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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Latency Issues


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Hey folks,


I wanted to let you know that we just implemented a fix to begin addressing some of the lag issues you have been experiencing on Yavin. Although this fix won't address everything immediately, you should start to see an improvement in performance. If things still seem the same to you as the did before please let us know. Alternately, if you haven't seen a performance change, please try leaving Yavin and returning to the area. In some circumstances (along with our fix) that can help.


Thanks everyone. We will continue to monitor the issue and give you updates as we have them.




There is still a 1 second delay between pressing the ability button and the related animation on the screen. Bioware did not do load testing before it launch this expansion? Player who pre-ordered are made to be beta-tester for Bioware during the early access period. So how is Bioware going to 'compensate' those who pre-order?

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The "lag issue" i've had has actually been caused when SWTOR causes loads of windows programs to start up simultanious and double even in some instances.


I found this out when during lag i used ctrl-alt-del and looked at what the processes tab in taskmanager showed me.

And no, these programs normaly NEVER run, as i have modified windows to run only essentials. Even auto update gets shut down when i run RAZOR CORTEX tm, so no programs should be starting up.


But somewhere along the line SWTOR is causing redundant and shutdown programs to be started up, sometimes in duplicate. The list in taskmanager gets 3x as long and cpu ussage gets4x highers then it should be at anytime playing SWTOR.


I suggest you "DEVS" get your act together and check your coding, because if it is not your direct coding, you sure as hell are allowing third parties to hitch a ride or your data streams and you are liable for it.



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How did Bioware not see something like this happening? Seriously. *sigh* Guess I'll piddle away my "Early Access" while its "investigated" then "fixed". This'll sure teach me to pre-order from EA I guess. :rolleyes:


that's easy to explain. Closed Beta. they didn't stress test 3.0 on the PTS.

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I wanted to let you know that we just implemented a fix to begin addressing some of the lag issues you have been experiencing on Yavin.


Well, to be fair Yavin 4 is okay when there is less than 30 players in an instance, anymore than that and it becomes Lagin 4.


Pretty unbearable and it'll only get worse next week.

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Hey folks,


I wanted to let you know that we just implemented a fix to begin addressing some of the lag issues you have been experiencing on Yavin. Although this fix won't address everything immediately, you should start to see an improvement in performance. If things still seem the same to you as the did before please let us know. Alternately, if you haven't seen a performance change, please try leaving Yavin and returning to the area. In some circumstances (along with our fix) that can help.


Thanks everyone. We will continue to monitor the issue and give you updates as we have them.




BioWare, I am experiencing big differences also in normal Warzones. Can we expect a hotfix for PvP as well? Because right now it's nearly unplayable. I had 30+ fps pre-3.0, now it's down at evrythign from 10-22 kinda. Everything seems harder for the servers. My concerns are also confirmed by others.

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I'm seeing combat lag on the solo mode Forged Alliances FPs. Sometimes procs don't come up when they should, sometimes hitting an attack will result in a small delay and then the attack fires off, sometimes it acts like the global cooldown isn't over when it should be, so I need to click a couple of times before whatever I'm trying to hit actually registers.
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Hey folks,


I wanted to let you know that we just implemented a fix to begin addressing some of the lag issues you have been experiencing on Yavin. Although this fix won't address everything immediately, you should start to see an improvement in performance. If things still seem the same to you as the did before please let us know. Alternately, if you haven't seen a performance change, please try leaving Yavin and returning to the area. In some circumstances (along with our fix) that can help.


Thanks everyone. We will continue to monitor the issue and give you updates as we have them.




Eric, just FYI (since it's minor compared to the FPs and planets), serious lat.lag issues if you try dueling at your nar shadda sky palace. If you happen to log in send me a wisp and I'll invite you to mine. Only requirement is that you rebind your S key first XD

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Are you really serious guys ? It's been 4 days and no update at all ! Don't take vacations when you realease an early acces which is an alpha acces ! YAVIN is unplayable ! We bought this early acces, not to be a beta tester or to give you treasury before release. I could understand problems, but no reaction in 4 days (i'm sure we will only have an update for the official release) it's just unaceptable.
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Are you really serious guys ? It's been 4 days and no update at all ! Don't take vacations when you realease an early acces which is an alpha acces ! YAVIN is unplayable ! We bought this early acces, not to be a beta tester or to give you treasury before release. I could understand problems, but no reaction in 4 days (i'm sure we will only have an update for the official release) it's just unaceptable.


Bugs aren't a checklist on the dev's computer that they click and decide what to magically fix. They are real problems which need real and creative solutions in order to fix. The fact that they don't care enough to give you constant updates as to their progress only means that they care more about fixing the issue than listening to you whine. Don't mistake their silence as apathy or inaction.

