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12x XP is the best thing that's ever happened to this game (IMHO)


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Agreed with OP completely. I now have 9 level 55s with my powertech at 47. I really wish I had time to at least get a few more to 55 before the end next week, but I just don't have the time. I'll probably finish off my powertech and Commando, but that will leave my Operative, Juggernaut, Assassin, Sage and Sentinel. I really can't see myself slow boating my way through all of the sidequests in the game 5 more times, so, those will likely be forgotten. The sidequests are fun and all, but I've played them all (the slow way) 3-4 times each already and I just don't think I could do it again.


In the very least, Bioware should implement a 12x class boost for a week (or even weekend) maybe once per month to go along with some of their other monthly promotions.

Edited by Galbatorrix
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I love 12x XP and think it should stick around in some form or another as an option for people who want it.

It's had the twofold benefit of 1) letting me experience the class stories as a single narrative uninterrupted by side-quests just to gain XP and 2) shortened the grind time and actually made me want to level my characters again.


Somehow tying the boost to the Legacy system would probably be the best way to go about it because that would insure it's only used to bypass content by people that have clearly done the content before.

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I leveraged the 12xp to get all of my characters that were within a quick shot of 55 to 55.


Then I thought I'd level up a bunch more. I started some, got them through Chapter 1, then stopped. There's something discouraging about it for me.


I think the discouraging part is gear. I like to put each of my characters into specific gear, give them a specific look, and as I level them I use commendations to keep the gear on par with level.


While I have the crafting capacity to keep alts in parts all the way up, the leveling goes quickly and the management of the parts is sort of a pain. It doesn't feel worth it.


So I'm stuck with the gear I collect from class missions, plus whatever drops, plus what I can find cheaply enough on GTN (and people have started listing green leveling gear very expensively).


So... while I love the idea of 12xp, especially because it lets us easily re-play the best stories in the game, I haven't participated as much as I thought I would because the gearing makes my characters look... mundane at best.


Oh well. It was fun while it lasted.

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The 12x xp leaving makes me happy and sad. Happy because I will most likely not be put in a 55 HM with a sentinel wearing all level 50 greens and two orange level 50's (actually happened.) Sad because I won't be able to enjoy the class stories explicitly anymore. Edited by Cordarn
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Although I really enjoy the fast leveling with the 12x bonus, I would rather see something else for a Legacy Perk or Subscription bonus:


50% or 2x bonus experience, across the whole game.


The reason for that instead of a 12x bonus is that it would encourage players to actually play the whole game as it was intended, including side missions, exploration, flash points, etc. With the 12x bonus, many players including me who rushed, don't see a single flash point until they hit 55.


Luckily I already leveled a 55 the regular way a long time ago, so I knew all the flash points and many of the side missions. But if 12x bonus ever became a permanent option, that would be sad to me.

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12 xp is fine..


make it an option and not something that isnt an option.


The system is in place just requires a tweek.


We have optional Xp boosts available already..


rename the stupid thing to 12x xp to create a new boost, make the toggled "buff" last for X amount of hours ..if the player wants to use it fine..if not also fine..


choice is a wonderful thing..especially if its being paid for.

Edited by CrazyCanukk
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Agreed. I haven't even used it much at all, other than to level a BH, but I think it has to stay...it's the best idea they've ever had imo.


See? Even TUXs agrees with me!

And we almost never agree on anything! ;)


On a serious note though, I really don't think the 12x XP event is the reason there are "bad" players.

A bad player would not have learned how to play his class any better by having to do a ton of sidemissions.


He WOULD, however, learn it if he had played more group missions like flashpoints or heroics.

So how about having the 12x (or whatever) permanent option give a bonus to that as well?


Because the people who solo all the way to 55 (me included) don't struggle through the game as a healer or tank. They'll go through it as a DPS and then switch to healer or tank for group content at 55.

Removing 12x XP wouldn't change that.


Undergearing is something though, but seriously, if you just run the oricon missions and finish makeb, you'll be decently geared to start the gear grind.

Nobody is going to be super-geared by doing all the sidemissions during levelling, so that argument is also out the window.

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It's a great thing that should stay. For players who have leveled a few toons, doing the side quests repeatedly is a serious grind. How many times do you have to get King Ulgo out of his waterworks park? It was new the first time, fun the second time, a piece of cake the third time, and kinda boring the fourth time. You get it whether you are Republic or Empire every single time. How many times do you have to plant a bomb, plant a sensor, disable a bomb, disable a sensor, kill 25 Bad Guys, kill 25 more, rescue a hostage, blast a droid, join Revan's cult, get a Datacron, blow up a factory, etc.


Maybe they ought to make it a perk after you've leveled X many toons, or whatever. But the option should be there for those who decide to take it. I haven't been able to take much advantage of it myself because of time constraints, but I got a few levels out of it. For myself, it would be a much better game.

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I too think it should stay. However, for those mentioning OPs, FPs, etc...not everyone does them. I do so only rarely. I play solely for the story.


I got tired of people harping on me and kicking me for "not knowing how to play" and being undergeared. Granted, I didn'g know what I was doing a year ago. My toons being undergeared is just a byproduct of not doing the OPs, FPs and Warzones.

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See? Even TUXs agrees with me!

And we almost never agree on anything! ;)


On a serious note though, I really don't think the 12x XP event is the reason there are "bad" players.

A bad player would not have learned how to play his class any better by having to do a ton of sidemissions.


