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Name 5 companions you'd happily toss out the airlock


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Only 5? Hum in this imaginary scenario there are a lot of companions with lucky escapes that I'm only allowed to kick 5 of them off my ships.


Quinn. for an officer that is supposed to care about what's best for the empire, he had an amazing ability to come across as a brown nosing yes man right from the start. With later storyline developments, even my lightside warrior wishes we still had the beta option to kill him. I could accept not having a healer companion for that.


Scourge. he might be a good fit for a dark side knight but a unrepentant dark side sith, who has form for betraying people who he said he'd help. He doesn't like my knight and I don't like him right back. If I have to have a pureblood sith who used to work for the empire on my ship I'd much prefer Praven.


Rusk. again seems like he might be a good fit for a dark side knight and while I don't dislike him as much as Scourge, we don't get along. Can I ditch him and have Corso here instead? He'd actually seem a better fit with a lightside knight then any sort of smuggler and maybe with the extra romance option, we could tone down Doc's 'personality'!


Skadge. I don't dislike him as much as others and I don't think his threats are why I let him onto my ship at all, it seems more like his form of friendly banter to me... but I can't see any reason why I did let him onto my ship. I'd happily have less companions instead of having him along.


A few companions in the running for the last spot... I'm tempted to pick Gault, who I actually like but I don't like how he joins the crew, in the scenario as it was set up I'd much prefer to hand him over for the bounty, dead or alive. Maybe turn him into a tank and give him to my smuggler to fill in for Corso being traded to my Knight!


Zenith. Instead Zenith takes the last spot on a mix of being someone I find forgettable, with the few bits I actually remember, being things I disliked about him. I don't blame others for wanting to get rid of him and stick him on my ship instead but I'd prefer if he's just be like other members of the rift alliance on my ship and not an actual companion.

Edited by Thorn
Cleaning up a few typo's
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Off top.....


Ashara- either let me truly turn her to the dark side, or get this crybaby wanna be jedi off my ship!


Quinn- no mercy...I wanna rip this b____h apart....slowly :mad:


Skadge-What did you just say to me? Choke on a grenade punk!


Zenith- :mad: *decapitated with lightsaber




and throw in both ship droids for good measure.....

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Only 5? Hum in this imaginary scenario there are a lot of companions with lucky escapes that I'm only allowed to kick 5 of them off my ships.


Quinn. for an officer that is supposed to care about what's best for the empire, he had an amazing ability to come across as a brown nosing yes man right from the start. With later storyline developments, even my lightside warrior wishes we still had the beta option to kill him. I could accept not having a healer companion for that.


Scourge. he might be a good fit for a dark side knight but a unrepentant dark side sith, who has form for betraying people who he said he'd help. He doesn't like my knight and I don't like him right back. If I have to have a pureblood sith who used to work for the empire on my ship I'd much prefer Praven.


Rusk. again seems like he might be a good fit for a dark side knight and while I don't dislike him as much as Scourge, we don't get along. Can I ditch him and have Corso here instead? He'd actually seem a better fit with a lightside knight then any sort of smuggler and maybe with the extra romance option, we could tone down Doc's 'personality'!


Skadge. I don't dislike him as much as others and I don't think his threats are why I let him onto my ship at all, it seems more like his form of friendly banter to me... but I can't see any reason why I did let him onto my ship. I'd happily have less companions instead of having him along.


A few companions in the running for the last spot... I'm tempted to pick Gault, who I actually like but I don't like how he joins the crew, in the scenario as it was set up I'd much prefer to hand him over for the bounty, dead or alive. Maybe turn him into a tank and give him to my smuggler to fill in for Corso being traded to my Knight!


Zenith. Instead Zenith takes the last spot on a mix of being someone I find forgettable, with the few bits I actually remember, being things I disliked about him. I don't blame others for wanting to get rid of him and stick him on my ship instead but I'd prefer if he's just be like other members of the rift alliance on my ship and not an actual companion.


I agree with this list with the exception of Quinn. I know there is this one part in the storyline where I would of choosen the Sith response. He is still an imperial officer type and I would like more like that.


