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Class Changes that should also be in 2.7


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I like the change to Focus - bearing in mind that smashers will not necessarily be able to even use a bladestorm after every sweep (cds don't line up) i don't think it will be a huge buff but it will increase the initial burst level of the spec to be comparable to carnage which makes it possibly worth playing.


The watchman suggestions sound good as well - i would consider playing that spec again if those changes went live.


For guardians i would throw out focused defense completely and make rebuke a knight ability instead of a sentinel-only one. I think that would make dps guardians a bit more survivable/competitive. It might make tanks too good in pve but I don't know or care about that.


Also, i would reduce the awe and flashbang durations to 2 secs or even just make them pve-only.

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This changes are more arena oriented where stealth is not a problem and those dots sometimes do harm by breaking cc and not really adding any significant damage.


So, because bads can't actually pay attention to who they're hitting the entire tree's balance is subject to major change for PvE AND PvP?


Its a sustained damage tree, DoTs are there for a reason you don't just take things out of a spec because few people are incompetent.


And if you really wanted that you could always do the classic: DoTs do not tick on sleeping or incapacitated targets

Edited by Hanonar
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So, because bads can't actually pay attention to who they're hitting the entire tree's balance is subject to major change for PvE AND PvP?


Its a sustained damage tree, DoTs are there for a reason you don't just take things out of a spec because few people are incompetent.


And if you really wanted that you could always do the classic: DoTs do not tick on sleeping or incapacitated targets


I am not talking about the dot on Plasma Brand/Shatter but the dots applied when using Blade Storm/Force Scream and Overhead Slash/Impale.

Those add so little to your overall damage, that removing those and buffing the other skills is actually a major dps buff.

Edited by Venjirai
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So, because bads can't actually pay attention to who they're hitting the entire tree's balance is subject to major change for PvE AND PvP?


Its a sustained damage tree, DoTs are there for a reason you don't just take things out of a spec because few people are incompetent.


And if you really wanted that you could always do the classic: DoTs do not tick on sleeping or incapacitated targets


The dots on scream and impale are so ridiculously weak that them being there is beyond pointless.

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  • Force Mend/Unnatural Preservation now does not respect the gcd and neither causes one.


Thank you for taking the time to put this forward. These would be great changes and benefit everyone. However, I believe there is on other thing that can be done for the Sorcerer/Sages that doesn't require a new ability or a buff. That is making Shapeless Spirit/Mental Defense a baseline ability. 30% damage reduction while being stunned or CC'd would go a long way to increase survivability and improving QoL for the aforementioned classes.


Conversely, I wish they would go ahead with their original plan of having our CC's reset on death now that /stuck was dealt with. This is truly needed with the over abundance of stuns/mezzes this game has.

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You're a player who really know about the classes and you're being NEUTRAL.


My 2cents



Arsenal/Gunnery, when you proc Unload/Full Auto, your next Unload/Full Auto cost no heat/ammo.

Tracer Missile/Grav Hound cast reduced to 1.2sec baseline.


For Sorc/Sage and Merc/Mando heals we could have an option to throw the AOE heal on the target, affecting everybody around that one. The same as Operative/Scoundrel.


Assassin/Shadow Madness/Balance back to pre-2.0.

Low Slash lowered the force to 5 force, increased the amount of resolve it builds, lowered the mezz to 2sec. Currently assassin can Spike + Low Slash + Electrocute = full resolve, it's not fair, this crowd control combo is unbalanced.

The talent that increases crit on melee also increase a 9% crit chance on force atacks.

Maul procced cost no force.

Deception/Infiltration Discharge only needs 2 stacks to deal max damage. At 2 stacks, your shock/project has a 100% chance to proc another shock/project dealing 70% of the damage and it is an auto-crit.

Removed the cooldown finisher on Recklessness.

Recklessness have now 1 minute cooldown baseline, no talents to reduce the cooldown.



Jugg/Guardian - Enraged Defense cooldown lowered to 35secs, cost no Rage/Focus to activate and gives a buff for the duration making the Jugg/Guardian gain plus 2 seconds on Saber Reflect while Enraged Defense is up.

Saber Ward cooldown baseline lowered to 1 min and 30 secs.



Shiv/Sucker Punch lowered the cost from 25 to 15;

Lethality/Dirty Fighting, Cull/Wouding Shots now has a 100% chance to proc, can proc every 10 secs.

Overload Shot cost reduced to 7 energy, it's a filler, this class does A LOT of auto-shot.


