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Everything posted by ManiacDavis

  1. Sniper and Marauder have healing debuffs that are rarely used. Everyone has been waiting for the Sorc Nerf (or alternatively a buff for everyone else (except PT)) for years. Don't hold your breath.
  2. I have returned and will be updating this guide for KOTFE. Let me know if you guys have suggestions to streamline it.
  3. These kids, so young, they don't know the trials and tribulations of recruit gear...
  4. Do people still actively do ranked pvp or if I had a team in q do I still need to bug every other guild to put a team in Q?
  5. OP thumbs up on so many fronts. Teaching your kids values through video games, putting in the effort to learn the game etc. Have you taken a look at the sticky threads at the top of this subforum, specifically "How to be a Contender" - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=668162 If not give it a read through. I need to update it but have been holding off till 4.0 changes a lot of aspects. Feel free to PM me at any time for questions or anything. To comment on a few of your points: 1.) Un-Ranked Warzones should be unlimited without a pay wall. I have pleaded at SWTOR Cantinas and to the Devs for this to happen but unfortunately this has gone on deaf ears. Five warzones is not enough to learn PvP and is a huge hurdle to players who want to PvP. 2.) Knowledge - as I said before, take a look at my post above 3.) A custom match with bots would be awesome, but is likely never going to happen, it has been months since PvP got any content, and it will not be getting any in the new expansion. So this is a pipe dream but good suggestion. 4.) I disagree that valor should determine the PvP bracket. In lowbies, the difference between a level 10 and a level 29 is huge. The level 29 should always win because they have a CC break, interrupt, etc. The playing field needs to be semi-even so that people do not take advantage of the system. Back in the day during launch, there was only 1 bracket. The top level players could play against fresh level 10s, it was amazing for the high level players but horrible for the low level players. Today, players stack the system, get the best gear and remain lvl 59 to stomp on lowbies in the 30-59 bracket. 5.) An apprenticeship system would be amazing but again a pipe dream. 6.) I believe there is a pvp mission that does this. Alternatively you can look at the pvp tab and see the different warzones with maps. (It's been awhile I'll have to check this). Also during the loadin to a warzone, there is a brief audio describing what to do, it could be more clear but it is there. Lastly, joining a guild, pretty much any guild with VOIP increases your learning curve. I have learned so much from my guild and simply dueling them has increased my proficiency with my class.
  6. Back in the day, Bioware gave everyone person a FREE set of PvP gear to use at level 60. Most people were too stupid to equip it and kept using their lvl 20 greens, than complained on the forums about how unfair/unbalanced pvp was. The stupidity of people should never be underestimated.
  7. Did I miss something? What the hell are warzone commissions. I must have been doing this whole PvP thing wrong if I haven't ever gotten those, must have those now.
  8. I wouldnt want BW wasting time developing an AI for this. I'd rather see them develop a custom mission gamemode where we can enter a custom lobby for PvP allowing us to pick special settings for a wz of our choosing with the people of our choosing. Would actually allows us to have a Huttball Leaque or a true Arena Tournament with variable size groups etc.
  9. It is more common than you think. They were all probably grouped together and in TS and wanted to gank people. Super easy to global someone when 4 stealthies open on you without a guard/healer. If it was someone who botted 3 characters it would be more likely that they would all be the same class. I'm pretty sure BW actively searches for fishy behavior on the same IP or macros/programs that allow running multiple clients/characters to catch gold farmers
  10. Save yourself the trouble and delete the character now.
  11. Played a few grouped ranked matches yesterday against two different imp teams. Freaks of Legend is typically down to Q, just look for Yort (our tank), Zarrac (dps), or myself (some variant of Maniac).
  12. ...o the forums (two years later) Just shows how some things really dont change.
  13. A rationale from BW as to why they chose to go down this path would be helpful. It seems like there are so many better ways to go about this than what you decided. To aggravate the fact, this was not in the patch notes and seemed to just appear out of nowhere. Better solutions -Credits (Weekly 500k/ Daily 100k) -WZ Medpacks/Adrenals (Weekly 50/Daily 10) -WZ Comms -Random Loot Bags (Decorations/mounts)
  14. This is one of the stupider threads of the day so I'll bite. Having a gear prerequisite is insanely dumb and would further limit people from PvPing. O you want to casually play a round of PvP on your toon but you don't have full 2018 bolstered exhumed gear. Well your SOL. If someone wants to do play REGULAR pvp naked, they should be able to do that. Don't come on the forums and complain that people are bad in REGULAR pvp. You're no different than the people who complain about unbalanced regular arenas when there is x amount of healers one team and x amount of dps on another. If you want a balanced match, go play ranked. Other than that no one gives a rats *** about how you lost your regular warzone because you had bad teammates.
  15. We said this back in 2.0 and BW responded with Adrenaline Rush. Now I just call it the wet noodle button. Because that is how I feel after using it.
  16. That doesn't make sense to me though. If you earn Tokens in S7 those get reset at the beginning of S8. Is there not going to be a pre-season between S6 and S7?
  17. Merc/Mando DPS was too high so BW nerfed the forums as well.
  18. How does that make sense? If that were the case, you could save up tokens in S6 and get all the S7 rewards day one without even stepping inside of a ranked warzone in season 7. My expectation is that at the beginning of every season will be a pre-season to buy your stuff, and your tokens will convert to warzone commendations similar to how ranked commendations converted in 3.3. So all Tokens earned in S6 will be converted to WZ comms Day 1 S7 and so on and so forth. Edit for clarity
  19. It would also be nice if we could sell WZ Medpacks/Adrenals on the GTN as opposed to the sketchy fleet black market. I really have no idea why this is the only item of its type that cannot be sold on the GTN.
  20. As long as you're not playing a Merc/Commando, you'll be fine.
  21. The previous ratio for Ranked to Regular Commendations was 3:1. Also, if you were to convert Ranked commendation to warzone commendations, it would be a 1:1 conversion. I believe what Tait was discussing above was the new Token System that allows you to get PvP Season rewards, not the previous ranked commendations. What I would prefer to see is a new Ranked Reputation Vendor that houses old PvP sets available in a legacy configuration. Old ranked sets such as Battlemaster, Centurion, Recruit, etc. At this vendor could also be a token conversion to warzone comms. With gear substantially easier to get, it would be nice if we had something to spend our excess commendations on such as snazzy gear sets or old PvP mounts. This vendor would ideally be reputation based and a new PvP ranked reputation would be added. As you play ranked, your reputation goes up but over time your Ranked reputation decreases (with weekly limits). This decrease over time incentivizes continued play throughout the season even if you hit the mark for the Tier 1 rewards.
  22. I re-rolled a Sage and realized how horrible mando is. The sage can literrally do everything a Mando can, but at the same time put up 500k heals and can easily break contact with their bubble. TLDR: Just delete your mando like I did.
  23. Tait is on top of his stuff today quicker than a Merc can get focused in ranked. Any update on when/if the pvp cartel item enabling unlimited warzones will include ranked play? The tooltip says it allows ranked play, but in reality after getting it, it does not do this.
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