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any plans for broad based lag fixes??


I am on Nar Shaddaa with the lag going from 30-40 ms and spiking every 10 seconds to 120ms then slowly building again to a higher number..


the game isn't completely unplayable atm but it sure isn't enjoyable..


I assume you are using client to patch others and I am wondering if we can turn this off?


edited .. this is THE very same thing it did when the game was new and wasn't doing before this patch..

Edited by enigmacypher
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Hey folks,


I wanted to let you know that we just implemented a fix to begin addressing some of the lag issues you have been experiencing on Yavin. Although this fix won't address everything immediately, you should start to see an improvement in performance. If things still seem the same to you as the did before please let us know. Alternately, if you haven't seen a performance change, please try leaving Yavin and returning to the area. In some circumstances (along with our fix) that can help.


Thanks everyone. We will continue to monitor the issue and give you updates as we have them.




Apparently said fix fixed nothing because Korriban and Tython FPs are unplayable on Shadowlands.

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Apparently said fix fixed nothing because Korriban and Tython FPs are unplayable on Shadowlands.


this is exactly why I want them to stop saying Rishi, yavin and whatever else and hopefully realize it's a full server issue that can come and go like my insomnia

Edited by enigmacypher
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We, (my husband and I) are still having serious problems with the game since the server (Shadowlands) went down. It's virtually unplayable, there is at least a 5-6 second lag, and doing the flashpoints is a little slice of hell. Even the conversations aren't lining up with the visuals, it's like bad dubbing. It was fine yesterday. Not sure what went wrong, but we're not the only ones who are having issues, judging from the conversations on the main chat.


Please check into this...it's horrid. Thanks.

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Always an opportunity to whine.


Latency issues like these can't be predicted... when will people ever realize that.


not to be difficult but it is easy to predict as a rule ..


a big patch and this game WILL behave like this for some players .. question is , is there a permanent fix for this issue of are we stuck with it..


Happened during early start of the game .. Hutt Cartel when new .. and here it is again..


not upset . just saying

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ok ran Nar Shaddaa's hired guns (2) solo again tonight


first day of patch 4 to 6 deaths due to appearantly over powered silvers?

2nd day about the same..


Friday afternoon non peak hours a little lag .. odd damage spike but got through it no deaths to report..


tonight HUGH lag .. often waiting 3 to 7 seconds (I timed it and it varied) between hitting attack buttons and actually being able to use next ability..

3 deaths total all during lag when you could do anything though IT did seem the ranged silvers were hitting a lot harder (when I took down a group of 2 silver and a gold they HIT really hard it seemed , 1 silver and 2 gold was easier though the golds do seem to have more health their DPS seem lower)..

Last death due to the fact I was trying to race out on mount and stalled for 10 seconds still mounted as MOBs had hit and dismounted me .. finally got control and was under 1/2 health when I regained control.. go to med center and turn in and log out as fast as possible..


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE look into lag spikes for some player and look into the MOBs performance...


PRETTY PLEASE acknowledge you know there is an issue IN THE WHOLE game not just the 55+ zones as I too am a paying customer

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ok ran Nar Shaddaa's hired guns (2) solo again tonight


first day of patch 4 to 6 deaths due to appearantly over powered silvers?

2nd day about the same..


Friday afternoon non peak hours a little lag .. odd damage spike but got through it no deaths to report..


tonight HUGH lag .. often waiting 3 to 7 seconds (I timed it and it varied) between hitting attack buttons and actually being able to use next ability..

3 deaths total all during lag when you could do anything though IT did seem the ranged silvers were hitting a lot harder (when I took down a group of 2 silver and a gold they HIT really hard it seemed , 1 silver and 2 gold was easier though the golds do seem to have more health their DPS seem lower)..

Last death due to the fact I was trying to race out on mount and stalled for 10 seconds still mounted as MOBs had hit and dismounted me .. finally got control and was under 1/2 health when I regained control.. go to med center and turn in and log out as fast as possible..


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE look into lag spikes for some player and look into the MOBs performance...


PRETTY PLEASE acknowledge you know there is an issue IN THE WHOLE game not just the 55+ zones as I too am a paying customer


Everywhere I go, huge ability delays. And I too noticed some actually crazy powerful silvers. The same ones I have been fighting in dailies forever, a day after patch some of them hit like a nuke. Just their "auto attack" I mean, not stuff you can interrupt etc. Some silvers seem the same, some are crazy powerful now.


Seeing this at all levels really, though is not consistent. Been weird after the patch!

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