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Hahaha Legacy Storage only has 5 tabs for 50 million credits


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This is simply a shameless cash grab and anyone who says otherwise is kidding themselves.

I was really trying to find some reason not to let my sub die but this has turned me off supporting this company once and for all.


No kidding? How many dollars will enter EA's bank account if I were to pay 50 million credits for maxed out LS?

Edited by DarthTHC
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No kidding? How many dollars will enter EA's bank account if I were to pay 50 million credits for maxed out LS?


Lots, because the price in credits is designed to force people who want it to pay in CC.


The price in credits is out of realm of normal, pushing people to CC.

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Lots, because the price in credits is designed to force people who want it to pay in CC.


The price in credits is out of realm of normal, pushing people to CC.


Doesn't answer my question. Correct answer is 0, making the "giant cash grab" hyperbole.


But if you want to play...


You really think someone is going to pay $80 in real life currency for this feature? If this is a huge cartel market seller at that price, I'm totally in the wrong area of the business.

Edited by DarthTHC
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You really think someone is going to pay $80 in real life currency for this feature? If this is a huge cartel market seller at that price, I'm totally in the wrong area of the business.


If it had some features that made it truly worth using I could see some people spending $80 to fully unlock it but as it is now I don't see to many people going past bay 2.

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How much are you being paid to defend this absurd situation?


Really, I hope you are being paid something, because if you were honest about it, I think that you'd have to see the forest for the trees.


But paid company spokespersons rare see the obvious, the money gets in the way.


Oh, it's been a while since someone threw the "are you being paid to defend the game" at me...


To answer your question: No, I don't get paid. I just happen to not agree with you and I dare raise my voice about it. Shocking innit? :rolleyes:


Besides, if the game is in maintenance mode as you so often claim, how would they afford to pay anyone to defend the game as you also claim?

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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What I find odd (no pun intended) is that not even two months ago, Oddball was one of the people who was up in arms because they jacked up the rarity and CC costs for casino pack.


I don't find that odd at all personally. Different people like different things, and most of the so called "defenders" (yes, there are a few real ones, and a few ragers as well) have at one time or another complained about a change or feature they did not care for.


That is why I rarely if ever label someone a rager or defender...I like to consider their entire post history and standing in the community.


But yes, we do have our authentic "defend everything and deride anyone that does not love the game" and "hate the game and everyone that does not feel the same" folks here, as well as a few professional trolls....but most folks accused of this are unfairly judged IMO.

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So it really isn't the same comparing GW2 and SWTOR?


GW2 is one of the few MMOs that has a cash shop with as little invasiveness as TOR's.


Really depends what you're trying to compare(or alternatively contrast).


I don't really think there's an MMO that we could compare the majority of TOR's features to(each MMO tends to do only certain areas of the genre, and specialize differently within those).

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The big difference here being that we paid real money for that stuff.

This is about in-game virtual cash.


you know perfectly well that they expect to see BIG cartel coin purchases upon release as people realize all the grinding to satisfy the various enormous credit sinks in this release. people will use cartel coins and validate the current business model. trying to say otherwise is dishonest.

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Doesn't answer my question. Correct answer is 0, making the "giant cash grab" hyperbole.


But if you want to play...


You really think someone is going to pay $80 in real life currency for this feature? If this is a huge cartel market seller at that price, I'm totally in the wrong area of the business.


yes, you are...or you are completely dishonest. there will be a lot of people that look at the 50 million for LS and the 120 million for a full guild ship...and that all the conquest content is locked behind that purchase. and the credit cards will be used.

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So it really isn't the same comparing GW2 and SWTOR?


Your point being?


He WAS actually comparing TOR to other games claiming that LS should be different because of unspecific reasons just because other games have LS that's different.

I pointed out that some are alot worse than what we got.

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you know perfectly well that they expect to see BIG cartel coin purchases upon release as people realize all the grinding to satisfy the various enormous credit sinks in this release. people will use cartel coins and validate the current business model. trying to say otherwise is dishonest.


You really think that the people who consider 50 million credits too much for the QoL improvement they'll get from LS will instead choose to pay 80 $ of real money to unlock it?

The most used reason for complaints here is "it's not worth the money" and yet you think people will still decide it's worth REAL money?

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You really think that the people who consider 50 million credits too much for the QoL improvement they'll get from LS will instead choose to pay 80 $ of real money to unlock it?

The most used reason for complaints here is "it's not worth the money" and yet you think people will still decide it's worth REAL money?


Some people's logic astounds me.

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Your point being?


He WAS actually comparing TOR to other games claiming that LS should be different because of unspecific reasons just because other games have LS that's different.

I pointed out that some are alot worse than what we got.


The point is some people are paying a Sub every month. GW 2 you don't pay past initial price of the game. So it isn't comparable.

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But just to add: 5 tabs at 80 slots each PLUS your regular storage... what the hell do you guys need? Lol! I for one doubt I will use 5 tabs. Since bound gear will remain bound, I'm not going to be using Legacy storage to dump everything in there. I fail to see what the big deal is.


I get one tab, 80 slots, for free, that will be fine to start with. If I need more I will get more, but at this point I doubt I will spend 50 mill on storage when there are other things much more worthy.



That's your personal situation and if one bay is fine for you go for it.



But remember I made a topic a while ago and the answer was basically: "Legacy Storage is for crafting mats/BoL Gear/Unbound Cartel Gear"


I'm not a crafter, but even I can't possibly fit all my crafting materials into only 5 Cargo Bays. So I can't use LS for crafting.


I'm an organised person so I've already put all my BoL gear onto one character Cargo Bay for easy storage so I don't need to use LS for that either.


I can't possibly fit all the Cartel Gear I have across my Legacy into just 5 bays.



