes man hours of employees that the companies dont want to have to deal with or pay for. the company gets nothing in return, especially if the thief was caught and the goods returned. even if the goods were not returned, the company is unlikely to get restitution in a timely manner and just writes off the loss.


the only way this would be analogous is if the game company was threatening to legally prosecute those who exploited, and the exploiters then agreed to have their names/pictures/whatever posted in exchange for not prosecuting.


somehow, i dont see bw trying to legally prosecute, therefore they have no stick to entice exploiters to take the carrot of public shaming.


I wouldn't say the first part of your statement is completely true, or maybe just untrue where I live? idk. Here in Bakersfield and many other parts of California, (and especially at my neighborhood gas station) they post, with no consent, the security camera stills of folks stealing, either shoving things down pants or the good ole beer run. The whole front of their sliding door and sides are covered in em. This is true for many other shops I have been to. Now this is not an argument, or an opinion of whether posting exploit action is right or wrong. On that issue as well as the rest, I feel my opinion isn't needed and won't matter anyway and just lead to arguing, which I think if kinda funny, as some posters argue more and worse then my kids. Anyway, ya not disputing, really just more curious now.

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Stage 2 – With the exploit removed, we can work towards finalizing our data review and assigning appropriate actions. We have a lot of information! We know who used it, who they invited, how many times they exploited, when they participated, credits gained, and whether they gained a crafting pattern from reverse-engineering. We are still reviewing the data and determining the appropriate action for those who took undue advantage of the exploit. We won’t be taking action today, but we’ll wrap it up in the next week or so.




So it's the next week or so Eric.


What's happening on this front? :)

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So it's the next week or so Eric.

What's happening on this front? :)


They've pulled a bait-and-switch with the Slot Machine to show us that BioWare is MUCH better at Exploiting the game than any player could ever be. That's our punishment, and a deterrent: "Be good kiddies, or we'll exploit you like this again the next time a player exploit gets too wide-spread for us to actually punish only the people who did it."


And people say BioWare isn't creative. LOL.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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I love how BW has used Slot Machine Gate to completely drown out Ravagers Exploit Gate.


Well done BW, well done.


Actually, not well done at all. The punishment for Ravager exploits was going to get the community in an uproar no matter what, and now instead it will be adding fuel to a fire that threatens to burn out of control.

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This time has long since passed. BioWare has a proven track record of inaction against people who use exploits. The Nefra farming, Dashroode, and Bestia exploits are all fine examples of this track record. I guarantee that this history of inaction is a factor contributing to the sheer volume of people who exploited the Ravager's bug.


My feeling on it, you don't want people to use exploits don't release garbage, ineptly tested patches!!!!!! end of story!!!! It seems almost every patch released to fix something breaks like 5 more things, i mean really is it for job security guys? just curious. i know, i know, you guys are understaffed, lest we forget had Bioware kept its promises prior to launch and post shutting down of Galaxies YOU wouldn't be in the state YOU are currently in.... personally, as a Founder, I feel you owe us some free stuff, for all the lies we have had to endure over the years and for taking away Galaxies from us so we could live in the land of broken promises that is usually SWTOR.

Get Your **** Together Please!!

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Actually, not well done at all. The punishment for Ravager exploits was going to get the community in an uproar no matter what, and now instead it will be adding fuel to a fire that threatens to burn out of control.


Pretty much this there on a crash course with disaster like i said before the swgemu look better by the minute.

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My feeling on it, you don't want people to use exploits don't release garbage, ineptly tested patches!!!!!! end of story!!!! It seems almost every patch released to fix something breaks like 5 more things, i mean really is it for job security guys? just curious. i know, i know, you guys are understaffed, lest we forget had Bioware kept its promises prior to launch and post shutting down of Galaxies YOU wouldn't be in the state YOU are currently in.... personally, as a Founder, I feel you owe us some free stuff, for all the lies we have had to endure over the years and for taking away Galaxies from us so we could live in the land of broken promises that is usually SWTOR.

Get Your **** Together Please!!



Same here i played both SWG and Wow and neither have had this many show stopping bugs. There QA team is on a coffee break since launch of swtor.. In other games i have seen little bugs here a there but they were fixed in days not month. I feel sorry for the people that were entrap into ravagergate bug. Why because with out fixing it people just thought oh well they want it that way. That what BW did rather then fix it asap they let it run and run and run. Then blame the people that used it why not blame QA and your own developers since they allowed it to happen and knew it was there. All the bugs in this game get old and it is The devs and QA fault for every one yet it is more important to fix slots then other bugs

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They've pulled a bait-and-switch with the Slot Machine to show us that BioWare is MUCH better at Exploiting the game than any player could ever be. That's our punishment, and a deterrent: "Be good kiddies, or we'll exploit you like this again the next time a player exploit gets too wide-spread for us to actually punish only the people who did it."


And people say BioWare isn't creative. LOL.


Hahahah...spot on man,....spot on!!!!

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BW did a great job. Nobody cares about the Ravager exploit anymore, only the Slot Machines.


More or less, yes. But at least I will keep on bothering them about it. ;) Because unfortunately I never forget anything. Sometimes this is a blessing, sometimes a curse. I still expect them to take actions, no matter how much they try to distract us.

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They've pulled a bait-and-switch with the Slot Machine to show us that BioWare is MUCH better at Exploiting the game than any player could ever be. That's our punishment, and a deterrent: "Be good kiddies, or we'll exploit you like this again the next time a player exploit gets too wide-spread for us to actually punish only the people who did it."


And people say BioWare isn't creative. LOL.


Ah but except people are now more pissed about losing their money tree ( that arguably shouldn't have existed ) so they need appease more players by taking action in this course. Unless of course all those whinging over that are cheaters in which case ... suffer heh.

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I still expect them to take actions, no matter how much they try to distract us.


Just this. It's been just over a week since Eric posted this thread and instead of letting the Slot Machine drown this one out I'd like to know what BioWare are doing about this.


It's not something that should be "swept under the carpet".

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Just this. It's been just over a week since Eric posted this thread and instead of letting the Slot Machine drown this one out I'd like to know what BioWare are doing about this.


It's not something that should be "swept under the carpet".


this hole game is swept under the carpet right now i could care less about exploiters with every thing they have done with this patch

Edited by Neoforcer
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It's not something that should be "swept under the carpet".


But it will be. Its what they had planned from the beginning. Its why their policy is 'fix and keep quiet'. What I predicted in the first thread seem to be happening. They patched the exploit out and...that was pretty much it. BW does NOT care one bit about people exploiting in their game. They will simply go 'Oh, bug.' fix it and move on.


I held off on buying SoR (and continue to do so) because I knew it was going to be all bugged out for quite some time. The training costs, the lag, this exploit, and the epic fail that was the handling of this exploit are the reasons I'll probably just wait for it to be free for subs.


ETA: Bravo, BW. This thread is now FINALLY on the second page of the forums.

Edited by Frybert
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They will simply go 'Oh, bug.' fix it and move on.


While that is true it was by not fix a bug that made it a bigger mess in the first place. A guild member of mine is in a raid guild that the hole guild was in beta they new the bug was there in beta and the devs did nadda. That's why coming down hard on people won't happen is they knew it was there before live servers. So i think that is what is really going on is there will be some punishment just not as extreme as people think.

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