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Full Disclosure from Bioware


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Nice try CHIP...or should I call you DOCTOR? I know you must be Chip Evans...cuz it looks similar...kinda...well...sorta...on Linkedin!


Oh damn....that's some super sleuth work there!


But I found you on Linkedin as well! http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=2676233&authType=NAME_SEARCH&authToken=BzCM&locale=en_US&srchid=2867462431381795230764&srchindex=2&srchtotal=2099&trk=vsrp_people_res_name&trkInfo=VSRPsearchId%3A2867462431381795230764%2CVSRPtargetId%3A2676233%2CVSRPcmpt%3Aprimary

Edited by chuixupu
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It should stop in as much as they should not be pad to be posting positive messages, not that they should be offered up on an alter of internet sacrifice. You might use it to go "oh, that's something I can ignore" whereas others might use it to send hate mail, death and rape threats.


I do not think that the mild pinch of salt, which you are already taking, is worth the risk to these individuals.


There is a reason why most companies (especially big ones) say in their employment contracts that they do not allow their employees to post in their own forums, speak to news outlets, or authorize transactions with other companies acting as if they were an agent of the company when that is not their role. They usually relegate that duty to moderators only. It protects the employees but the company as well.


I posted in that thread...there was no proof just some coincidental evidence.


Im just saying its a bold claim to make unless you actually have some evidence rather than forum hear say.




The act was done and I don't know what the poster's motivations were.


Res ipsa loquitur. At this point, I would rather have Bioware confirm that they are not involved in this practice.

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I know the person you are referring to and I'm reporting you and this thread for harassment. "It has come to my attention"? Really your attention who exactly made you authority on anything. I mean seriously doing a blantent name calling thread is in such poor taste because that so called linkedin profile was nothing more than cononcidence so therefore the mods have every right to remove a thread that includes personal information.


I also hope they infract you for being a bully. Finally, I love it how anything positive on the forums are always linked to conspiracies involving inside work within Bioware. God ver bid people actually have something nice to say.

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I can say that a lot of employees of games of practically all companies post anonymously in forums...it's just a fact.


But the people you think they are, versus the people they actually are, would surprise most.


And the companies will never come out and say who they are, because they don't even know who they all are themselves and they are under no obligation to do so unless they cause problems that lead to an investigation into the matter, and would probably lead to said employee being fired. (something like that actually happened with Blizzard some time ago IIRC)


So, just give it up. You're just bringing drama to the forum.

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They should disclose not their identity but if they are an employee since it behooves them to state untruths

Why should they? You and the not so ShiningKnight wouldn't believe it anyway, if Bioware openly stated that the person in question is in no way related to Bioware.


You would be all to ready to claim, that they are lying about it... And since ShiningKnight is the person to point fingers, the weight of proof lies on them, not on Bioware.

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Why should they? You and the not so ShiningKnight wouldn't believe it anyway, if Bioware openly stated that the person in question is in no way related to Bioware.


You would be all to ready to claim, that they are lying about it... And since ShiningKnight is the person to point fingers, the weight of proof lies on them, not on Bioware.


Bioware has engaged in similar activity before. If you use something called Google, you will find numerous references to this kind of activity. Here's just one of them.


BioWare Employees Write Reviews; Gets Caught




The onus is on Bioware to openly say that they do not engage in this practice. And by the way, I apologize if the truth hurts you and/or your opinion on Bioware in any way. That is not something I can control.

Edited by ShiningKnights
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They should disclose not their identity but if they are an employee since it behooves them to state untruths


It would certainly be nice to know who they are, but if I were them, I'd totally value my anonymity and do everything I could to post anonymously. As much as we'd like to know, we really have no need to know. Employee or not, their opinion is no more valid than ours...I guess I kinda like that my argument carries as much weight as any anonymous employees does.

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Bioware has engaged in similar activity before. If you use something called Google, you will find numerous references to this kind of activity. Here's just one of them.


BioWare Employees Write Reviews; Gets Caught




The onus is on Bioware to openly say that they do not engage in this practice. And by the way, I apologize if the truth hurts you and/or your opinion on Bioware in any way. That is not something I can control.


bioware/ea is not the only company to have false reviews to pump up a product rating. This is an extremely common practice so im not sure really what the big deal is. With the person in question im not sure if that is really the case with how often they post.

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So first thing.

The guy that posted that thread was a moron and it looks like he was finally banned (since his sub was over anyways)


His evidence was that someone had a similar name that happened to work for bioware that looked similar to to the name of a certain forum member.


But that aside.


I feel employees on a public facing game deserve a level an animosity. They have already admitted that they are not allowed to tell us in game that they are employees.

Unless someone is speeking as a bioware employee (as in sharing official news, going through pr, etc) they should not have to identify themselves as an employee.


THe other side of that is if they are paid to say it... but just becuase they are an employee doe snot mean they are being paid.

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The onus is on Bioware to openly say that they do not engage in this practice. And by the way, I apologize if the truth hurts you and/or your opinion on Bioware in any way. That is not something I can control.



Burden of proof is on the accuser and that would be you.

You are making accusations and you provide no proof to back them up, other than circumstantial nonsense that make them sound even less possible than your OP suggested.


And personally, I could care less about Bioware. I have my issues with them and I don't need Knights (albeit, not as shiny as they like to think they are) or Haters helping me form my opinion of them. I have this thing called a brain and that other thing called "critical thinking".


