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what is the dumbest/silliest/goofiest things you've done when you 1st started


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This thread was made for me...there were so many noobish things I did when I first started playing this game, which is my first MMO.

My husband got me into Star Wars and when he introduced me to this game, he told me to create a toon and have fun. I did, but not without making many, many terrifying mistakes...


My main is a sentinel. She's my favorite toon and the first one I ever made. When I died for the first time fighting some Flesh Raiders on Tython, I freaked out because I thought I would have to start all over again. Like create a new toon and arrive on Tython all over again.

When I leveled up, I thought I would have to go back to the Jedi Temple every time I dinged. I did not know there were trainers on every planet and the fleet.

I put everything on my toon. It didn't matter if it was Willpower, Aim, Strength, or Cunning, if it showed a stat boost compared to whatever I was wearing, I equipped it. I also put every kind of stat on my companions. They needed "good gear" too!

When I got to the fleet and saw the chat, I thought that because everyone's chat statement began with [General] it literally meant they were a General in the Republic military.

At first I did not understand the concept of crowd control. I was specced in Focus (now Concentration, still am) and used my Force Sweep as part of my rotation no matter what. I didn't know why that was "breaking the CC." From then on, my husband called it my "special skill" and told me not to use my "special skill" near CC'd enemies.

Additionally, I used Disable Droid and Force Kick as part of my rotation even when they weren't necessary because I figured that they were on my quickbar for a good reason.

On my Smuggler I came across the Ancient Knowledge object on Voss and clicked on it because I thought it was a lore object. I love lore objects! The devs must have forgotten to label it as such...*click* OH MY GOODNESS I AM DEAD WHAT HAPPENED?? The Nightmare Pilgrim one-shot me. Super!

Of course, I am more seasoned now and love to help nooby players because I was one once!

So who can beat me in the Noob Arena...I am accepting challengers. :rak_01:


did you signed up to the unknown-to-you-language server? I did

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On my Smuggler I came across the Ancient Knowledge object on Voss and clicked on it because I thought it was a lore object. I love lore objects! The devs must have forgotten to label it as such...*click* OH MY GOODNESS I AM DEAD WHAT HAPPENED?? The Nightmare Pilgrim one-shot me. Super!


I keep repeating that on almost every character. "Lore! Must have!"

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It wasn't me, but last weekend my young son playing a smuggler got the class-story-mode mission at the beginning where you get a disguse. He thought since he got a disguise he didn't need any of his equipment, so sold it all. After the story cut-scene, he realsied he was naked, and proceeded to go through the content without any clothing becuase he didn't know he could buy-back his stuff from the vendors.


He's also been trying to figure out how his Jedi Knight can use the Jedi Mind Trick he used in story mode against enemy mobs to make them stop attacking....

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When I first started I had made a consular and an inquisitor.


Khem used Str...but I couldn't understand why Qyzen had aim stuff on initially....Because he was Melee..why would a melee guy use aim? And the MIRROR class's first companion used Str....


So I replaced ALL of Qyzen's gear with Str tanking gear.


Don't remember how long it was before I figured it out but it was probably a good month or so.


I had the same problem. It cost a lot of money at the time to replace all the agility with strength...


Unless the flashpoint had a clearly labeled 'exit' door, I could not figure out how to get out. My work-around was to get myself killed so I could try to spawn at a medical location outside of the instance. I don't think I became aware of the 'exit location' button until after I hit 50....

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Adding on to my foolishness list:


My first MMO was DCUO, so I understood the basics of the basics (how to operate a menu, how to move, how to talk to NPCs [right click over there])

There, I also learned the worst thing an MMO player could learn: How to face roll. And I didn't even do it well.

Didn't hear about this "rotations" thing until SWTOR.

When starting SWTOR, I didn't know I could target by hitting "tab" (or in my current set up, after rekeybinding, hitting the number pad's "." key), so a lot of clicking.


Newbish things I still do:

-number pad combos for skills, my mouse has three buttons and I am not buying another one for a while.

