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Dumb things people do in PVP and why they are dumb


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-Shouting anything to the tune of "Stealth go right, everyone else go left."


I guarantee you that anyone who shouts this didn't even bother to look at the make-up of your team. Who did you just send to the right? Are they actually capable of capturing the door on their own? How do you know that enough guards won't go right to neutralize them by chance? Did you send important people to the right that's will result in the left side of the team being obliterated? I once had a match where an ignorant ops leader insisted on sending me and the other stealth users to the right. We had three stealth users on our team. All three of us were operative healers. We were the only healers on the team. So basically the advice became "healers go off by yourselves so the rest of us don't get any heals." There was even one case where someone shouted this terrible strategy when we didn't even have any stealth users on the team. It's stupid and it's just a bad tactic. Don't do it. When your attacking round starts, your task is to run down through the middle area and decide which door to attack based on how many visible guards have to moved to each door.


-Double capping a door/console


Why? Why? WHY?! The door isn't going to be double bombed and that force field isn't doing to be double deactivated. If someone is planting the bomb or activating a console, then your job is to guard that person by stunning/pushing/CCing any enemy who is coming in your direction. In the case of doors, you want to be standing in front of the enemy's respawn zone so you can throw down all of your best stalling moves as soon as they come back from death.




-Wanting anything other than 1/7/0 at the beginning of a PUG match


Don't you love those hero assassins who run off to capture the right node at the start? You know, those assassins who die 95% of the time in miserable failure. In civil war, there are three nodes. Your home (left) node, the middle node, and the enemy (right) node. The left node is the easiest for you to reinforce. The right node is the furthest away and thus the hardest node for your team to reinforce. Sometimes matches will develop in a way where you'll end up with the left and right nodes, and that's fine. You should never actually try for this, however. The optimal coverage you want is left and middle nodes. The enemy reinforces to that right node so much faster than you do and unless their team is tragically incompetent, you will not hold onto it in 9/10 PUG matches. The middle node is the easiest node to defend and it should always be your target when the match starts.


-Capping a node with your back/flank to the enemy


The node itself protects you from non-AOE, ranged attacks. If you're going to capture, do so while facing the enemies so the node works as a shield to prevent you from being interrupted.




-Leaving a single, non-stealth to guard a pylon


One non-stealth will NEVER be able to stop two enemy stealth from capturing the pylon. I know this from experience. My sister and I used to play together as an assassin and operative. She whirlwinds you and then starts capturing it. If you don't break WW, she captures the pylon. If you do break out of WW, I immediately throw down flashbang and we capture it anyway. It's the responsibility of the entire team to ensure that a PROPER guard is watching the pylon. One stealth user or TWO non-stealth users. Don't complain when the enemy double caps in the last 10 seconds when you left that oblivious Sentinel to guard the pylon all by himself. Don't assume you're being clever because you left a single gunslinger at the pylon and cover lets them see through stealth! What a joke. Whirlwind has a very long reach and assassins while come up behind you or on your flank. You won't know they are there until you're already spinning.


-Using the pylon as a duelling ground


As a guard, your job isn't to get into duels with attackers and rack up kills. Your job is to call for help immediately, stay alive, and prevent captures until reinforcements come to save you.


-Collecting orbs when your team is going to lose unless they double cap


If your opponents are going to win when the round ends, orbs are a waste of time. You need to double capture to stay in the game.


-Non-stealth users attacking the enemy pylon at the beginning of a round


When the round begins, all of the enemies are going to drop down at once and they're all going to see you running for that pylon. As many of them as needed will divert to the pylon to kill you. All you accomplished is feeding them kill points.




-Mindlessly attacking that healer who is being guarded and is also protected by another healer.


You will be taunted and you will not kill anyone. Stop wasting your team's time and go for objectives. If you want to interrupt the enemy healer when it comes off of cooldown, that's a great idea. Spending the entire match putting paper cuts on a healer that you are not capable of killing is a waste of time. In PUG matches, you shouldn't expect more than one person to help you do this. Some matches will feature healers who will simply never die. All you can do is stun/push/CC/interrupt them. Focus on objectives. I'll never forget the solo queue match I had on my operative where a sentinel chased me for the entire match. He did 700K damage and didn't kill me once. My team won and I had a funny story to tell for the future. It was a good match for me. Unless you want to be the subject of funny stories too, know when to cut your losses.


-DPS specs with taunts should still use taunts


Taunting helps everyone, even DPS players. I shake my head every time I finish a match and see all of those assassins, juggernauts, and powertechs who had 0 protection.


