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AP Powertechs in Ion Cell Destroying Solo Q


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I play one and I'll tell you why:


Ion Cell and Guard.


I have over a 3-1 win/loss ratio on my full specced AP Powertech in Full DPS gear. Why? Because I use Ion Cell and I guard and still put out nearly the same DPS as DPS classes in DPS stances all the while having 10.7k armor (With Bolster and Rebraced Armor Talent).


For example, team with 3 dps + 1 healer vs 3 DPS + 1 Healer my team wins because I guard our healer and guard swap. I have insane burst with Explosive fuel, 7 shoulder cannons, and a full damage rotation.


Not only am I guarding, but I'm also using a ranged 30% taunt on their high dps targets all the while sacrificing only about 10% of my total DPS. My guard significantly outweighs the 10% loss in my damage as it allows my team to play more offensively and gives my team a huge advantage over the other team.


I'm not here to say that I won't use it in Solo Q because I will until it's fixed. It has already become such a huge trend that you will rarely if ever see a PT not in Ion Cell. I've had games where I've done over 200k protection... in DPS gear while doing over 1000 DPS in a 4v4 match. I want it nerfed so I can go into Arena, stay in High Energy Cylinder and have my team not pissed that I'm gimping them. Until it's fixed though I'll be in Ion Cell in Solo Q so I can be more effective to my teammates.


"Well noob just kill the Powertech, it renders his guard useless and his taunts won't effect anyone." I have 30% AoE damage reduction, and a further 30% flat damage reduction while stunned, a super self heal that heals me up to 35% if I drop below that, as well as energy rebounder which causes every attack to reduce the cooldown off my defensive shield. Couple that with a grenade, my AoE stun, my single target stun, hydraulic overrides, warzone medpac, warzone adrenal, and nearly 11k armor and by the time you've burnt through that, the majority of your team is now dead. Oh and if I have a healer on my team, he's healing me the entire time while you're attempting to do this.


I actually play a Powertech, one who had over a 2k 8v8 rating prior to 2.0, who in one day has gotten to a 1700 rating in Solo Q. So to you other Powertechs who are going to say "**** noob it's not OP, everyone just needs to L2P." I am telling everyone else to ignore those people, because nobody needs to L2P, this **** is bananas and completely bypasses the matchmaking system of 4 dps vs 4 dps, or 3dps 1 healer vs 3 dps 1 healer, etc.


Hell, I had one game where it was 2 AP PT's in Ion Cell (One was myself), and another, I guarded the healer, he guarded the other DPS and we just completely **** housed the other team. Balanced? Nah bro. It's broken.

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Ion cell PT can be easily shutdown in 4v4 ranked play. It is only a matter of time before the solo Q people figure out the secret strategy.


I don't know. How long have players been trying to get your average pug to focus the guy with a giant gun over his head?

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Ion cell PT can be easily shutdown in 4v4 ranked play. It is only a matter of time before the solo Q people figure out the secret strategy.


I'm really curious what "secret strategy" you have in mind for the following scenario presented. Solo Queue 3 dps + healer. No "secret strategy" can overcome the fact that they can still guard the healer, and swap guards, while you can't necessarily.


The real issue is that they should be treated as tanks in the queue matching, then it'd all be fine.

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They really need to reduce damage output on all tanks while in tank stance. Just wait until 2.5 when assassins will get an extra 15% armor and another 40% with talents.


No, they already did that, and straight shieldtech has some of the worst burst and general dps pressure of all three tanks. What they need to do is make the base guard ability much weaker. I.e full AP in tank stance's guard only does like 10% but have talents deep in the tank trees that buff it.


They could also just buff the ST tree as a whole so we are no longer the crap tank that is only useful as a hybrid

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No, they already did that, and straight shieldtech has some of the worst burst and general dps pressure of all three tanks. What they need to do is make the base guard ability much weaker. I.e full AP in tank stance's guard only does like 10% but have talents deep in the tank trees that buff it.


They could also just buff the ST tree as a whole so we are no longer the crap tank that is only useful as a hybrid


Well in reality tanks shouldn't have any burst or be any real threat in the damage department. You know being a tank your main job should be to tank. It also shouldn't be viable to slap on a tank stance and be able to spec high into a dps tree and have real success. We already went through this with assassins and they pretty much made it clear in 2.0 that they did not want hybrids outperforming full builds and now you have PT/VG essentially doing just that.

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Well, you beat dongcleave with ranged dps. Though it requires way more skill to accomplish that over playing a ion cell vannie. So if you know any great sorcs or merc, ask them to queue up when you do (not entirely sure how good slingers are here, could somebody elaborate?). So spread ou to avoid ion cannon and AoE stun.
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This needs fixed before season 1 ffs. Anyone trying to justify this or say it is OK is deranged. Why bring a full tank / why bring a full DD if there's PT specs like this... lame. Same for Juggs / Sins.