Sorcerer/Sage Madness/Balance

A talent reducing Force lightning cast to 2sec instead of 3. And recovering 50% more force.

360º knockback;

Lowered the cast baseline of Lightning Strike to 1.2sec.

Lowered the cast baseline of Thundering Blast to 1.5sec

Reduced the damage of the FIRST tick of Crushing Darkness, increased the amount of damage it does overtime.

Polarity Shift lasts 8secs longer.



Removed the 4sec stun. Because it's a full DPS class, like Marauder/Sentinel, these don't need a 4 sec hardstun.

Ambush build up 2 stacks, at 2 stacks your next ambush or takedown is an auto-crit.

Lowered the Snipe cast baseline to 1.2sec.


For Agent/Smuggler

OS/Fly by damage pre 2.6 (this is one of the most stoopid nerf I've ever seen).

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Merc/Commando: Power Barrier has been removed and Power Sheild has been put in its place. Both the Arsenal/Gunnery Tree and the Bodyguard/Medic tree now share this ability)


Neither Grav Round or Charged bolt would be usable with the 4 second thing. This at least gives the middle tree the same uninterpretable while reactive shield is up that the medic tree currently has.

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  • Hold the Line/Hydraulic Overrides now grant Interrupt Immunity for the first 4 seconds.





  • Force Mend/Unnatural Preservation now does not respect the gcd and neither causes one.



  • Noble Sacrifice/Consumption now restores double the force and doesn't consume health when activated with a stack of Resplendence/Force Surge.
  • Salvation/Revivification now gives all targets who are in the area upon activation a HoT for 10 seconds which heals 50% of the maximum heal where targets who stay in the area for up to 10 seconds also get the other 50% of the heal.
  • After activating Healing Trance/Innervate your next Deliverance/Dark Infusion is immune to interrupts (15 sec cd)



  • Abilities using a Presence of Mind/Wrath proc now don't cost any force
  • Physic Absorption/Devour now causes Force Armor/Static Barrier placed on yourself to not cost any force.
  • Telekinetic Focal Point/Focal Lightning has been redesigned, it now only stacks 3 times and gives 1% crit per point up to a maximum of 6% crit on 3 stacks. (Up from 4% alacrity)






  • Lambaste now lets Project/Shock automatically proc Force Breach/Discharge on the target while in Force Technique/Lightning Charge.
  • Physic Absorption/Devour now also causes Project/Shock to deal 25% more damage and cost 15 less force.
  • Mental Defense/Shapeless Spirit now also reduces the cooldown of Deflection by 30 seconds.






  • Heightened Power/Cascading Power now also makes Blade Storm/Force Scream in the next 5 seconds after using Force Sweep/Smash an automatically critical hit.



  • Removal of the bleeding effects on Blade Storm/Force Scream and Overhead Slash/Impale while boosting its upfront damage.







  • Heightened Power/Cascading Power now also makes Blade Storm/Force Scream in the next 5 seconds after using Force Sweep/Smash an automatically critical hit.




  • Merciless Zeal/Hungering now causes your dots to heal you for 2% of your maximum health on a critical hit while in Juyo Form.
  • Weakening Wounds/Agonizing Sabers now cause your dots to be uncleansable.
  • Critical hits with Merciless slash/Annihilate now builds two stacks of Merciless/Annihilator instead of one.
    Merciless Slash/Annihilate now also gives your target a debuff for 5 seconds which increases your dot damage on that target by 10%
  • Zen/Berserk now builds up two stacks of Merciless/Annihilator while in Juyo Form.




  • Hand of Justice/Slaughter now won't proc if Precision Slash/Gore is not on cooldown.
  • Opportune Attack/Execute now lets Blade Rush/Massacre build a stack, on two stacks your next Blade Storm/Force Scream will be a critical hit.
  • Combat Trance/Blood Frenzy now causes Blade Storm/Force Scream to recover 2 focus/rage instead of one.





Shield Specialist/Shield Tech


  • Pulse Engine/Flame Engine now also causes Pulse Cannon/Flamethrower to immobilize all affected targets for the duration.
  • Soldier's Grit/Coolant now gives you 10% damage reduction instead of 5% alacrity when Battle Focus/Explosive Fuel is active.


I follow your posts quite a lot and BW need to hire you for PvP balancing.

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These need to happen, sents maras will need a viable spec, too easy to stun your way out of precision slash for combat, focus getting guted, still will be decent burst for juggs/guardians on single target but sents will be shafted by the 2.7 changes...They need a watchman boost, the old 2% to crit heals would be enough imo to help them build merciless and juyo to full while having better survivability to get them to full.
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I don't get it, where are the additional sniper buffs.