-Hiding from heals


You won't be able to hear me doing it, but if you run behind an object or out of range when I'm trying to heal you, I assure you that I will be shouting profanities at your character. Heals have a 30 metre range and only work when the healer can see you. If you're being healed and you run out of sight or range, not only will you die, but you will have wasted valuable casting time that could have given heals to other people. People who know how to play the game...



These are just some of the dumb things I see in PVP every day. Feel free to post your own tactical nightmares if you have any. Players won't learn if we don't talk about these issues. Losing a match because of really bad judgment calls is the only way I hate losing right now.

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You covered the big ones, for sure.


One other, leaving the squishiest guy, even a stealther, to guard. That really squishy guy isn't going to last long enough for you to get there to bail them out.


You don't know who the squishiest guy is, though. That's the problem if you're not running a premade.

You just assume that a stealther is the best person for the job because they can double sap, attack and re-stealth if someone tries to cap, buying your team enough time to get there to help.


I play a DPS sage and I can guard a node for quite a while even if I have 2-3 people on me.

And not because I'm "pro", but because I know where to stand (for instance, not directly next to the pylon on Hypergates or the node on Alderaan so I won't get sap capped), how to LoS, stun or root, when to use my grenade and when to use my cc breaker and my barrier. It's not exactly rocket science...

And I ALWAYS call the moment I see someone coming to the node/pylon - I don't care to be the "hero" who soloed that marauder because no one gives a sh** (not even me) but everyone will care if I lose the duel and, consequently, the node.


The main problem I see with players is that everyone wants to be the hero and more often than not, they end up being the reason their team lost.

They try to three cap on Alderaan (leaving the other two unprotected), they don't call incomings until they're 20% health, they don't pass in Huttball and, worst of all, they fail to realize that warzones are about getting the objective not topping the DPS chart. I couldn't care less if someone's DPS is 2mil, if they failed to guard a node by being lured away from it and fighting in the middle of nowhere.


Warzones are not about mindlessly bashing buttons to kill the enemy first with complete disregard for your surroundings - that's what Arenas are for.

Edited by TheNahash
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You don't know who the squishiest guy is, though. That's the problem if you're not running a premade.

You just assume that a stealther is the best person for the job because they can double sap, attack and re-stealth if someone tries to cap, buying your team enough time to get there to help.


I know if I'm playing the squishy guy, I say so, up front. I've still been left to guard. I call incs and then die, way before anyone gets there. (Of course I've also had the team leave my sage to solo guard instead of heal, so there's no accounting for decisions teams make.)


The main problem I see with players is that everyone wants to be the hero and more often than not, they end up being the reason their team lost.


Oh so true. Followed by they then rant and their team instead of admitting they were the problem.


They try to three cap on Alderaan (leaving the other two unprotected), they don't call incomings until they're 20% health, they don't pass in Huttball and, worst of all, they fail to realize that warzones are about getting the objective not topping the DPS chart. I couldn't care less if someone's DPS is 2mil, if they failed to guard a node by being lured away from it and fighting in the middle of nowhere.


Warzones are not about mindlessly bashing buttons to kill the enemy first with complete disregard for your surroundings - that's what Arenas are for.


No argument from me on any of that. You've got it all right.

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I know if I'm playing the squishy guy, I say so, up front. I've still been left to guard. I call incs and then die, way before anyone gets there. (Of course I've also had the team leave my sage to solo guard instead of heal, so there's no accounting for decisions teams make.)


Well, as Sages, we are all obviously "the squishy guy" by definition. Of course exactly how squishy we are depends on our individual skill level but yeah, no matter how good someone is, it's just dumb to leave the squishiest guy to guard. It's just easier for a half-decent stealther to guard a node (for obvious reasons) so the rest assume that he'll be good enough to keep the node safe - although that's not always the case. Plus, you know, not everyone actually knows how squishy they are. Most people just assume they can handle anything lol.


I know that feeling. I can't count the warzones where I was the only healer with my Operative in groups full of Assassins, Juggernauts and Powertechs and they still left me to guard. I mean just think about it... they can't even off-heal and they still don't seem to care (most of the times, of course, we ended up losing or barely making it).

I always ask for someone to come change me so I can go heal but 8/10 times no one comes. It's frustrating because, in the end, your team is hurting themselves but when you see everyone leaving you either have to stay and guard or just leave knowing that you'll lose that node if the enemy team has players with IQ above 0. And I do love healing but I like winning the warzone more :p.