Maybe my replacement would be boonmark but only because he is boring

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so you just hate every male healer in the game:rolleyes:


my 5: hmm i only hate 2 actually Treek(language) and Skadge(*****es about everything + the super lame bs way he got on my ship and into my crew ty lazy writing)


I've played a lot of tanks. So... yes, every foppish half proper or corny male healer in the game. :rolleyes:


At least I picked from a list of comps you get stuck with and not one you intentionally have to get (Treek). Even still I'll take Treek's gibberish over Cedrax any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

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Wow, only five huh. Okay here goes.


Ashara: I am so sick of this twit and her 'don't make me go against my teachings.' I'm Sith you fool. * Zap*. Now kill that person! <.< Honestly, hate this chick.

Dorne: I despise this stick up her ar*e broad. Irritating as hell.

Kaliyo: If I never heard 'dibs on the head' every again it'd be too soon.

Theron and his holobish: Especially the holobish. She grates on my last nerve. Then again, so does he after a while.

Skadge: I've actually grown more tolerant of him, but he's still obnoxious.


Bonus round: Scorpio. Just what I want hanging out on my ship when I'm trying to sleep, a robot that wants to kill me 7 ways from Sunday. (I know Khem threatens too, but at least he amuses me.)

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Quinn - because that's why ships have airlocks

Skadge - no redeeming qualities

Khem - the great lump always blocks my view

Bowdaar - I find the wookie 'voice' grating (controversial I know)

C2-N2 / 2V-R8 - melting them down for scrap would be better than using the airlock

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It's funny to see how some of the Companions mentioned here are also some peoples' favorites. ;) My list:


Tharan -- okay, maybe just stranded on Tatooine, because I don't hate him, but I find his voice and dialogue really annoying. As in, "maybe I should get Treek instead" level annoying.


Qyzen -- he can stay on Tatooine with Tharan. I find him boring and his voice is very grating.


Kaliyo -- I don't care how "interesting" she is and how great her voice is; she's still a sociopath.


Skadge -- ick, ick, ick. This guy is the picture of creepiness.


SCORPIO -- um, why is this murderous droid on my crew again?


I shamelessly admit that Ashara avoided being on this list because the rest of the SI crew ranges from meh to hideous, and she is beautiful. She's a fine Stronghold decoration, and besides, it would be kinda sad if my Inquisitor was the prettiest of the bunch. :p

Edited by Gwena
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Aww, instead of tossing Zenith out, consider handing your spare to me. I have 11 unfortunate crews that are Zenithless :) Love that toon!


The only one I insist goes out the airlock into deep space is Quinn, the rest can get off at a starport :D


Would be nice to be able to trade companions, with how many people dislike Vette it would be easy for me to reunite her with Risha and I could probably make some money making alts, insisting people pay me to take Skadge and Quinn off their hands and then deleting that alt!

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There's always gotta be one major douche bag in my crew, not sure who trooper and sith warriors have got but so far my list contains:


Akaavi Spar - Moody

Skadge - Lazy bum who hates crafting

Zenith - Sour lemon faced miserable sonovahutt

Scourge - Pain in the arse when your trying to get lightside points

C2-N2/ 2V-R8 - An annoying butt kisser


The only companion out of all 40 I really don't like is Skadge. Quinn is also up there, but that's because of the story.


If you are counting the ship droids and extras, I suppose I like 2V-R8 much better because his lines are funnier. I wish they'd update the ship droids to say some new things.


HK isn't as funny as HK-47 was, but still likeable. Treek is great to quest with, but her voice is a little much. I usually use a voice-modulating helmet on her to muffle the sound. :D

Edited by arunav
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There's always gotta be one major douche bag in my crew, not sure who trooper and sith warriors have got but so far my list contains:


Akaavi Spar - Moody

Skadge - Lazy bum who hates crafting

Zenith - Sour lemon faced miserable sonovahutt

Scourge - Pain in the arse when your trying to get lightside points

C2-N2/ 2V-R8 - An annoying butt kisser


All of them xept Kaliyo

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Aww, instead of tossing Zenith out, consider handing your spare to me. I have 11 unfortunate crews that are Zenithless :) Love that toon!


I've been offering to take in unwanted Quinns for years and no one's taken me up on it. I even offer to give them a Kaliyo in his place!


