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Everything posted by Raijinvince

  1. Edit: Someone already posted what I did, and you responded. I think most people agree that Trooper/Sage are pretty close in PvP healing prowess, and everyone agrees that Operative heals need help.
  2. Prolly not the sorc's fault that you're terrible, though, as you'll find other posters in this thread who are not sorcs who heal for just as much.
  3. Sadly this turned out to not be difficult, too. I just think that Seer spec'd Sages must have it easy when it comes to PvP. Keep Qyzen's gear up-to-date, and everything's a breeze.
  4. Huh. I need to make my ops frame look like yours.
  5. Oh give me a break. One's integrated into the system, and the other is completely at the whim of your fellow players. Obviously Bioware can't make players pick certain people for MVP, but what they CAN do is even the medal load out so pure healers have access to just as many as pure dps.
  6. So your argument then is that neither are OP since each have clear counters? I'll concede, then. You're right!
  7. bahaha. I think it widens the gap a little more since you become INVISIBLE and therefor aren't susceptible to all the counters that force speed has (stuns, roots, etc.). I will GLADLY trade force speed for vanish. Do it nao.
  8. Oh yeah. Not to mention that the Ops frame fairly regularly somehow forgets to add 1-2 people to it. So you'll have 8 people in the Ops, but you'll only see 7 in the list. That's great fun, but I guess a complaint for a different thread.
  9. I truly believe with my entire being that the word "troll" or "trolled" is never appropriately used anymore.
  10. There's more than just healing. Pre-shielding someone with the huttball, or Rescusing someone requires knowing exactly who they are...and they might not be taking damage. Or maybe they're in with a group of people all taking relatively similar amounts of AE damage. I mean. Using the ops list works for me for most things, but I agree there's some times when I need to just know who it is. Edit: Here's a good example. Ball carrier gets stunned over a fire trap. I need to target them to rescue them across, or at least cleanse them so they can get across it before it ignites. However, their name is obscured by titles and surnames of him and/or other friendlies. That 1 - 2 second delay determining their name could be the difference between fried ball carrier and a point. Uncommon scenario, maybe, but I can't say it hasn't happened.
  11. I actually usually do. Even in games where I feel I performed subpar, as long as those healing numbers are high, I almost always get votes.
  12. Wha? Did you read my post? Not every Sorc/Sage spec has all of this fabled CC. I play a healer. My healer has the baseline stuff. The 4 second stun. The mez that has a cast time, heals you, and DOES NOT stun on break. And very short knockback that DOES NOT root. I don't consider myself useless, even without this CC, but if you start taking away baseline things like force speed. I definitely will be.
  13. Therein lies the problem. ALL sorcs have force speed. NOT all Sorcs have "so much cc and control." Only certain specs do. So why remove force speed, and hurt the unrelated specs, when you can deal with the real problem: the cc and control?
  14. You have a lot of hits because it's such an absurd nerf request. I see names in this thread who are advocating FOR sorc Nerfs in other threads, but are calling your idea bad. Plenty of people agree that certain specs of sorcs have too many tools in their toolkit. I for one agree that light/madness hybrid builds have too many tools. But removing a baseline ability? One that's baseline to ALL Inquistors, not just Sorcs. I mean, how absurd. Focus your aggression where it should be. Move 1-2 talents around so they don't have the blind, stun, instant mez, reduced cooldown mez, extra long lockout on interrupt, stun on mez break, knockback root in one build. Don't hurt very balanced specs, like healing, or the other AA, Shadow, in your blind hatred.
  15. Jesus. Healing Sorcs would have literally NOTHING but a 3k damage bubble every 20 seconds and a 50% snare on a cooldown. For ****'s sake people. It's not the baseline abilities that are a problem. It's the amount of talented CC available to hybrid lightning/madness builds.
  16. How would you know if you don't play a sage or a sorc? You wouldn't be in the matchup if it's 8 sage vs 8 sorc.
  17. Group PvP isn't really designed for 1v1 matches, that's true. People off fighting 1v1 in the corner aren't helping anything. And for the record, no, you don't need 2 people to beat 1 sorc.
  18. Sages have this thing called the Seer tree. It lets them actually heal effectively. Despite what you may think, Sages with 0 points in Seer can really only heal up if they're not being targeted because their only decent heal suffers full pushback, takes 3 seconds, and heal for like 2k. If you're full Seer to get the AoE heal, you don't get blind on shield break, knockback on root, instant whirlwind, stun on whirldwind. I've said this in many other threads. Stop blaming things that are baseline like Force Shield and the bubble. The ONLY problem with Sorc/Sages is that hybrid 0/20/21 or similar builds that have access to ALL of the CC. Force speed is not the problem.
  19. I have ONE stun and no root on my knockback, and as said, the shield absorbs about 3k damage. That's about 2k less than I get backstabbed for.
  20. It's kinda common knowledge in the MMORPG world. It's a term that's been around for a while. Anytime you get hit when you're casting a spell, that spell suffers pushback. You'll see the bar nudge back a little, causing the total casting time to be longer than advertised. Talents/Abilities that prevent this are good for situations (like PvP) where you may be getting hit consistently, frequently. Edit: And yeah, as said above, it affects channeled spells by reducing the amount of time it channels for resulting in fewer ticks of said ability.
  21. Oh I see. So that whole time his force speed was coming off cooldown, but your stun wasn't. Gottcha. They're both 30 seconds, champ.
  22. Not all in one spec they don't. Oh, and just like your stun goes on cooldown, so does Sorc CC/speed/bubble/etc. I'm sorry if you were fighting someone with all of their cooldowns up while all of yours were down, but that doesn't make force speed OP.
  23. Broken implies there's a bug or exploit associated with it. There's not. You could say imbalanced, and I'd disagree, but at least your terminology would be more accurate.
  24. Good players stun/leap/grapple me any time I try to use force speed to run away. It's an escape mechanism, and it has counters. Learn 'em.
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