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A sad day for PVP


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That's not rest in peace pvp. That is a good thing! More things added all around is always a good thing for an mmorpg. There is lots to do for pvp in this game and I'm glad we are getting a new Huttball map. I'm actually surprised they keep adding things for pvp in this game. They don't have to add anything to pvp at all cause this game is mainly pve. But the pvp is very fun and they will keep adding more things to it.


I was completely joking...it was meant to poke fun at the bulk of this thread and lighten the mood a bit, not be a true "RIP" statement. PvP needs and deserves attention imo, but it's not dead yet.

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Ok, we got it for the 1,000th time. How many times do you need to type it?


And, I still maintain, none of it is dead. When people stop arguing about it and my queues stop popping, I will consider it dead.


Whoa...see the post above this one, below yours...

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I won't sign that.


Still, so far all the non-arena warzones had different mechanics, which makes me curious for the new huttball.


I would venture a wild shot in the dark that the new huttball will be exactly like huttball with different hazards. No mechanic changes to trying to score.

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Dead Collector: Bring out your dead!

PvP Team: Here's one.

Dead Collector: Nine pence.

Players: I'm not dead!

Dead Collector: What?

PvP Team: Nothing. Here's your nine pence.

Players: I'm not dead!

Dead Collector: Here. He says he's not dead.

PvP Team: Yes he is.

Players: I'm not!

Dead Collector: He isn't!

PvP Team: Well he will be soon, he's very ill.

Players: I'm getting better!

PvP Team: No you're not. You'll be stone dead in a moment.

Dead Collector: I can't take him like that. It's against regulations.

Players: I don't want to go on the cart.

PvP Team: Oh don't be such a baby.

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Dead Collector: Bring out your dead!

PvP Team: Here's one.

Dead Collector: Nine pence.

Players: I'm not dead!

Dead Collector: What?

PvP Team: Nothing. Here's your nine pence.

Players: I'm not dead!

Dead Collector: Here. He says he's not dead.

PvP Team: Yes he is.

Players: I'm not!

Dead Collector: He isn't!

PvP Team: Well he will be soon, he's very ill.

Players: I'm getting better!

PvP Team: No you're not. You'll be stone dead in a moment.

Dead Collector: I can't take him like that. It's against regulations.

Players: I don't want to go on the cart.

PvP Team: Oh don't be such a baby.

Monty Python lol!

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Dead Collector: Bring out your dead!

PvP Team: Here's one.

Dead Collector: Nine pence.

Players: I'm not dead!

Dead Collector: What?

PvP Team: Nothing. Here's your nine pence.

Players: I'm not dead!

Dead Collector: Here. He says he's not dead.

PvP Team: Yes he is.

Players: I'm not!

Dead Collector: He isn't!

PvP Team: Well he will be soon, he's very ill.

Players: I'm getting better!

PvP Team: No you're not. You'll be stone dead in a moment.

Dead Collector: I can't take him like that. It's against regulations.

Players: I don't want to go on the cart.

PvP Team: Oh don't be such a baby.


Amusingly appropriate. And the second time today this reference has come up for me. Maybe I need to hop on Netflix for a few...

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Dead Collector: Bring out your dead!

PvP Team: Here's one.

Dead Collector: Nine pence.

Players: I'm not dead!

Dead Collector: What?

PvP Team: Nothing. Here's your nine pence.

Players: I'm not dead!

Dead Collector: Here. He says he's not dead.

PvP Team: Yes he is.

Players: I'm not!

Dead Collector: He isn't!

PvP Team: Well he will be soon, he's very ill.

Players: I'm getting better!

PvP Team: No you're not. You'll be stone dead in a moment.

Dead Collector: I can't take him like that. It's against regulations.

Players: I don't want to go on the cart.

PvP Team: Oh don't be such a baby.


I think more often than not, having the PVP Team and Players switched would be more appropriate.

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They set up a dedicated team to build GSF, and have retained this team post launch to continue developing and expanding GSF separate from continued efforts to extend other parts of game content. They have made this clear in recent weeks as they have interacted with the forum and in internet interviews.


It's not like GSF is poaching resources from other PvP.. it was an incremental project effort. You can argue that they should have simply put those resources into ground PvP in 2013, but they did not.. so in 2014 GSF represents no resource bleed from ground PvP.


