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  1. lul this persons end game is just reaching max level. I wonder how many people are like this and don't participate in any other activities besides leveling. Bads will be bads I suppose.
  2. Since the models for this race are in game it'd be awesome to play one. I want to be Kit Fisto and be a tentacle fish man Jedi, please BW. Nautolan ftw:jawa_angel:
  3. Treek - for obvious reasons Mako - telling me to be more careful and annoying pitch and talking non stop Kira Carsen - annoying dyke Qyzen - obnoxious lizard voice with broken English "is good hunt" Ashara - "don't make me go against my teachings" "don't make me go against my teachings" "don't make me go against my teachings" oh and Jeasa, I wish I could killer her slowly with lightning.
  4. On the games launcher it shows Revan with his LS drawn. It's a purple though it has a dark glow around it. Maybe it's the lighting in the SS and it's just the normal purple crystal but if it isn't I want to know what it is.
  5. Gee you sure are right about stupidity having no boundaries. I mean just look at yourself, stupidity flying all over the place.
  6. How people are so stupid is beyond me. How in any way, shape or form is this like the NGE? First off the combat of Pre-CU was COMPLETELY different to how it was during CU and NGE. Abilities did not fire off as soon as you pressed them, there was a queue box for the abilities you used. How can you compare a complete reworking of a games combat system (which were polar opposites after the CU and NGE were done) to SWTOR which has and will have the same combat? Are you asking this because they're both SW? This is more akin to WoW's talent tree changes that came with 5.0 before MoP hit. I swear it's not Ebola that's going around there's a stupid disease that's spreading like an epidemic.
  7. This is a brilliant thread, it must be discussed more. **bumps**
  8. Brilliant reasoning you have here. So if I had a PhD in anything I could spout random BS to people telling them they're wrong? I could tell people they are wrong about eating food and that if don't eat they will be the healthiest they've ever been. When they refute what I say I will go on to tell them that maybe THEY should get a degree before they argue with me. Oh and the general consensus (which is around 85-90% of the people posting in this thread) agree that this is unhealthy behavior. Maybe you should get a degree in psychology before you "spread that".
  9. Says he hates bully, proceeds to say he loves taking his boot to many asses.
  10. I realize most of the commando (all commando headpieces that would look similar have their viso cut midway before becomign a T #sadface)and BH armor looks similar, though it would be amazing to have the T visor with the ghostly blue lights that the RCs have along with the big backpack. The DC-17 and its variants would be amazing as well. They wouldn't even have to be the same because obviously the republic doesn't incorporate the T visor until the Clone Wars.
  11. I never went to Illum at launch. Besides that's still no excuse to have the housing system with it's limitations now. If you're going to implement it at least do it well or don't do it at all.
  12. I thought this was a brilliant troll, until I saw the links in your signature. Yikes
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