Just added some.

Not every spec has gotten buffs, because I first have to see, how some of the 2.7 changes will turn out to be, Scoundrel/Operative is the hottest one, for example.

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I like the watchman and seer changes.


I dont like the changes to combat. HoJ is fine leave it alone. I like the idea of a stacking buff that is triggered by a skill for bladestorm. Currently what makes the spec not as fun to play is that the hardest hitting ability is bladestorm, and you dont use it on cd. Stacking would make it used on cd and the spec more fun to play.


Im not a fan of getting rid of dot damage on vegeance, if anything buff the dot damage.


I dont like the changes to smash you are suggesting. I like what BW is doing to that spec. I do agree that it does need some single target damage increase but adding another autocrit isnt the solution in my opinion. I think that a buff to slash damage would be the answer to give it some sustained damage.


As for the other classes I dont play them so I will not comment on those.


My main is a Sent and I do play all three specs.

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I dont like the changes to combat. HoJ is fine leave it alone.


The problem with HoJ is, that it can proc when you don't want it to proc.


You use Zealous Strike on your opponent to get some focus, now Ataru Form procs and HoJ procs even though you did not even use Precision Slash. This randomness is totally taking the fun out of the reset.

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Duran'del here:


Tactics/AP does need a buff to burst. I suggested a stacking system similar to Juyo form. Ranged and Tech criticals would increase tech bonus damage by 2%, decrease heat generated/ ammo cost of rail shot/High Impact Bolt and Immolate/Fire Pulse by 2, and decrease the CD of Immolate/Fire pulse by 1 second. Stacks up to 5 times.

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Tactics/AP does need a buff to burst.


would be more fun if they give us some sort of cd reduction/reset for shoulder cannon without making the spec to op, for example it would be enough if the cooldown would trigger when you activate the skill instead of when you fire the last missile

(this would effectly decrease the cd by ~20 seconds and give us the possibility to wait 90 seconds for double shoulder canon burst without affecting pve dps)


same principle would be great for adrenaline rush but this would be to strong for assault spec



regarding tank spec: all what we need utility wise is the commando 8sec mezz baseline for all troopers , i dont think a 1,5sec root every 12 sec changes much (the slow from the hybrid was much better) a little longer root on the stock strike proccs would be better(like commandos have or even better the previous knockback), i also dont like defensive stuff on offensive cooldowns, the heal on shoulder cannon already feels stupid, if you want a little bit more damage reduction tie it to riot gas(for example: riot gas additional reduce the damage output of all affected foes by 10% ), this would also increase our tank utility



i would also suggest an additional change for commando healers: frontline medic should trigger while using hammer shots on you or your team mates and not on your enemies

Edited by Luckyluzi
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Duran'del here:


Tactics/AP does need a buff to burst. I suggested a stacking system similar to Juyo form. Ranged and Tech criticals would increase tech bonus damage by 2%, decrease heat generated/ ammo cost of rail shot/High Impact Bolt and Immolate/Fire Pulse by 2, and decrease the CD of Immolate/Fire pulse by 1 second. Stacks up to 5 times.


No it doesn't....It would be nice if rail shot auto crit hit a little harder but aside from that AP is perfectly fine. Flamethrower crits tick for 4k, immolate hits for a good 7k and the auto crit railshot hits around 5k usually and flameburst hits around 2-3k, not to mention we have an ability that ups crit chance by 25%


The last thing the spec needs is a ridiculous ramp up time like in annihilation. If anything I wish they would implement a way to build juyo stacks without needing to actually attack anything like you can with flame sweep for AP or allow full stacks when popping berserk. The current slow ramp up time is one of the many reasons why annihilation is terrible in pvp.

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No it doesn't....It would be nice if rail shot auto crit hit a little harder but aside from that AP is perfectly fine. Flamethrower crits tick for 4k, immolate hits for a good 7k and the auto crit railshot hits around 5k usually and flameburst hits around 2-3k, not to mention we have an ability that ups crit chance by 25%


The last thing the spec needs is a ridiculous ramp up time like in annihilation. If anything I wish they would implement a way to build juyo stacks without needing to actually attack anything like you can with flame sweep for AP or allow full stacks when popping berserk. The current slow ramp up time is one of the many reasons why annihilation is terrible in pvp.


I keep thinking that ENTERING combat with like 2-3 Juyo Stacks would be good. For example Channel Hatred could give 2-3 Juyo Stacks over 6 seconds?

Edited by Tevzz
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