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Serious? You had Darth Marr do this???


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I see nothing wrong with what he did, it was a sign of respect. I think people respect Darth Marr, because he offers it back to those who are worthy of it. He doesn't feel the need to be rude or hostile to get his point across. He's a warrior and a gentleman, and that's why I adore him. He is one of those, that doesn't need to raise his voice to be heard. In fact he's more terrifying because he's calm, cool and collected. This isn't a lack of passion, it's controlled with precision...he uses it when he needs to.


I find it a bit interesting that on the Sith side of the story, he is far more controlled and reasonable. In the Jedi story, you see more anger, distrust and a bit of snark from him.


I think he's beautifully written, and I love seeing him in the stories.


agreed. though I need to see how he does on pub side still. that said, it seems like from imp perspective, he had more of a choice in a situation, had it more under control, you know working with a another imperial and all, sometimes even fellow council member, pub side he's more outnumbered and cannot rely on field agent as much. but on impside, I love how he calls out Satele on her hypocrisy :p

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Wrong. Palpatine bowed.


Not sure how you guys don't understand he was just playing a role as a Senator under Palpatine; which has nothing to do with how he would act in the form of Darth Sidious


and you think Darth Marr couldn't be playing a role when dealing with Satele? he's a very intelligent Sith. Palpatine as still Darth Sidious. when he was in his mask of Palpatine, he was STILL Darth Sidious and his choices were very much part of the deep game he was playing.. as Darth Sidious

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Not even mentioning Satele's baffling decision to even engage him in lightsaber combat despite clearly being a consular type more then a knight type. Why didn't she open up with that massive hill shattering force wave instead of charging headlong through some mooks to engage Malgus in lightsaber combat when she knows the last time she did that he wrecked her? Hell, she gave herself a perfect chance to disengage when she dropped that tree on their fight and instead she chose to re-engage despite it having been made clear that she hadn't closed the lightsaber skill gap.


not so baffling once you know origins of Theran Shan.


she's a powerful force user - more powerful now than she was then. wiser too. but... she's still a hypocrite. I'm just arguing that in terms of power and ability.. she's pretty darn close to Darth Marr.


You mean


Yeahh, I loved that moment with my Assassin as well. :D


yes, that exact moment, I swear I was cackling in glee.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Unless you are suggesting that Sidious suffered from a major psychosis and Palpatine was a literal split personality then your premise is nonsensical. Palpatine is Sidious, anything Palpatine does is something Sidious did.


In my personal opinion, you are right saying that Palpatine and Sidious were the same and one, however, you are not right when thinking that as Palpatine he was bowing due to respect to others, like Marr did, but rather he was doing so out of deception. From what I have watched and read Palpatine/Sidious showed respect only once to one person only, and I wouldn't even call it respect but cautiousness and fear. That was when Yoda confronted him in his office after Order 66. He tried to flee knowing how tremendously powerful Yoda was at that time, even more powerful probably at that instance. And he knew that cause he has tried to lure him and confront him in the past (if we consider the Clone Wars series as canonical) and he had failed, saved by shifting his attention to protecting Obi-wan was if I recall well.


In fact, up to that point Yoda was the most powerful force user alive, a sage master of the force with tremendous skill in his favourite saber technique that of ataru which he could maintain without physical exhaustion for much longer periods than anyone else due to him being so powerful in the force. His only "weakness" was that he would put protecting someone above finishing his opponent, a trait that his opponents exploited in every duel with him and managed to survive by fleeing, they didn't even dare to attack him even when his focus was split. When Yoda confronts Sidious in his office, Sidious knowing his strength and that he comes alone (Yoda didn't want Obi-wan to follow him cause he knew that with Obi he would be weaker than stronger, deceitful little fella he was even if being the Grand Master) which meant that Yoda's focus would be solely on him without any distractions decides to flee. He had already won by destroying the Jedi order and being proclaimed Emperor, and a duel with Yoda would jeopardise everything. In the impossible scenario of beating Yoda, which was not happening indeed in any case as the duel went on, he would have gained nothing, while losing would have cost everything. That was the only time Sidious showed "respect" for someone in his own way I guess.

Edited by MusicRider
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not so baffling once you know origins of Theran Shan.


she's a powerful force user - more powerful now than she was then. wiser too. but... she's still a hypocrite. I'm just arguing that in terms of power and ability.. she's pretty darn close to Darth Marr.




yes, that exact moment, I swear I was cackling in glee.


