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Over three thousand years before the rise of Darth Vader...


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This is not a hate rant or anything, just some observations. One of my long standing pet-peeves with the game is the setting.


So, the game is set somewhere around three thousand years before the events of the Star Wars movies, yet the technology is still the same. The weapons, the ships, the cities, even the fashion are the same as that in the movies. Look at how far (real) human technological advancement has progressed in the last three thousand years—even in the last fifty—and yet the design of battleships, even handguns, in the Star Wars universe has not changed in thousands of years. I think it would have been cool if the game was set as the many races had advanced into space travel, or just discovered laser technology, etc. Anything that would have made the game feel like it was a long, long time before the rise of Darth Vader.


That said, I’m not gonna stop playing!


Anyway, what is your take?

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This is not a hate rant or anything, just some observations. One of my long standing pet-peeves with the game is the setting.


So, the game is set somewhere around three thousand years before the events of the Star Wars movies, yet the technology is still the same. The weapons, the ships, the cities, even the fashion are the same as that in the movies. Look at how far (real) human technological advancement has progressed in the last three thousand years—even in the last fifty—and yet the design of battleships, even handguns, in the Star Wars universe has not changed in thousands of years. I think it would have been cool if the game was set as the many races had advanced into space travel, or just discovered laser technology, etc. Anything that would have made the game feel like it was a long, long time before the rise of Darth Vader.


That said, I’m not gonna stop playing!


Anyway, what is your take?


Soon or later technological advancement plateau.

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Yeah, apparently that was mentioned/established a ways back. Hell, here's a way to look at it-firearms tech, circa the flintlock, stayed the same for, oh, near 200+ years. But between the early 1850s, by 1900 we had fully automatic weapons with metallic cartridges. So, in Star Wars the tech plateau is going to last many millenia, if not longer.
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Actually in regards to clothing styles, KOTOR I (moreso than KOTOR II) had a more unique set of styles. The lack of adherence to this was one of the first things I noted about SWTOR in beta... they had simply abandoned these things in favor of more recognizable (and popular?) styles we are familiar with from the movies. For me, it was unfortunate because I appreciated the differences between KOTOR I and the movies, but at the same time I recognized that the audience being sought for this game was larger than just KOTOR folks; that there would be looking for the clothing styles noted from the movies because... it's a Star Wars game.


The biggest of the offenses in the clothing department by far was the Republic Trooper armor sets. This is where the change in style was most egregious.


As for the city planets... I guess the people who are up to snuff on their lore could speak more to the timelines of these places, but based on the timelines for the reoccurring wars between the Sith and Republic... I'd think it's fair that these places have been developed for quite a long time.

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A galaxy wide network of races that have developed an ability to quickly get around something as massive as an entire galaxy would then have to deal with the next serious step. How to move to the next galaxy which would be order of magnitude more difficult.


So yes, an advanced future group of species could indeed hit a plateau which would last thousands of years.


What about after the universe is completely explored and all galaxies dominated?


Next step is in breaking out of this universe to the trillions of layered universe that surround and envelope our own.


So the blink of an eye of only several thousand years is tiny in that perspective.

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Star Wars is just Star Wars. Its fantasy in space. There are many "apologies" for the tech not changing in 3000 years but at some point you just have to accept it and be ok with it. People like to make up reasons why but in the end there is no exact reason. It just is.


This has been a problem in the Star Wars universe since the original trilogy. I accepted it a long time ago and moved on.

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Civilizations rise and fall. There is a reason why the Middle Ages are also known as the Dark Ages. We've learned that the old Egyptians had far superior medical knowledge that was lost for many centuries.


These things happen. Could've happen a few times in the SW universe as well I'd say.

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Very few races actually invented most of the technology in the SW universe. The Corellians were supposed to have been the first with Hyperspace travel which they got from Celestial/Rakata Technology they found in their system. I imagine most of the tech came about the same so they have never overtaken what they found originally. Edited by KEKHAN
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It's already been established from various other sources outside the movies that there's been very, very little technological progress. Technology in Star Wars has reached such a level that further significant progress is nearly impossible and current progress is pretty minor stuff.


