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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

2nd Digital Expansion


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Wow. The optimism in this thread is nearing overload.


It's nice (and surprising) that the SSSP is actually real but let's get realistic people. Makeb and Cathar were hyped for many months prior to release. A 6 month time-frame is probably a lot more plausible.


Wow, the pessimism in your post is ... not unexpected at all. ;)


That said, they would not be putting specific dates on an official press release if they weren't pretty sure they could hit it. Back a few weeks when rumors of the SSSP's release were flying (again) I would have agreed with you, at least to a point. Here, I think your continued pessimism on the release date is a bit overdone. Instead you should focus on some other part of it. (Lag, balance, a total lack of X Wings, etc.)


In any event, For myself, I am happy about this for the same reason many others have mentioned. (Free/3D/New PvP content/Sub benefits/etc.) That said, Bioware just killed my plan to let my sub lapse over the holidays and pick it up in January. Looks like I'll be needing to keep active the whole time after all. :D

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Least constructive post in this thread. And I was ready to type something super positive too :mad:


Anyways, very impressed with the presentation and information coming out so far, it's very surprising.:)


And you are surprised?


Some of us have been saying for eons that the way to win and keep customers is to give them stuff and reward them for subscribing. That was obviously a terrible plan... till they adopted it which of course makes it now a brilliant plan since it is Company Approved.

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No, I didn't. Sorry.


What happened? Who killed Bioware and replaced them with a game developer?!


Honestly Bioware is a pretty solid company. Always liked what they've done. My guess is EA is leaning on them really hard, forcing them to do things they don't want to. The relatively large cartel market staff, the first xpac cost, etc. I'm guessing Bioware finally just said f off and let us do it our way. Maybe that isn't exactly how it went down, but it sure feels like recently they've taken a turn for the better.

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OMG I just spit up my soda... FREE... after all these months of paying a SUB and we get it FREE... :D


I'm going to FRAME this and when some EA Bean counter decides to charge "$9.95" for SUB's in a couple months I'll pull this up again.


I don't think they will be able to get away with doing that since they have it on the main saying that it is free as part of an advertisement for the expansion. It would become false advertising if they did.

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Wow, the pessimism in your post is ... not unexpected at all. ;)


That said, they would not be putting specific dates on an official press release if they weren't pretty sure they could hit it. Back a few weeks when rumors of the SSSP's release were flying (again) I would have agreed with you, at least to a point. Here, I think your continued pessimism on the release date is a bit overdone. Instead you should focus on some other part of it. (Lag, balance, a total lack of X Wings, etc.)


In any event, For myself, I am happy about this for the same reason many others have mentioned. (Free/3D/New PvP content/Sub benefits/etc.) That said, Bioware just killed my plan to let my sub lapse over the holidays and pick it up in January. Looks like I'll be needing to keep active the whole time after all. :D


I wasn't trying to be pessimistic. I was trying to be realistic. Which apparently was dumb of me as I didn't notice they actually listed a date.

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I wasn't trying to be pessimistic. I was trying to be realistic. Which apparently was dumb of me as I didn't notice they actually listed a date.


No...it's fine Cosmic. It's better to be cautious imo. Just announced today and it's already being heralded as the greatest thing in gaming history.

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I'm here for MMO/story and normal ground-based pvp, not some arcade fights and i have X Rebirth as a real space sim alternative.


So yes. :)


You know you don't have to take part in it right. It is completely optional and more then likely will not effect your MMO/story and normal ground base pvp.

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You know you don't have to take part in it right. It is completely optional and more then likely will not effect your MMO/story and normal ground base pvp.


Yes, but it takes away dev resources from the main game.

Like... new pve planets or new pvp warzones. :rolleyes:

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If only they could integrate this with "ground" PvP. Attacking each other with each side having its own capital ship. Whoever wins the space fight then starts invading the enemy capital ship by boarding it then it turns into sort of a Voidstar attack.


That's probably just a dream and will stay that way like it has across 2 different Star Wars games now.

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You present this as an expansion. Does that mean a new planet and level cap?


There will not be a new planet and there is no increase to the level cap with this expansion. We really wanted to focus this expansion around space off of rails where you get to fight your friends (and enemies!) :)


To that point, there will not be any Space based PvE content with the Digital Expansion. It is only going to be PvP.



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There will not be a new planet and there is no increase to the level cap with this expansion. We really wanted to focus this expansion around space off of rails where you get to fight your friends (and enemies!) :)


To that point, there will not be any Space based PvE content with the Digital Expansion. It is only going to be PvP.




Awesome answers!!11!!!!!1! If you told me I needed to grind a new PvP suit I was gonna...um...get mad! :mad:

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If all it does outside of space PvP is raise the level cap to 60, then it will have given me far more than my money's worth.


(Also, if it changes the loading screen into a spaceship fight, that would be sweet too.)


It's free. So no matter what they do, you've gotten your money's worth.

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There will not be a new planet and there is no increase to the level cap with this expansion. We really wanted to focus this expansion around space off of rails where you get to fight your friends (and enemies!) :)


To that point, there will not be any Space based PvE content with the Digital Expansion. It is only going to be PvP.




Thank you for the fast response, can't wait to pew pew in space!:rak_03:

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There will not be a new planet and there is no increase to the level cap with this expansion. We really wanted to focus this expansion around space off of rails where you get to fight your friends (and enemies!) :)


To that point, there will not be any Space based PvE content with the Digital Expansion. It is only going to be PvP.




And then all discussion ceases. It's as though millions of voices cried out in hope, then were suddenly silenced. Silliness aside, I am totally okay with this. Ever since I heard of the SSSP, this is basically what I expected. Off rails space PVP and nothing else. There'll be more to come with the next expansion, it's not like this is where the new content ends.



When I had started writing this, nobody had responded after Eric yet XD Guess I missed my window.

Edited by Auricelia
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