You mean Shatele. And nah, Shatele was more powerful than Marr although he was physically stronger of course. The outcome of a duel between them would still ambiguous. However, what I was surprised of was that in the preceding space battle above Yavin, how come and the Imps were not being annihilated given that Shatele has the power of battle meditation. And didMarr knew that Shatele was leading the Republic fleet before driving his fleet to that battle? Cause if he did, that would have been a very foolish decision in my opinion as he wouldn't stand a chance.

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You mean Shatele. And nah, Shatele was more powerful than Marr although he was physically stronger of course. The outcome of a duel between them would still ambiguous. However, what I was surprised of was that in the preceding space battle above Yavin, how come and the Imps were not being annihilated given that Shatele has the power of battle meditation. And didMarr knew that Shatele was leading the Republic fleet before driving his fleet to that battle? Cause if he did, that would have been a very foolish decision in my opinion as he wouldn't stand a chance.


I'm pretty sure there is no H in her name.



that said... I do honestly think that overall, they are about equally matched. again, do not underestimate Marr. he took a crumbling empire and brought it back up to formidable force. in a pretty short time too.


as for I was originally referring to is Malcolm Jace was at the time a bit more to Satele then a soldier of the republic. as Theron Shan existence shows. so that's why she jumped into melee with Malgus

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You seriously want to rethink the difference between ethics and morality, as that may help you navigate the imperial space with more than just prejudices.:rolleyes:


You may wish to actually take the time to read what I posted, and attempt to understand what I was saying before rolling your eyes at. Perhaps read the large portion of the post you cut off.


First clue -- I wasn't talking about morality vs ethics. I was talking about amorality vs immorality, and how it relates to the difference between Sith who harness their emotions, and Sith who are yoked by their emotions.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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After the battle of Rishi; when he ceases his fleets' fire and puts Satele Shan on the holo...they had him BOW TO HER??? A Dark Lord of the Council? Bowing to a Jedi Master? Wow I guess having one Sith (Lana) act like a Jedi isn't enough they have to have Marr start acting good too. Unbelievable.


So what's the point of spoiler tags when I can see everything you typed just by hovering over the title? Talk about useless.

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Not so much, as attested during the Imperial Agent story.

Instead of being intrinsically involved with the war when the latter broke out again, Imperial Intelligence chose... Other pursuits, regardless of its merits.


In the process, the current Keeper and the new Watchers fell comatose. In addition to this, Imperial Intelligence failed to deliver the goods at the time Corellia was invaded, as alluded to here.


Corellia, for all intents and purposes, was the turning point for the Republic in the renewed war.

In other words, yet again, not so much. Now they have a Sith playing Minister, and NOT a non Force-sensitive individual. It is even unclear if there will be a Keeper-like figure in the food-chain, or if the new higher-ups will have supreme control.


Hmm, in this light, a tighter leash, focussing their efforts on the war might not even be a bad thing per se. I almost forgot,

at the end of SoR, Marr puts Lana in charge of sith intelligence, while he'd like the player agent to serve as an advisor. What I don't know is wether Lana will serve as the equivalent of Minister or keeper.

In any case, my agent can live with that. Both Beniko and Marr have an interest in curbing sith powerplays that weaken the empire from within and the voice of the agent carries some weight with Marr and more so with Lana, who is compromised by my agent's irresistable charm.;)

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After the battle of Rishi; when he ceases his fleets' fire and puts Satele Shan on the holo...they had him BOW TO HER??? A Dark Lord of the Council? Bowing to a Jedi Master? Wow I guess having one Sith (Lana) act like a Jedi isn't enough they have to have Marr start acting good too. Unbelievable.


Not that I understand all this "Darth Marr Awe", but this gesture actually made me respect him a bit more.

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Someone clearly just space bar through the cut scenes.


What was the Republic and Empire doing on Yavin 4 to begin with?


Why did Marr cease fire?


Do you understand Darth Marr's personality or did you just assume that all sith are supposed to be dark side zealots?

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Not that I understand all this "Darth Marr Awe", but this gesture actually made me respect him a bit more.


I know exactly what you mean. In fact I would go one step farther and say that that gesture caused me to actually even remotely care about him in any way.

