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Original companions are completely useless now that we have Treek and HK-51


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I understand your point OP, I have never bought Treek because my Vanguard cannot go charging into battle with a little teddy bear but I do use HK-51 on all characters as the primary companion, everywhere from Level 1 up. The only other companion I use is whoever the healer is for that character, when things get a little tough. But that's it and it's too bad that at a certain point or level we can't choose any role for any companion. Wouldn't that be cool?
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So on my gunslinger I would really like to be able to use Bowdaar. He's awesome looking. he has cool roars and I have him geared out in 186 armor so he should be pretty strong right? Wrong, he's awful. He can't even tank lvl 55 champions on oricon for more than 30 seconds before dying, even with me using scrambling field and diversion.



I use Bowdar daily with no issues


sounds like a L2P issue here


In all truthfullness I refuse to use Treek on any of my characters and have found HK to be rather lacking over all


So sorry OP but sounds like you use Treek to make up for your "other issues" in how you play your character

I see many people using assortment of original companions on both sides with no issue or problem what so ever.


Personally speaking, my fav healer is Dorne for the Rep side and Mako for the Imp side.

When you LEARN how to tweek them (Im not about to tell you how) you quickly realize as healers they blow the yakking Furball out of the water for healing proficiency.


And for tanks, nothing beats Qyzen, Khem, Bowdaar, and Skadge.

Easily the 4 best companion tanks in game when supported correctly.

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Well, Treek is annoying to the point I haven't been willing to pay the 1 mil creds to pick up the contract, and getting HK-51 is tedious enough.


So, no.


Also, Ewoks are openly admitted to just be a cash grab, so I refuse to have anything to do with them.

Edited by Djiini
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Yes, Treek is good for leveling and HK does a lot damage but...


Then you don't hear all the hilarious comments from Mako, Kira and Blizz.



seriously, go to the Czerka place on Tatooine with Kira and you will know what I mean


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Actually I used Khem Val as a template. So it is an improved version of Khem Val for all players.


Treek is a good tank IMO, but not the best. IMO Khem is one of the best. And we already have ranged DPS covered with HK. So what we need, from my perspective, is a really good tank companion.


they are I guess the same ..


the only thing i need or rather like having treek for is as a healer for my JKs till I get through Balmorra and as a tank for my healer merc (never did figure out when they get an actual tank as Taris was annoying without a tank)


I still prefer Khem/bodarr once i get them for those classes (besides if Khem dies it is only payback for all the threats i have suffered from him)

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I understand your point OP, I have never bought Treek because my Vanguard cannot go charging into battle with a little teddy bear but I do use HK-51 on all characters as the primary companion, everywhere from Level 1 up. The only other companion I use is whoever the healer is for that character, when things get a little tough. But that's it and it's too bad that at a certain point or level we can't choose any role for any companion. Wouldn't that be cool?


same with me


imagine this scene with Treek on the helicopter


or here Treek tagging along with commandos


if you play Agent, imagine this with Treek by the table


Who would take him seriously if he'd entered with Treek by his side?


I'm not heavy role player by all means, but I just refuse to have Treek.

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I got HK when he came out. For a while I exclusively used him for leveling, then I realized I don't need to waste the CC to unlock him on every new alt because gearing up a DPS normal comp is just as effective. I still use him for a couple max level toons just because I like him, but notice no difference in performance between a geared HK and a geared normal companion.


I haven't even unlocked Treek, ever. I play Sith, I have no interest in an ewok!


Maybe Treek has awesome utility, but you hardly NEED her, or HK for that matter. HK is all about aesthetics to me. I just think he's neat, but he's not a game changer.

Edited by Beltane
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...I think I see quite a few folks using Treek actually all the time, all over the game world.


If I were to speculate I would assume is the most commonly used companion.


I use whatever companion I choose to gear up.

For tanks: almost exclusively melee dps

For dps: healer or tank (For example my Sentinel used T7 all the way to 55, Cybertech FTW!)

For healers: actually I still don't know if I like healing, selecting your companion to heal them is very annoying and I don't know what abilities I can use to attack without using too much of resources

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the thread title is plainly wrong. treek has never tanked as good as the original companion tanks or healed as good as the original companion healers. while hk is a pain to gear, there is nothing to worry about.


I disagree on the healing part. Treek is clearly the best healer comp in the game, numbers have already been posted to prove it in the forums.


However, the difference in healing output is not so earth shattering that someone could not use another companion, naturally. But it is accurate to state that Treek has the best healing performance.

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...I think I see quite a few folks using Treek actually all the time, all over the game world.


If I were to speculate I would assume is the most commonly used companion.


I have to agree here. I also see the majority of people in game using Treek. For me, I just don't see the appeal or need to because the original comps do just fine.

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I agree with most comments here, I use Treek only with my Gunslinger (because she's the one with whom Treek really fits, esthetically and story-wise) and she preforms good (and annoys the hell out of me with jabbering) and HK only with my Operative (and, of course, he's awesome, especially now when "silver" mobs became stronger, hes inta-kill ability really shines) .


For all other toon I use class companions.

I gear them in green and blue items appropriate for the level (I gear HK and Treek in that way also), and they all perform excellent, just need to know what comp complements your play style the most and keep their gear moderately updated and all of them are efficient.

No need to use new ones if they doesn't fit your toon esthetically.

Edited by Pavijan
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Treek is by far the most common companion I seen when playing these days. I use her when I'm playing DPS, but when I'm playing with a tank spec then I have out a melee DPS companion.


Would like to have more companions like Treek (dual-role & good at both), but ones which aren't as stupid and annoying obviously.

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I will admit that I use Treek a lot while leveling alts and she is my preferred companion on several characters I play. However, the two I play the most are my Deception Assassin and Vengeance Jugg, and I never use Treek or HK on either of them. Wtih the Jugg I find Jaesa to be a better compliment to the Vengeance dps build and on my Assassin I prefer Xalek. Treek is a great companion, but I find that Xalek hold aggro against my dps better than Treek. I'm fairly sure the difference is the gear though. I have Treek in mostly DF/DP gear while I gave Xalek a full set of 186 tanking gear from the Basic Comms vendor.


On the Assassin though, I find it to be quite advantageous to focus on using and gearing Xalek above all other companions since anything he can use can also be used by my character. This is convenient for me because I can use field respec to switch to the tank spec at any time and then just borrow gear from Xalek without having to maintain two sets of gear for myself.


Treek is a good way to wake the baby too. Waking the baby is a good way to get wife aggro. Nobody can tank wife aggro. Nobody.

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