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  1. You just keep buying and selling it back, so when you hit 55 you will have alot of weapons to trade back and get FULL pvp gear. I started doing that at level 35 and ended up with so many weapons that i was fully ranked geared.
  2. So this is balance? http://dulfy.net/2014/05/01/swtor-patch-2-8-pts-patch-notes/ Assassins, PTs and both warrior classes are monsters now, so in 2.8 they are getting more damage increase? Maybe it is my dyslexia, but that doesn't seem like a way to create "balance". *Shrugs*
  3. Like i said on the server i was on and the guild i was in "no one" complained. In the guild we had people with all the toons. Enough to have group WZ Queues and what not. As far as me "not experienced enough to notice the problems" is abit much. Personally i played since release and made every toon on both side to learn them in and out. I can play every tree for everyone. Am i the best...of course not, but i can hold my own. The problem here is that other people / gamers (casual gamers) don't take this time to do the same as i do and a lot of others do by learning all the toons and finding out their weakness and learn the buffs and what the icons looks like and how long they last. I still stand by the 1.2 patch again reason being is that NO ONE on the server i was on complained. Those samples above you posted i had no issues with them, but again i can adept and learn from. This is exactly what am am trying to point out here. BW does all this nerfing and buffing to satisfy the "casual gamers" who DO NOT know how to play their toon right. By doing so BW is pacifying these type of gamers and they will NEVER learn to improve themselves as gamers. I have played my OP since day one of the game and played all trees. I never once had a problem with it in 1.2. Healing is a blast cause you always on the move, Concealment is in your face beat down and finally Fatality is survivability at it's best. Funny thing is even though Concealment got nerfed 2.7 people still say they need more of a nerf. There is no satisfying these people. Come on tell me you haven't seen someone playing a toon you know very well, very very wrong? I see it in "almost" every FP and WZ i go in. Point of all this is BW needs to stop listening to the gamers who will come and go and start listening to the gamers who will stick around. Look at EVE ONLINE (and yes i know it is a different type of game, but still pvp) and how long have they been around for? Did they listen to the whiners who found the game "to hard" or started saying "this guy is hacking, this ship is OP"? No and they going 10 years strong. Well that concludes he end of my story hope you liked and stayed tuned for the next chapter. *High 5*
  4. Ok i have been reading and posted a few times, but maybe it is me and i don't fully understand. WHAT IS THE POINT OF NERFING AND BUFFING? I have seen a few threads on other forums for different games saying something along the lines of why they do it. WIKI link about it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balance_(game_design) So according to this the point is to create balance in the game, BUT doesn't that actually do the opposite? When you nerf one and buff another you just created an unbalance. There are posts in swtor forums proves that. So I know i will get players posting, but how about someone from BW say something and explain this to me? In my opinion the game was "perfectly" balanced from the first patch that reduced the damage gravity round / tracer missiles did (Patch 1.2). TBH in game there was no one crying about it at all. at least not on the server i was on and it was pretty populated unlike some of the others. *Fatman FTW*
  5. it's people like this who get under my skin. So let me get this straight. you want to jump snipers regardless if they under cover? How about you do damage to a sorcerer while their bubble is up, your damage ignores it all together? How about your melee toon resists all forms off poisons from OPs? How about Assassins can't come in close and do force attacks and just hit you with white damage? Sounds like something you want? Why don't you just give us the name of the server you are on and your toon name and we will just sit there while you kill us since you don't want other classes to do their thing that makes them unique? I have a warrior and there are ways around a sniper that allows you to come in close and smash their faces, but i won't tell you how. FIGURE IT OUT or how they say it in the game "L2P".
  6. Yes that does happen, but with everyone only focusing on the other dps and not the healers i was always able to kill them. As far as a tank(s) guarding one, i have a way of killing both at the sametime with my OP, plus if my gaming buddy comes online it is truly over (he's an OP as well). By the time the healer is dead the tank is down to a 1/4 health and i turn to him and he's dead. Not the case now of course.
  7. Now that they took away the OP knock down getting people to attack healers is a pain in the a**. I use to do it alone and watch the dps drop. NOW....OMG what a nightmare.
  8. if that ever happens maybe that is why there is all this BS Nerfing. haha a dev got dropped by an OP over and over and got mad and said "f**k this i'm taking that sh*t away RIGHT NOW". hahaha i wouldn't doubt it
  9. Toughenough

    Force barrier

    Sorry to be so brutally honest, but sounds like another person who doesn't know how to play.
  10. Have you thought of using your stun breaker when you CC meter is white? I never have this problem when i do that.
  11. To be honest the buff to the Sorc bubble is no big deal. Little Secret: JUST STOP ATTACKING THEM WHEN THEY HAVE THE "FORCE BARRIER" BUBBLE UP. If you DO NOT attack them while the bubble is up they won't get any stacks for the other bubble once that one drops. I have killed lots of sorc's easy with that simple little rule of thumb. I enjoy seeing them trying to run away after it drops. hahaha I can agree with a few posts saying that OP class isn't as fun to play any more. I have tried all my other toons (i have every toon in the game to 55) NON seems as fun as my OP was. Sad to say, but true. I tried my JUGG and it's crazy how fast you can kill people. Sorry no challenge / fun. Maybe i'll take another 6-12 month break and come back and see if something has changed for the better. Who knows.....Maybe
  12. That would only last 5-7 days. By then people would have the first set of gear. The game was like that from launch and no one QQ'd much about it. Besides it is better then having this bolster which creates problem after problem.
  13. Toughenough

    Gear Issue?

    I have found a few people saying it is a gear issue. I myself am in FULL brut gear and I am getting hit like a truck. So i was grinding some operations gear and half of it is replaced and i went back to my Obroan gear and I am almost where i was in 2.6. I can solo people like before. so i can confirm it is the ranked gear + Bolster together. I noticed a huge difference in the amount of damage i dish out and the amount i take. Someone did say in a thread the Bolster is doing something bad to the Brut (ranked) gear.
  14. I like how bioware uses the word "fair". If fair is what they want then get rid of the 2 sets of gear and make only one. To get the gear you can either PVP or PVE, but the gear is exactly the same. Done end of story. Puts an end to the bolster, any exploits because of the bolster and NO ONE has better gear then the next guy.
  15. Sorry can't agree with that. If you are going to make 2 different types of gear (which they have). If a pve'r wants to pvp with the PVE gear then they shouldn't get any buff at all. Like i said before, us PVP'rs can't go into an OPs group with RANKED pvp gear. If a pve;r wants to join us in WZs and compete then they should grind for the pvp gear like we did.
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