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Hate this new skill tree


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Rancid, stinking, fetid, vile chunks of carcass.


Stop trying to tell people that they "don't know if they like it" until they've put up with it for months.


It was plainly obvious just from the previews what a stinking pile of crap this new system was going to be.


I really couldn't care less if you like it or not. It's better for the game and if you can't get over it then tough.

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You hit the nail on the head right there.


It's not akin to "rancid meat" -- It's more akin to new clothes. It may or may not feel good at first,

but you won't really know how well they fit and feel until you've given it some time. And fifteen minutes

is NO WHERE NEAR the amount of time to explore the entire system. That is just ridiculous and



I feel the better analogy is riding a bike.


Sure, you can give up the first time you fall and never learn... or you can give it a reasonable go and maybe enjoy it.


That being said, not all people enjoy riding bikes. That's fine, but don't spread vitriol to the people who do like riding bikes because you used to ride a tricycle.

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Some people don't need to wallow in discomfort for hours out of the naive optimism that it will get better if they just give it a chance.


No, some people prefer to go naked in the biting cold instead of accepting the jacket offered them and continue to make up illogical and wrong excuses at every turn.

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Yeah, I liked it much better when you had to Google a build then click the exact dots. When all players are the same but bubble their own dots its much better than when they can't. I need the illusion of choice at all times.


This is really true - everyone eventually ends up with the same spec (or pretty close to the same spec) that does the most DPS by sharing information about specs on the forums and other sources on the internet. The result is everyone ends up being pretty much the same.


Don't know if I'll like the new system or not - just saying.

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No, they weren't viable for YOU.


Stop pretending your standards for what is viable are universal.


They were not viable. Period. End of story. No ifs, ands, or buts, they were worse.


As long as you get what you want, then to hell with everyone else... right? :rolleyes:


You are a tiny minority that doesn't matter. You need to accept that. And if they were to go with what you wanted then the game would be worse off for it. So yes, to hell with the hybrid players. Adapt or leave.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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I feel the better analogy is riding a bike.


Sure, you can give up the first time you fall and never learn... or you can give it a reasonable go and maybe enjoy it.


That being said, not all people enjoy riding bikes. That's fine, but don't spread vitriol to the people who do like riding bikes because you used to ride a tricycle.



You are right, this is a better analogy.


And I KNOW that a lot of people won't like it. I think it's a bit amusing that people see something different (not necessarily good or bad, just changed.. Just different) and because they aren't used to it, it's immediately "bad" and they are "wallowing in discomfort."


Between the launch of 3.0 and now there is just no way you could have taken the time to get involved in the new system. Sorry. It's true.

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...said the person who wants their standards back even though other people didn't like them.


What I want is a system that addresses the issues with the old skill tree without stripping players of the ability to create their own build as suited to the character.


But you go right ahead with your little assumption there.



You are right, this is a better analogy.


And I KNOW that a lot of people won't like it. I think it's a bit amusing that people see something different (not necessarily good or bad, just changed.. Just different) and because they aren't used to it, it's immediately "bad" and they are "wallowing in discomfort."


Between the launch of 3.0 and now there is just no way you could have taken the time to get involved in the new system. Sorry. It's true.


The previews were out for all classes. It's not rocket surgery, it's plain to see how they're going to "work".

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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You hit the nail on the head right there.


It's not akin to "rancid meat" -- It's more akin to new clothes. It may or may not feel good at first,

but you won't really know how well they fit and feel until you've given it some time. And fifteen minutes

is NO WHERE NEAR the amount of time to explore the entire system. That is just ridiculous and



Well lets see maintenance stopped at 7 am i patched by 730 its 1135 now been playing trying to adjust but cant sooo child-like after giving it what about 3 1/2 - 4 hours, plenty of time to get used to it. But i cant, hate this system, If i wanted a system like this I woulda went to WoW

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Yeah, I liked it much better when you had to Google a build then click the exact dots. When all players are the same but bubble their own dots its much better than when they can't. I need the illusion of choice at all times.