Not sure whether it's believable or not, but that's the story the Star Wars universe is going with: we have laser swords, miracle drugs and cybernetics that can keep someone alive if even all that's left is a brain, eyes, and a handful of internal organs, true artificial intelligence, and even starships capable of traversing the entire span of the galaxy (the Milky Way is 100 light years wide, SW galaxy is probably comparable) within the matter of weeks if not days.


Once you've reached that point, what else is there? Slightly deadlier lasers? Maybe some material that can withstand a slightly harder blaster shot? Kolto modifications that make it slightly more likely to keep someone alive?


There's only so much progress that can be made (in theory) until the next big step is incredibly difficult to make.

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A galaxy wide network of races that have developed an ability to quickly get around something as massive as an entire galaxy would then have to deal with the next serious step. How to move to the next galaxy which would be order of magnitude more difficult.


Apparently, moving beyond SW galaxy is pretty difficult, at least with the existing hyperdrive technology, as it mysteriously ceases to work when you cross the edge of galaxy. Or that used to be the case, who knows if that is still valid with the new canon.

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This is not a hate rant or anything, just some observations. One of my long standing pet-peeves with the game is the setting.


So, the game is set somewhere around three thousand years before the events of the Star Wars movies, yet the technology is still the same. The weapons, the ships, the cities, even the fashion are the same as that in the movies. Look at how far (real) human technological advancement has progressed in the last three thousand years—even in the last fifty—and yet the design of battleships, even handguns, in the Star Wars universe has not changed in thousands of years. I think it would have been cool if the game was set as the many races had advanced into space travel, or just discovered laser technology, etc. Anything that would have made the game feel like it was a long, long time before the rise of Darth Vader.


That said, I’m not gonna stop playing!


Anyway, what is your take?


Its not unreasonable to believe that technology can reach a point that improvements can no longer be made or even needed. With that said, its fantasy world, who cares.

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(the Milky Way is 100 light years wide, SW galaxy is probably comparable)




I liked your post, but as an avid astronomy lover I think you meant to say 100,000-150,000 light years. :)


It's hard to gauge exactly how wide it is due to our perspective from Earth, but is definitely wider than 100 ly.

Edited by wiredgutter
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This is not a hate rant or anything, just some observations. One of my long standing pet-peeves with the game is the setting.


So, the game is set somewhere around three thousand years before the events of the Star Wars movies, yet the technology is still the same. The weapons, the ships, the cities, even the fashion are the same as that in the movies. Look at how far (real) human technological advancement has progressed in the last three thousand years—even in the last fifty—and yet the design of battleships, even handguns, in the Star Wars universe has not changed in thousands of years. I think it would have been cool if the game was set as the many races had advanced into space travel, or just discovered laser technology, etc. Anything that would have made the game feel like it was a long, long time before the rise of Darth Vader.


That said, I’m not gonna stop playing!


Anyway, what is your take?


History of the SW Galaxy is extremely long. The Republic has existed for over 25,000 years in the movies. And that is after hyperdrive was developed. Before that, there was Rakatan Infinite Empire for many thousand years, which also spanned the galaxy, using their Force-powered hyperdrive to control space.

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Wow, a lot of really great comments here. Thank you!


Now, back on my soapbox!


So, as a Science Fiction fan, I can accept the plausibility of technology reaching a plateau, but what about the designs? I mean, the starships all look the same over the 3000 year period. Don’t you think the design would have changed. Real-life Automobile engines haven’t changed that drastically over the past few decades (minus some technology) yet we aren’t driving around cars that look like a 1973 Corvette. (Can you guess why I used that car as an example?)


And what about fashions? I mean, the military uniforms don’t change in 3,000 years? What about the “vest and white shirt” of the Smuggler, ala Han Solo? I’m aware that fashions usually come around again, but when was the last time you saw anyone wearing a toga?