Hardly the same as Jugg and Sin. Their DPS hybrids are not nearly as good. Sin version has more burst but it's proc based instead of a sure bet and is much squishier than PT. Jugg version is more sturdy via cds, way squishier without and does less damage but brings more to the table protection wise.

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Hardly the same as Jugg and Sin. Their DPS hybrids are not nearly as good. Sin version has more burst but it's proc based instead of a sure bet and is much squishier than PT. Jugg version is more sturdy via cds, way squishier without and does less damage but brings more to the table protection wise.


Good to know. In any event, I meant to say that Juggs / Sins need the same changes as PTs if these bs builds are possible to them.


Some guy was swearing by some Vengeance hybrid build that, according to him, is killer for arenas... just saying.

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You know how you fix this crap? Put the tank stance into the actual tree like shien and ataru stances are for their respective tree's and lockout the tree's until 36 points have been spent in one tree. Hybrids killed, problem solved.
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Good to know. In any event, I meant to say that Juggs / Sins need the same changes as PTs if these bs builds are possible to them.


Some guy was swearing by some Vengeance hybrid build that, according to him, is killer for arenas... just saying.


The sin version is pretty weak. Similar to old dark maul but you give up pull, force regen, and decent sustained pressure for burst every 15-20s. Has clear strengths and weaknesses, not at all like AP tank that is just flat out better.


The immo/veng hybrid is exactly the same as it was pre 2.0 except you don't get unstoppable without wasting two globals stance dancing. Pre 2.0 it could be called a problem sure but with the new Immortal tree I don't think it's an issue. Full tank seems much stronger and the hybrid offers little in exchange for the immortal talents you give up.

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I play one and I'll tell you why:


Ion Cell and Guard.


I have over a 3-1 win/loss ratio on my full specced AP Powertech in Full DPS gear. Why? Because I use Ion Cell and I guard and still put out nearly the same DPS as DPS classes in DPS stances all the while having 10.7k armor (With Bolster and Rebraced Armor Talent).


For example, team with 3 dps + 1 healer vs 3 DPS + 1 Healer my team wins because I guard our healer and guard swap. I have insane burst with Explosive fuel, 7 shoulder cannons, and a full damage rotation.


Not only am I guarding, but I'm also using a ranged 30% taunt on their high dps targets all the while sacrificing only about 10% of my total DPS. My guard significantly outweighs the 10% loss in my damage as it allows my team to play more offensively and gives my team a huge advantage over the other team.


I'm not here to say that I won't use it in Solo Q because I will until it's fixed. It has already become such a huge trend that you will rarely if ever see a PT not in Ion Cell. I've had games where I've done over 200k protection... in DPS gear while doing over 1000 DPS in a 4v4 match. I want it nerfed so I can go into Arena, stay in High Energy Cylinder and have my team not pissed that I'm gimping them. Until it's fixed though I'll be in Ion Cell in Solo Q so I can be more effective to my teammates.


"Well noob just kill the Powertech, it renders his guard useless and his taunts won't effect anyone." I have 30% AoE damage reduction, and a further 30% flat damage reduction while stunned, a super self heal that heals me up to 35% if I drop below that, as well as energy rebounder which causes every attack to reduce the cooldown off my defensive shield. Couple that with a grenade, my AoE stun, my single target stun, hydraulic overrides, warzone medpac, warzone adrenal, and nearly 11k armor and by the time you've burnt through that, the majority of your team is now dead. Oh and if I have a healer on my team, he's healing me the entire time while you're attempting to do this.


I actually play a Powertech, one who had over a 2k 8v8 rating prior to 2.0, who in one day has gotten to a 1700 rating in Solo Q. So to you other Powertechs who are going to say "**** noob it's not OP, everyone just needs to L2P." I am telling everyone else to ignore those people, because nobody needs to L2P, this **** is bananas and completely bypasses the matchmaking system of 4 dps vs 4 dps, or 3dps 1 healer vs 3 dps 1 healer, etc.


Hell, I had one game where it was 2 AP PT's in Ion Cell (One was myself), and another, I guarded the healer, he guarded the other DPS and we just completely **** housed the other team. Balanced? Nah bro. It's broken.


At least some1 put it in the right context. This build is effective in 4vs 4 3-1 vs 3-1. In other cases neither is full tank nor full dps to compete.

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Two fixes:


Put some of the ion cell goodies up higher in the tank tree.


Tie PFT and immolate to HEGC.


The hybrid spec is currently insane, but I don't want standard HEGC AP to suffer for this stupidity.


Yeah, do all that because 4dps against 4dps or 3dps 1heal vs 3 dps 1 heal needs different tactic against the hybrid.

I would like to see normal premades 2 dps, 1 tank 1 healer against this. Never occurred and if I have to guess is failing.

Most people playing hybrid have ~30k hp and inadadequate dcds/utils to tank.

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