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Bioware says NO LFD TOOL.


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i have not had any problems looking for a group with in 5 -10 mins we are doing the heroic mission or fp. The LFG system with click of a button just makes the game easy to level and they should stay away from that. So the kiddies and the adults who are big little kids, you know who you are, start crying about we need LFG button. Not having one isnt going to kill the game.
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Right now, SWTOR is all sunshine and rainbows because the servers are packed to the gills. A month from now, it'll probably still be fine. Two months? Three months? Then you're going to start seeing wait times increase.


and thats why they said they don't plan a dungeon finder FOR NOW. if the situation changes it will be re-evaluated (because they WANT people to run flashpoints). and even than it just increases the probability of finding 3 other people to run a fp. it doesn't mean til WILL lead to decresed queue times.


Let me guess you are playing at peak hours? come back after you have tried getting a grp for a flashpoint at 4 in the morning or hell just some1 to join you on a 2man heroic mission.


effing supermarkets closing at night. THIS.IS.AN.OUTRAGE. I want to do X in the middle of the night and the rest of the timezone behaves differently!!!112


srsly, you want to do group content but don'want to deal with other peoples behaviour? you now that in an mmo it doesn't always work the way YOU want it to be.

but hey, it's easier to just ***** and moan instead of actually thinking for a minute "hm, maybe I should play on a server which has a lot of ppl playing during the time I play..."

Edited by Graburr
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I've tried lf groups for flashpoints, and no, just no, I've done the first one (Black Talon) with 2 people, havent done any others after that, it's just not worth the effort to look for a group, when I'm trying to play, I like to actually play, not sit around waiting and spamming /1.
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i have not had any problems looking for a group with in 5 -10 mins we are doing the heroic mission or fp


I find this hard to believe. Even as tank spec I can literally spend an hour spamming general for a Flashpoint and never get one, on a server that's always full.

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No LFG/LFR makes a stronger community, keep up the good work Bioware.


Proof? Just curious, as many people say this without providing a shred of information to support it. Same goes for the opposite; the anecdotal screeds about LFG killing WOW are boring, repetitive, and completely unsubstantiated.

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and thats why they said they don't plan a dungeon finder FOR NOW. if the situation changes it will be re-evaluated (because they WANT people to run flashpoints). and even than it just increases the probability of finding 3 other people to run a fp. it doesn't mean til WILL lead to decresed queue times.




effing supermarkets closing at night. THIS.IS.AN.OUTRAGE. I want to do X in the middle of the night and the rest of the timezone behaves differently!!!112


srsly, you want to do group content but don'want to deal with other peoples behaviour? you now that in an mmo it doesn't always work the way YOU want it to be.

but hey, it's easier to just ***** and moan instead of actually thinking for a minute "hm, maybe I should play on a server which has a lot of ppl playing during the time I play..."


not really sure i get your point about the supermarket closing at night=S all i was saying is some of us has weird work hours, where we cant play when alot of other ppl play and it is almost impossible to do content at odd hours. Also you seem to be of the view that your view on this matter and your money matters more then the rest, well it doesnt.

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srsly, you want to do group content but don'want to deal with other peoples behaviour? you now that in an mmo it doesn't always work the way YOU want it to be.

but hey, it's easier to just ***** and moan instead of actually thinking for a minute "hm, maybe I should play on a server which has a lot of ppl playing during the time I play..."



What if you have a rotating work schedule? Nights for a week or two, then days, and so on. What if all of your friends play on a specific server that's designed for your time zone, but you just happen to work a different schedule than them? What if you run with friends during prime time, but they all go to sleep earlier than you, and you want to still be able to run content later in the night/early in the morning?


But hey, it's easier to just tell people to play on another server than respect their valid concerns and opinions. All people are asking for is a way to experience part of the game that's currently very difficult or impossible for them to experience. Why does that offend you?

Edited by Raijinvince
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Proof? Just curious, as many people say this without providing a shred of information to support it. Same goes for the opposite; the anecdotal screeds about LFG killing WOW are boring, repetitive, and completely unsubstantiated.


