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Do you expect someone to heal on KDY?


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If I que on my healer than I am going to perform my job and that is heal. Whatever you que as you should do your job no matter what Flashpoint it is.


If you get used to doing your job on KDY you will be used to doing it for the others and you will know what you are supposed to do and there will be less problems in other flashpoints.


I take KDY as a learning tool for learning your class since it can be more forgiving than others.

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If the queue pops with a tank and dps, I heal to keep the tank topped up - and AoE heal the whole group between fights. If the DPS pull the aggro, then that's the point I start to let them know gently.


OTOH as a DPS I let the tank do their job. I mow down the extras.

As a tank I grab the aggro and expect to be kept reasonably topped up. -I use my cooldowns to mitigate as much as I can. - But then I rest and recuperate before the next pull. - To let everyone regenerate and cooldown.


The trinity isn't dead, but IMHO puting heal stations in Tactical flashpoionts was a bad move. -What next?. - A DPS button for extra damage, or a tankting station that taunts and keeps aggro?


Tanks keep aggro & healers heal tanks. . Accidents hapen. - You deal with it as such. The DPS can go to hell if they're dumb enough to rush and start fights they can't finish.


I think the heal stations are there because even bolstered a group of all low levels can run into trouble. They just don't have the number of abilities per person needed to handle the boss quickly. That can result in the need for heal stations if there's no healer or a low level one without much in the way of abilities.


Most groups with higher level characters won't need them though. I can't say I habitually position myself near healing stations because I'm so rarely in a group that needs to use then. Instead, I position myself in range of adds and boss so I can dps both asap. To me, that's more important than hugging a healing station that we're unlikely to need.


By that's off topic. ;)

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I hate the healing terminals. Doing my medic thing and people running to them for activating them is like telling you "go home, you are not needed here". Easy to understand as team work is chaotic, nobody wants to cooperate, just to leave as fast as they can, like a bad job to do.


Anyway, globally, KDY is a great idea (about mission plot changes) ruined by players. I played it few times (in different classes) and always was a horrible experience.

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Anyway, globally, KDY is a great idea (about mission plot changes) ruined by players. I played it few times (in different classes) and always was a horrible experience.


You think it's bad IN KDY? Wait until the KDY kids start showing up in 55 HMs with level 30 gear and NO clue.

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Heh. Just had a bad lowbie KDY run. Hard to do, I know. Lol.


So without getting into the hows and whys, I'll update my stance a little bit. Before it was heal if they want with special attention to the final bosses, now I say as others have already pointed out, play your class and your role.


You que up as a tank you tank, heals as heals, and most importantly as DPS you DPS (and not kite every mob in the room back to the group!)

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But SERIOUSLY, stop demanding people who "queue as a healer" to be a full time healer, because as I keep explaining, if you queue for both healing and damage, you are assigned healing, no matter what. People queue for tacticals at the same time as other flashpoints, so they may have both selected, but they do not intend to primarily heal a tactical. Yes, they should heal in an emergency, but don't expect them to heal if they are spec'ed dps.


If you queue as a healer you better bet I demand you heal

Remove the haler part of your queue if your not prepared to do so


Yes I know Healers queue up faster then DPS do normally

Tough luck,

By allowing the healer option to stay clicked you are agreeing to heal




Its like those @$^%@$^@$ guardian/Warriors that queue up as tanks in Hard Mode and then announce they are only dps when it pops.

Screws the whole group because he wanted a faster pop with out the dps wait times.


Do the job you queue as

Its not that hard a concept

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If they queue up as healers, I expect them to heal.

Just like I expect tanks to tank if they queue up as tanks.


Even in KDY.


See, no, thats the thing. If I queue as a heals and get a 3DPS group, sure, good heals/DPS=no downtime/insane clears. However, expecting a tank to tank a tactical is ridiculous. Most people don't appreciate the guy absorbing damage, and the 3 DPS don't give the tank a chance to rest, plus the general lack of a healer causes the tank's health to drop ridiculously fast, especially if the DPS take their sweet time. TL;DR: Heals=great, Tanks=Unnecessary and poor things at Tacts

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Quote: Originally Posted by Ryvirath View Post

Heals slows everything down. 4 dps all the way. Even if you are queud as heals please just dps. It's the difference between a 20 minute KDY and a 25 minute KDY.