He WOULD, however, learn it if he had played more group missions like flashpoints or heroics.

So how about having the 12x (or whatever) permanent option give a bonus to that as well?


Because the people who solo all the way to 55 (me included) don't struggle through the game as a healer or tank. They'll go through it as a DPS and then switch to healer or tank for group content at 55.

Removing 12x XP wouldn't change that.


Undergearing is something though, but seriously, if you just run the oricon missions and finish makeb, you'll be decently geared to start the gear grind.

Nobody is going to be super-geared by doing all the sidemissions during levelling, so that argument is also out the window.

Again, exactly what I believe. Players learn at level cap as it is...I like the idea of extending the bonus to heroics and FPs along the way too...that allows some players to experiment with healing/tanking as they go if they like. Great suggestions...from an unlikely source ;) (I KID!!!!)

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I like the idea of it being a permanent toggle thing or available by some other means. For a long while I've just leveled via PVP and class stories, the two things I enjoy exponentially more than any other types of playable content. 12 XP has been perfect for leveling my old PT. Edited by Joesixxpack
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I absolutely LOVE the 12x XP, and will miss it too! Though I look forward to the (hopefully Togruta) Trooper I plan to make next year, I must admit that I'll be dragging my feet to finish my Sentinel (42) and Mercenary (30), as I doubt I'll be able to do it before the event is over.


But while it feels so liberating to be able to just pass by all those sidequests and not feel like I should set up camp on planets like Belsavis for how long I seem to be stuck leveling there, I admit to feeling a time crunch. I want to hurry up and do everything fast because I know if I don't get the leveling done soon, I will have to do it far more slowly later. Plus, I often use a generic XP boost, and I don't want to "waste" it.


IMHO, 12x XP would be perfect if it was offered as some sort of (optional, of course) character perk. I'd forego the (generic) XP boost, and take my sweet time while leveling. I'd gather ALL the nodes! Explore ALL the map! Get the lore objects! Pay more attention to my companions! And even do a few sidequests . . . yes, I actually do think that doing a few here and there can be fun (for example, the Voss trials). If just feels highly inefficient during 12x XP.


And if it was offered as a character perk, we likely wouldn't see some of the bigger problems associated with it, like a lack of leveling gear on the GTN (due to crazy high demand) and FP/heroics being hard to get a group for because every sub and their cousin is leveling as fast as they can. :p

Edited by Gwena
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I too love the 12x XP. I only get to play about an hour a night, it let's me make good progress without having to do so many side quests I forget what is going on in my main quest line. It also makes the game feel as if there really are 8 entirely different stories. I am going to miss it come next month.
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I think 12X is awesome too, and as someone who has played the entire thing through several times, I loved that I could just focus on what I love, the story.


I've really discovered that I absolutely loathe the filler quests, and they really bring me down. I wish 12x would be something that subs have the option to do all the time. :D

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This is exactly why I make full use of it while it's here.


Before it I had 3 characters above 50, the rest around 20, now I have 8 characters above 50, with the ninth nearing 50.


The planetary quests were to me, interesting, for both Empire and Republic.. but that was on the first playthrough in both factions, then you suddenly make 7 alts and do Dromund Kaas/Coruscant 7 times in a row, along with realizing that you'll have to drag through all the planetary lines on all characters, yeah... 12x XP ftw.

Edited by LucianaIV
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I think the idea of having it tied to chapter 3 completion is a good one. For every core class (mirrors) you complete the chapter 3 questline, you get the ability to unlock a 3X XP bonus through legacy. 4 chapter 3 completions, 12X XP unlocked.


That way folks have to complete the storyline for each core class first (one of the mirrors in each core) before you get the buff.


Also I think the sub restriction is a great idea...this is a great way to increase the appeal of a sub.

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In my honest opinion, the 12xp was awesome for us vets who actually know what we need for fps, raids, etc. We have a basic understanding of how to play our class even if it's something we've never done before.


On the other hand, 12xp was full of fail and suck. Not for those of us to wanted to finish up our toons, get more toons, etc, but because of the sheer number of fail, fail, FAIL players who decided that once they hit 55 they'd do HM fps with green level 30 pieces on, or have no clue how to heal, dps, tank, stay out of stupid, etc.


So, 12xp was a good and very bad thing.


Next time? 12 xp or anything similar should only be for people who have say 2-3 55+ who've actually done certain content already or have a certain number of achievement points or what have you, cause EGADS the fail currently.

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I think the idea of having it tied to chapter 3 completion is a good one. For every core class (mirrors) you complete the chapter 3 questline, you get the ability to unlock a 3X XP bonus through legacy. 4 chapter 3 completions, 12X XP unlocked.


That way folks have to complete the storyline for each core class first (one of the mirrors in each core) before you get the buff.


Also I think the sub restriction is a great idea...this is a great way to increase the appeal of a sub.


I would stay subbed for a long time (yay!), or blow a lot in the cartel market (booo! but I'm being honest), for this option.

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I think the idea of having it tied to chapter 3 completion is a good one. For every core class (mirrors) you complete the chapter 3 questline, you get the ability to unlock a 3X XP bonus through legacy. 4 chapter 3 completions, 12X XP unlocked.


That way folks have to complete the storyline for each core class first (one of the mirrors in each core) before you get the buff.


Also I think the sub restriction is a great idea...this is a great way to increase the appeal of a sub.


I love this idea too and think if they make it where a person can chose to unlock it both type of player will be happy. I agree it should also be sub only.

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