So for me, Legacy Storage is basically unusable as it exists... oh and THEN you take into account it has a 50 million/10,000 CC pricetag for the 5 slots?



Yeah, no I'm not doing that. So for me Legacy Storage, a "big feature" of this patch, is already a giant flop and may as well not be there for me. And I'm not even a crafter or big Cartel hoarder, so MY numbers are exceedingly low.

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The point is some people are paying a Sub every month. GW 2 you don't pay past initial price of the game. So it isn't comparable.


Your'e missing the point here.

HE was comparing it to other games. I brough up an example that's worse than what we get here. His comparison didn't hinge on whether or not it was subscription based (he even said so himself).

You can't say "look at other games, they do it better" and not expect someone to point out the games that do it worse.

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You all know that 1cc is between 1k and 2k on the GTM for calculting unlock prices and all????




That would make every tab around 2.5 million... BUT, it's still real money so it still "hurts" more for most to pay.

Most people who wouldn't consider it worth 50 million would not consider it worth 80 bucks either.

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That's your personal situation and if one bay is fine for you go for it.



But remember I made a topic a while ago and the answer was basically: "Legacy Storage is for crafting mats/BoL Gear/Unbound Cartel Gear"


I'm not a crafter, but even I can't possibly fit all my crafting materials into only 5 Cargo Bays. So I can't use LS for crafting.


I'm an organised person so I've already put all my BoL gear onto one character Cargo Bay for easy storage so I don't need to use LS for that either.


I can't possibly fit all the Cartel Gear I have across my Legacy into just 5 bays.



So for me, Legacy Storage is basically unusable as it exists... oh and THEN you take into account it has a 50 million/10,000 CC pricetag for the 5 slots?



Yeah, no I'm not doing that. So for me Legacy Storage, a "big feature" of this patch, is already a giant flop and may as well not be there for me. And I'm not even a crafter or big Cartel hoarder, so MY numbers are exceedingly low.


It's funny when people say "I can't fit all my crafting mats in one tab"...

Because who really needs tons and tons of lvl 1-5 mats anyway?

Most crafters use predominately lvl 6-9 mats.

And those who don't are often specializing on some mid-level stuff that they sell vast quanteties of. But then they won't need to stuff lvl 6-9 mats in, just the mats for those items they craft.

The point is that extremely few crafters need all the crafting materials possible in one shared legacy bank.


I'm not saying it isn't overpriced (well not here anyway) because that's not what this post is about.

It is about the specific complaint that crafters can't fit all their mats in the one tab.

Because there really is no need to.

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Yeah, no I'm not doing that. So for me Legacy Storage, a "big feature" of this patch, is already a giant flop


There is a very big danger that this is the case.


No credits in Legacy Bank

Insufficient storage space (compared to just usnig a few alts)


I don't really see the point in it? WHAT for?

Well I guess I'll get the first tab, see what the second one costs and then put some irrelevant crud in there. Maybe mats for one alt ... on the other hand, might as well just put them in his regular storage. Hm. WHAT is that supposed to be used for?


Please devs - what is your envisioned usecase for the legacy storage? And if it was "to provide QoL for the player who has alts and creates a legacy" ... where is the commitment?

- Credits

- lots of Space


Ok. to be fair: Credits should be legacy-wide as soon as you get to found one. Imho.

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It's funny when people say "I can't fit all my crafting mats in one tab"...

Because who really needs tons and tons of lvl 1-5 mats anyway?

Most crafters use predominately lvl 6-9 mats.

And those who don't are often specializing on some mid-level stuff that they sell vast quanteties of. But then they won't need to stuff lvl 6-9 mats in, just the mats for those items they craft.

The point is that extremely few crafters need all the crafting materials possible in one shared legacy bank.


I'm not saying it isn't overpriced (well not here anyway) because that's not what this post is about.

It is about the specific complaint that crafters can't fit all their mats in the one tab.

Because there really is no need to.


Point would have been to put all the mats in there so everyone in your legacy can use them. And an alt in your legacy would kind of need the level 1-5 mats. That would have been the primary reason to put all crafting materials in one place.... What you are describing... you don't need a legacy storage for a dedicated crafting character. Not at all. Not even one tab.

Edited by chillshock
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That's your personal situation and if one bay is fine for you go for it.



But remember I made a topic a while ago and the answer was basically: "Legacy Storage is for crafting mats/BoL Gear/Unbound Cartel Gear"


I'm not a crafter, but even I can't possibly fit all my crafting materials into only 5 Cargo Bays. So I can't use LS for crafting.


I'm an organised person so I've already put all my BoL gear onto one character Cargo Bay for easy storage so I don't need to use LS for that either.


I can't possibly fit all the Cartel Gear I have across my Legacy into just 5 bays.



So for me, Legacy Storage is basically unusable as it exists... oh and THEN you take into account it has a 50 million/10,000 CC pricetag for the 5 slots?



Yeah, no I'm not doing that. So for me Legacy Storage, a "big feature" of this patch, is already a giant flop and may as well not be there for me. And I'm not even a crafter or big Cartel hoarder, so MY numbers are exceedingly low.


I am a crafting maniac. It is my bread and butter for creds. I too am organized and need the space. But I don't keep every mat. I only keep the mats I need to craft what I know will make me the most money. And that will not require 5 tabs with 80 slots each. That is 400 slots.... 400!


I won't us LS for gear for the most part. I don't need a central repository for Legacy gear when I can just send the gear across toons. I will use it almost specifically for crafting as I have different toons doing it and different professions.


So, your experience is not mine. LS will be just fine. I will buy more tabs as I need them. Everyone is throwing around the 50 mil as if you have to pay for it up front. You don't.


It is a welcome feature in my book.

Edited by Rafaman
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