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Everything posted by JaingSkiratapwns

  1. Me too. I can't see any older or new schematics on my Armormech.
  2. Instead of copy paste wars, why don't you guys just give 200 or so CCs to early access subs, seeing as our early access is wasting away.
  3. They forgot that a long time ago.
  4. Just when you thought the bottom couldn't drop any lower, bioware goes and promises a month of events yet fails to ensure they will run successfully. They ought to air their live streams on Comedy Central, because they are an utter joke. They've made clear their vacation time is more important than ensuring the quality of their product. This is truly pathetic. I guess as long as they make money off the cartel market they'll keep their charade of interest in the game alive; what a terrible business model. Were I bioware, I'd be embarrassed at the product I'm putting out.
  5. This doesn't make a lot of sense. Players should be awarded with top tier gear for completing nightmare content.
  6. Really though, people have nobody to blame but themselves for being constantly disappointed by Bioware. Anyone who still has any form of hope that cross server or 8v8 ranked is coming back is fooling themselves. SWTOR is a flawed game; if you enjoy it, then you can have some fun playing it. However, at this point, no one should expect much from Bioware aside from story content and fluff.
  7. All the companions are the same now, so why should I care that I'm getting ANOTHER HK droid. I want some real pvp or pve content, not more fluff. Give me a new event, something.
  8. Really a big letdown. I don't expect PVP content anymore, but they could have hinted at an upcoming operation or something. Seriously, how many HK droids do we need?
  9. I posted my concerns about sorc several times on the PTS.
  10. If they left the Makeb arena out of the rotation I wouldn't miss it.
  11. You can't break it. I've supported this game since day 1, but this is the last straw. I'm done with pvp until healing is fixed. There are plenty of other games I can enjoy. I was afraid this was how the update was going to turn out after I tried it on the PTS.
  12. When would you ever want personal attacks?
  13. Biggest thing I can see is that if down the road they merge into a mega server people will complain that they spent CC on a transfer. But since it's only 90 coins, people shouldn't complain too much.
  14. Yeah, this game never has had great open world pvp. Just low level farming for the most part.
  15. Exactly. I tried to play on the west coast servers, it's just not feasible for the majority of people from the east.
  16. That's a stupid idea. I hope you're joking.
  17. Ebon Hawk has been good for me ever since I came here from the dead server that is POT5. The queues are fast for both 60 and lower level warzones, and though I don't do a whole lot of ranked, I do see people saying that solo queues pop fairly often during primetime hours.
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