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The Scam/Not a Scam debate storyline


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All prices *are* in whole credits. The Unit Price listing is for YOUR convenience for quick comparisons.


If someone goes and only looks at Unit price then gets mad because the actual cost of the item was the sale price and not the unit price they have only them selves to blame.

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And that's not against the ToS... Where does it say in the ToS that you can't put up items on the GTN at ridiculously overpriced ratings in the hopes that some dumb sucker will buy them?




More like because he isn't wrong.


Because when the buyer buys the item he will realise he heavily overpaid for the item, he will then check the GTN again and discover the same person is putting the same items for the same high price. The buyer willl check other prices and see the high price and the low price ones look similar ( becuase of the way the numbers are displayed )


This will upset the buyer because they will feel cheated of their money. It prevents the buyer from enjoying the game. Therefore against the TOS.


&he's wrong because I've just proven him wrong.

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Because when the buyer buys the item he will realise he heavily overpaid for the item, he will then check the GTN again and discover the same person is putting the same items for the same high price. The buyer willl check other prices and see the high price and the low price ones look similar ( becuase of the way the numbers are displayed )


This will upset the buyer because they will feel cheated of their money. It prevents the buyer from enjoying the game. Therefore against the TOS.


&he's wrong because I've just proven him wrong.


Still not against the TOS. You're reaching

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People are too lazy to pay attention and they confuse 999,999 in the unit price column for 999.99. Basically, we have a bunch of insanely stupid and inattentive people who are too proud to just admit they goofed and move on trying to make themselves feel better by calling what happened to them a scam.


Its not. Its just people who cant be bothered to pay attention getting mad when it bites them in the ***.


You must feel much better now.

I bet it always boosts your self esteem knowing that some people are "insanely stupid and inattentive". More than you anyway :rak_01:

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Because when the buyer buys the item he will realise he heavily overpaid for the item, he will then check the GTN again and discover the same person is putting the same items for the same high price. The buyer willl check other prices and see the high price and the low price ones look similar ( becuase of the way the numbers are displayed )


This will upset the buyer because they will feel cheated of their money. It prevents the buyer from enjoying the game. Therefore against the TOS.


&he's wrong because I've just proven him wrong.


The only person you keep proving wrong is yourself.


An impatient mistake does not translate to some sort of fault for the person who benefited from it. All of the information is RIGHT THERE. You know EXACTLY how much you are paying for an item BEFORE you click to purchase. Or are you trying to tell us that the GTN incorrectly displays price or that these so called scammers are able to affect the way the GTN functions?

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I note that when buying stacks of companion gifts at the vendor, a confirmation box pops up if the purchase is over some threshold amount of credits.


Adding such a confirmation box to the GTN, with an option to disable it (and at best an option to set the threshold in your preferences, either as an absolute amount or a relative one) would not hurt anyone. Of course, where it ranks in the dev's priorities is a good question.


I've always suspected, BTW, that this issue is one reason we have not seen a Legacy credit account. Accidentally spending all the creds you have on one toon is bad enough. Accidentally bankrupting your entire Legacy would be a disaster.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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I have.

And yes, it was entirely my own fault and I don't blame anyone but my self.


I haven't.

And yes, that doesn't mean I feel the practice isn't wrong, and some people -possibly my group mates somewhere on planets/flashpoints my fall for this.


What I see is a bunch of people exploiting others inattention, possibly ruining this game for them. And bunch of other people, on these forums that seem to applaud this and wish to defend/maintain current situation.

The first group -well, they are immoral scammers, probably the kind of people that steal when no one's watching.

The other group -it is beyond me. Todays children of internet perhaps?

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Because when the buyer buys the item he will realise he heavily overpaid for the item, he will then check the GTN again and discover the same person is putting the same items for the same high price. The buyer willl check other prices and see the high price and the low price ones look similar ( becuase of the way the numbers are displayed )


This will upset the buyer because they will feel cheated of their money. It prevents the buyer from enjoying the game. Therefore against the TOS.


&he's wrong because I've just proven him wrong.


This is how an idiot reacts to heavily overpaying for an item. Rational people step back and laugh at themselves for a foolish mistake that they could have prevented by not being an idiot. Idiots on the other hand are not capable of realizing how this mistake was their own fault, mostly because they are idiots and the concept is well beyond their ability to grasp, because they are in fact, idiots.


Are you trying to prove that you're an idiot? If you are, its working.

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I've had this happen to me too...


But I'm a grown man and don't blame my mistakes on others.


Maby that's because I'm not from a country where everything that ever happens to you is someone elses fault (ie. a litigation based country like the US), and we learn to take responsibility for our own actions


EDIT: For anyone who doesn't believe me, here's my thread about it: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=754259

And I didn't ask for a refund or for someone to be "punished" for my mistakes.


I think the thread has enough insults without you adding more in, doesn't it?


Whether or not this has happened to you, the fact is they're priced KNOWING there is a cheaper version (without a couple 0s) available just to trick people into buying them. It's a scam. Pretty much the definition of one.

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You must feel much better now.