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I agree with everything just said, except for one thing. The anything but 1-7-0 in CW in a pug match. 9 times out of 10 your playing against a premade, and they always send people to the off node, so the 1 is going to lose. That hero assassin/shadow can be doing wonders going to the off node, as long as no one follows. Drawing off forces from the mid, keeping forces busy from redeploying. Even if he dies, he can delay the cap for an extra lead that may be the difference in the end.


I'm guilty of the all stealth left/right whatever, but i would hope a healer would know better. Its more to try for a quick plant since people tend to hang up top waiting to see which way to go.

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-Shouting anything to the tune of "Stealth go right, everyone else go left."


I've never understood this either. I mean, that's the instructions that come out like 99% of the time, which means that EVERY team you face is watching for it. I always tell stealthers to do whatever they think looks good. I figure they can decide what to do based on the situation, much better than I can before-hand.


Heck, I can often times plant, on my shadow, by going to the SAME side as the big rush. Blackout, and rush the door, but then wait a few seconds for the enemy to get engaged in the battle. Everyone watches for unstealthing to plant at the beginning of the match. After 5 seconds, they get involved in their kills, and sometimes forget. :)


-Double capping a door/console


Yes, except sometimes it can be helpful against a stealth-mezzer. They often panic and come out of stealth to attack. Or in lowbies if the enemy is streaming in trying to stop the cap, they might not have an AOE attack, or might not be close enough to use it. But you are right - most of the time it's just people who seem to not know any better.




-Wanting anything other than 1/7/0 at the beginning of a PUG match


Well, sending 2 to the natural node is, I think, often useful. One to block, because that other team has a hero that you know is coming to take your node. I can't tell you how many times I race off to the natural node by myself, because no-one else on a PUG team wants to be caught near that spot and risk being "stuck" on guarding... and then I'm 90% through the cap, and the enemy guy gets there and stops me. (And I'm not great at 1v1 fights, so then I often lose the node - so there you go, that's why imps send someone to their "off" node. :) )




-Leaving a single, non-stealth to guard a pylon


This bugs me to no end. And if you take it upon yourself to go be the second guard, the first one will leave. :mad:


-Using the pylon as a duelling ground


As a guard, your job isn't to get into duels with attackers and rack up kills. Your job is to call for help immediately, stay alive, and prevent captures until reinforcements come to save you.


True for any turret/door/pylon/node. Call how many, stay alive as long as you can until help arrives.


-Collecting orbs when your team is going to lose unless they double cap


Meh. This one doesn't bother me so much. It gives them some feeling of accomplishment, I guess, when the other team is all back defending and there is no way you are going to take their node. On the other hand, I had a game where we were in that situation - we were just about all in spawn, as a last ditch effort the team leader told us to attack and try to draw them off the node and make sure we kept them facing away from it - we did, and he just waltzed up behind them and capped it for the win. So you never know. :)


-Non-stealth users attacking the enemy pylon at the beginning of a round


Maybe. In general I agree with this. But I've read people who advocate it because often the enemy team will send EVERYONE to do the cap. Then you can grab all 4 orbs. Since orbs count double - if you send a couple, even 3 attackers, you can come out ahead by a bit. Still, seems risky.




-Mindlessly attacking that healer who is being guarded and is also protected by another healer.


I think this is a tough one. I understand your funny-story, but if you can't stop the healer, then you can't kill the other guys anyway - and there they are to stop you from doing those objective things. Really hard to cap a node if 5 of the enemy are there attacking you. I think this can be a no-win situation. This is why I get kinda pissed off at people who start in with any kind of chat raging about this - if they other team is GOOD - well they are good, so it's never going to be as easy as just "do A and we will win, why can't you all do A! You all SUCK!" Because when you try to do A the other team will counter it. In those situations, you have to be better, not at just doing A, but at switching from A to B to C to B to A to C - faster and better than they are. I think.


-Hiding from heals


<raises hand> Guilty as charge. :o But this is how I know if we have an awesome healer or not - by whether or not I get a "you are unbeatable" message. :D OK, yes I know I suck at this. I have a rather reckless play style where I just jump in and don't pay much attention to my own health, LoSing ranged, where the heals are coming from (unless I'm guarding one of them). But you know, sometimes I have to run behind the wall, into the bunker to stop the 5 guys all trying to spam-cap that no one else is paying any attention to, and then I get stunned there, and killed, and then I rage into chat about how worthless our healers are! Well, not that last part. At least I know not to blame the healer when that happens. :)


This was a long list, so I'll just add one thing... people who are not white barred, who try to run the huttball across the fire pit, when there are team mates standing there on the other side waiting for a pass. Or, on the flip side, when I have the ball, and I have 4 team mates right beside me, and the fire goes down, and none of them runs across for a pass. I guess that's two things.