Anyway, how would some of you handle/explain/change these aspects?


Again, this isn’t a rant. I love the game. Just trying to stir up a little conversation.

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I'd say the most glaring example of the fashion part being different is with the Jedi.

The jedi in this era are wearing mostly flashy and noticable clothing, in contrast to the humble robes of the movie Jedi.

A sign that the jedi order of this era is enjoying quite a different social status than the one in the movies.


Another sign of change and advancement is that the Jedi and Sith of this era both wear armor.

This shows that the weaponry of these times, while still going pew pew, probably arent nearly as deadly as they've become by the time the movies come out.

Its very likely that the blasters wielded by your average Stormtrooper would go clean through both the shield and plating of the armor we use to tank with ingame.


We also havent quite figured out yet that 4 legs are better than 3 on our walkers. :p


And while similiar, the Sting and Tie Fighter do show a difference/evolution in visual design.

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Star Wars is just Star Wars. Its fantasy in space. There are many "apologies" for the tech not changing in 3000 years but at some point you just have to accept it and be ok with it. People like to make up reasons why but in the end there is no exact reason. It just is.

Pretty much this. That being said, there are a few "reasons" that I personally find half-way decent:


1) Technological Plateau - until the younger races happen to figure out something akin to Rakata Teleporters, there just isn't anywhere else for tech to go, and that takes a quantum leap in development which just hasn't happened.


2) Technology is measured against itself - what constitutes a powerful blaster is measured against how powerful the available shields are. What count's a fast ship is measured against what the average ship speed is. Put a New Hope era Star Destroyer up against a TOR era Harrower Dreadnaught and the Star Destroyer could take it out the Dreadnaught in a single volley while the Harrower's blasters would hardly affect the Star Destroyer's shields at all. Ignoring how similar the aesthetics are in Star Wars, you could compare it to a real-world match-up between a 1400s Chinese Treasure Ship (purported 450ft long) to a modern Daring-class Destroyer (500 ft long).


3) Dark Ages - A Republic Dark Age is part of the canon, and while I don't think any sources have gone into depth over what technological knowledge was lost or stagnated, it and other similar Dark Ages could account for a lack of progress.

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Imagine how advanced the galaxy of Star Wars would be if you took out the "Wars." Trillions of people are butchered because of the Sith throughout history. Statistically, a portion of those would have made new inventions and found new scientific discoveries. The genius Tharan Cedrax discovered and invented a ton of new things, but how many other people as smart as or smarter than him died because of the wars or were never born because Darth Malak destroyed Taris? Because the Mandalorians turned some planets into glass?


Wars do bring technological improvements in some areas, but are seldom worth it. The Star Forge and the Foundry could have had positive uses, but instead were used for negative purposes. The third terraforming one could be used for good, but we all know it probably won't be.


Long living species such as the Hutts can naturally live for a thousand standard years, imagine how intelligent and wise a mentally fit person would be after 1000 years of learning and experience, but it seems the vast majority of them care more about petty profits and rivalries than improving the galaxy. Dr. Oggurobb and Supreme Chancellor Blotus being exceptions and examples.

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It's really not all that big a mystery. Aside from the fact that they're already highly advance, which means that new advancements require radically different technology, their best and brightest die from war and purges on a regular basis. Also, both sides are mired in status quo thinking that makes it hard to encourage new approaches and innovation.
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And what about fashions? I mean, the military uniforms don’t change in 3,000 years? What about the “vest and white shirt” of the Smuggler, ala Han Solo? I’m aware that fashions usually come around again, but when was the last time you saw anyone wearing a toga?



Lore-wise, you can explain it as cycles of fashion over the years, when I was in college in the 1990s, a lot of students admired and copied the fashions of the 60s, looks get recycled decades later, so it's not such a stretch that the same thing happens over centuries in a society that spans the entire galaxy.


