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Conquest Exploit Farming - Battle of Ilum (Is it an exploit? Or just boring farming?)


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Agree with one of the previous posters that this change eliminates the ability for small to mid-size guilds to compete effectively in these Conquest Events. If a PVE player is, in effect, limited to the number of points they can earn on a single day through PVE, this limits the guild's ability to compete.


You have groups of people invest their time, credits, guild resources, real money to participate in something with the hope that they can achieve something through sheer hard work. Now you're changing the rules mid-game.


We spend 50 million credits for a guild ship for what? We'll never be able to do anything with it now since there's no point competing in an arena we can't hope to get anything out of. No need to "invade" or "orbital support" How much time and how many resources went into Strongholds to build up the Stronghold Bonus to Conquest Points that are useless to all but the largest guilds now?


If my guild of 20 people can only earn 25k CP a day each (just using these numbers as examples) they can't possibly compete with a guild of 45 people who can also earn 25k a day each.


My guild HAS been repeating the FPs hour after hour, FP after FP. HM 55, 50's, Tacticals, Esseles, until we're bleary eyed. (And yes, we actually ran them) But they're doing the grunt work to try to achieve a position on the leaderboard. Trying to make up in sheer effort what we lack in membership. And it's been effective.


I think these events should reward those guilds who were willing to work their asses off to get something done together. Not reward guilds because of their size.


These events have been, for those willing to play things cleanly and work hard, and the best thing yet in this game for building guild cohesiveness and to accomplish something together against the odds, so to speak. That's gone now.


For the little-guilds-that-could, this change just slammed the door to Planetary Conquest in their faces. There will be no further point in participating. Individuals can still earn their 35k per week individual rewards though I guess.

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For once there is a bug that does good rather than bad, and you fix it within a day. While the negative ones drag on for 3 years :rak_tongue:


I am with you on this one, I dont agree with the exploit, but agree with the part about the negative ones drag 3 years.

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The problem is just the fact you can get to the reward for the fraction of intended effort. Like if you got PvP conquest points for just entering and not actually finishing a match.


The obvious solution would be to change the FPs so they can't be cheesed like that.


But that's a heck of a lot more work than to change a line of code from repeatable to one time.

Edited by aeterno
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The problem is just the fact you can get to the reward for the fraction of intended effort. Like if you got PvP conquest points for just entering and not actually finishing a match.


Well, but you can make it faster by going afk and doing nothing.... and you still earn points...

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Well, but you can make it faster by going afk and doing nothing.... and you still earn points...


You really haven't done any PvP have you? If you go afk at spawn you will get removed from the WZ. If you leave the spawn area you will get killed unless you are a stealth class. Even then your team might move to kick you if you do that.


Why are you folks so scared to try in PvP? Most times when you start out it's rough, but if you at least try, you'll have more fun than trying to cheese the mechanics.

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Your math is off.


Invading Ilum can get you 100,000 for a single legacy.


2 Ilum heroics - 6 days = 9,000

9 Balmorra heroics - 6 days = 27,000

3 flashpoints - 6 days = 36,000

2 Weekly fp turn-ins = 4,000

1 time flashpoint quests = 18,000

1 defeat Ilum enemies = 3,000

1 defeat Ilum champions = 3,000


If you have 2 level 55s, doing the the heroics/flashpoints again would allow you to get 172,000.


My math isn't off. I'm still talking about the 3 Flashpoints that are now once-per-legacy (I wasn't including KDY, but that is now a 1-timer, too). As for your list, how are you queuing for 3 flashpoints? I see Hard Mode and Tactical in my GF options, but I can't queue for a regular flashpoint anymore. That aside, those objectives listed go to my other question of what does most of that have to do with invading Ilum? Now it is simply a grind-fest of going around Balmorra to do those 9 piddly heroics which is certainly not on my list of fun things to do unlike PVPers who get to . . . you guessed it, PVP. Those point totals could possibly be exceeded in ~3 hours a day of straight PVP (the total, which is off, divided by 6 days).


Running random garbage that is in no way tied to the planet is simply insulting. There is no story to support it and it has simply become, run this old crap or PVP. Get to it.

Edited by JustTrio
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Why are you folks so scared to try in PvP? Most times when you start out it's rough, but if you at least try, you'll have more fun than trying to cheese the mechanics.


It isn't "scared to try in PvP," it is "get tired of getting rolled by pre-mades who should be in ranked but still have to spam the snot out of PvP in order to get a respectable amount of conquest points to support my alts and this isn't something I want to do 20 times a day, but, see matter of conquest points, so here I am, feh, I hope this match ends as soon as possible."

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You really haven't done any PvP have you? If you go afk at spawn you will get removed from the WZ. If you leave the spawn area you will get killed unless you are a stealth class. Even then your team might move to kick you if you do that.


Why are you folks so scared to try in PvP? Most times when you start out it's rough, but if you at least try, you'll have more fun than trying to cheese the mechanics.


You just need to press "W" for 3 secs and that's it until the other teams bothers killing you. You google stuff on the other monitor while it's happening.


I pvp everyday with 3 or 4 characters (they are around valor 60-70 each if that gives you an idea of how many WZs I do). Not afraid of it. It has nothing to do with it. This is not about enjoying pvp or not, which I do. It's about pvpers having easy ways of earning infinite points while pvers do not.

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It isn't "scared to try in PvP," it is "get tired of getting rolled by pre-mades who should be in ranked but still have to spam the snot out of PvP in order to get a respectable amount of conquest points to support my alts and this isn't something I want to do 20 times a day, but, see matter of conquest points, so here I am, feh, I hope this match ends as soon as possible."


