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Frequently Asked PvP Questions


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I wonder at what time Bioware&EA will realize that, if they cater more to the die hard fans of the genre and focus on the war and actually spend a few more bucks then neccessary, they'll pobably end up with a legendary game. Improving their standing, feedback and their customers attitude way beyond this ONE game. Takes some effort, but if you CONSIDER the base they'd start from. There is a huge amount of material really. So much that can be built on top of that.


Yes, layoffs are ... bad... especially if it's core developers or game-designers. Controlling calculates an average of 2 years for a new developer to be fully integrated and as productive as a native one... takes no rocket science to figure out HOW bad layoffs are. And then you have a crowd that eats up content faster than you can even type it.


Think about what it takes to do something big... you know, the kind of stuff that is wanted every 6 months:

- Idea

- Concepts

- Convincing Capital(EA) of the Idea being worth it.

- Planning

- Legal Checking (patents, prior arts, trademarks...)

- Team assembly

- Story writing & Concept Art

- Art and Animations (again... legal checking....)

- Programming

- (at least internal) Testing

- Additional Artwork (Cinematics, Webpages, Announcements...)


Think about the costs:

- Capital (EA)

- Productmanagers / Projectmanagers / Controlling

- Leagal Department

- 3D Art Team

- Programmers

- Testers

- Web & Sales-Team



This is not an excuse for simply saying "no" to a lot of feature requests and questions. A bit more elaboration in some parts would have been great. But seriously: If you say you (or claim the same for all players) need some feature... and at the same time acknowledge that they 'lost' core teammembers not too long ago... have you considered to instead being thankful for a pretty cool, rather well working game that MOSTLY works fine? If we get some "fast fix for simple progress" (i.e. recolored Items with slightly better stats) - that's just another way of saying "whatever it was we were really doing didn't work, or we haven't told you". You know stuff like that happens.


So lets just sit and wait and HOPE that the decision goes to $person$'s wants. And if you haven't noticed: There is more than one, and sometimes opposing oppinions on certain topics. Some want cross-server... some despise it. Some think 4vs4 is more skilled... some think 8vs8 coordination is more skilled... some want balance 1vs1-any-class-against-another... others would rather have a rock-paper-scissor balance that evens out at team level...


So. Bolster bad? Well, as someone who dinged 50 back in the days let me tell you: it's WAY better than no bolster at all.


Queues are strange, I give you that much. And I'm almost 100% sure that those 4 dd vs 2dd+2heal arenas could be matched better and that the increase in quality of play would offset any longer wait-time (all players are there... wait for alternatives... mix the teams accordingly... 30 seconds? worst case 1 minute?)...

I'm sure if it would work, they'd do it. Since it's pure server-side-code (hopefully) it might end up in the mix at some point in time.


Opernworld PvP... it's cool to complain about there not being plans for rewards. But remember: It mostly consists of people-not-wanting-pvp getting slaughtered by superior players who want to... The number of times those tarsd were crying when their victim just called for help and then 3 idle guildmembers who were waiting around chatting anyways were SITTING ON HIS FREAKIN CORPSE! Suddenly that's not openpvp anymore? That's bad? Really? Well.. that is the way open-pvp looks 99% of the time. The rare events and Area-fights... meh.

So providing rewards for owpvp is more difficult and bears more consequences than just "more openpvp".


And every thing else wasa pretty much answered with "we are looking at it" or "we have started planning but have to timeline yet"... (See the process above).


If that isn't enough to keep you happy I strongly suggest at least one of the two:

- Get another game (no one forces you to have only one!)

- Get out some (The weather is getting awesome: skirts are getting shorter! :rak_03:)



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Which always goes over so well...


During the rakghoul event, I watched plenty of pubs and imps not even bother with each other. Of course there was still the occasionally ganking but for the most part not much PvP going on.


Gree event...So much QQ spamming up general chat while I was on a PvE server...If anyone was actually PvPing in the PvP area, people would just spam general chat with QQ...


Not like the gree event didn't have a bunch of people lining up to turn in the orbs at the centre...On damn near every server.


Oricon, I've seen people not bother attacking each other...


Basically, quests in shared areas have just been fail...Without a stable engine or some sort of incentive people just lose interest...