If you googled your setups, chances are you're unable to actually think outside the box. What i posted was my oppinion, lashing out at me because i dislike touching the window you like to lick isn't gonna change that.

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By your standards.


To be fair, his standards are the only standards that matter for class balance...


But this is just rehashing the arguments that took place over the course of 3 months. These accomplish nothing now because the system is in place. Not much is going to change at this point.


Complaining at this point is no longer constructive criticism, it's just complaining.

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To be fair, his standards are the only standards that matter for class balance...


But this is just rehashing the arguments that took place over the course of 3 months. These accomplish nothing now because the system is in place. Not much is going to change at this point.


Complaining at this point is no longer constructive criticism, it's just complaining.


Like the new system is going to be any better for "balance" -- it didn't stop the constant "fixes" and "adjustments" when they did this to WoW, and it didn't do a thing to stop the constant bleating and whining from a certain highly vocal minority who thought the entire game revolved around their need to faceroll opposing classes... which is where 95% of the "balance" furor comes from.

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Well, no one can say you didn't give it a fair shake after that whole 15 minutes for a period of adjustment. :rolleyes:


LOL well said. The comparison to rancid beef was, well, rather idiotic. This isn't a product in such a way. It is a product that you have to experience and learn the manner of its design to have a valid feeling about one way or another. Going into with an already negative attitude means that 8 times out of 10 you're going to nitpick and look for anything that will validate your original feeling.


But hey if you don't like it to such an extent then you should move on to where you are happy. I will wait and actually experience it before I make such a decision.

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Yes, by the standards of math and any reliable metric.


No, by the standards of "OMG this nonstandard spec is 0.5% more effective in nightmare mode ops, it must be nerfed right now!" and "OMG I can't faceroll this other class in PvP must nerf right now!"



LOL well said. The comparison to rancid beef was, well, rather idiotic. This isn't a product in such a way. It is a product that you have to experience and learn the manner of its design to have a valid feeling about one way or another. Going into with an already negative attitude means that 8 times out of 10 you're going to nitpick and look for anything that will validate your original feeling.


Did you miss the previews that they published?

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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didnt take long for the EA fanboys and simple fanboys to start crashing into every thread... wonder if they get free cartel coins?


Not a fanboy but when u change the system without slowly introducing it but shoving it down our throats makes it hard for ALOT of people to adjust.

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Like the new system is going to be any better for "balance" -- it didn't stop the constant "fixes" and "adjustments" when they did this to WoW, and it didn't do a thing to stop the constant bleating and whining from a certain highly vocal minority who thought the entire game revolved around their need to faceroll opposing classes... which is where 95% of the "balance" furor comes from.


Well, we will see how the PVP community feels about their class changes.


We will also see how the PVE community parses against bosses. Ideally, top tier raiders will see a general discrepancy of about 5% max.


You know, the kind of feedback that can be used to continue to keep the classes in line.

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I just updated to this 3.0.....I gotta admit. I hate it. I hate hate hate it. I cant get used to it I lost like 4 main abilities i used. I hate it. The setup is lame. Cant stand playing anymore. Most likely will quit playing. and this sucks cause i love SWTOR and i was dreading this new system when it was mentioned. My friends and I play this game together and we all agree that we hate it, and its a shame cause we drop big bucks on the game and this sucks cause we cant stand it. I gave it a chance and I cant stand it. Really cant. Anyone else dislike this new system

LOL! Overreacting much? If you don't like it, fine...but change was sorely needed. After the whole 10 minutes you must have played it, I'm sure your opinions means a great deal to others...

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LOL didnt do hybrids but ok.. considering your a white knighter calling anyone that doesnt agree with you names and useing personal insults... Didnt think school was out today...


Quote a personal insult I have used in this discussion.


Edit: You can't, because I haven't.


To someone like you Hybrids is an insult but dont worry move along.. They made it allot easyer for people like you to not have to think to play... Off to the lag fest trying out new content YOU have not even looked at or tried yet...


Nice. Get proven wrong and move the goalposts. "Hybrids is an insult". LOL.

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