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You nailed the CW one, it's probably my biggest pet peeve in the game at the moment. It also applies to Novare to some sense although it's not as critical there since you can actually turn that warzone, you just have to spend 5 minutes convincing them that a three-split is a bad idea first.

So that's the reason I think its better to not have any stealthers at all on my team, give or take ops heals. I rather be forced to have a non-stealther guard home-node than to have a stealther potentially screw up the entire game. The ones who can actually play the role are so few and far apart that you will know them by name, with everyone els you'd be better off without them.

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<raises hand> Guilty as charge. :o But this is how I know if we have an awesome healer or not - by whether or not I get a "you are unbeatable" message. :D OK, yes I know I suck at this. I have a rather reckless play style where I just jump in and don't pay much attention to my own health, LoSing ranged, where the heals are coming from (unless I'm guarding one of them). But you know, sometimes I have to run behind the wall, into the bunker to stop the 5 guys all trying to spam-cap that no one else is paying any attention to, and then I get stunned there, and killed, and then I rage into chat about how worthless our healers are! Well, not that last part. At least I know not to blame the healer when that happens. :)


As a healer I have to agree with the OP that it's really annoying when people LoS me when I try to heal them on my Op Healer, but having played Sorcs/Sages since launch I know that for certain classes with very poor defensive cooldowns (hint: Sorcs/Sages) it's the only thing we can do to survive. If we don't LoS and we're below 30-40% the healer won't be able to keep us alive unless he crits every single time and/or we have our medpac and self instaheal up.


In a group of 8 people, you really don't know whether you'll get a heal or not and you don't have the luxury of popping a Def. CD because... you have none (other than the bubble which goes down easily and the barrier which due to its long CD should be used only on specific cases).


So, I don't get mad when a Sorc LoSes me to save himself from the enemy, because I know what he's trying to do. I do, however, get mad when a Sorc LoSes me to get closer to the enemy. I swear some Sorcs/Sages in this game are suicidal.


But for the rest of you people with your Def. CDs and your immunities, there is no excuse


/slaps Banderal :p


(well except that scenario you described. So, only half-slap for you)

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-Wanting anything other than 1/7/0 at the beginning of a PUG match


Don't you love those hero assassins who run off to capture the right node at the start?

You know, those assassins who die 95% of the time in miserable failure.


In civil war, there are three nodes. Your home (left) node, the middle node, and the enemy (right) node. The left node is the easiest for you to reinforce. The right node is the furthest away and thus the hardest node for your team to reinforce.


Sometimes matches will develop in a way where you'll end up with the left and right nodes, and that's fine. You should never actually try for this, however. The optimal coverage you want is left and middle nodes.


The enemy reinforces to that right node so much faster than you do and unless their team is tragically incompetent, you will not hold onto it in 9/10 PUG matches. The middle node is the easiest node to defend and it should always be your target when the match starts.


I always do this; and I have a 95% success-rate.


I can also defend it myself for the remaining of the match against 1-2 attacks completely on my own. Only when things get really ugly I'll need help. And even then, there is more than enough time for the team to respond.


Most of all though, if you send 1 remotely competent person there even if he doesn't get it.. it will force the enemy team to send 2. Giving you an advantage in outnumbering at the middle.

Edited by Evolixe
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-Leaving a single, non-stealth to guard a pylon


One non-stealth will NEVER be able to stop two enemy stealth from capturing the pylon. I know this from experience. My sister and I used to play together as an assassin and operative. She whirlwinds you and then starts capturing it. If you don't break WW, she captures the pylon. If you do break out of WW, I immediately throw down flashbang and we capture it anyway. It's the responsibility of the entire team to ensure that a PROPER guard is watching the pylon. One stealth user or TWO non-stealth users. Don't complain when the enemy double caps in the last 10 seconds when you left that oblivious Sentinel to guard the pylon all by himself. Don't assume you're being clever because you left a single gunslinger at the pylon and cover lets them see through stealth! What a joke. Whirlwind has a very long reach and assassins while come up behind you or on your flank. You won't know they are there until you're already spinning.



That statement is completely false a PT or VG can defend easily using their rockets to intrupt while cced

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That statement is completely false a PT or VG can defend easily using their rockets to intrupt while cced


Shoulder cannon has an incrediably short range. All you have to do is get him away from that pylon. There are more than enough ways to do this without filling resolve completely instantly.


