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2.5 balance notes are up: they fixed ops/scoundrels!


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This is my favorite right here:




Fear my leet Double Strike! Heh. Hehehe. BWAHAHAHAHAHA


I think I still have this skill on some hotbar somewhere I can't get to it without standing on my head. I'll have to check though...


My favorite part is this:

Hey everyone,


Below are the planned Sorcerer changes for Game Update 2.5. Please use this thread to give feedback for these changes. You can read the full class changes blog here!


Sith Inquisitor



  • In addition to previous effects, Devour now makes your damage-over-time effects uncleansable. This affects Creeping Terror, Discharge, Crushing Darkness, and Affliction.


Love how it says the planned "sorcerer" changes, but then labels it as "Sith Inquisitor" as it really is just another assassin change that sorcerers just happen to have access to.

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Anyone who thinks that this fixes Scrappers in PvP has never actually played a Scrapper in PvP. Unless QS/OS has some added proc benefit (UH proc? FR/AB reapply? Energy regen?) then it will still be just as awful as it always was. I'm legitimately embarrassed for the Combat Team that they think this change a) helps the class in PvP and/or b) thinks this was a change they should publicize to the community.


At least now we can do a little more energy damage when the shrouded Sin is mauling us to death!


The Quick shot changes has absolutely no bearing on PvP, it was done at the request of the scrapper PvE community in the class representative questions


[....]That said, we have to be careful to keep the burst damage at a reasonable level when the mechanic is used. We might consider giving Scrapper/Concealment Scoundrels/Operatives a way to use Shoot First/Hidden Strike outside of stealth, since they already have many skills that improve it, but such a drastic change to gameplay would be more likely to come along in an expansion pack than a balance update.

Rotationally speaking, we could have Turn the Tables/Culling return your energy over time rather than immediately, though we are not sure all Scoundrels/Operatives would be happy with that change (especially when you are not anywhere close to full energy). That would resolve the issue with it triggering at or near full energy, but is it something that Scoundrels/Operatives would actually want? Quick Shot/Overload Shot is admittedly a poor filler ability. A scoring check reveals that, for its energy cost, it should deal more damage than it does, and we can fix that in a patch by properly rebalancing the ability. Hopefully, rebalancing Quick Shot/Overload Shot will make it into the competent filler attack that it was meant to be. [....]


apparently the next xpac will bring the scrapper goodies

Edited by Zoom_VI
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Tons of stupid changes.

They completly ignored madness assassin and increased the already freaking super high damage of deception...

Root on ravage for vengeance jugg...


The only good change is probably the guarded by the force change and the cover change for scoundrel...


Eh, some changes were good and some were bad I think.

Every thread I've seen agrees maul did not need a buff (though it does have the most drawbacks in the game) but I think most rated pvp players should be ok with the undying the changes.


I'm not convinced these changes affect the meta very much yet but hopefully the game should be closer to where it needs to be with these changes and I think they did close that gap a bit.


I do have to wonder what the operatives deal is since it doesn't look like concealment was touched at all.

Edited by JP_Legatus
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The Quick shot changes has absolutely no bearing on PvP, it was done at the request of the scrapper PvE community in the class representative questions




apparently the next xpac will bring the scrapper goodies



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And what is unlikely? That QS was buffed for PvE? That scrapper buffs could come in some later xpac?


Answers these days, people can't even explain themselves. "No your wrong because you are wrong!!11"


I don't think they're calling you wrong, I think they're loling about scrappers.