-wasd travel, I like to hit "w" and use my mouse to look around at things.

-hit "pass" at most loot things when I do wind up grouping.

-still deciding if I should set up my quick bars in the order of the rotation, or just keep them in the current setting (most used to least, with medpacks on numpad0)

-I don't craft many blues, unless I already have them from RE'ing, so my Starfighter Legacy Sets are stuffed with mostly greens until my Cybertech gets them back to RE Armorongs and Mods for parts and maybe the Blues.

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Here's another one: When I walked into Nar Shaddaa and Kaliyo says her bit about some guy licking her feet for 20 credits and then asking me to borrow some. I actually thought I had to hand her some and had no idea how to do so.


Since I had JUST come from WoW and at the time over there you had to have your crafting items in your inventory to craft anything, when I was leveling up my cybertech, I had all the items in my inventory. No where did it say I could keep them in my cargo hold and still craft the item. I did this for a while until my husband told me otherwise.


And sending a companion out to make something and wondering where my companion had gone to.

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Well then, my very first mistake in this game was: Spending my very first earned 100 credits on a jukebox chip on Ord Mantell. Back then, 100 credits were quite a lot at the beginning and I should have invested in some gear instead. Nowadays, 100 credits is... well, I wouldn't even click a mouse button once for such a low amount. ;)


Another mistake that cost me a lot of credits was that I sold orange gear to vendors all the time for months, because I did not understand (or know about) moddable gear. I just thought: looks ugly, bad stats, go away. :D I particularly remember having sold the RD-07A Spider Gloves from Republics Most Wanted on Coruscant to the first vendor I came across.


One year later, I did several hundreds of runs for this pair of gloves in order to complete the set. And that cursed thing didn't want to drop. It drove me insane. A good month of doing nothing than running Republics Most Wanted.


/facepalm@myself :D

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Another thing I did with my commando which I still have is being the healer in FPs. I made him a healer but I had no idea I was supposed to heal other people and not myself. During one flashpoint, some guy started yelling at me over the chat in spanish. Since I know most of the basics of spanish, I was able to figure out that he was wondering why I wasn't healing. I told him to "habla Ingles" and told him that I was healing-myself *cough*, I was quickly kicked from the group, even though we were winning anyways.
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Minor thing but I got so lost in that first Korriban tomb. I hadn't figured out the whole map thing yet so kept getting turned around in circles. Getting to the Sith Academy took about half an hour longer than it should have.


Oh, that reminded me what mine was. I started by grinding out some of the kor'slugs outside the entrance (where new characters first arrive) for a little while and then I went exploring a bit and ended up entering that tomb for the first time through the exit (the side near the academy). Made my way back to the actual entrance and picked up the missions there, then made my way back through the whole tomb again.


Bought the digital collectors edition.


That too. Thought it would be the exact same thing as the (practically non-existent before I even started playing (a bit before free to play started)) boxed set collector's edition (minus the fancy real world extras, obviously). It seemed obvious that it should be the same thing. Then I arrive in the VIP lounge to find that the vendor with all the interesting stuff on it is inaccessible because I have the wrong special edition, the vendor that I can access only sells one item and its an extremely severely overpriced crappy speeder, and there was nothing else up there (GTN and such hadn't been added yet).

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My nooberness is very fresh, and I don’t think I am over it. Here are some juicy tidbits.


I was jumping a lot in the first few weeks. You know why? ‘Cause the space bar does not pause the game, it makes the character jump!


I made a Marauder and a Sentinel, because dual-wielding always rules (yeah….).


I remember being outraged that I couldn’t solo Black Talon’s final battle with my first character, a Sniper. When I logged into her a few months later (after playing a bit with another character) I found out that her gear was an eclectic mix of white to maybe L11 the greens the highest. You see, I was gearing her in drops, just like I would do in every other game I played prior to SWTOR.


I changed the crafts on my first toon about 3 times, because I did not understand you could RE items and the greens did not sell. I was wondering forever how people can make money off GTN?!


