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The coalition base on Yavin needs to be neutral territory.


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I'm not sure they're all kids. But transferring shouldn't affect your decorations or available strongholds, in the past there might've been bugs and issues with it but afaik everything is sorted out now.


Well that does not give me much faith in the so called adults then,one does not need much critical thinking to realize that Republic players get ganked over and over and over to the point it is sometimes just unplayable,what adult could,would not realize it? and if they do what type of person is that behind the keyboard that gets their jollys killing other players when the said player has zero chance? sorry but thats just pathetic,thus why i want off the Bastion.


I was told that the room unlocks do not carry over.

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The Pilgrim's Retreat of Voss is the same way, and its insipid sometimes with endgame players camping low levels there.


I'm personally appalled that some people think its ok it beat other players when the other player is straight up unable to respond. I understand the volatile and usually unbalanced nature of OWPvP, but this goes to far, having a zone set up so that its literally impossible for players to even regroup to fight back is ruining OWPvP not helping it. Its the digital equivalent of picking a fight with someone but then having your buddies hold him down while you punch his face in.


The fact that players think they are justified to do this against other players, other humans, is just barbaric.

I agree Zoom...this needs to change. I don't care if they move the quest givers to an open area where we can fight over them, it's the loading in/rezzing that's impossible to do that bothers me about the current system.

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I think that people who want to 'opt out' of PvP probably should've rolled PvE to start and just run around with flags up for when they wanted to PvP. While I don't really know what people think when they decide to camp vastly outnumbered players, the nature of a PvP server is one that lets players interact with each other in the open world on a completely different way.


Tbh, a lot of people probably enjoy taking over certain areas as a faction and holding onto it as long as they can, hoping the other faction shows up and they can have some large scale battles, if there were actual advantages to doing so it would make more sense, rather than just creating inconvenience for others, but that's the premise of PvP servers, a group of 50 troopers can walk to an imp base and kill all the champions if they wanted and 'strategically' take it over to prevent imperials from operating. That's flavor at it's finest, but it's grossly unfair to players who might have limited play time and only want to do the content they wanted to play.


But again, I don't know what people sign up for PVP servers sign up for, but if it's just honorable duels to the death it's probably not very likely to happen.


I haven't personally been camped on Y4, because I can just probe revive and use the pvp stealth to get to the taxi, but I can see how it can be painful for non-subs or people who don't know it. I also play on JM (both factions) where the faction population is more even, so maybe that changes how much I see people getting ganked.

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But that's different...that's an area where you're loaded in and out questing...Yavin is literally where you first land on the planet.


Ah I see, that's what I get for commenting before going there, sorry about that. Hmm then yeah it should have been implemented like Voss-Ka then, shared and neutral until you leave that area.


Probably due to costs but having a CS droid presence back in game again threatening to take action against spawn point campers would probably help too. Pretty sure that's against even pvp server rules.

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The Pilgrim's Retreat of Voss is the same way, and its insipid sometimes with endgame players camping low levels there.


I'm personally appalled that some people think its ok it beat other players when the other player is straight up unable to respond. I understand the volatile and usually unbalanced nature of OWPvP, but this goes to far, having a zone set up so that its literally impossible for players to even regroup to fight back is ruining OWPvP not helping it. Its the digital equivalent of picking a fight with someone but then having your buddies hold him down while you punch his face in.


The fact that players think they are justified to do this against other players, other humans, is just barbaric, particularly since I'm pretty that if this happened to any of the people saying its not a problem, those players would probably change sides and join the QQ.


Mostly true. Wouldn't go as far as barbaric, sadistic? Yes.


On point though, this is precisely the same scenario that happened on Illum - a situation they resolved after hours after hours of abuse from mostly imperial players towards republic (most server had more imperial players) - people were spawn camped and could not even leave the area. To repeat such a dire mistake, incompetence.


For people to defend something that have already been deemed faulty and has, 3 years ago, been fixed - ye well that tells me you are the noobs i farm all day in warzones. Have your fun now, you will not be allowed to keep it.

Edited by AdamLKvist
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I think that people who want to 'opt out' of PvP probably should've rolled PvE to start and just run around with flags up for when they wanted to PvP. While I don't really know what people think when they decide to camp vastly outnumbered players, the nature of a PvP server is one that lets players interact with each other in the open world on a completely different way.


Tbh, a lot of people probably enjoy taking over certain areas as a faction and holding onto it as long as they can, hoping the other faction shows up and they can have some large scale battles, if there were actual advantages to doing so it would make more sense, rather than just creating inconvenience for others, but that's the premise of PvP servers, a group of 50 troopers can walk to an imp base and kill all the champions if they wanted and 'strategically' take it over to prevent imperials from operating. That's flavor at it's finest, but it's grossly unfair to players who might have limited play time and only want to do the content they wanted to play.


But again, I don't know what people sign up for PVP servers sign up for, but if it's just honorable duels to the death it's probably not very likely to happen.


I haven't personally been camped on Y4, because I can just probe revive and use the pvp stealth to get to the taxi, but I can see how it can be painful for non-subs or people who don't know it. I also play on JM (both factions) where the faction population is more even, so maybe that changes how much I see people getting ganked.



You do not know why people sign up for PvP servers?


Oh come on to have the freedom to Pvp of course,but the imbalance is far too high,well on the Bastion i dunno about other servers but yes i do wish to leave,i wanted OWPVP not slaughter fest 24/7 ,that is NOT PVP,PVP is somewhat what fair numbers,not with the Imperials on the Bastion.

