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Everything posted by gentleblade

  1. I want my jedi knight to have a forbidden marriage to Theron Shan, then spend the rest of the chapter trying to hide it from Satele until at last she reveals she knew all along and the Jedi are basically like the Night's Watch. Everyone's scoring, you just don't make a big to do about it.
  2. For psychopaths this was like the best expansion ever.
  3. STO jumped the shark with the recent expansion. It's like all the issues we have with Shadow of Revan times 10. It has so much grind and so many bugs now that much of the fun has been sapped away. The balance is extremely poor as well. It was never amazing, my aux2bat cruiser with blatantly overpowered pieces of gear cryptic continues to allow in the game like the plasmonic leech console and the like always did all the dps of escorts with half the skill, but with twice the survival. But the balance in Delta has been skewed so much further off the deep end that no one even bothers queuing for pvp any more. There's no communication with the community any more, glaring issues are left unresolved and it's like Cryptic has just completely checked out. Best to stay away.
  4. I've heard the text can be hard to read if you aren't using a tablet.
  5. In my MMO experience the worst that happens to people that make use of these kinds of exploits is they get the ill gotten gains removed but are otherwise no worse for wear for having exploited the system. At best, they get to keep some of it. Which is more and more often the case. Same with WoW, STO and several others.
  6. Ezra went full Cervantes with his Lightsaber. Maybe not the most stylish, but I approve.
  7. If I was a poor fellow living in the old republic times I would probably craft revan mask knock offs and make millions. Why didn't anyone think of this before?!
  8. I was like "no... No!! Come back stupid! You need to TOTALLY COME BACK AND PICK UP THAT MASK IT'S WORTH LIKE 3 MIL". But my character didn't listen.
  9. Wait, I'm confused. You're telling me that the story unfolds in a different direction depending on whether you choose group mode or single mode? Does this go for rishi and that other one too? I had no idea.
  10. I guess succumbing to the dark side also has the side effect of rendering characters with low res textures and usually stiff hair. (but not other dark side characters in ToR, for some reason) The wookie fellow also has a poorly textured model. As touched on by almost every post in this thread, it has to do with how her 3D model is textured. Not "dark side corruption". The artwork of Lana on the shadow of revan loading screen in contrast actually looks phenomenal.
  11. We need Lana as a companion so she and kira can have a love triangle/cat fight over our characters.
  12. It's Bioware's fault they gave us Jedi a bad Jedi role model to learn from on these matters!
  13. You might as well be asking why we as a people accept a system where talented people have to teach their boss (with a piece of paper) how to do their job when they're clearly not the best suited for the position. Or why a Sergeant needs to clean up the messes of the Officers. Or why the CEO is allowed to live in an ivory tower being paid gigantic bonuses even while he's running the company into the ground with a golden parachute awaiting him should he fail altogether while those under him are busting their asses for peanuts. It's the way the system is, has always been and always will be rigged and society as a whole accepts it.
  14. Well why would we engage in pvp?? Are you TRYING to help the Emperor's resurrection?!?!
  15. Watching the three 6 minute cgi movies made for old republic in hindsight, I think the "slow motion" parts of the action were actually meant to represent lag.
  16. I don't think it's just a sith thing. I mean Lord Zash's "morning face" wasn't exactly pretty, but it still looked like it was modeled very well. Lana's doesn't.
  17. It might be a sign of the ransacked resources and shoe string budget Bioware is left with that the 3D modeling isn't up to the same level of quality as it used to be. The wookie's model also seems poorly textured.
  18. There will be no high heels because such skank attire is unbecoming attire of a Jedi. Now if you'll excuse me I need to help Kira into her dancer outfit and have her help me into my slave outfit before we address the Jedi Council on matters of grave import.
  19. "I'm sorry you caught me putting the moves on Lana there, Kira. But here's a ceremonial dagger to make up for it. It's very sharp".
  20. Dunno. When two silvers get together they can really fudge us up.
  21. Justin Gross was in talks to resume his role as the Lich King when Blizzard was making Wrath, (The Xpack NAMED after the guy) but they offered him such an embarrassingly low amount that he declined. And this is Blizzard we're talking about. That tells you something about how much priority companies place on returning voice actors. Now Bioware has a tiny tiny shoestring of a budget compared to the super sized mega budget they once had 3 years ago. What do you think they're going to do? A lot of concessions have to be made. And they hate to do it. But they're riding on fumes here. Don't like it? Blame EA. Not Bioware.
  22. SITH should get 12x XP. Because we are spoiled and greedy and prone to cutting corners and taking short cuts to power. Jedi should level the old fashion way.
  23. It's a good feature for vets that have leveled up their legacy. New players though should go through all that side content the natural way. Sounds fair.
  24. Christmas gift to the players this year is the option to pay Bioware more money for old loot. Yeah, I'll exercise my option to not buy it. Still a pretty lame "gift".
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