Actually, to think of it, I had no clue what those colored borders around the items were for a few weeks. When I was told about different types of gear, I was looking at the items backgrounds instead.


My Gunslinger used the Dirty Fighting rotation from Noxxic. I continued wondering once in a while when I get the Shoot First. Particualry when I hit Level 55 (did I miss training it?). In its absence I opened up the fights with the Blaster Whip… so my Gunslinger was very melee-oriented, just like any Scoundrel is ought to be.


I blew all my planetary comms on Corellia gear when the Makeb vendor stood right next to the Corellia one. Consequently, I tried to make up the comms in the warzones. Where I saw that people can move and shoot at the same time. Wow. Only took me seven months to keybind!


In one of the three FPs I did GF for before I clued in, nothing was happening, so I went over to see what the other folks were doing. The tank’s comment: “The DPS drew aggro” made no sense at the time, since I did not see much agricultural activity on Athiss. I went to google ‘aggro’ after that.


I googled a LOT after that. It kindda went hand in hand with playing a MMO, I found.


Because without it…


I can’t tell you for how long I thought kiting was the Consular’s Force Lift...


But, even with it, if you have never tried to google ‘grass’ and ‘Alderaan’ together, do try it. Highly entertaining.


As a coup-de-grace only last week I saw that my pyro PT (whom I did not play in months) had a Shield on her. I am now wondering if my Shield Tech on the other server has a Generator. It would fit the pattern.


I still get ‘caught’ in the blessed chat window, and type out my rotation in it. I swear, this happens even after I've clicked my char’s name tag.


I also got turned around on a Huttball map a couple of times. Yes, on the simpler one, with no pipes!


And here I thought I was getting better….

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I leveled as Gunnery and completely ignored the pushback-reduction talent in the tree because I was like, "so long as I don't stand near the edge of a cliff, I don't need to avoid being pushed back a little." Then someone explained to me what pushback was.


Also, I thought that companions counted towards the number of recommended players for heroics, and wondered why I couldn't solo the Personal Challenge H2+ on Dromund Kaas. After all, there was Yelkeek and there was Mako! That's two, right? (This was in the stress-test beta. Eventually I'll roll a Mercenary for real.)

Edited by venomlash
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On my first character (Jedi Guardian DPS) I never could afford speeder piloting until I hit Corellia...yep..Tatt, Alderaan, Hoth, Belsavis, etc....all on foot.


I still can't believe we ran all over Taris, literally. Lol!


In those days finally uncovering a new taxi was miraculous.

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Oh, when I first got to the fleet I was very impressed. It seemed huge with a lot of stuff to see. I particularly loved jumping in the fountains. So... yeah, you know what happened next. I assumed that the fountains where in spaces designated by railings in Supplies, Crew Skills, etc. And so, I plummeted to my death learning quickly and rather shockingly that that was not the case.


It scared the crap out of me me to be honest. Lol. I haven't jumped around those railings since.

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Hahahaha. I will never forget it... First week of early access. Belsavis. Datacron. Little guides on the internet. People searching cron cubes. I had one, some other guys had more. Okay. We've got a BIG raid of random people wanting to get the cron after me and other guys use the cubes on the machine.


So I got to the machine a bit earlier than other guys. I was curious and I couldn't help clicking the machine. Everyone starts raging and capsing at the others to hurry the hell up, calling me an idiot and other stuff i am used to. Okay, last guy finally made it. Just in time, our cubes are still in! So he was just about to insert his when in a split second my despawned just in like .2 of a second before he put his in. :)


You can imagine the hate I got! Typical me, all the time in SWTOR.

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Oh, when I first got to the fleet I was very impressed. It seemed huge with a lot of stuff to see. I particularly loved jumping in the fountains. So... yeah, you know what happened next. I assumed that the fountains where in spaces designated by railings in Supplies, Crew Skills, etc. And so, I plummeted to my death learning quickly and rather shockingly that that was not the case.


It scared the crap out of me me to be honest. Lol. I haven't jumped around those railings since.


