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PvP Healing, by far the worst experience I've ever had as a gamer


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Wait is this game WoW? No?



Well I guess that's why things would be different in this game over that one.



We're comparing all mmo's, not just WoW. The feel of WoW's pvp is WAY better than this game's at the moment.


If they try to get ladders/e-sports going with this crap, its going to backfire in their faces

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i liked it better in daoc where healer where really hard to kill but werent able to cast while hit

at the moment it all good boom zapp bomm bang booom and dead

divide all dmg dealt by 2 and leave the traume debuff. thats how to make pvp fine

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Has anyone noticed that the raid/party frames in Warzones don't update in realtime? I have had this issue where the bars would indicate someone is at full health, when in reality he is being killed, and has 10% hp.

Makes healing a HUGE pain in the ***.


You gotta make them full size, its in options.


I'm more annoyed that cast animations don't match cast timers if you get any spell haste or cast timer reduction.

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only thing we healers need is better ally targeting thats all


yeah especially the f keys, I don't know who thought it would be funny to make f2 target the last member of your group and f4 the first under your portrait.. but its not funny

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They need to sort the raid frames, both updating hp properly and showing everyone in the WZ.


They also need to sort hitboxes, as it is waay to hard to click your own team mates for heals when they zip around dodging, jumping and strafing.


They also need to sort color codes on name tags, I would like to make my group mates stand out.


What I like so far is that there is no AoE spam heal ability that is the answer to everything, unlike certain other games. I am only lvl 25 though so that might change for all I know..


..and ofc they need to give us more medals for healing.



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They need to sort the raid frames, both updating hp properly and showing everyone in the WZ.


They also need to sort hitboxes, as it is waay to hard to click your own team mates for heals when they zip around dodging, jumping and strafing.


They also need to sort color codes on name tags, I would like to make my group mates stand out.


What I like so far is that there is no AoE spam heal ability that is the answer to everything, unlike certain other games. I am only lvl 25 though so that might change for all I know..


..and ofc they need to give us more medals for healing.




THis, though there is a sorc/sage AOE heal, though it seems quite managable, and it is only available if you spec down healing tree.

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Healers need to learn their prime rotations for max healing power. I'm a consular Sage, and with my expertise, force armour has no cooldown. This means I can apply it to everyone in an 8 man group as we run towards our objective, not to mention my big heal only takes 1.5 seconds to land.


You need to be predictive to be a good healer. If you just watch the raid frames, an ally could be dead before you start a heal. If you watch the battlefield, you can see an enemy running at your ally and put the HOT on them before they get hit.


Healing is easy in TOR, you just need to have excellent spatial awareness and quick fingers.


One thing alot of people whine about is that at level 50 healers can't keep up with the damage done in PvP. Did it ever occur you that more people focus fire at level 50 and no healer can stop an ally dying if 3-8 people are all attacking one person?


My record in PvP for healing is 370k in a Voidstar, and I was getting attacked alot.


My rotations are flawless though, and I never run out of force energy. It's almost an instinctual thing now, I know exactly when everything is about to come off a cooldown. The force flows through me! :D


And woe betide anyone who wastes their time attacking me because they realize I'm a healer. I have Biochem and with it I can heal myself better than anyone else!

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Healers need to learn their prime rotations for max healing power. I'm a consular Sage, and with my expertise, force armour has no cooldown. This means I can apply it to everyone in an 8 man group as we run towards our objective, not to mention my big heal only takes 1.5 seconds to land.


You need to be predictive to be a good healer. If you just watch the raid frames, an ally could be dead before you start a heal. If you watch the battlefield, you can see an enemy running at your ally and put the HOT on them before they get hit.


Healing is easy in TOR, you just need to have excellent spatial awareness and quick fingers.


One thing alot of people whine about is that at level 50 healers can't keep up with the damage done in PvP. Did it ever occur you that more people focus fire at level 50 and no healer can stop an ally dying if 3-8 people are all attacking one person?


My record in PvP for healing is 370k in a Voidstar, and I was getting attacked alot.


My rotations are flawless though, and I never run out of force energy. It's almost an instinctual thing now, I know exactly when everything is about to come off a cooldown. The force flows through me! :D


And woe betide anyone who wastes their time attacking me because they realize I'm a healer. I have Biochem and with it I can heal myself better than anyone else!


