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Getting way more damage in 2.7


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Not for the average player. And PVP gear is now even more OP in OW. That's not even close to a good thing.


The average player? Give me a break, even the "average" player is at least completing their dailies. Do the dailies for one week and you will have a full set of obroan gear. That gear is dirt cheap.


As for open world pvp...The real question is, why would anyone go to a pvp server willingly and not wear pvp gear? That's just silly....yet sadly I see it everyday on oricon and it confuses the hell out of me. If you're just going to raid and run around in pve gear then go to a damn pve server.


I don't know what they did. I bet they made changes that they don't ever tell anyone about. Anyway, my PT/Vanguard definitely aren't as good as they used to be.


Uh, what? They fixed bolster which buffed white damage on the mh/oh. My rail shots are consistently hitting for over 8k now.

Edited by Raansu
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Coming from a Facemelter and a "former" Smasheril, I think your idea of bad is a perception problem.


I've played every class except sorc at 55 and do just as well on all of them. It's not the class. Hell I still roll annihilation which is considered trash and still destroy people, so ya, its definitely not the class/spec ^_^. Sorry that you're bad. Also, played smash after 2.7, still got top damage even though the spec is garbage now.

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I've played every class except sorc at 55 and do just as well on all of them. It's not the class. Hell I still roll annihilation which is considered trash and still destroy people, so ya, its definitely not the class/spec ^_^. Sorry that you're bad. Also, played smash after 2.7, still got top damage even though the spec is garbage now.

Have you been video taping me again? Do I need to send you a name change for "Gods Gift"? Or would a calculator and instruction manual work better for you?

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Several people, including me, have posted how to handle that. It's not complicated and getting rid of PVP gear would be a huge step forward.


Bolster is a problem because it's buggy as h*ll. That's why the Devs should just remove it from Ranked. Leave it in Lowbies and Regz where it does good work. Once it's working perfectly, (which will be never), feel free to re-implement it in Ranked.


Gearing, on the other hand, is not a problem. Removing gear completely is an overly extreme response to a bad Bolster mechanic. Never going to happen.



If someone is playing just for the gear grind instead of the fun of playing, they won't stick around anyway.


Personally, I don't play for the gear grind. I play for the fun of Casual PvP in this game. The gear just sort of follows as a result of the fun I have PvPing.


Gearing is so easy in this game. The only real difficult and grindy part is acquiring the T1 Enhancements because they are ridiculously priced. But the majority of players frankly don't need those unless they are competing in endgame Ranked, which the majority of "PvPers" ironically don't even do.



Whats even better is the new Focused Defense. Cherish it while you can, because I expect it to be nerfed. I can heal to full from 15-20% if I am still hit. I can get about 3750 heals from 1 stack of Focused Defense.


I noticed this last night and thought it was a glitch. Focused Defense is working really good. It can't be that good. Maybe it is. lol

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Same here. I'm almost in BiS Brutalizer with 33'ish K HP and I lost 28K in one global to two guys. They literally hit me at the exact same time so Imagine my surprise. I hit force speed but was dead 0.1 second later.


Not sure how many stuns I've died in today.....but many. So yeah, something's up. I'm not even sure that increased burst is the problem, I think they might have screwed with armor ratings or something (regardless of what the character screen says). I mean, my bonus damage has gone up 30, which isnt that much, but my crits are consistently much bigger than they used to be. I can't imagine that hits go up 10-15 % just because my bonus damage went from 1460 to 1490, that's one hell of a weird power threshold if that's the case.


Exactly my experience. Hopefully it's a bug somehow and will get fixed soon.

Edited by Nisdec
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That's the whole point of being a ranged class, to be able to pick off melee classes. Ranged have had to learn how to keep smashers off them, and now the white dmg is fixed we're just doing what we should be doing, bursting down targets and killing them, without healers being OP and stopping 2 ranged killing one target.


It's refreshing to be able to actually kill something for a change. :p

Agreed. RDPS would be an advantage if melee couldn't close the gap with one 30m leap.


I can't believe people are complaining about damage...

"There's too much CC! There's too much healing! There's too much damage!"

I don't think you guys want to play warzones, I Think you just want to sit by the terminals in fleet and use non effective AoEs on the other players.

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It would be nice to see bioware give some feedback regarding this subject. I really don't care either way, I'm not going to be around much longer, but I'm sure others would like to know if its going to stay this way. My sorc's damage is substantially higher at the moment then it was pre-patch.
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Damage seems fine to me sage sorcs are a bit more bursty

My question before I'm this post was if anyone had notice an increase in white damage

And I can answer that now my overhead slash can almost hit 11k on a squishy target

Usually was 9-10k when the stars aligned so I'm no number cruncher but it seems to be an increase


As for all this bolster garbage I personally think it needs to be removed from the game as it gives players a false

Sense of ability or understanding of the value of gearing your character one of the fundamental elements of mmo pvp

To those of you confused over what type of armour pvp or pve you should be using to Get the benefits of bolster I'd say stop worrying about it And just get the pvp gear

I'm currently full obroan augmented with power on a vigilance guardian

I have always used the pvp gear available I now have brutilizer relics and ear peice

From being comms capped from the end I season one I obtained tier 5 rewards using pvp gear and will do so in season two.

if you don't have max pvp teir you need to play smarter pvp is fun

And if you think gear is the only factor holding you back then

There's nothing that will help you.