The one jump in Cademimu FP. Everyone knows it. "I can easily jump there." :D

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I was jumping a lot in the first few weeks. You know why? ‘Cause the space bar does not pause the game, it makes the character jump!


I still get ‘caught’ in the blessed chat window, and type out my rotation in it. I swear, this happens even after I've clicked my char’s name tag.


I also got turned around on a Huttball map a couple of times. Yes, on the simpler one, with no pipes!


Oh I do these things a lot, to this day. I also compulsively press F5 to quicksave and Tab to scan the environment for activatable items (like in DA:O and DA2) while riding along on my speeder. Force of habit.


Very annoying when that happens in an ops. People keep telling me to move the chat window to the bottom of my screen, but I like it where it is, thanks.


I still don't know what the hell is going on in Huttball :D

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My first character, on Taris ( I think) there was a dead body laying on the ground. It was glowing blue, and I thought Blue meant click me click me. So i clicked it and out spawned a huge beast. I took off running, but it was too late. I was killed instantly.


Hehe, stumbled upon the the Taris WB and tried to solo it with my first char, a (properly equipped) level 45ish Assassin tank with Khem as companion. Of course the boss enraged, no matter how often I tried. Back then, assas had self-heal but that didn't help much, neither did my "AOE-attack" (lacerate) against the adds, so I decided there must be some group requirement for this exceptional boss, and only hesitantly tried to face him again much much later with my level 55 concealment operative. Turned out the boss wasn't that hard at all. :rolleyes:

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The first time I augmented something, for some reason I thought it was necessary to add augment slots in sequence. Add a Mk-1 slot then a Mk-2 and so on, all the way to Mk-6 at the time. Augmented a full set of armour, cost me a fortune
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The first time I augmented something, for some reason I thought it was necessary to add augment slots in sequence. Add a Mk-1 slot then a Mk-2 and so on, all the way to Mk-6 at the time. Augmented a full set of armour, cost me a fortune


Lol i did this too. I figured out as i was augmenting one of my last pieces of gear *facepalm*


I was also unaware of the fact that you could unify colors or hide headslot as a sub so I bought ~5 or so of the same dye, all worth 100k or so each and purchased the hide headslot off Cartel market and made the nicest outfit ever! :rak_03:

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Good to see I'm not the only one whose first MMO was this game, heh. :) After reading some of these stories and others on the forum, I've come to realize I was not that much of a noob like I originally thought.


1. Tried to play a Vanguard as a ranged DPS. I also tried the same with a Shadow/Assassin/Scoundrel each until I learned on the forums (reading the "weird people you meet in group finder" thread) that those were melee classes. Though I honestly think I make more noobish mistakes nowadays than when I really was new, considering my Powertech from a couple months ago was also played as a ranged class. Yeesh.


2. Using the Soresu stance on my Guardian because it fit the character, not knowing it was the tank stance. Thank god I hate to group with people, so awkwardness was avoided there.


3. Getting synthweaving for my first crew skill on my Sentinel and constantly reverse engineering in a panic to get enough rubat crystals to craft things. Then I had my old guild leader tell me I didn't need to craft things. Oops.


4. Downloading the free game from the site, then going to the store and buying the discs, not realizing that I already had the vanilla game downloaded. At least I learned about getting a subscription that way.


5. Mixing stats in my gear and not knowing any lingo. I still have to look stuff up or ask what it is.


6. I clicked the stupid blue thing on Voss that spawns the multiple champions. That was highly amusing, especially since I'd read about people doing that so many times, yet I did it myself without realizing. Never trust the blue things. :p


I think there may be more, but if there is, it was probably insignificant since I can't remember it.


ETA: Oh, heck, I just remembered something I still do (or not): I have no rotation. I can't be bothered to look one up and memorize it, so I just hit the skills that deal damage and combine the ones that need to be combined. I also don't use any of the Sentinel skills that go with transcendence or zen or anything because I can't be arsed to find out what they do.