I bet it always boosts your self esteem knowing that some people are "insanely stupid and inattentive". More than you anyway :rak_01:


It is somewhat gratifying, but mainly because it helps explain the legions of bads you see in warzones and flashpoints. If there are so many people out there who cant tell the difference between 100,000 and 100.00 then it helps make sense of the hordes who cant seem to read their skill tooltips or the chat box when you say "3 inc snow" or "4 east."

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Since this is the latest thread about GTN 'scammers' I'll post this here:


I wonder if there is a correlation between GTN 'scammers' and gold sellers? This has got to be a faster way for them to acquire credits to resell. If this is the case, then BioWare should have an interest in addressing the shortcoming in their number formatting for the GTN.

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I think the thread has enough insults without you adding more in, doesn't it?


Whether or not this has happened to you, the fact is they're priced KNOWING there is a cheaper version (without a couple 0s) available just to trick people into buying them. It's a scam. Pretty much the definition of one.


That's NOT a scam.....that's business. A scam is when you buy tha Blu Ray player from buddy at tha gas station, but when you get home and open it....It's a brick. A scam is buying that gold necklace from ole boy slangin em outside tha mall for tha low. But when you take it to tha pawn shop he tells you it's not real gold. Some of y'all need to spend a lil time on the block lol

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2 simple rules apply here, and always have.


1.) Buyer is responsible for ensuring they are purchasing what they want, for the price they want. Period

2.) Seller is free to charge whatever they wish for the item/s they desire to sell. Period


Rule 2 does not guarantee a sale, if people follow rule 1.


A seller is not responsible for a buyers rushed, or misinformed mistake, neither in game, nor in real life. Only time a Seller is responsible for a misrepresented sale, is if they advertise for 1 price, and sell for a higher price.


In short, to use a real world model .... If i am selling you a slice of pizza for $20. and you only want to spend $5. don't buy my Pizza. However if you really LOVE my Pizza, you're gonna pay the price i charge.


P.S. there are times in the past, where, out of exhaustion, i placed items on the GTN, and priced them 1 or 2 zero's cheaper than i should have, simply because i just wanted to get them posted before i fell asleep. Imagine that, they sold, and someone got a hell of a deal. Should i rage over being scammed, since someone bought my MK-9's for 8k instead of 80k? Or should i just put on my big-boy britches and go oops my bad? (the answer is simple :p)


End of story.

You may now rant and rage, over your impatient stupidity.

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Getting rid of fractionals is silly and impractical. It makes offering discounts that much harder. Nothing wrong with my wanting to offer a bundle discount of 3 items for 4k credits instead of the standard unit price of 5k per item.


Gettting rid of fractional currency would not have that effect. Fractional currency is the currency past the decimal, as in 3742.08. It is created by the system when the price per unit calculator provides the proper divisional price based on the whole price.


The game does not use fractional currency, nor do you ever receive fractional currency. Therefore the display of it is unnecessary. Removing it's display would not change the price. It would simply change how the price per unit is displayed.

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Since this is the latest thread about GTN 'scammers' I'll post this here:


I wonder if there is a correlation between GTN 'scammers' and gold sellers? This has got to be a faster way for them to acquire credits to resell. If this is the case, then BioWare should have an interest in addressing the shortcoming in their number formatting for the GTN.


Or, how many people who got "scammed" bought gold from gold sellers and are not familiar with how swtor economy actually works? As the saying goes- a fool and his money are soon parted

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"I have been a crafter here in SWTOR. Gathering materials and crafting pretty things was my favourite activity. When I lost 7 million credits trying to buy a stash of Ciridium on the GTN from some vbyikl'gusd (or what was their name) I lost my fuel to do it anymore"



Not sure if by stash he means a whole lot, or just a stack instead. :confused:

Edited by Tachenko_Yuri
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This is less an issue of inattentive idiots using the GTN, and more about useless decimal points in prices that allow unscrupulous players to exploit it unfairly.


There are a lot of stupid people in this world, but that doesn't mean that the "less stupid" individuals should take advantage of them.

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Same thing with me

I was crafting some lowbie blue armorings and mods

I got distracted and listed the mods at the default price

When I checked my mail the next day and noticed the mistake I said "dammit, pay attention"


Just have your wits about you on the gtn - if you are distracted, tired, confused, drunk, stoned, all of the above, none of the above you will make a mistake; live and learn

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If theres a market in cornering careless people who buy without reading properly im not at fault for taking advantage of that. It may be morally questionable but its not wrong. This is a game not real life. So you bet Id take advantage of that market!


....are you openly admitting you are one of the folks that engages in this type of behavior?

Edited by LordArtemis
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This is how an idiot reacts to heavily overpaying for an item. Rational people step back and laugh at themselves for a foolish mistake that they could have prevented by not being an idiot. Idiots on the other hand are not capable of realizing how this mistake was their own fault, mostly because they are idiots and the concept is well beyond their ability to grasp, because they are in fact, idiots.


Are you trying to prove that you're an idiot? If you are, its working.


You've already lost the argument the moment you started insulting me :) Your post is now invalid.

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