What I don't like is when people, who are comfortably sitting behind a screen and have no way to prove to us that their accusations hold any water or that they do indeed care about "the community", throw accusations around and expect everyone (including Bioware, in this case) to start apologizing for not trusting them.

Edited by TheNahash
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So first thing.

The guy that posted that thread was a moron and it looks like he was finally banned (since his sub was over anyways)


His evidence was that someone had a similar name that happened to work for bioware that looked similar to to the name of a certain forum member.


So...it's EXACTLY the same thing that happened last year? You'd think after a whole year, people would've come up with something new. Meh. The way they are recycling the same accusations, I half expect next year we'll see the Nightmare Mode.


I don't remember if it was him that "made the discovery" last year but I'm pretty sure that he was involved in it somehow. He certainly reminded us every couple of week. That dude had a thing for unnecessary drama. Oh well, he'll be back in a week or two from "his other account that hasn't run out yet" or from "a friend's account who didn't want to play anymore" and I'm sure he'll let us know.

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So...it's EXACTLY the same thing that happened last year? You'd think after a whole year, people would've come up with something new. Meh. The way they are recycling the same accusations, I half expect next year we'll see the Nightmare Mode.


I don't remember if it was him that "made the discovery" last year but I'm pretty sure that he was involved in it somehow. He certainly reminded us every couple of week. That dude had a thing for unnecessary drama. Oh well, he'll be back in a week or two from "his other account that hasn't run out yet" or from "a friend's account who didn't want to play anymore" and I'm sure he'll let us know.


and honestly its pretty weak evidence. I mean if bioware was going to do this. Do you really think they would so moronic to to make the name similar?

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********. They are not obligated to disclose anything as a untruth is subjective between different people.


L2 read i never said they were obligated. I said behoove look it up since you clealy dont kni what it means. Im pretty sure an untrth is misleading and lies are misleading


They have self interest in saying good things unless they want to get fired therefor they would have more incentive to lie or post inaccurate misleading information. Once you get in the real world you will understand that being honest about your employer is rarely beneficial

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OP, your post and this thread is ridiculous. This isn't a new allegation and something that has already been covered extensively. If you were really interested you could have easily found the information that you were looking for. There is a similarity in names as there will be in any large group of people but that is all.


But really, if it was as nefarious as you imply, the hired gun would use a completely different name to hide their tracks. Unfortunately logic is not what you are after here.


Last nights thread was removed because it was harassment. A couple of players were called out with this baseless allegation and were the target of the OP and others to do nothing more and cause dissention and derision.


Your thread will also probably be locked and removed for the same reason.


No reply is required from BW. And, be honest, any response from BW on this matter would only further fuel this baseless allegation.


Sadly, I now believe that there is a coordinated and concerted effort here to derail and divide these forums. I have no direct proof of this but certainly the last few threads and the sad bitterness and quite frankly stupidity of unsubs wanting to create dissention and chaos are more quantifiable than the baseless allegation which you seem to believe has merit.

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You cannot call individuals out on forums even if you think they are someone else. Its been a forum offense since day 1.


They deleted the thread not because because someone figured out someone's identity but because its against forum rules. This thread should also be deleted.


This whole witch hunt is ridiculous and anyone thinks that they are some modern day Sherlock Holmes has laughably too much time on their hands.

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You cannot call individuals out on forums even if you think they are someone else. Its been a forum offense since day 1.


They deleted the thread not because because someone figured out someone's identity but because its against forum rules. This thread should also be deleted.


This whole witch hunt is ridiculous and anyone thinks that they are some modern day Sherlock Holmes has laughably too much time on their hands.

"Rawoerly" ... or however Gabby Johnson put it. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Bioware has engaged in similar activity before. If you use something called Google, you will find numerous references to this kind of activity. Here's just one of them.


BioWare Employees Write Reviews; Gets Caught




The onus is on Bioware to openly say that they do not engage in this practice. And by the way, I apologize if the truth hurts you and/or your opinion on Bioware in any way. That is not something I can control.


LMAO sorry that the truth hurts you , these practise has been going on since facebook was introduced !


You seriously believe that everything on facebook linkedn , and other social media are 100% real and truthfull !

where does it say employee cannot be gamers enjoying the product ?

where does it say that a whole group of plants or paid gamers , have to reveal themself ?

Seriously what year do you live in ? 1984 ?

Go read the news about NSA even beter just open your freaking eyes .


That you even demand this post shows how off you are living in real life !

So don't you demand anything , when you can't even understand the real life at present moment !

so what if a "would be" employee , post postive post on his / her own gaming account !

Prefer to argue from a anominity point of view , then a company point of view !


What you going to do next hunt down all the family and people of EA/Bioware gaming community .

Who truely enjoy this product , wait you beter get yourself off the net then !

Cause these kind of practise is super common in any MMO , or Hype Machine !

infact who says all those negative posters are not paid by rival gaming indusrtry !

you care to disclose your personal information ?

Edited by Drake_Hound
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Please don't use the straw man argument.


It was very clear, especially from this morning, when a forum poster disclosed the identify of a Bioware employee that was posting on these forums to give very glowing feedback and rebuttals to people's criticisms of this game. The moderators were very quick to remove that post, understandably, to protect that employee from harassment.


Not all people who enjoy these games are "paid posters", obviously. However, Bioware employees are posting on these forums without a distinguishing feature that would identify them as such. I think that most people would agree that this should stop.


Calling out individual players for any reason, whether true or not, is a breach of forum policy and such threads are shut down. It has nothing to do with the truth value of these claims.

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