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I started playing on my sister's account before F2P went live because I didn't want to pay a subscription fee. She was on JC and I didn't want to use up any of her slots, so I picked another server for my sentinel. "Ooh, this says role-playing server! Yeah, I like immersing myself in the story and role-playing my character's class story. PvE must be a bunch of people with names like BobtheDinosaur who like trolling." I was confused when I saw a lot of large groups of people standing around on Tython talking about things. They wouldn't respond when I walked up and asked in /say what was going on...


I got so lost because I never used the world map. I would follow the arrows on my minimap and then be confused when it led me to a corner. I also didn't understand the concept of area map notes (the ones where you search in a particular radius), so I ran halfway to the other side of the map before my sister informed me that the flesh raiders I was supposed to be killing were back near the starting area.


When F2P was announced, I spent the 15 bucks to buy the game from Best Buy a month before F2P was scheduled to go live because I thought you'd still have to purchase the game before you could play. I rerolled my sentinel on the same server (still not understanding what "role-playing" meant), but my sister wanted me to put a toon on JC so we could play together, so I said okay. While I had my free 30 days of sub time, I made a Chiss sniper (because I knew I wouldn't be able to make a Chiss once those thirty days ran out), and I ended up spending most of my time on him because I didn't feel like playing my sentinel all over again. Imagine my surprise when the people I saw had normal names (for the most part) and seemed to actually care about the game's story content!


In the beginning, I used Snipe almost exclusively. Ambush's activation time was too long, and none of my other attacks did as much damage, so Snipe was obviously the way to go! I couldn't figure out why it was so hard to stay alive. Only after I got Series of Shots and Followthrough did I begin to discover the concept of a rotation.


One time I was in a group and someone asked me if I had a CC. This is basically what transpired:



GROUP MEMBER: Crowd control

ME: What's that?

GROUP MEMBER: It stuns them for a long time

ME: I've got a stun called flashbang. I guess it's pretty long, it says it lasts 8 seconds.


I then proceeded to throw a flashbang at the mob before noticing the rest of the group frantically telling me to wait.


That sniper is now my main and the first toon I got to level 60, and my sentinel is still gathering dust on the Ebon Hawk at level 11. :rolleyes:

Edited by NSaynKnutt
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This is my first MMO and my first toon was a Sentinel. Yes, I was one of those Sentinels.


I actually got him Aim gear for a while. As in, I had orange moddable gear for some slots, and I would buy or find Aim mods to put in it. Why? Because Aim makes your attacks more likely to hit. Right? ...Right? Someone gently slapped me for that one at some point and I fixed it before I got too far into the story.


Facerolled through most of the story, I honestly don't know how I made it to the end of it. I think it basically involved using Kira as a tank (in her starter gear), and then using Doc after I got him because Holy stang he's healing me, I can actually survive fights all the way through now rather than having to rez and finish off the mob! (Don't think I ever upgraded his gear either until long after I hit lv50, so this didn't work for very long either.)


The absolute best part was when I ran Red Reaper for the first time. Tank asked if everyone knew the fight with Darth Ikoral; I figured, how hard can it be? I knew perfectly well how to kill a bad guy -- just hit him until he dies, right? So I said yes. Then for some reason the tank didn't pull. I was confused as to why we were waiting to start, and assumed that nobody wanted to go first, so I would just jump on in ahead of the tank, with no warning, every. Damn. Time. The original tank finally quit after three or four messy, unpleasant wipes, with everyone falling into the pit around Ikoral's throne platform. Someone else in the group had a guildie come in to help within a few minutes. And yes, I pulled again. Tank pulled off of me, screamed out instructions for killing the Chosen Sith, and we actually managed to kill him that time.


So eventually I realized I was doing something hopelessly wrong, read up on... well, pretty much everything, and managed to salvage my Sentinel. Three years in and I still use him, and have a blast doing so. I guess I did do a couple of things right: gave him Cybertech because it seemed to be most useful, and held onto my original moddable lightsabers from the end of the Knight story on Tython (still use them for my PVE set).

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