Edited by Ren_simp
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It's hard enough to compete at level 55 with a commando medic, but since 2.7 it became a bit insane. My char died 15 times in the new Huttball zone today. Sith Lightning to death. I came out of the safe zone, got pushed down, grilled, dead. It went so fast several times that I wasn't even able to trigger one of the non-instant heals. And I wasn't able to heal anyone else but myself (if at all). If this is supposed to be like this, then I don't know. This is just a tad too much to handle, I'm afraid. It's not that much fun to spend 3/4 of the match behind bars in the respawn zone. :(

you can los pretty easily. you might not be anywhere near your carrier to heal him, but it's extremely easy to drop down and be untargetable from ranged unit on his perch.

Edited by foxmob
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The best part about the BIG damage numbers is Saber Reflect. :cool: God, I want to see the posts of those experts that killed themselves yesterday on the forums.


They'll probably blame ED, though. Because Skills that say "Don't hit the target while it's up" seem to be the meanest and ugliest kind of skills possible. :D

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The current damage stands in no relation to our hp. If you want to know what I mean, join a wz and take a look on your ops group window while your allies are fighting.

And now try to get out a 2 second heal cast. GL.

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TBH I think they should get rid of the Bolster in 55 WZs. Here's why. First off I don't think a fully geared OPs should be able to hang (stats due to bolster) with the PVPers who took the time to grind for the gear. Reason i say this is a player can go into OPs after OPs get fully geared then pvp, BUT players in FULL pvp gear can not go into an OPs group. So to be that seems unfair *Shrugs*.

Other reason is from the things i have been reading on these forums the bolster seems causes more problems then it is worth. I remember at launch there was no 50s bolster and people who were fresh 50s (including myself of course) got their back side cut, BUT after only about 5 days you would have the first set of pvp gear and able to hang with the ranked pvp gear players. I say return it to the way it was. Erase the bolster code and never think about it again.

It's more trouble then it is worth.


Forgot to add that the bolster seems to bring out exploits. ok that is it.


Just my thoughts of course

Edited by Toughenough
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Less Bobs playing their Sentineltwinks running around, how refreshing. Even after the last "Community wants Sentinels killed" - Nerf the few remaining Sents tend to remain on the top of the charts. Funny to see how Healers think they can outheal a Sent not playing Full Focus.


Yep and everything seems to hit a little harder, but mostly the enemy.

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Healers have enjoyed there game getting easier and easier as gear scaled due to tech force dmg and bonus healing scaling higher than white dmg every time new gear came since 2.0


Also they have been playing with higher healing stats than they were supposed to have due to blue 46 mods etc


Now white dmg is scaling as it was supposed to at 2.0 so its time for u to level up or g.t.f.o.

Edited by Loki_
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I've noticed this also. I am dying a lot more often, but killing people a lot quicker and easier. I'm glad I have only ventured in as dps, as healers are far too easy to kill now and everyone drops from 100% to 0% way too quickly... going in as a healer looks like it would be pretty ineffective. I may end up trying it though; dying so quickly as a dps is not fun at all.


I think damage has been scaled up too far without increased health pools to compensate for this. Perhaps adding more Endurance to gear would help resolve this? Whatever the problem is, I hope they fix it soon, because warzones are nowhere near as fun as they used to be imo.

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Healers have enjoyed there game getting easier and easier as gear scaled due to tech force dmg and bonus healing scaling higher than white dmg every time new gear came since 2.0


Also they have been playing with higher healing stats than they were supposed to have due to blue 46 mods etc


Now white dmg is scaling as it was supposed to at 2.0 so its time for u to level up or g.t.f.o.


You do know that bonus damage scales better with stat inflation (and the blue 46 bolster bug) than bonus healing????


DPS has been easy mode for months, with every successive patch it has become easier and easier to blow people up, if you've been struggling with healers then that is a personal issue.

Edited by alexsamma
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You do know that bonus damage scales better with stat inflation (and the blue 46 bolster bug) than bonus healing????


DPS has been easy mode for months, with every successive patch it has become easier and easier to blow people up, if you've been struggling with healers then that is a personal issue.


Only IF you deal Force/Tech Damage. Otherwise no.


If you need proof, look at the "OP" DPS specs prior to 2.7.. Smash, AP PT, DEC Sins. Force/Tech Heavy classes/specs. Those were the only ones able to down healers with any regularity and without assistance.

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If you need proof, look at the "OP" DPS specs prior to 2.7.. Smash, AP PT, DEC Sins. Force/Tech Heavy classes/specs. Those were the only ones able to down healers with any regularity and without assistance.


Truth in that statement. It was hard enough to get people to attack healers in the past NOW it is 10x worse. People are saying "this class is to OP and can't be killed", but they can't see pasted the nose on their face. There was 2 healers healing this one Mara.


WTB roll back to 2.6 PST offer.

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