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Everything posted by Mordraken

  1. So the short answer to this is "sometimes". I also know of instances where a bonus is erased once a main quest is complete (the end of the series on Tatooine for example). To be safe, finish the bonus before finishing the main quest.
  2. It wasn't me, but last weekend my young son playing a smuggler got the class-story-mode mission at the beginning where you get a disguse. He thought since he got a disguise he didn't need any of his equipment, so sold it all. After the story cut-scene, he realsied he was naked, and proceeded to go through the content without any clothing becuase he didn't know he could buy-back his stuff from the vendors. He's also been trying to figure out how his Jedi Knight can use the Jedi Mind Trick he used in story mode against enemy mobs to make them stop attacking....
  3. I can't comment on true end game (I'm level 52) but I find Xalek much better than Khem mostly because his DPS is a bit better. Khem would usually die before he kills anything if I wasn't healing him all the time. I also found (as the above poster mentioned) that it was easier to gear Xalek because he could use my hand-me-down gear. He isn't able to hold aggro as well, but he does a good enough job if I give him a 5 second head start. Compared to Ashara & Andronikus - I think Xalek is better than both mainly becuase he has better survivability. As long as I can keep him up, I will win the fight. I'm a healing Sorcerer fwiw.
  4. Do you still get 500 cartel coins/month with a subscription? I don't see it anywhere in the access comparisons (here: http://www.swtor.com/free/features/) but it does mention it on the free overview (here - http://www.swtor.com/free ) .
  5. Stats - likely Willpower should be your #1, Endurance (which always comes on armor) #2, and then stats like +crit, +alacrity or +surge. Personally I love the synthweaved crafted gear which (esp. when upgraded to purple - or is it pink?) are well above what you'll get at-level in quests. Purple level 33 gear will last you until you hit level 40... (or about). It is also good for crafting items for Khem. Other options are Cybertech (where you can make components for orange armor as well as ear slot items), Biochem (for consumables and implats), or artifice (for lightsabers). For companions, I think at level 16 you only have Khem, and he is a fantastic companion. At level 45, I still use him on any hard encounter. You'll get some other companions - a DPS one, a healing one, your crappy droid which is an OK healer Chapter 2, and you'll get some others... but Khem really is an excellent fit with the Inquisitor.
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