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Anyone else getting sick of the "Dread Masters?" What should come next?


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Anyone else getting sick of the "Dread Masters"? I mean really, they have been the prime focus for over a year now and its kinda dragging on.

What do you think about the Dread Masters and their failed attempts to conquer the galaxy? Anyone have ideas for what should come next?


I saw an idea in another thread a while back. Resurrect Malgus, and let him tear *** through the galaxy again. HE was a damned awesome villain.

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Anyone else getting sick of the "Dread Masters"? I mean really, they have been the prime focus for over a year now and its kinda dragging on.

What do you think about the Dread Masters and their failed attempts to conquer the galaxy? Anyone have ideas for what should come next?


A council of renegade jedi take the dreadmaster's masks

They go half dark and become a powerful cadre of neo-revans

They are chased into a raid and their powers are unleashed, and they merge into a disgusting amalgamation

Nobody gets monthly cartel coins until they are defeated in nightmare mode on at least one server

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Anyone else getting sick of the "Dread Masters"? I mean really, they have been the prime focus for over a year now and its kinda dragging on.

What do you think about the Dread Masters and their failed attempts to conquer the galaxy? Anyone have ideas for what should come next?


Belsavis (Imperial): Free the Dread Masters!

Eternity Vault: Stop Soa - who's prison was damaged during the liberation of the Dread Masters - from escaping!

Karagga's Palace: The Dread Masters have provoked Karagga, kill him!

Explosive Conflict: The Dread Masters have taken over Kephess!

The Terror From Beyond: The Dread Masters are opening a Hypergate to let an abomination through!

Section X: The Dread Masters are capturing HK-51s and the Aurora Cannon!

Makeb: The Dread Masters incursion into Hutt Space has led to Cartel expansion!

Seeds of Rage: The Dread Masters are corrupting planets!

Scum and Villainy: The Dread Masters are adding mercenaries to the Dread Host!

Oricon: The Dread Masters are attacking everyone!

Dread Fortress: Breaking into the Dread Palace and stop the Dread Masters!

Dread Palace: Kill the Dread Masters and end their Reign of Terror once and for all!


Ja, they've been the big bads of SWTOR since 1.2 (4/12/2012).


After 22 months it will be fun to have a new Big Bad.

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What do you think about the Dread Masters and their failed attempts to conquer the galaxy?


Does it really matter? Emperor Palpatine will try it in future and will fail just as well. At least Dread Masters provide content. No matter what is coming next it is not part of the lore yet and will be dissed by you equally.

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Change that to "Nobody gets monthly CCs until their guild gets the 2hr timed run title."

As long as it doesn't include PvP players, I am fine with PvE players not geting their cartel coins.


Two years with just one main enemy in an MMO seems not too long for me, but the dread masters never did it for me, I would like to get a focus more on the war between the factions and not against some evil that both factions are fighting against, but I am a PvP player so that should be no surprise.

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Isn't the emperor in some kinda sleep? If so wake his arse up!!!



You kill the physical embodiment of the Emperor at the end of the Jedi Knight storyline. At the end of the Sith Warrior storyline, you get a message from The Hand, telling you this. They then tell you this is not the end of the Emperor, and that another body is being/has been secured for him and they are preparing a ritual for the Emperor to take physical form again.



Apologies if any of that could use correction. Feel free to correct any mistakes!


I want Malgus back. Or like an earlier post said, Darth Marr/Satele Shan. Can't kill them off, but have them involved.


Even if for Imp Side, they have to battle members of a newly formed Jedi Council. And for Rep Side, members of the Dark Council. Then last boss would be Marr/Shan, but you don't kill them, they pull a

Revan and dissapear

. Implement Tython/Dromund Kaas instances specific for this. That way, you can explore new areas of the Academies.


So it would be like the Dread Guard, but I could see the above potentially being just a more incredible experience.


Which then sets up for future content for certain classes (Jedi Knight helping Shan to recover, and Sith Warrior establishing order in the sith empire in place of Marr as he recovers.)


One can dream, and one will know we may never see this, so let your imaginations run wild.

Edited by OwnerJord
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I saw an idea in another thread a while back. Resurrect Malgus, and let him tear *** through the galaxy again. HE was a damned awesome villain.




To this day I'm still pissed off that he was just a weak *** flashpoint boss instead of being a operation boss. Ya, the way you kill him is kind of cool in some way. Reminiscent to the star wars films and how you toss him over the edge like Vader did to the emperor...but still this guy was like "the" villain of the game and practically the face of all the advertisements and he was the featured statue in the collectors edition and you barely see him in the game and when you finally fight him its not even in end game content.


I expected a much bigger role from him, but oh well. I suppose BW could come up with some BS retcon to bring him back but it would kind of feel cheap imo.

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To this day I'm still pissed off that he was just a weak *** flashpoint boss instead of being a operation boss. Ya, the way you kill him is kind of cool in some way. Reminiscent to the star wars films and how you toss him over the edge like Vader did to the emperor...but still this guy was like "the" villain of the game and practically the face of all the advertisements and he was the featured statue in the collectors edition and you barely see him in the game and when you finally fight him its not even in end game content.


I expected a much bigger role from him, but oh well. I suppose BW could come up with some BS retcon to bring him back but it would kind of feel cheap imo.


I agree with all but we was the villain, but yeah...seems odd they didn't run with him as a raid, or even use the dread masters and him at the same time.

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Oh those Dread Masters, what will they get up to next.....


What I would like to see next.



Some big movements in the war, conquests, big space battles, gains and losses

Return of the Emperor

Return of Malgus

Return of Revan (More Exile Force Ghost)

The wookie Home world fit Grand Chief Zalbar :)


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I'll speak generally to avoid spoilers.


First, I've enjoyed the Dread Masters. They are truly menacing evil and that doesn't get old for me at all. I always feel satisfied, story wise, when we "interrupt" their plans. The final confrontation will be great fun.


But sure, new villains keep things fresh and new villains are usually more villainous than the old. So... you guys know the scenario: "The Dread Masters are finally be vanquished, but they are only servants of the true Dark Master, in the land of Mordor where shadows lie." :D Yeah, yeah, I know but it always boils down to that type of scenario. And I'm looking forward to it.


As for Malgus? Well, in my story he isn't dead. Nope. We blew him off the bridge and he disappeared. Only a fool would assume he is truly dead. Satele couldn't kill him with the greatest Telekinectic Throw ever seen. Falling off a bridge in a space station?... Nah, he may need some new cybernetic parts but I'm guessing he will be back.


As for those of you who have run the Jedi story and the Mara story, well... let's just say that Lord Vitiate's plans continue. ;)

Edited by Rafaman
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Malgus returns! But this time he knows better than to challenge players, and instead offers to let you join him. Imps choose which side to join (dailies would be more or less the same to keep things simple). Whichever side has more players by the end of the patch cycle "wins", and the story goes from there.


On Pubby side, they have to choose between a militaristic leader determined to kick *** and chew bubble gum, or someone who wants to consolidate power and feed the poor. Same deal re: the "winner".

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