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Funniest lines in the game


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I can't remember many specific quotes but most of the witty ones seem to come from IA.


(to Zhorrid): Shall I just add him to the pile of bodies on the floor?


That creased me up for some reason. How casually IA talks about a room full of corpses. I guess humour helps desensitise...

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You guys seriously rock! :p


Not to mention Bioware's writers...


My absolute fave has already been mentioned (Jedi mind trick boucing off the BH)but there's so many... chirpchirpchirp as well.


Kai Zykken the Unparalleled Log smuggler, on Rishi : "Uh... no speak basic. Uh... nee wanna wonga?"



Ashara Zavros, last dialogue before romance option, is humming dum da dum... it's random but sometimes she sings the freeaking Imperial March! :eek::D


Upon meeting Kaliyo in Nemro the Hutt's palace. "You think you can casually threaten the Red Blade and get away with it? Watch your back."

"I will... you can watch mine."


SW sent to secondary starport in Kaas City, to retrieve the poor SIS agent.

First, telling the imperial captain that of all places he should NOT feel safe in the capital of the Sith.

Second, telling the opposing mercenaries that he'll devour them. "are you kidding?" "I will eat you until I am bloated!" "Uh... I'm not paid enough for this. Goodbye!"


SW after Baras screams at said prisoner, unable to break him : "wow. Some lungs you got there"


NPC guard on Thorazan outpost, dune sea, Tatooine. "yeah and they have this thing called seasons. Sometimes it's cold, sometimes it's hot. But overall damn right tolerable"


JK just saved Tython for the first time. "That's it, just a pat in the the back? No commendations?"

Orgus Din "Don't worry, we'll make a giant bronzium statue of you, but now you get on that shuttle to Coruscant, we have business!"


Jedi and Kel-dor master on Tython "This human attacked me on sight. I will never understand why other species are so afraid when they see us."

"Uh... don't ask me, i's cloaked in mystery" (one option upon meeting him is "omg! you're ugly!!!)

"Ah, indeed, we shall ponder the answer to that riddle some other time. May the Force be with you!"

Edited by BenduKundalini
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- In general all the snarky replies to your Overseer during the SI's prologue

- The light-side choice before you go Zash's office the first time and the Overseer is totally baffled at your gratitude for the training until now.

- A "funny" choice wording and what's actually being said during Zash's dialogue. The middle option says "Oh?" and the SI comes with "Mayhem awaits"


During the Esseles when Kilran states his demands and you respond with the third (more aggresive) option à la "We will never surrender and defeat you" and Haken "Don't listen to this madman. He's totally crazy" or something like that :D

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BH on Nar Shaddaa, when looking up the competition:

Mako: A clan of Ugnaughts got into the Great Hunt by building a bizarre war droid that they would ride inside of.

Hunter: I'm suprised an entire clan counts as one hunter.

Mako: Maybe they count by weight.

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I just got a hilarious one off Ilum.


"Do you know what the temperature is out there? I've got frostbite one my... somewhere you really don't want to get frostbite!"


I loved when I chose that for my Fem Trooper in full plate armor, since that just made that bit even funnier than suggesting a man's .... bits are frozen. Ladies are more compact and all.


My Male Knight used that line as well, wearing his robes that I couldn't help but think were likely soaked under melted snow water.

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Sith warrior in a docking bay dealing with an imperial commander, two troopers with a carbon man and suddenly two groups of mercs show up at opposite sides of the bay. the imperial says he is such a fool to ignore baras's advice about constant vigilance. one group contains the leader Slestack, the other has TuMarr, both of them argue about who is better about what, however the warrior decides to increase the bickering between the sides.


the next response from the warrior mentions something along the lines "i will kill you and i will eat you raw!" if you choose the intimidation and both groups mention how thats possible in surprise. the next threat from the warrior say something along the lines "i will use your bones to pick my teeth when i am done" and then after a brief chat between the groups, they both decide to run away clearly realizing there is someone even more insane. then the warrior decides to choose a dark side choice and then mentions that hes changed his mind and will kill them all.


It is a lot more funny when you are walking your warrior through it.


the warrior has a few more lines like that. the person who did the male warrior, that was an inspired choice from BW.

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Found on on Makeb that make me snort into my drink.


Scenario: Trying to rescue some people from getting killed by earthquakes in one of the cities. Some refuse to go. Jedi is confused.


JK: What do the Hutts gain by making their workers stay in dangerous areas?


Worker: Our combined weight helps maintain the structural integrity! Or something...