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On point though, this is precisely the same scenario that happened on Illum - a situation they resolved after hours after hours of abuse from mostly imperial players towards republic (most server had more imperial players) - people were spawn camped and could not even leave the area. To repeat such a dire mistake, incompetence.

Holy crap...you're right. People were awarded Valor points then too, but you're exactly right...it's almost the same thing (only difference being, I'd have loaded into Ilum and speedered to the gank spot).

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Well, to be fair, as long as this kind of behavior is allowed players are justified in taking advantage of it.


That doesn't stop it from being wrong, just not a violation of game rules. Perhaps lack of fair play, underhanded, that sort of thing.


The fault sits with the folks that designed mechanics to allow this sort of thing. And of course I concur it needs to change.

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Well, to be fair, as long as this kind of behavior is allowed players are justified in taking advantage of it.


That doesn't stop it from being wrong, just not a violation of game rules. Perhaps lack of fair play, underhanded, that sort of thing.


The fault sits with the folks that designed mechanics to allow this sort of thing. And of course I concur it needs to change.


not sure I agree there. in a case like this sportsmanship is a must.

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I think you're mistaking ganking a rez/load point for "PvP".


No I think my definition is the broadest loosest definition being applied in this thread, to me literally it stands for player versus player. Any interaction that a player takes that involves another player is PvP.


I actually think it's interesting that a faction can have an actual impact on the operation of another faction, from a RP/lore perspective that's probably exactly what a group of Imperials or Republic soldiers would be doing, obstructing things for the opposite faction and drawing it into a culmination of battle. I don't doubt there's lots of jerks out there just doing it to ruin other people's time (probably way more of them are doing it for this).


However, the flip side is obviously a very real QoL issue for players who don't want to participate in these types of things and being victimized out of their time to do the things they wanted to do instead, which is why I feel like maybe if that is a real concern for them they probably should've rolled the server where pvp can't happen unless they want it to happen for them.


I'm not against them putting more preventative measures on Y4, but I'm against the pervasive mentality that any 'unfair' owpvp is not 'pvp' and 'pvp' only exists when two people agree to mutually fight each other to the death in some kind of honorable duel.

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not sure I agree there. in a case like this sportsmanship is a must.


Fair enough, and again, sportsmanship is certainly something that should be encouraged by mechanics. No player should be able to ruin the gameplay experience of another by engaging in unfair tactics or exploits.


However....if the game grants that unfair advantage the onus to rectify the situation sits with the developers, not the players. They are to be expected to take advantage of any...well...advantage they can without violating the rules.


This should be fixed. But trying to get players to modify their behavior is a fools errand IMO.

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No I think my definition is the broadest loosest definition being applied in this thread, to me literally it stands for player versus player. Any interaction that a player takes that involves another player is PvP.


I actually think it's interesting that a faction can have an actual impact on the operation of another faction, from a RP/lore perspective that's probably exactly what a group of Imperials or Republic soldiers would be doing, obstructing things for the opposite faction and drawing it into a culmination of battle. I don't doubt there's lots of jerks out there just doing it to ruin other people's time (probably way more of them are doing it for this).


However, the flip side is obviously a very real QoL issue for players who don't want to participate in these types of things and being victimized out of their time to do the things they wanted to do instead, which is why I feel like maybe if that is a real concern for them they probably should've rolled the server where pvp can't happen unless they want it to happen for them.


I'm not against them putting more preventative measures on Y4, but I'm against the pervasive mentality that any 'unfair' owpvp is not 'pvp' and 'pvp' only exists when two people agree to mutually fight each other to the death in some kind of honorable duel.



By your logic we should be able to go to each others fleets and the imbalance is not lore or reality.

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No I think my definition is the broadest loosest definition being applied in this thread, to me literally it stands for player versus player. Any interaction that a player takes that involves another player is PvP.


I actually think it's interesting that a faction can have an actual impact on the operation of another faction, from a RP/lore perspective that's probably exactly what a group of Imperials or Republic soldiers would be doing, obstructing things for the opposite faction and drawing it into a culmination of battle. I don't doubt there's lots of jerks out there just doing it to ruin other people's time (probably way more of them are doing it for this).


However, the flip side is obviously a very real QoL issue for players who don't want to participate in these types of things and being victimized out of their time to do the things they wanted to do instead, which is why I feel like maybe if that is a real concern for them they probably should've rolled the server where pvp can't happen unless they want it to happen for them.


I'm not against them putting more preventative measures on Y4, but I'm against the pervasive mentality that any 'unfair' owpvp is not 'pvp' and 'pvp' only exists when two people agree to mutually fight each other to the death in some kind of honorable duel.


It's not Player vs Player when one player is at a disadvantage brought on by game environment design. For the player loading in, it is PvE with an auto-lose mechanic as they never really confront the other player.

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It's not Player vs Player when one player is at a disadvantage brought on by game environment design. For the player loading in, it is PvE with an auto-lose mechanic as they never really confront the other player.


For one zero penalty death, yes.

Edited by leihn
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Rather sensationalist viewpoint.


Not really. I do not think it is too much to ask that there is no single point in this game that poor game environment design leads to an unintended death. I use the stipulations of "uninteded" as some stories, you kind of are meant to die."

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I, personally, was surprised the COALITION BASE OF OPERATIONS was not a sanctuary.


Its a coalition base. I am on a PvP server and I love PvP but how is this base area not a sanctuary? That makes zero sense gamewise and thematically.


"Assemble the troops!"

"We don't have any Sir!"


"Youmomisalightsaber69 killed them all while they were talking to vendors!"

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