Then don't do it. Why do MMO players do things they hate just for little digital stuff? All you are going to do is burn yourself out. Play for fun. Grow your guild if you are falling behind.

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Then don't do it. Why do MMO players do things they hate just for little digital stuff? All you are going to do is burn yourself out. Play for fun. Grow your guild if you are falling behind.

"Stuff". That's why players do it. Digital "stuff" is what drives MMOs and motivates play.

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You just need to press "W" for 3 secs and that's it until the other teams bothers killing you. You google stuff on the other monitor while it's happening.


I pvp everyday with 3 or 4 characters (they are around valor 60-70 each if that gives you an idea of how many WZs I do). Not afraid of it. It has nothing to do with it. This is not about enjoying pvp or not, which I do. It's about pvpers having easy ways of earning infinite points while pvers do not.


Soloing the heroics on a level 32-36 planet isn't easy? Killing level 32 bugs on a 55 isn't easy? Without bonuses PvE can get 6K+ in a day. That's 12 Warzones. If you have that much time on your hands then craft for the rest. Hell you don't have to be logged on to do that.


The system isn't intended for grinding yourself silly. It is supposed to create incentives to do different things.


Tie the WZ points to the PvP Dailies them. PvE folks will still whine because they will feel 'forced' to PvP. No one has to do anything they don't want to do. Play for fun and stop chasing the carrot.

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Small guilds should not be able to conquer planets, nor should strictly pve'ers or pvp'ers be able to conquer planets. This is an ultimate endgame activity that requires everyone to pull their resources together and participate in every facet of the game.


To win conquests you need 3 things



- Numbers


My guild worked their asses off recruiting for weeks before the patch and also absorbed guilds that wanted to compete in this content. We all participate in pve and pvp to fight for first place and work together to try and win.


If you are unwilling to merge guilds/recruit new members, pve or pvp then GO HOME.

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"Stuff". That's why players do it. Digital "stuff" is what drives MMOs and motivates play.


That's not what motivates me. Anytime I feel that play has devolved into grinding, I do something else or log off. People here are complaining they can't easily farm for points. They don't even care if they are having fun. They just want that endorphine rush of winning some stuff.

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They accidentally made an objective repeatable. Players repeated it. Morons are calling those people cheaters. Nobody knew it wasn't supposed to be repeatable. It's not the players responsibility to read the developers minds. :rolleyes:


If you aren't doing the objectives that will gain you the most conquest points in the least amount of time, you aren't trying hard enough. This was a screw up by developers that forced players to repeatedly run this flashpoint in order to compete.

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Then don't do it. Why do MMO players do things they hate just for little digital stuff? All you are going to do is burn yourself out. Play for fun. Grow your guild if you are falling behind.


It's a carrot on a stick. Some people really like carrots and will do just about anything to catch that carrot, even when it doesn't seem to be getting any closer.

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The system isn't intended for grinding yourself silly. It is supposed to create incentives to do different things.


Tie the WZ points to the PvP Dailies them. PvE folks will still whine because they will feel 'forced' to PvP. No one has to do anything they don't want to do. Play for fun and stop chasing the carrot.

I'd be fine with all categories of points having a daily and/or weekly limit. But having one category of easy points almost obliterated while two others are left unlimited really doesn't create that incentive for doing different things, which I agree should be the goal.

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They accidentally made an objective repeatable. Players repeated it. Morons are calling those people cheaters. Nobody knew it wasn't supposed to be repeatable. It's not the players responsibility to read the developers minds. :rolleyes:


If you aren't doing the objectives that will gain you the most conquest points in the least amount of time, you aren't trying hard enough. This was a screw up by developers that forced players to repeatedly run this flashpoint in order to compete.


I'm not sure its safe to say that nobody knew it wasn't supposed to be repeatable.


I was actually surprised when I discovered it was repeatable because the tooltip for the conquest objective has a tooltip that indicates you have done the objective 0/1 times when you view it. The problem seems to be that the 0/1 counter doesn't get updated to 1/1 after you've done it the first time each day.


I wouldn't call anyone who used this a cheater though. Yes, it is an exploit, but it's an equal opportunity exploit at least that everyone could use, and there wasn't any effort to conceal the exploit or prevent others from using it. I think most people just assumed it was a tooltip error, if they even noticed that at all, since other objectives were repeatable. And there were several threads I've seen that openly shared that these objectives were repeatable.

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Hey all,


I brought this to the attention of the team, and discovered that this is a bug - Flashpoint Conquest Objectives are intended to be one-time only, not infinitely repeatable. The only Flashpoint Objectives that can be repeated are the Group Finder ones - and those can only be done when you have the Daily Mission for the Group Finder available.


We will be releasing 2.9c tomorrow morning to address this issue. There will be a maintenance post made later today with the full information.






Way to change the scoring mid game, next time learn what the average 10 year old knows, and wait till the next reset, aka Tuesday.

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So, basically a patch was made to satisfy a dev's friend, whose guild was losing conquest because they didn't start using the exploit until they were behind with a smaller guild beating them? Totally legit and non-sketchy, right? Maybe, my guild should start a podcast too to get some pull on changes that I'd like to see placed in the game.


Also, if you're complaining against the PVE repeatable infinite points, then why wasn't anything done against the PvP repeatable infinite points? :rolleyes: This patch has nerfed any small guilds from having any chance in conquest. Thanks a lot, BW.

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