Though I could be wrong maybe they just hate you:eek:

Edited by JP_Legatus
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So glad i have been levelling a deception assassin to replace my op, how did i know they would nerf the already worthless DPS op, So now i can cross warriors off of my list of targets along with the unscratchable powertechs. Sorcs that can just remove my entire debuff and still have a trinket and kite without any issue oh wait now i cant purge their dots and escape so might as well /stuck if one of them targets me. cant touch assassins OBVIOUSLY since they have an execute as well as the ability to remove my debuff with force shroud lol, and lets not forget who mercs cant be rooted, chased, escaped or out DPS'd between they hydro overrides/net so they are out to and naturally snipers can see me coming as well as now being able to kite melee. think that covers everyone. RIP DPS Ops XD
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Played Sawbones since before 1.2. Sad to see healing in cover nerfed, but I do agree the nerf was necessary, it will also change activating Voidstar doors in cover as well :(


To a couple of posters who said they never used cover as sawbones.




OMG this was extremely powerful and if you didn't realize it I'm sad for you.


Many many sages died because the 2 Mara's hunting the healers couldn't leap to me, not to mention with correct positioning when in cover you have protection from the Smash Monkeys... need I go on?

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Played Sawbones since before 1.2. Sad to see healing in cover nerfed, but I do agree the nerf was necessary, it will also change activating Voidstar doors in cover as well :(


To a couple of posters who said they never used cover as sawbones.




OMG this was extremely powerful and if you didn't realize it I'm sad for you.


Many many sages died because the 2 Mara's hunting the healers couldn't leap to me, not to mention with correct positioning when in cover you have protection from the Smash Monkeys... need I go on?


If you cant close in on an Op in cover then how do you fight snipers who can actually hurt you while in cover? not that i even use it on my Op except to quickly place the explosive probe

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If you cant close in on an Op in cover then how do you fight snipers who can actually hurt you while in cover? not that i even use it on my Op except to quickly place the explosive probe


1. You're right, they're really just a. mad that they lost, and b. realize that they can make a semi-coherrent argument against scoupratives, so they do that even if its not for reasons they say.


2. Operative melee dps is not consistent with snipers (even if it is pretty bad out of stealth), so the ops ranged dps + melee dps > sniper's ranged dps in a way.


3. people whine about snipers all the time

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Folks I play a sin this doesn't make us OP just like prior changes didn't make any other class OP. Players will adapt . This just changes up the dynamic and I fully expect within a few more patches it will change again.


This, for pvp, is good. No one class should always be the FOTM. The real problem is players come to expect Bioware to do all the work for them. Try the class, if you think your jug or operative is now gimped..try a SIN!


Ill guarantee you that every class has perks(ive tried them all) and every class has issues(again ive tried them all)

The trick is to know and accept your role. This is what I think the real issues is as everyone argues they must be the top DPS. Newsflash you may not be a DPS, you may be a healer, you may be a tank and god yes you may be a SIN :).


This means you may be the ball carrier but for the love of god you aren't stealth so don't try to ninja cap derpaderp!

Am I saying Learn to play..I could but then I prefer you continue playing the same old way so my evil SIN can make your life terrible....;)

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What a load of ****. The devs don't want scoundrels using cover once they become a scoundrel, yet some abilities require it. They are getting rid of cover defensive bonus, ok, so if I am crouched behind an object out of the way of the person, I am still pulled. This doesn't even really affect the healers who everyone has senselessly complained about, instead of targeting that one tree they just further hurt the dps scoundrel trees. What a load of ****.



BIOWARE I KNOW YOU CAN READ THIS, IF YOU DON'T WANT ME USING THEN MAKE MY DAMAGE ABILITES USEABLE OUT OF COVER! For goodsness sake, this was sincerely the dumbest nerf I have ever seen!

Edited by Sangrar
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2.5 so called "balance changes" dont change anything.


Im done with this crap, uninstalling.


Vengeance is now the most ridiculously overwpoered spec in the world.


Next time a veng jugg charges you its better to just stand still and let him kill you to avoid fatigue.


the decision to stand still is taken from you anyway...


not sure what retard came up with the idea that a cc-imune class should have an unruptable high dmg channel ability that roots you in place...


beside the maro/sent changes and the tank-line changes of assa/shade those changes are quite rubbish in my eyes as they do not touch the class problems.

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They nerfed cover too, which I think is justified.