Oh no, w/e will you do with your life if you have to play a game for 5 minutes longer.


Oops!! It seems you forgot to activate your "sarcasm detector."

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Not quite sure how tanks are supposed to play dps. I mean, that's not what they do. Why ask a tank to dps badly when they could tank well and decrease damage on the rest of the group? Since kdy is shortish and easy, anyway, this seems ridiculous to me, especially since I can't help but think that a lot of this isn't so much a desire to save 10 minutes but an excuse for dps to behave badly, lol. In kdy, it's possible to ignore roles when necessary and succeed. That doesn't mean that's a good idea when not necessary, and not just because of kdy gameplay. Edited by errant_knight
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I expect people to either play the roles they are labeled as or re-spec and tell the group. If a healer or tank decides to, for whatever reason, stay in a dedicated role they should also play that role. I don't want to end up in a scenario where we have to stop and heal up despite that we have a healer in the group because that healer is just dps'ing instead. If there's room for a healer to dps, which there should be on KDY, then by all means, dps, but put the heals first. In the event that there's more than one healer or tank I think it's favorable that one of them re-specs, preferably the lower level.


Additionally, if players are below lvl 30 I'm always going to consider them DD'es, regardless of the label GF gave them. I'm not going to hold them to any DD standards but I'm not going to blame them for not healing me either.

Edited by MidichIorian
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I expect people to play the role they queued for. If they queued as a healer, then heal, with occasional dps. if they queued as dps, then dps.


I do NOT expect someone to respec, if they are healz, just because I thought it would be faster for the grp if they were dps. If they are spec'd healz, it's because that's what they are good at. If they were better at dps, and could respec, they probably would do that.

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At 55 most of the toons I play are heals, so yes I keep people alive and still do some dps.


Leveling I usely play dps, but I will throw out bubbles or heals to keep people actually playing as a group on their feet. However if the wander away from the group and get in trouble I will not bail them out like I will on my healers.


As to the fastest group, I don't care about class or role. 4 players that know what they are doing is to me the fastest, stress free and easiest. Fastest run I've done on KDY was 4 healers (two sawbones and two sages), very well geared and all knew their class and abilities. We split into two groups and meet in the middle.


I expect people to play the role they queued for. If they queued as a healer, then heal, with occasional dps. if they queued as dps, then dps..
Would change it to dps with the occasional heal, we are talking about KDY, so if I healed more than dps, I would just be standing there 99% of the time unless someone or multiple people in the group don't know how to play. Edited by mikebevo
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Tacticals are made with 4 dps in mind so dedicated tanking or dedicated healing is not really necessary at all IMO. Healing stations do the job well enough.


I will support heal in emergencies but I'll be damned if I have to babysit incompetent DPS on a Tactical. I have only had problems with his once, and it was a obviously inexperienced players that couldn't grasp the concept. When I play with my tanks I'll only tank bosses, but it's hardly vital.


In the other end of the spectrum, I have met 'diva' healers that 'demand' protection. You'll have to be pretty bad to pull healing aggro and die on a Tactical.

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I que for everything specced for either heals or dps. If I get a pop I'll play the role I am given because that is what is needed for the FP. However if it is KDY I will ALWAYS go dps spec... It's much quicker and you don't really need a healer for it. If the group is really that bad then I'll heal for the final boss. But no, I wouldn't expect a healer to heal when the situation calls for dps... As KDY does.
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I started out healing in KDY but eventually switched specs. I was in way too many groups that took advantage of it - not healing in between, continuously pulling mobs so I couldn't regen. Then you get yelled at when someone dies.


This being at a lower level with few healing abilities.

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You don't have to que as a healer to be labeled one upon entering.



You can que as dps and become a 'healer'...........Its as simple as that


No, you have to be in queue as a healer to be labeled a healer when you enter, if you uncheck the box next to healer or tank in the queue, the queue will only list you as a DPS.

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If they queue up as healers, I expect them to heal.

Just like I expect tanks to tank if they queue up as tanks.


Even in KDY.


Thats me.


No matter what you que for, that is your role going into KDY. Just because it's more lenient on who can attend, it doesn't mean you can play stupidly.

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