All you need is that breaker anyway. Most people don't realise that they cannot use their break on anything but a cap attempt when they are defending an objective.. as soon as they break that 4 second hardstun.. they're up for a nasty surprise.

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You covered the big ones, for sure. One other, leaving the squishiest guy, even a stealther, to guard. That really squishy guy isn't going to last long enough for you to get there to bail them out.


Stealth classes can defend the node without doing a single point of damage. If you're playing smart and being extra careful, you can defend the node for a long time just using sleep dart/mind maze/etc. Stand away from the pylon itself and just watch. When someone comes out of stealth to capture, run in, sleep him right before he captures, and then immediately turn on blackout so you can safely look around for an accomplice. Obviously sleep doesn't work forever because of the resolve bar, but you can buy a lot of time for your reinforcements. Assassins have a double advantage now that their tank stance gives them a little more armour. Even in DPS spec, that little bit of armour can provide you with the extra seconds of life you need to hold on until your team relieves you.


Hopefully, by the time you're almost dead, resolve bars should be empty again, or near empty. Turn on your cloak, which will put you in stealth and cause everyone to exit combat mode. You know what this means? You start all over again with sleep darts. One stealther who knows what he's doing can guard an objective all by himself, without question. It's the rest of the team's job to reinforce him before most of this is needed though.

Edited by HaoZhao
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There certainly are an awful lot of issues with the system. I would like to see a reporting system exclusively for hte PVP areas to eliminate trolls who are deliberately entering warzones and screwing their whole team over. The last warzone I did was in in a group of ten v ten, and only 4 on my team were actually moving around trying to capture objectives. The rest were standing around doing nothing.


To me, that is the biggest issue for hte moment. How to address it is utterly beyond me but a fast way to report playings for deliberately trolling them would be a good start. I wont be doing more PvP until this can be done because its just too annoying and not worth it to me.


The second biggest was like you said, most people just freeballing it and not coordinating with the rest of the team. Ive been on teams that should have absolutely destroyed hte other team. But no one helped the healers and the DPS people kept trying to kill the tanks. Doomed. But stupidity is something that plagues every warzone. You just gotta get lucky with who is put on your team I guess.

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-Wanting anything other than 1/7/0 at the beginning of a PUG match


Don't you love those hero assassins who run off to capture the right node at the start? You know, those assassins who die 95% of the time in miserable failure. In civil war, there are three nodes. Your home (left) node, the middle node, and the enemy (right) node. The left node is the easiest for you to reinforce. The right node is the furthest away and thus the hardest node for your team to reinforce. Sometimes matches will develop in a way where you'll end up with the left and right nodes, and that's fine. You should never actually try for this, however. The optimal coverage you want is left and middle nodes. The enemy reinforces to that right node so much faster than you do and unless their team is tragically incompetent, you will not hold onto it in 9/10 PUG matches. The middle node is the easiest node to defend and it should always be your target when the match starts.



This isn't a Nash Equilibirum, since the best answer to everybody just sending just one to the left node, is clearing send a stealther to that node and if it is just to delay the cap. And lets face it, despite Evolixe how many assassin/shadows would be of help in mid anyway, if there you own node is already aquired, say by a stealther? I don't even dare say DPS Operative :p

One one thing you can definitely observe quite a lot of times, if mid isn't taken yet, even if the guard calls chances are nobody is coming to help, so the attacking stealther in this very situation has quite a bit advantage even against a fellow stealther.

He opens, he know he has time, he doesn't need to make a call and even if just delays the cap until his teams own node is taken, he already has given his team an important advantage, in case mid becomes stalemate (which even in non ranked, can happen quite often. I don't even know how many CWs my teams have won this way with my DPS Operative. Even if it is a 2v1 situation at the node, you can still give them trouble capping it. From playing on my sentinel quite a lot and mostly being stuck at mid in the main, battle i can tell you that i get quite nervous if we don't get our node quickly, so it can be a quite effective strategy and against 1/7 it can be decisive.

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@ OP


Nice post, but you forgot the noob train:


Three noobs go cap a node that is being guarded by two.

When the 2nd noob arrives at the node, the 1st noob is already dead and when the 3d noob gets there, the 2nd noob is no more.

Meanwhile, the 1st noob has respawned and is on his way to the node to help the 3d noob. But when he arrives there, the 3d noob has already passed away.

Freshly respawned, the 2nd noob once again charges to the node. Just in time to see from a distance how the 1st noob is being obliterated.

