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Horror Stories from the Night life event!!!!


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Spent 0 credits, but found that Nar Shaddaa lags a lot. Grouped with a very nice person, and my computer froze just before the Boss Fight for the H2+. After I restarted the machine, and resurrected the character, I tried to find him/her to apologize for the wipe, but couldn't. Still feel like an awful person :(


Still hoping to see a Rancor Parade, with all those players riding them in a circle around the Promenade dressed in their finest. I am okay to wave from the rafters :)

Edited by DomiSotto
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Not really a horror story, but I just picked up this "event" last night. I was doing my mission on Nar Shaddaa anyway, so I ambled over to the casino with my 5 complementary coins and hit the slots.


The visuals and sounds were totally under-whelming. I lost my 5 coins in about two minutes, shrugged my shoulders, had a "Meh" Moment, and continued with my missions. One of my fellow guildies was totally obsessed with this event and spent HOURS on it. Not sure what he saw in it, but I guess whatever floats your boat...

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Thank God I never spent any more money than I had on me from doing one or two dailies first, so I never really 'lost' any credits over it (still got plenty to lose on messing around with Strongholds). Played a total of three days (never more than 90k credits a day) and got all my alts some of the weapons to play with, and on the third day just before I called it quits I managed a rancor for my main.


Not really a horror story but I can see it turning dumbly addictive if I let it.

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I sense you don't want to take responsibility for your choices. Well, I could say something snarky about snowflakes and entitlement, but I'm sure someone else will do that.


I think I am entitled to have a snarky snowflake. It sounds like fun.


%$#&!!!! Anyone know an easy way to remove all the credit spammers from your ignore list?

All joking aside, it's amazing that players and devs alike complain and fight gold farmers trying to peddle their wares in MMOs, and then they implement mechanics and events that only encourage people to go to them.

Edited by TravelersWay
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I've been in disbelief as I spent real money on star cluster hypercrate and sold stuff for around 2 mil total and spent almost all my time turning my credits into dust.. KP machines are toilets to flush your credits.. I spent 2.5 mil on smuggler tokens that's a lot of KP tokens on average at 5-7 per 50k worth of smug ..rolling my machines I saw every 5 mins someone popped jackpot on the forward KP machines specifically it seemed as though whatever KP machine I rolled someone across from me got disco ball within a minute or so and seconds later another rancor running around. Please BW make it purchasable with gold certs I've got nearly 50 and I have everything already x2 ..this is a horror story for me bc I thaught events were supposed to be fun and doable.. I'm at a loss of words for this thing that's clearly not an event but a scam.. Aren't there enough scams in TV and businesses with ads and stuff -when will gaming be our escape again like it used to be?
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I've been in disbelief as I spent real money on star cluster hypercrate and sold stuff for around 2 mil total and spent almost all my time turning my credits into dust.. KP machines are toilets to flush your credits.. I spent 2.5 mil on smuggler tokens that's a lot of KP tokens on average at 5-7 per 50k worth of smug ..rolling my machines I saw every 5 mins someone popped jackpot on the forward KP machines specifically it seemed as though whatever KP machine I rolled someone across from me got disco ball within a minute or so and seconds later another rancor running around. Please BW make it purchasable with gold certs I've got nearly 50 and I have everything already x2 ..this is a horror story for me bc I thaught events were supposed to be fun and doable.. I'm at a loss of words for this thing that's clearly not an event but a scam.. Aren't there enough scams in TV and businesses with ads and stuff -when will gaming be our escape again like it used to be?


Wait... you bought a hypercrate and only sold stuff for 2 million?

I got 8+ million by just selling the individual cartel crates in the hypercrate...

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the chances of getting a rancor are actually greater than blowing up a machine, did you know that? its .02% chance for a blow up, and (with feeling lucky buff of course) .09% chance for rancor. Yet, I have blown up the machines TWICE and NO RANCOR!!! CRAP I HATE THE ODDS SO MUCH!!!


/rant over

Edited by Sangrar
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the chances of getting a rancor are actually greater than blowing up a machine, did you know that? its .02% chance for a blow up, and (with feeling lucky buff of course) .09% chance for rancor. Yet, I have blown up the machines TWICE and NO RANCOR!!! CRAP I HATE THE ODDS SO MUCH!!!


/rant over


Ah, but...and I figured this out to make myself feel better...you're spinning the cheap slots at least 5-10 times as many times as you do the Kingpin.

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please excuse my giggling. i may or may not have been completely drunk when i made that video, haha


Wow, thank you! Wish I have been there :D That's like super-fun! Gotta love the community.

Edited by DomiSotto
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I've flushed 1.8 million into the event so far, and all I have to show for it is exactly 51 Golden Certificates. Two of which were won with the 40 free tokens I received across all my alts.


Wish, wish, wish I could buy some luck. The RNG has always hated me.

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I got very very close to unsubbing mainly due to this event. I find it hard to justify paying money for them to make such an incredibly poor event. I got 20 days left and it could still very much happen, but not today.


Awfull awfull event.

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I got very very close to unsubbing mainly due to this event. I find it hard to justify paying money for them to make such an incredibly poor event. I got 20 days left and it could still very much happen, but not today.


Awfull awfull event.


at least the gree event is returning soon, and even the Rakghoul event shall make it back in a few weeks

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