People will probably take Sylvan's post as him being an elitist but I support what hes saying. It feels so good to not have people Macroing it up and posting on the forums their macros for every nub to copy. You learn your class. Your instincts and understanding of how each class and how the game works is what separates players right now.


I too went biochem because its nice as a tank to have some nice heals and buffs to surprise your opponent. What I'm loving most of all is people who farmed rating in WoW thinking that they can come over to this game and wreck ship. You can succeed in WoW just from queuing. Sorry that doesn't translate to the other MMOs.

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2950 exp priest here.


Healing in warzones is hit or miss for me. If the UI is functioning, (eg: range and health levels updating, and actually listing all friendlies currently in the warzone) I seem to make a very small difference.


There are far too many stuns, interrupts, and CC's with only a very few counters. a 30% perma MS effect, means I rarely ever actually prevent a death. I may get off 3-4 flash heals, an instant hot, a shield maybe two, but they still die.


I don't feel as though healing is contributing much to the overall scope of the game.


It is simply too easy, and too effective to melee zerg assist target after target.


Furthermore, any system where 1 dps can solo a healer pretty much removes any reason to queue up as a healer. 2? Sure. 3+? absolutely.


Too many stuns, too much burst, too easy to zerg assist - no healing can prevent a death like that, renders healing feeling very poor, IMHO.


I know it's a fine line, and I'm less complaining, and more stating my opinion on how it feels to me.


I don't see TOR holding my interest in PvP healing, and I'd expect a year from now if nothing changes to see nothing but dps classes.


Your experience doesn't sound anywhere close to what I've seen from PvP healing in this game. Before 40, dps classes are worse than healers and tanks in PvP. Even after 40, good healers need to be coordinated to take down or they have to have crappy teammates. I've went against quite a few good healers in PvP so far that did a really good job of keeping people up.


Healers are probably only being soloed by someone who has a much greater level than them or they probably aren't good healers.

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Honestly, it's not even fun.


I'm hardly bad or a beginner (2700 exp Resto Druid), but I can't even begin to describe how awful PvP healing is in this game. I won't even get into the raid frames and totally unresponsive targeting system. Right now my Operative is 44 so I have all my abilities and it's still crap. Every single random DPS baddie can easily knock off 30-50% of my health in a global so it's impossible to keep up and then you just get interrupted/cc'ed to hell. Juking the interrupt? Good luck figuring that out!


It's not a positioning issue. It's not a l2p issue either.


It's just not fun being completely helpless without serious peels and even then healing is totally underwhelming.



Completely agree. Zero mobility as everyone stuns/slows, and heals do nothing. I stopped trying to bait cast cause I always died, started casting outright, and NO ONE INTERRUPTS! Why? Because even if I chain cast they do more damage than I can heal for. Even when I do get peeled, I have to sit and cast on myself 4 or 5 times back to back to get to a stable HP, and then my ammo/force is pretty depleted. I'm not a professional game developer or anything, but I have a hard time understanding some of these issues this game is having. IAren't the alpha and beta tests for a reason?

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I don't know, I'm only level 20, but my Sawbones literally turns the tides of the PvP battles I'm in. I can't agree, I absolutely love PvP healing so far.


We really do need the option for mouseover healing though. This feels really outdated and clunky.

Edited by RiskyBiz
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I don't know how you guys do it.

I tried a lv11 operative and I had to keybind target-next-ally because

1) it's freaking impossible to click on someone, the hitboxes are a freakin' mess.

2) The raid frame doesn't update? sometimes people are lowlife near me and it shows them full

Also I was total useless, it doesn't heal enough. Will I stop being useless if I go lv20?

Don't have time to level another 50.

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YOUR SAYING THIS GAME ISNT OP'D HEALING?!? LOL!! Do me a favor, try and kill a sage please. If your in a warzone and consulars/inquisitors are dealing 300k dmg and healing for 300k... something is wrong. Should be one or the other. Don't act like healing in this game isn't the most unbalanced POS, make you wanna quit playing games and beat your head into the wall. Healing in this game is OP'D!!
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50 OPerative Healer here with 10% expertise. I can easily survive to most things even level 50 with pvp gear (even concealment ops - trinket their ambuish + vanish). It is when you get zerged by 2/3 of their team b/c they finally realize the person doing 300k+ heals every game not letting people die is why they are losing.



Quiet simply, you're doing it wrong.