Maybe the other people just don't want to PvP in those PvE Areas (Oricon and the Rak tunnels) and would just like to finish their quests.

If you want constant PvP I wonder why you are on a PvE server. Most People choose those specifically because they do not care about PvP beyond WZs (if at all) and just enjoy the PvE content except for the odd few PvPers who choose them specifically because they have an easier time in PvP and can prey on unsuspecting PvErs for some weird satisfaction (not that I am suggesting you are one of those).

I understand the frustration with the Gree, to a point. I realize that going into that area was accepting that PvP was gonna happen. The QQ you are talkign about, usually was because some guilds (calling themselves PvP-RP ones, which means they shout: "For the Empire!! LOL!" after stomping you) used to gang up on solo-players with up to 12 people at a time.

Now, imagine you are on the receiving end of that. Would you go in there again? Would you have a good laugh after this happening 10 times? Would you actually still raise your PvP flag in any shared event area, unless you have to? Would you not hate the guys that force you into PvP just so they can gang up on you again and again? In my opinion at least, this has very little to do with real PvP and much more with griefing. Which, according to some replies I got here already, seems to be what some people want to do. But I (foolishly) assume that the main body of the PVPers actually want fair fights.


So, to me (but as PvEer my word means nothing I know, I missed the sign at the entrance permitting only PvPers to speak) it looks like a lot of the problems discribed in this thread are self-made by the PvP community.


1) If you want to mainly go for PvP go to a PvP-Server. Do not expect people on a PvE-Server to queue up for Ranked or take kindly to your selfish wishes of open-world PvP during events. If they want to PvP they will let you know by themselves. This should also help with server-populations and queue times. You could even make a poll and announce that one of the PvP Servers is going to be THE PvP-server from now on, where all the competetive people come. No need for server-merges or cross-server queues.


2) If you crave open-world pvp so much, what would actually help is organizing it. Put up a date, meet in an area that is not used for questing a lot and bash each others skulls in as much as you like. If people do not react to such a try at organising, I would suspect, that the demand for open-world pvp is much smaller then you think. Of course the engine might put some restrictions on that, but that is something that will never change.


Now, feel free to attack me once more.

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I always found the player distribution in eve online pretty interesting:

Over 90% of the space is <0.5 security status(meaning pvp can happen)

Over 90% of the players stay in the remaining 10% of space.

About 99% of the content is built with pvp in mind.


It is a totally PvP oriented game. Absolutely. And still - the vast majority of players chose NOT to do pvp. Most of them not even entering 0.1 - 0.4 space. And I dare to say: That is the way the players are: If you commit to pvp, ok. But if you don't feel like it, you don't want to be forced to do it.


DO NOT WANT TO BE FORCED. Should be a basic understanding of GAME.


Anyone who thinks that people need to be forced to do something or they won't do it forgets - in that very moment - that those people play a game. A game that is supposed to be enjoyable. Being forced to do something is not enjoyable except for the occasional masochist. ;)


So. I like pvp. I play pvp almost exclusively + story missions and anything that immerses me. On a PvE realm. Because I can't be ars*d to be someone elses entertainment without getting some myself. Not in my GAME-Time. :D

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Opernworld PvP... it's cool to complain about there not being plans for rewards. But remember: It mostly consists of people-not-wanting-pvp getting slaughtered by superior players who want to... The number of times those tarsd were crying when their victim just called for help and then 3 idle guildmembers who were waiting around chatting anyways were SITTING ON HIS FREAKIN CORPSE! Suddenly that's not openpvp anymore? That's bad? Really? Well.. that is the way open-pvp looks 99% of the time. The rare events and Area-fights... meh.


LOL ... Reminds me of the Gree Event ... :D

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Two things..you must be crazy or your an employee for swtor.which is it?


Neither. I was in beta all weekend and even preordered it hoping it would be good. Its not. 9 slots on the action bar and the telegraph system made me get my money back. Try it for yourself. The only thing they did right was cross server ques. Oh yeah, and as hard as I tried, I couldn't get past the graphics. 10 year old girls and bronies will love that game.

Edited by Brewkrew
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My opinion of that game dropping like three notches after watching that.