Just like every other segment of game content in this MMO, if they see it is popular and well received.. they will continue to invest in it as they see value and proportion of effort to results. If it's wildly unpopular, then they will slowly strangle off resources from it and reallocate them somewhere else in Bioware.


People act like they had to starve the dog to feed the cat. :rolleyes:


Huh? I don't think we're disagreeing. I was responding to the narrow point that BW could run metrics that determine that GSF was "unpolular" and nonetheless still invest in it to help make it more popular. In other words, continued investment could be just as much a reflection of genuine dedication to making GSF a meaningful part of the game as it is an indication that GSF must be a cash cow.

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I play on Jedi Covenant. Who is this they you speak of?


"They" would be the ground pvp community. A community that is rarely serviced. That community is pretty close knit on JC, and from what I know from my also massive friends list (in fact it has 1 more then Rynis's), none of them really care for GSF. It appeals to a different crowd then those that have played ground PvP for the life of the game.




Prime Defense

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Common theme in this thread: My opinion invalidates your opinion.


Honestly, whether GSF was successful or not, BW would still be pushing it because they just spent however much of EA's money putting it together. There are obviously those who enjoy it, so there is really no point in saying it's dumb since it is entirely subjective. Will I ever refer to it as PvP? No, but I've been talking about PvP in this game for 2 years in reference to warzones and then arenas (basically smaller warzones without objectives).


Can anyone who has been playing this game for at least a year honestly say they wouldn't ask someone to PvP if they were doing warzones? And how many would ask someone to PvP prior to queueing GSF? That's the reason GSF is not PvP on this forum. We've had PvP for 2 years and they added a new game mode that is fundamentally different than the original. We aren't going to change what we've been saying for this long though, so I would suggest wrapping your ahead around the intentions of a poster rather than quibbling over semantics.


Side note: The OP is so vague, you don't have any idea what they mean anyway. It could be they hate huttball, so PvP will go downhill with another map. It could be the lack of updates will kill PvP. I still have no idea, but 10/10 for getting the semantics debate started.

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Common theme in this thread: My opinion invalidates your opinion.


Honestly, whether GSF was successful or not, BW would still be pushing it because they just spent however much of EA's money putting it together. There are obviously those who enjoy it, so there is really no point in saying it's dumb since it is entirely subjective. Will I ever refer to it as PvP? No, but I've been talking about PvP in this game for 2 years in reference to warzones and then arenas (basically smaller warzones without objectives).


Can anyone who has been playing this game for at least a year honestly say they wouldn't ask someone to PvP if they were doing warzones? And how many would ask someone to PvP prior to queueing GSF? That's the reason GSF is not PvP on this forum. We've had PvP for 2 years and they added a new game mode that is fundamentally different than the original. We aren't going to change what we've been saying for this long though, so I would suggest wrapping your ahead around the intentions of a poster rather than quibbling over semantics.


Side note: The OP is so vague, you don't have any idea what they mean anyway. It could be they hate huttball, so PvP will go downhill with another map. It could be the lack of updates will kill PvP. I still have no idea, but 10/10 for getting the semantics debate started.


A person who makes sense and is actually thinking. Who would have thought one of those could be found on the forums :cool:

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"They" would be the ground pvp community. A community that is rarely serviced. That community is pretty close knit on JC, and from what I know from my also massive friends list (in fact it has 1 more then Rynis's), none of them really care for GSF. It appeals to a different crowd then those that have played ground PvP for the life of the game.




Prime Defense


Bro you can't say stuff like that. It'll get taken way more serious than it should be! The massive caps that I used wasn't a dead giveaway.


But srs pics or didnt happen


And until they release the metrics to see what's more popular no one is right :o *mind explosion*...I will say that I observe far more people in ground pvp maps when I /who than space.

Edited by Rynis
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When are they gonna give us an option to NOT Queue for huttball or Arenas, or to specifically Queue for them as you would a Flashpoint?


I mean come on, I have specs that are good for arenas, bad for Warzones. Specs that are great for warzones, but firmly grab their anknes in Warzones. And I dont like huttball at all, but a few specs I can think of are better suited for huttball than any other.


So come on, let us pick what we want to queue for already.

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