HoT yourself up fully and spam your shield on cooldown (you get +healing to yourself if speced) and LoS / kite melee. If things get hairy, vanish. It helps to have a tank putting guard on you as well.


The only real complaint I have as a Op healer is we get no healing tricks or bells and whistles like other healing classes get (Sorcerer Life Grip - Mercenary Earth Shield). All we have are our hots and vanish.

Edited by Slickerpunk
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When you think of Star Wars in terms of an MMO, I would think that most player Vs. player combat would take place in open world pvp, IMO I think world pvp needs to be the focus of the game other wise you are bound to have problems with pvp in a BG (warzone) type situation. World pvp solves everything, let the players have at each other, no holding back abilities, like the game was meant to be played.
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I had a lvl 29 merc keeping my lvl 11!! assassin alive while I killed a lvl 50 trooper.


Pure win :)


I haven't read all the thread but I'd glad someone who played a Resto Druid in WoW isn't finding healing as easy in this.


Resto Druids in WSG pugs were unreal:


Get Flag.

Cat Form.

Travel Form once outside.

Bear Form if you get hit.

Health Drops below 70%, Rejuv and Regrowth.

Bear Form.

Rinse and repeat.


I actually stopped playing WSG because of the Resto Druids lol

Edited by CptBrit
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...and heals do nothing.


You people crack me up, honestly, crack me up.


I'm not a professional game developer or anything, but I have a hard time understanding some of these issues this game is having. IAren't the alpha and beta tests for a reason?


Did it ever even cross your mind that you might just not be that good? You can't make it work so "omg we r in teh payed beta"?

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I play a level 29 sage and even though I lack a lot of higher level skills I think healing is totally fine.

The UI is horrible but I'm usually able to gather 6-8 medals in any warzone. I can kill most people in 1vs1 (except for operatives but that's a different story) and while I can't keep most people alive when they are getting ganked I can usually buy them enough time to run for cover or for backup.


SWTOR doesn't encourage tabbing through allies and spamming heals.

What works for me is DPS on key targets, throw heals when I understand it will make a difference, CC other healers or interrupt them and care about mission objectives.


While healing is more challenging I also feel it is a boon that it is so easy to regenerate while out of combat. As a sage I have 600 force so I can go all out for a minute or so before I run out of resources. It's very difficult to die because you are out of "mana" (or any resource you depend on).


Also, buy pvp medpacs and use them (not when 5 people are beating you to a pulp, what are you expecting?). They make a difference.

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As someone who played an Ironbreaker in WAR, I'm kind of surprised there aren't more PvP tanks in this game. They are a healer's best friend when played properly. I'm guessing a lot more players came to swtor from WoW than WAR, and people aren't really taking advantage of guard and taunt yet because they aren't used to them.


If you are a healer in a WZ, please announce it in /ops, because just mousing over you and seeing "Sage" doesn't tell me if you are dps or heals. If I notice a healer I stick to him like glue (unless he is an idiot running around the map and not paying attention to objectives, in which case he's useless anyway). Me keeping him alive is better than me trying kill mans.


Also, I know the UI sucks for healing but go watch this:




You need to turn on your focus frame and then set keybinds for it if you want to pvp heal effectively. Learning how to use these is beneficial for pve as well, but it is essential for pvp. Set your tank as your focus target and then you can use a modifier key that will direct anything you do with that modifier pressed at your focus target. This way when your tank is getting low you can just hit, I dunno, left-alt and spam a couple heals at him without having to find him and click on him.


No tanks? You can use your focus frame on yourself, for when you are heal tanking the entire enemy team.

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sorry to anyone who thinks it matters...


but posting your wow arena rating does not prove you are a good player, or that you even remotely know what you're talking about.


it just proves you once jumped on the bandwagon.


don't feel bad, I was there once, and I too once thought what I did in that game made me an expert on playing a particular role... then I remembered that there were other games, with other mechanics, and that being decent in one game does not make you an expert.

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To the OP,


I understand how you feel. I come from old games with pvp that i used to enjoy to the max.Healers will always make pvp more exciting because it adds more of a feeling of strategy then just burning this guy down because he is the squishiest. If i wanted to just kill someone **** I'll go play Call of Duty. I would also ***** about the tanks taunts doing something else rather then reducing damage? Why not make the player target you for 1 to 2 seconds, it would be more ideal, make the tanks more likeable and makes more sense when your trying to keep people off your teammates.

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