1. Kaliyo

2. Holiday

3. M1-4X

4. Skadge

5. Ashara could stay if she'd just shut up about her teachings.

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There's always gotta be one major douche bag in my crew, not sure who trooper and sith warriors have got but so far my list contains:


Akaavi Spar - Moody

Skadge - Lazy bum who hates crafting

Zenith - Sour lemon faced miserable sonovahutt

Scourge - Pain in the arse when your trying to get lightside points

C2-N2/ 2V-R8 - An annoying butt kisser


Kaliyo - Do not trust a bloody second

LT. Pierce - Major Idiot

Skadge - Annoying

Tanno Vik - Never liked him since that stunt on balmora

C2-N2/ 2V-R8 - ........no words......

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1- Mako

2- Mako

3- Mako

4- Mako

5- Mako


"Did ya miss me?"


Good god this one is godaweful! Everything about her is broken, needy, clingy and lonely.

Seriously she is an emotional toilet.


She never shuts up about Braden, her implant, or dropping hints at how utterly desperate she is for you to notice or like her. Plus the ships droid is a better healer than she is. Heck, the ship's toaster is a better healer than she is.

Whiny, clingy, nagging and desperate Mako. Truth is Braden and Jori shot themselves to escape the emotional black hole that she is, and had the faked hologram of Tarro Blood prepared in advance to keep her focused on revenge so she wouldn't kill herself and stalk them in the next life.


"Feeling Lonely?"

Every time she says that, just see it as she is asking herself that question.

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Treek - for obvious reasons

Mako - telling me to be more careful and annoying pitch and talking non stop

Kira Carsen - annoying dyke

Qyzen - obnoxious lizard voice with broken English "is good hunt"

Ashara - "don't make me go against my teachings" "don't make me go against my teachings" "don't make me go against my teachings"


oh and Jeasa, I wish I could killer her slowly with lightning.

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I got through pages and didn't see Yuun listed. I'm still trying to figure out what purpose he....errr...she....err..whatever serves. I know my trooper has a 5th companion that goes and fetches things for me, that's about it.


1.) Yuun

2.) Quinn (duh)

3.) Qyzen is ok but affection gains are brutal

4.) Rusk is annoying

5.) Jaesa - Just very weak and sad little girl. Kaliyo is bat crap crazy but no one pushes her around

Honorable Mention: Treek. I don't want an ewok so I don't have one.


So much negativity, my 5 favorites:

1.) Blizz

2.) Guss

3.) Gault

4.) Tano Vik (because he is a crafting beast)

5.) Talos Drelik

Honorable Mention: HK51 he's cool but he doesn't live up to my memories of KOTOR.

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1. Any and all companions for Smuggler ( I have abandoned BOTH that I started primarily due to the companions and their parts in the story ESPECIALLY Risha ... what a ... umm bixxx.

2. Doc. Ugh ! could barely stuff his ego into the transport when we left the planet!

3. Rusk: someone remind me ... why did we pick up anyways?

4. Qyzen: annoying as ever.

5. Zenith, Scourge and Flix tied for 5th place.


Frankly a lot of the companions leave something to be desired.

I wish we could have picked the woman who tries to warn the smuggler at the beginning of his quest (instead of Coroso) ... that would have been sweet !

There are a few other choices that might have been nice for other toons as well ... (but I wont bore ya with the details).

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1. Any and all companions for Smuggler ( I have abandoned BOTH that I started primarily due to the companions and their parts in the story ESPECIALLY Risha ... what a ... umm bixxx.

2. Doc. Ugh ! could barely stuff his ego into the transport when we left the planet!

3. Rusk: someone remind me ... why did we pick up anyways?

4. Qyzen: annoying as ever.

5. Zenith, Scourge and Flix tied for 5th place.


Frankly a lot of the companions leave something to be desired.

I wish we could have picked the woman who tries to warn the smuggler at the beginning of his quest (instead of Coroso) ... that would have been sweet !

There are a few other choices that might have been nice for other toons as well ... (but I wont bore ya with the details).


I actually really liked Rusk... he just really didn't fit into the Jedi Knight storyline. Maybe if we had picked him up earlier... his personality just did not add anything to the Jedi Knight narrative, and he joins sp late that he is immediately superseded by Scourge as a more-appropriate Dark-side companion.

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