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Marr is not a maniacally cackling Darth Sidious. Made is an "old school" Sith. Old school Sith were Warriors...this means they have a code of honor. If she ever gave him an opening Marr would reach ou, rip Shan's heart out of her chest and show it to her before she became one with the force. However he knows that, at that moment, she was the immovable object to his unstoppable force. So as any true Warrior would you show respect to that person. That says something to, when you take the bow in the context of his dialogue (you need to look at both). When you do this it says "Respect me and do not think me weak because clearly I am intelligent enough to respect your position and power. This intelligence and my obvious power make me equally worthy of your respect."
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If you haven't played the expansion don't read.



The whole galaxy including Revan piss themselves at night to the emperor. The only one that has the option of not doing so is the consular in the final dialogs with Lana.



That is why Consulars are awesome

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After shuttle crushed into Jedi Temple, Darth Malgus showed respect to Jedi Master Van Zallow by nodding, signaling he respects Zallow's courage for standing his ground and not fleeing like the rest of Jedi. After that, Malgus killed him.


That is why I loved Malgus. He, just like Marr, is not afraid to show respect fearing it will make them any less important or weak. Actually, that only makes them look more powerful, meaning something so simple like acknowledging certain thing or person, makes no difference to or for you.


Now, maybe I have missed, but I was surprised Setele did not bow down to Marr, as well. I honestly never saw her as someone powerful, let alone important. As much as game is trying to make her look "awesome", for me she is just "meh". Maybe it has something with the fact that every time she engaged into something she needed help from somebody else, including getting rid of her own child. Honestly, it looked like she has been carried all this time to the place where she is right now. No matter how much I saw her as a hypocrite, I thought she is at least polite to bow back. Now, if I have missed it, my bad...but still she is the pure representation of why I think Republic is bunch of delusional liars and hypocrites.

Edited by Daex
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After shuttle crushed into Jedi Temple, Darth Malgus showed respect to Jedi Master Van Zallow by nodding, signaling he respects Zallow's courage for standing his ground and not fleeing like the rest of Jedi. After that, Malgus killed him.


That is why I loved Malgus. He, just like Marr, is not afraid to show respect fearing it will make them any less important or weak. Actually, that only makes them look more powerful, meaning something so simple like acknowledging certain thing or person, makes no difference to or for you.


Now, maybe I have missed, but I was surprised Setele did not bow down to Marr, as well. I honestly never saw her as someone powerful, let alone important. As much as game is trying to make her look "awesome", for me she is just "meh". Maybe it has something with the fact that every time she engaged into something she needed help from somebody else, including getting rid of her own child. Honestly, it looked like she has been carried all this time to the place where she is right now. No matter how much I saw her as a hypocrite, I thought she is at least polite to bow back. Now, if I have missed it, my bad...but still she is the pure representation of why I think Republic is bunch of delusional liars and hypocrites.


If I remember right she does a nod of sorts. That said...Yoda never seemed to be that much of a bad ***, until he went all monkey style kung fu on Count Dooku. I think what makes the difference between a true Jedi master of the light vs a Sith Lord is that the Jedi is a quiet power not worn on the sleeve.


the fact she is a master of Battle Meditation, which you see in the final solo battle, shows the extent of her mastery. That is per canon a rare and very difficult ability to master



Even if I remember the nod wrong and it never happened remember...the Jedi, unlike Sith, do not want to be warriors (particularly consulate)...to them the Sith forced them (no pun intended) to become warriors, so in looking at Darth Marr she sees the personification of everything that has forced them to become what they never wanted to be.

Edited by Ghisallo
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I re-watched the cutscene you are referring to. It was not a bow of deference, but rather a bow of respect to greet someone he acknowledges as about his equal in stature and power - kind of like when the king of one country bows to the king of another country as a greeting :)
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From what I've seen of Darth Marr, he is ruthlessly pragmatic-- he'll do whatever is needed to get the job done. It costs him nothing to be a little bit respectful to an opponent and may gain him easier cooperation. He has the job that he has specifically because he cares about taking care of business over petty vanities and rivalries.
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While Marr shows respect what about Satele Shan



who does not return the bow nor refer to Marr by his title, does not even refer to him by name and then when neutral ground is proposed makes a face like she is made angered at the prospect. I'll admit there is only so many facial expression available but the prospect of peaceful talk does seem to please her.



If we consider



Garza who is a war criminal and Saresh who is a warmonger



and now Shan, is it going to be a case of the 'good' guys are in fact more corrupted by the darkside than the Sith?

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