In more practical terms, when Bioware got the license to create a Star Wars game (KOTOR) they weren't able to use any of the recognized characters from the movies, I suppose because of the EU novels and other products won't allow them to make big changes to the story, kill off characters for dramatic purposes, etc. It's hard to build a story around someone like Revan/the Exile when there are already established characters like Luke and Vader. So they set the stories far enough in the past that the characters would have faded into legend or be forgotten altogether by the time of the movies and beyond.


But it's not enough to take a generic sci-fi setting and label it Star Wars, you need the lightsabers and Millenium Falcon, droids like Artoo and Seethree... or something close enough that customers will recognize the setting as "the real Star Wars universe." So in KOTOR the smuggler was dressed like Han, troopers had uniforms like Empire clones, etc. The MMO just continues the tradition.


The real question, though, is why does every Republic trooper without his helmet look like Jango Fett/clone trooper from Ep 1-3? Heh...

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A wise man once said

"Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force."

Wish I could remember who that was....


Any way, as has been mentioned before advancements reach a plateau eventually. You can see differences in the technology of SWTOR and the Tech of Return of the Jedi. They are subtle, but they are there.

The switch between Kolto and Bacta for example. The more wide spread use of Ion weapons and cortosis in the episodes 1 - 6 era.

Our current technology is on a bit of a plateau as compared to the advancements we made in the 80's and 90's. we are doing more improving that we are discovering and inventing. Perhaps the Star Wars has advanced close to the limits and are simply making subtle improvements to proven technology?

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Wow, a lot of really great comments here. Thank you!


Now, back on my soapbox!


So, as a Science Fiction fan, I can accept the plausibility of technology reaching a plateau, but what about the designs? I mean, the starships all look the same over the 3000 year period. Don’t you think the design would have changed. Real-life Automobile engines haven’t changed that drastically over the past few decades (minus some technology) yet we aren’t driving around cars that look like a 1973 Corvette. (Can you guess why I used that car as an example?)


And what about fashions? I mean, the military uniforms don’t change in 3,000 years? What about the “vest and white shirt” of the Smuggler, ala Han Solo? I’m aware that fashions usually come around again, but when was the last time you saw anyone wearing a toga?


Anyway, how would some of you handle/explain/change these aspects?


Again, this isn’t a rant. I love the game. Just trying to stir up a little conversation.


That's the thing, no matter how someone would explain away the things you bring up it would only be a rationalization. As you know and as others have mentioned the real reason was for marketing purposes of familiarity of a very successful product. Tech plateau? maybe.. fashion looking nearly identical 3k years later? virtually impossible in the world we live in... architecture unchanging in hutt palaces, imperial throne rooms, and ships? oh come on... at some point the answer just becomes: the devs were willing to sacrifice realism on this issue, simple and plain.


That being said, I do agree it makes great discussion hearing possible reasons of explanation for these things. When I first saw the trailer for the game I immediately was a little disappointed at just how unimaginative some of these things were, but I totally understand the decision. 1 reason I didn't like it was that it diminished the originality of the things we saw in the movies, e.g. the imperial ships, armors etc. meaning that Palpatine's empire was not a unique looking group of tyrants but just a carbon copy of a regime that had existed 3k years ago. This idea isn't unique to this game though, all of Star Wars EU has been running the same things into the ground for apparently like 20k years. I mean the Jedi and Sith have been duking it out forever and ever and each time destroying worlds in their fighting.. at what point does the rest of the galaxy just say **** and take your enemies with you. (That was one thing I loved about the Jedi Civil War timeline.) Anyway, now I'm ranting.

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I'll be honest...my first thought when I saw the first cut scene was, "man technology has not changed much in 3000 years."


But it quickly dawned on me that this is not a lore or canon thing. The look of everything in this game is intended to reflect well known and established Star Wars tropes based on the movies and TCW TV series; the intent is to make clear that this is a Star Wars game and Star Wars has a look about it. The fact that the story takes place 3000 years before those movies is irrelevant.

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