All this rinse and repeat.


Instead of fighting a 3 X 2 and capping the node, these fellows fight three subsequent 1 X 2 a couple of times in a row and provide the adversary team with a steady income in kills.


And as if that were not enough, they unshakably believe that they were outnumbering the adversary with 3 X 2, so there must be a lack of class balance somewhere, they think.

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Imperial PvP on the Shadowlands:


NO ONE goes to capture their own side in Civil War or Novare Coast. It's especially funny in Imp vs Imp matches, as neither side goes, mid is an 8v8, and the first team to realize it ends up with a triple cap.


Operatives don't roll to the ball in Huttball. Or they are late running out of the gate, and roll just to catch up to everyone.


Inquisitors don't sprint across the Acid in Huttball. They sprint AROUND it, or they are late coming out of the gate, and sprint just to catch up to everyone.


Marauders who Predation as soon as Novare Coast begins, and the entire team falls and takes 10% fall damage.


Premade teams of 4 from X Y or Z guild all run to their Civil War / Novare Coast side and stay there the entire match, then tell you that YOU are what's wrong with warzones when you say *** at them.


Nobody runs ahead for a pass / jump in Huttball. They either tag along behind, or are nowhere even in sight.


AoE knockback out of Orbital Strikes, Lightning Storms, hell even Smash. EVERY SINGLE ASSASSIN DOES THIS except Zenod.


Ask a Power Tech or Assassin to guard a node and they refuse because "the person who capped it has the responsibility to guard it" and it certainly wasn't them.


Fail to call inc at a node because they were fighting. If they are going to lose anyway, I would rather they call and lose than fight and lose.


Stay stealthed in the enemy Huttball endzone... even when their own team doesn't even have the ball. Sit there the entire game and it is effectively a 7v8. Thanks for the help, guy.


For a few days I entertained the thought of levelling up my Assassin so that I could do these things, and more, correctly, but then I realized these morons don't deserve me, and I've run out of f*cks to give to them.

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I always do this; and I have a 95% success-rate.


I can also defend it myself for the remaining of the match against 1-2 attacks completely on my own. Only when things get really ugly I'll need help. And even then, there is more than enough time for the team to respond.


Most of all though, if you send 1 remotely competent person there even if he doesn't get it.. it will force the enemy team to send 2. Giving you an advantage in outnumbering at the middle.


Was just about to write this exact same thing. When i go "right", i go with the intent to draw players away from mid and if they only sent one to cap, most of the times im able to take the guy down and cap it myself. In a worst case scenario, i fail to kill the solo guard but they still send reinforcements from mid while im fighting him - so it's really a win -win.


The dumb people in this scenario i'd say are the ones who insist on following the stealther to their node...

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1/7/0 for CW is stupid.


You're giving them their node for free and they can slow yours to give you an immediately weaker position if mid isn't quickly capped.


2/5/1 is much smarter. Just need a few competent people mid to stall, which VERY many classes can do almost single handedly.


1) Quite often, you will end up with both sides.


2) If you don't get both sides, you will get your side faster. Respawns return to mid after they've done their part.


As I said before, if they sent 7 mid against your 5, you just have to delay them. Which is very easy to do 7v5. You are guaranteed to have 1 quick node, 1 reinforcement, and possibly 2 nodes.

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1/7/0 for CW is stupid.


You're giving them their node for free and they can slow yours to give you an immediately weaker position if mid isn't quickly capped.


2/5/1 is much smarter. Just need a few competent people mid to stall, which VERY many classes can do almost single handedly.


1) Quite often, you will end up with both sides.


2) If you don't get both sides, you will get your side faster. Respawns return to mid after they've done their part.


As I said before, if they sent 7 mid against your 5, you just have to delay them. Which is very easy to do 7v5. You are guaranteed to have 1 quick node, 1 reinforcement, and possibly 2 nodes.


I agree with this, and it kind of ties into being supportive of the PUG voidstar call of stealth go right. Would be nice if stealth went left more often, but when playing a stealther, I use my own common sense to where if I am a healer, I'm not going. If I spot 2 guards, I just do enough to let my presence be known to keep 2 there and move on.


That same common sense should dictate how much time you waste on the off node in other matches as well

Edited by Technohic
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People that go for a 3-cap when a node is heavily contested make me reconsider being a vegan. Also, starting a game by going for all 3 nodes "in force" (condemning the mid team to be a suicide distraction while also sacrificing the best position on the map) is almost as bad.
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