It actually raised my opinion of it. Then again, I had no opinion to start with.


What were your expectations? It appears to have some neat features that SWTOR doesn't have. It likely will have the same shortfalls though, caused by an unpredictable playerbase.

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There will never be cross-server ques, its too hard for bioware and there game engine:(

Just No.

The community has been repeatedly asking for YEARS now.:eek:

No...but check-out the new cartel speeder available.....



LOL... but The Ugly Truth!!


The Cartel Market Republic

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Neither. I was in beta all weekend and even preordered it hoping it would be good. Its not. 9 slots on the action bar and the telegraph system made me get my money back. Try it for yourself. The only thing they did right was cross server ques. Oh yeah, and as hard as I tried, I couldn't get past the graphics. 10 year old girls and bronies will love that game.


So the beta wasnt enough to make you not preorder?

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It was the Bolder, CO one but yes. Apparently there is something cool for world PvP coming down the pipe.


Given that when they last said they were going to do something cool for ranked, they ended up replacing 8v8s with arenas, I wouldn't look forward to this TOO much.


The odds are probably better than evens that whatever it is will be a step backwards. My money is on them making it more casual friendly somehow, eliminating competition further. I wouldn't be surprised if they removed group ranked entirely in favour of solo.

Edited by Jherad
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Given that when they last said they were going to do something cool for ranked, they ended up replacing 8v8s with arenas, I wouldn't look forward to this TOO much.


The odds are probably better than evens that whatever it is will be a step backwards. My money is on them making it more casual friendly somehow, eliminating competition further. I wouldn't be surprised if they removed group ranked entirely in favour of solo.



That would definitely be in line with their M.O.


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I don't know what's more depressing, the fact that the devs haven't bothered or had enough balls to come to this forum and respond to our pleas and rage and that they really don't care and they're going to just sweep this under the rug like they did with the 1.2 lie. Or the fact that EA really signed SWTOR for a decade.


How can we care about this game, when the devs don't care about the players or star wars.

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I don't know what's more depressing, the fact that the devs haven't bothered or had enough balls to come to this forum and respond to our pleas and rage and that they really don't care and they're going to just sweep this under the rug like they did with the 1.2 lie. Or the fact that EA really signed SWTOR for a decade.


How can we care about this game, when the devs don't care about the players or star wars.


They do not give a s***. The plan is some cosmetics in 2.8 and 2.9, with maybe some new daily area and NiM of ops DP in 2.8. As far as PvP goes, all we have to go on is new WZ. They think that new season and new tier gear is content (a lot of content). Nothing will happen before 3.0 end of this year or beginning of next year. Still, I was expecting someone from BW to have the balls to come here and try to say something half decent to contain community frustration. Apparently they think that player housing and guild ships have higher value than cross servers or a resolution to low PvP population on all severs.


GL trying to sell features as content. I am certainly not buying. I am waiting to see what 2.8 has as PvP and PvE content. If player housing is the only significant thing, I do not see any reason to continue subbing.

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uhm... yes thanks... no @ wildstar. That looks so cartoony, loony, yuk... urgh. Maybe aimed at an asian market?


No no no no nononono ... NO!


Also: star wars!


Funny, I remember when swtor was first being shown off everyone said the same thing that it looked "cartoony."

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You missed my point. Its simply an art style, but at the end of the day a game looking "cartoony" is not a bad thing.


As long as it's good then I couldn't care less about the graphics. Better graphics doesn't equal a better game.

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I don't mind a cartoony art style, I am adult enough to be not insecure about those things, and after all people said the same once about WoW and also about SWTOR... For me gameplay is what matters, and if Wildstar can deliver on that, maybe I should be playing there, after all BioWare seem to not care much about the PvP players (I cannot explain those answers any other way in the FAQ).
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You missed my point. Its simply an art style, but at the end of the day a game looking "cartoony" is not a bad thing.


You missed my point least swtor does not have the Elmer J. Fudd of character design. Cartoony is a bad thing since some of us did not like how wow was so cartoony and are not into character design that look like a 2 year old design it. If i wanted loony toons i would play Animaniacs Online That's what wild star is with character design. Every time i look at a video of wild star i go my eye's make the bad man stop.

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