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Everything posted by -QuanChi

  1. This seems very Star Wars Galaxies NGE'ish
  2. Im just saying the general idea not all the rules listed in it.
  3. This is in the rules for online match play in Nintendo's Super Smash Bros 3DS. Direct quote from the manual: "Quitting during a match, continually self-destructing, idling, or attacking one person excessively will count toward penalties forbidding you to play online matches for awhile" Hello Dev's!?!
  4. Small guilds should not be able to conquer planets, nor should strictly pve'ers or pvp'ers be able to conquer planets. This is an ultimate endgame activity that requires everyone to pull their resources together and participate in every facet of the game. To win conquests you need 3 things - PVP - PVE - Numbers My guild worked their asses off recruiting for weeks before the patch and also absorbed guilds that wanted to compete in this content. We all participate in pve and pvp to fight for first place and work together to try and win. If you are unwilling to merge guilds/recruit new members, pve or pvp then GO HOME.
  5. As said above don't go to cheap on psu, the cheap ones go out fast. I run a R9 280X, your already spending $229 why not spend a little more and get something that's more future proof? Also you don't really need to pay for windows 7 "hint hint", put that money towards your video card/PSU.
  6. Either you have no clue....or your one of the people that im describing and are trying to deflect and pretend this isn't going on. I vote for the latter.
  7. Right, now this guy has been doing this for a week now. Has a GM stepped in and done anything about it? Nope.
  8. When they are throwing matches its pretty easy to spot, allot of the lvl 55's you see that are un-guilded/have no advanced class/go afk/quit when the match starts or just not really trying are match throwers. The que syncing couldn't be more obvious. Everyone also know about the hybrid heal situation. As far as the speed and lag hacks...im sure most of you have noticed now that everyone has the rank they want. That magically your game is not lag locking in the middle of a match anymore or that your health bar is no longer disappearing in a spilt second before you can even react? Its still going on but not like it was the first few weeks. Some simple internet searching will turn up what they are using. Take for instance the BH that has been queing with no advanced class on the bastion this past week, do you really think that's just some random player who put in all that effort to get to 55 with no advanced class? Of course its not its someones alt. The major problem atm is that Bioware seems unwilling to allocate the resources to police this stuff/wont acknowledge the issue so players aren't even trying to hide it anymore. And in turn its gotten totally out of control this season. A 2700 ranking? you guys really think that's legit? if so you are blind to whats really going on.
  9. 98% of the players on the Bastion are that bad? lol I don't think so. Que syncing, que dodging, alts throwing matches, hybrid heal builds que'ing as dps, speed hacks, lag hacks etc. etc. The ranked scene in this game is a total joke. In SWTOR its all about cheat/manipulate the system to win, there are VERY VERY few players who actually deserve the score they have. Everyday I see these so called "top" players get rolled when they have to actually use skill to win. Unless the Dev's do something about it things will stay this way.
  10. Its not just "premades" even in random groups the team that's talking to each other and coordinating allways waxes the other team. If you start a round and no one speaks to each other before the round 8/10 times that team is going to lose.
  11. Lol I hate to break this to you....but Vexation is a PVE guild, the people you were "farming" during preseason were just there for the comms for brutalizer relics for PVE. And have about zero experience in ranked team play. I'm really the only one that's into the hardcore pvp scene atm...So basicly what your saying is that any actual "PVP IMP Guild" is outta your league.
  12. People for the most part don't want to play with ranked players because most of them are not fun to play with or be around. Helping new players? forget about it...most of the ranked players know each other on a given server, and when someone new joins that they haven't seen before those people are usually ignored or talked down to. Hell most times after you win a match most players wont even say GG etc. they just leave. Its preseason and ranked doesn't even count right now YET people still wont que up! There are a ton of people that play reg warzones that would be willing to move up to ranked if the ranked community would be more accepting of them and help them out. Joining a match and proclaiming to your team "oh great a bunch of bads" sets everyone up on your team up for failure. If your so good you should be forming the game plan and helping the team win. Instead of being the reason they lose. Being mean and hateful to people in the end only hurts yourself. EDIT: Reg warzones are in no way shape or form a good training ground for Ranked play. The only way to become a good Ranked player is to go against the best players over and over until you become one yourself.
  13. I run a R9 280x and don't have any issues (although I haven't updated the driver in 3 months), I would suggest trying older drivers and if that doesn't work submit a ticket to AMD. Also may be worth trying a custom driver...
  14. Something with totally different mechanics than what's available now. The gate puzzle in Dread Fortress comes to mind.... Also can you guys add the ability to form 8 man teams for pvp instead of just 4?
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