The support should be unnecessary as it is a logical conclusion. If you played WoW before and after cross server queues you would have noticed the drastic change in the server community of every server.

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The support should be unnecessary as it is a logical conclusion. If you played WoW before and after cross server queues you would have noticed the drastic change in the server community of every server.


I played wow, doing alot of pugging, before and after they added their lfg tool and to be honest i never really saw any change in how ppl played in pugs. But hell maybe i was just lucky or more tolerant then most when it comes to pugs.


ps are you sure you logical conclusion isnt based on false/untrue facts?

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The support should be unnecessary as it is a logical conclusion. If you played WoW before and after cross server queues you would have noticed the drastic change in the server community of every server.


I saw the same behavior in Everquest, which has never had a LFD tool, as I saw in Rift and WoW, both of which had LFD tools.


So no, it is not a logical conclusion. People are the problem, not the tools available to them.

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I played wow, doing alot of pugging, before and after they added their lfg tool and to be honest i never really saw any change in how ppl played in pugs. But hell maybe i was just lucky or more tolerant then most when it comes to pugs.


The change was that when the dungeon is over you severe all ties with the people you just spent an hour with. Why would you want to play a social game to play with nameless people? The only enjoyment I got from LFG was griefing the players who deserved it.

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The change was that when the dungeon is over you severe all ties with the people you just spent an hour with. Why would you want to play a social game to play with nameless people? The only enjoyment I got from LFG was griefing the players who deserved it.


this game isn't very social as is..

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The change was that when the dungeon is over you severe all ties with the people you just spent an hour with. Why would you want to play a social game to play with nameless people? The only enjoyment I got from LFG was griefing the players who deserved it.


Again you seem to think that doing pugs pre lfg tool, meant that you knew the ppl you where pugging with, which you didnt. A pug is for the most part made up of ppl you dont know, so i dont really see how a lfg tool would effect that part it in any way.

Edited by wezzan
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Newsflash... It's the ACTUAL GROUP ENCOUNTER that promotes social interaction, not the incessant spamming of the chat channel trying to find a group. The MORE groups people can do, the MORE social interaction they will have.


Spamming the chat channel for a group is not something many people want to do thus they don't bother with the group quests/flashpoints. The EASIER you make it to find a group(aka a server ONLY LFG finder) the MORE social interaction people will have.

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LFD allows players to basically bypass having to actually interact with other players to do group content. The community will better off without it. Sure LFD is easy and convenient, it creates more problems than it solves though.


how is spamming a channel interacting with other ppl?

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Again you seem to think that doing pugs pre lfg tool means that you knew the ppl you where pugging with which you didnt. A pug is for the most part made up´of ppl you dont know, so i dont really see how a lfg tool would effect that part it in any way.


It forces you to reach out to people in chat and actually talk to them instead of just joining a run and going threw the dungeon in its entirety without saying a single word. Yeah it doesn't mean 100% of the time you will be social, but at the very least you will end up responding to a tell/shout to get into the group. The only reason people want LFG is so they can be lazy, play the game. So what if you can't min max your dungeon time, you are only going to be bored at 50 anyway.

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It forces you to reach out to people in chat and actually talk to them instead of just joining a run and going threw the dungeon in its entirety without saying a single word. Yeah it doesn't mean 100% of the time you will be social, but at the very least you will end up responding to a tell/shout to get into the group. The only reason people want LFG is so they can be lazy, play the game. So what if you can't min max your dungeon time, you are only going to be bored at 50 anyway.


..No it doesn't. This is all the talkig you need to do.


"LFG BT" ad naseum

"I'll tank"

"Healer here"

"DPS for BT"


there, thats it, thats ALL IT TAKES! now you never have to talk to them again and never have to remember their names.

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Seriously you dont get how spamming a channel is interaction? Cuz ppl who answer you want to do it with you after the run if everyone was cool you might add one to your friends list or all of them or in a bad case go ok that guy is a douche ignore.


I'm not going to look to find it..Its a few pages back.


Long story short, i've met, made friends, and talked to more people BECAUSE of LFD in wow then i ever would of without.


Why? Because the hassle of finding a group the old way isn't worth it when you do have a guild or a group or friends.

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