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Original companions are completely useless now that we have Treek and HK-51


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So on my gunslinger I would really like to be able to use Bowdaar. He's awesome looking. he has cool roars and I have him geared out in 186 armor so he should be pretty strong right? Wrong, he's awful. He can't even tank lvl 55 champions on oricon for more than 30 seconds before dying, even with me using scrambling field and diversion.


Treek on the other hand is better in every single way. On my guardian with my decked out treek I can solo almost anything. Once Treek gets low I just put her in heal mode and watch as she heals herself up to 100%.


To the devs: are there any plans whatsoever to update the original 5 companion archetypes to be relevant to 3.0 content?

PS you forgot to give bowdaar a sword and shield in your fancy new companion weapon and offhand sets.

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I might even contend that HK-51 is less useful since Treek entered the scene.....


I think HK should have his assassinate ability all the time instead of requiring charges.


Agreed. Treek is the only one I gear or use. HK was good...until Treek.

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I wouldn't say useless. I like changing up the comp I use on playthroughs with the same class. I'm currently not using Treek as main comp for any of my chars and HK only for one. Sure, they're both good at what they do, but I'm getting along with a well geared original comp just as fine. Edited by Knorlac
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I find even playing with healer companions boring an too easy. And these can be such cool characters as Mako, Theran, Elara etc. Walking with uber OP tanking/healing teddy bear? Sorry, lame.


And I didn't like Ewoks, except when I was 5 years old and ROTJ came to cinemas east of Iron Curtain

Edited by jstankaroslo
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I have Treek, but I generally only use her til I get the healing companion for whatever class I'm leveling, if they gave us a muzzle for her it might be different but good god she never shuts up, drives me insane! (I'm -way- to ADD to play a healer so im always a tank or a dps when I play a char) Edited by XiamaraSimi
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level 55-60 I used a mixture of Kira and Doc on my Guardian tank. While my tank was in 180+ I had to spend basic comms to get both of them to 172+ (Kira was still using a 148 hilt :o). And I had ZERO issues running through Rishi and Yavin 4. Running with Kira made health management a touch more challenging, but I only ever died to stupidity.


level 55-60 I used a mix of HK and Corso on my Sawbones Scoundrel. Again my smuggler was 180/186 and I had to spend comms to get both comps to 172+. While I preferred HK, I had no problem using Corso.

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I love using Treek because I hate having to scramble around to avoid death in a fight. I can switch back and forth between tank and heal throughout a fight until everything dies. I only use Kira these days because I'm overleveled for the content I've been doing. It's sort of lame I can't use the companions I really enjoy due to them being crap for fights, but I've made peace with it. Can't speak on the HK front since I've yet to acquire him.
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I have Treek on a bunch of toons, but I only use her as the main companion on one. She is so annoying to listen to, and frankly, I prefer companions that I have what passes for relationships with in this game. She's more useful now to me as a sixth background companion to assign to crafting/resource missions.


I have pimped out HKs as main companions on close to half my toons because HK is the man, he's funny, and having him tear through mobs from 1-60 is awesome. Having at least one (Treek or HK) per toon is mandatory for me at this point, what with being able to send 6 companions to do scut work. Saves time and they're good at it.


That said, I have 21 toons, and running all of them with just HK would be pretty boring, so I make a point to not focus on the same companion with multiple toons in the same class. They're all serviceable and I actually prefer to run with my romanced companion once they're available unless our class rolls conflict, anyway.


Instead of trying to make all the companions as awesome and OP as Treek/HK-51, I'd rather BW give each companion 3 stances: DPS/Heals/Tank, so I could effectively run with whichever one I most preferred all the time, regardless of my own AC and discipline. I'm already awesome and OP ;) and tend to run 5-6 levels above content, so I don't need more super companions to carry me.

Edited by Nothing_Shines
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No. I am not using that blasted furball. I never say it in-game, but I really hate when my group members use her (another reason why I don't group often). Her noise annoys me, and she is always spamming that blasted AoE heal right where I or anyone else, had not been for several seconds.


I do like HK though.


Still use main comps more, however. And my main is almost always using Torian.

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The title on this thread is inaccurate. You can't make the statement that the original companions are useless based on a comparison to Treek and HK-51. You don't have to use Treek or HK. they simply make content that probably wasn't meant to be soloed in the first place easier to solo than using the original companions.
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No. I am not using that blasted furball. I never say it in-game, but I really hate when my group members use her (another reason why I don't group often). Her noise annoys me, and she is always spamming that blasted AoE heal right where I or anyone else, had not been for several seconds.


I do like HK though.


Still use main comps more, however. And my main is almost always using Torian.


Plus, IMHO at any rate, she's the worse tank in the game by far. Her behavior is both psychotic and annoying.


With my main Sentinel, Treek is just stupid as a Tank; there's no middle ground.


She literally stops tanking and taunting to heal my Sentinel. End-result?


She insists on healing me, which results in her overall threat being reduced, my Sentinel taking increased damage and her insistence in keep healing me.


You are in Tank stance, you psychopathic teddy bear.


TANK! :mad:

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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