Still no buffs for concealment/lethality survivability though.. =/


On a side note,




Only a complete moron would say that the cover nerfs are justified. Scrapper has just been nerfed into the ground and as for undying rage being too OP, it's a L2P issue for you.


While the cover nerf was to mainly hurt sawbones, this was the laziest way to deal with that situation.

Edited by SithEBM
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Only a complete moron would say that the cover nerfs are justified. Scrapper has just been nerfed into the ground and as for undying rage being too OP, it's a L2P issue for you.


While the cover nerf was to mainly hurt sawbones, this was the laziest way to deal with that situation.


It barely puts a dent in sawbones.

Scrapper: born 2011, fell ill 2012, pulled the plug 2013. Rest in peace.

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Folks I play a sin this doesn't make us OP just like prior changes didn't make any other class OP. Players will adapt . This just changes up the dynamic and I fully expect within a few more patches it will change again.

i´m playing one too. and people do not fear overpowered sins but those changes do not change 3/4of the class problems.

the new tank tree armor increase will make the existing one in deception useless, higher armorrating for the same point amount and accessable as the deception one...

style dmg increase does not fix the dps problems of the DD-trees but increases the dmg of the tank and the out of stealth burst whithout any reason.

what they should have done (especially to supress hybrids that they do not like anyway) is to apply a stackable energy regen buff to voltaic slash/clairvoyance strike and reduce the lockout timer for surging charges from 4.5 sec to 2 sec. that way DPS is increased (better energy managment, more reliable discharges) without increasing burst.

madness needs higher energy regen on their dot ticks, and an additional melee dot(like operatives acid blade) as compensation of the lost duplicity proc in 2.0, and bloodletting should increase dot surge rating against targets below 30% by 100% instead of 15%(not deathfield!).

Edited by Tankqull
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What a load of ****. The devs don't want scoundrels using cover once they become a scoundrel, yet some abilities require it. They are getting rid of cover defensive bonus, ok, so if I am crouched behind an object out of the way of the person, I am still pulled. This doesn't even really affect the healers who everyone has senselessly complained about, instead of targeting that one tree they just further hurt the dps scoundrel trees. What a load of ****.



BIOWARE I KNOW YOU CAN READ THIS, IF YOU DON'T WANT ME USING THEN MAKE MY DAMAGE ABILITES USEABLE OUT OF COVER! For goodsness sake, this was sincerely the dumbest nerf I have ever seen!


Because the scoundrel melee dps use cover so so much, I mean don't all melee dps want to immobilize themselves?

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scrapper was already not viable in pretty much any competitive scene...why do people think this change guts them any further? if you were a scrapper that was just chillin in cover all day then thats a l2p issue. at most it was a way to evade inevitable smashes...but it didnt really change ALL that much. granted it is a nerf to scrapper, but not really a particularly damning one.
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I am particularly angry about this nerf because it barely affect the spec they wanted to nerf and pretty much Bioware saysit was never their intent for us to use cover as scoundrels, yet we still have abilities that use cover, is it possible to make those abilities no longer require cover or something if you really don't want us in cover Bioware?
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from my pov, the right usage of cover has ever been a major factor in squeezing out the maximum of my class.

it was so fun, facing a knight/warrior not aware of the situation, since caught in the open, i was an expected free-kill.


they could have planned/fixed like everything... but not this.


RIP beloved dps-scouperative.

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from my pov, the right usage of cover has ever been a major factor in squeezing out the maximum of my class.

it was so fun, facing a knight/warrior not aware of the situation, since caught in the open, i was an expected free-kill.


they could have planned/fixed like everything... but not this.


RIP beloved dps-scouperative.


That maybe true except that

1)stuff like capping in cover and receiving HB passes in cover where probably never intended for any scoundrel spec

2) healing as way more uses for it that dps do.

3)of course that random FU smashmonkey!! is gone, but I done think many are going to miss operative healers sitting on upper catwalk free-healing and nobody can get to him.

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