Rescue-Worker: -facepalms- I could name ten things wrong with that sentence. Half of them aren't even engineer-related.

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Speaking of Makeb, the Smuggler gets a good one on there, that's exclusive to his class...


During the speech to rally the people, a young lady in the audience shouts "I love you!"


Smuggler, without even breaking stride, replies "Right back atcha, gorgeous!"


I LOL'd. :D

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Makeb has some great lines. This mayor is hilarious.


Advisor: "It appears to be a droid, mayor."

Mayor: "Here I was thinking it was a shiny Wookiee on stilts wearing turbolasers for a hat! A droid indeed..."


Followed soon after by...


"Lovely. I'm the one-legged woman at the droid-kicking contest..."

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To be honest, I would say that *all* of the base class story crews are dysfunctional, each in its own special way.


They are. You and Lana can both mention it in KotFE on the Gravestone in passing. I always lol cause you're in KOTFE looking for your crew, but you the player, know your crew is as dysfunctional as they come.

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Think it was on Balmorra, in the Smuggler line. You meet the Resistance contact, and he proves to be an incompetent, greedy idiot Moff. Risha makes a crack about that being the problem with banking of greed and stupidity. It works.


Female Bounty Hunter on Taris:


You enter a hideout, Torian sneaks up behind you:


Torian: Thought you'd be harder to get the drop on.


(Option 3) BH: I was just eager to see you again after Dromund Kaas.


Torian: You what --


BH disarms him, flips him over and uses his gun to cover him: Men... Time to tell me what you're doing out here.


Torian: Ow... I deserved that.


Mako: Oh, yeah you did.


On a smuggler walking into a small resistance meeting on Corellia, and confronting a backstabbing guy who accuses you of selling out to the Empire. Smuggler asks why everyone always thinks the worst about him/her. Corso replies that he's tried to figure that out. Must be the hair.


I was playing a Togruta at the time.

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I don't remember where or what class, but there was the npc names Kiirgan Freem, or some such. He always refers to himself in the 3rd person. And it always reminded me of Ben Stiller's character in Dodgeball, when he says things like "Nobody makes me bleed my own blood!".
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Think it was on Balmorra, in the Smuggler line. You meet the Resistance contact, and he proves to be an incompetent, greedy idiot Moff. Risha makes a crack about that being the problem with banking of greed and stupidity. It works.


Female Bounty Hunter on Taris:


You enter a hideout, Torian sneaks up behind you:


Torian: Thought you'd be harder to get the drop on.


(Option 3) BH: I was just eager to see you again after Dromund Kaas.


Torian: You what --


BH disarms him, flips him over and uses his gun to cover him: Men... Time to tell me what you're doing out here.


Torian: Ow... I deserved that.


Mako: Oh, yeah you did.


On a smuggler walking into a small resistance meeting on Corellia, and confronting a backstabbing guy who accuses you of selling out to the Empire. Smuggler asks why everyone always thinks the worst about him/her. Corso replies that he's tried to figure that out. Must be the hair.


I was playing a Togruta at the time.


Lol Gault has a funny line here

You must like him, if I tried that I'd be wearing my face on the wall.

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I haven't read the whole thread, so excuse me if this has been posted, but in the SW line, when you have to confront a scientist who defected to the republic:


Scientist: "No... bring a scientist for the empire is a fate worse than death!"

SW: "Watching as I make a necklace out of your entrails is another."

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I haven't read the whole thread, so excuse me if this has been posted, but in the SW line, when you have to confront a scientist who defected to the republic:


Scientist: "No... bring a scientist for the empire is a fate worse than death!"

SW: "Watching as I make a necklace out of your entrails is another."


I thought that was Sith Inquisitor on Balmorra? Maybe there are two scientists... Been a while since I played the SW to the end completely.

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Not a line of dialogue but one of the missions for the Sith inquisitor on Alderaan has a bonus were you corrupt the archives of a noble house holograms into to Sith and Imperial officers...all but the last one. Which has a twi'lek pole dancing. (troll face here)


I had to stop laughing before i moved on with the story. Looking back on the full class story the inquisitor does seem to enjoy ticking other people off on every planet they visit.

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Not a line of dialogue but one of the missions for the Sith inquisitor on Alderaan has a bonus were you corrupt the archives of a noble house holograms into to Sith and Imperial officers...all but the last one. Which has a twi'lek pole dancing. (troll face here)

[REDACTED]! I just did that one on my DvL Sorc and I *didn't* look at the holos as I did it. D'oh! (It's OK, I have at least a couple of other Sorcs waiting in the wings.)

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